I couldn't wait to hear about the third wave of Junoon—a concept that was just as powerful as I had expected. Great achievers move into Junoon to accomplish seemingly impossible goals. Any person can realize this state by following the theory's fairly simple beliefs. I was excited to be getting the answers to my research while simultaneously witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime event. Some weird, inexplicable phenomena were allowing me to hear about Junoon from two beings who defied the known laws of my favorite subject, physics. And to think that their motivation to reveal this information was due to their love of humanity! They could see what great achievements human beings were capable of delivering. They knew that all of us contained inherent power that, if focused correctly, could solve all the major problems of our world. We have the genetic makeup and ability to evolve into a race that transcends hate, violence, injustice, and cruelty. Our minds and bodies are capable of dreaming and achieving such great accomplishments that with a single thought, humankind unites to change the world. Lost in these thoughts, I made my way back to the library. This time, I was adamant to learn more details about these beings. I knew they wanted to share the concepts of Junoon, but the researcher in me wanted to understand the science of their existence.

This time at 9:30 p.m., the lamp on the middle table flickered. I was sitting on my usual chair at the table, hoping to see them materialize. I noticed that first the air started to condense creating a mist-like appearance around the two chairs. Then suddenly, the lamp flickered again, and there they were, right in front of me, reading intently. Their physical appearance hadn't changed since my last three meetings; they were dressed in the same flowing gowns, rings on their fingers, with the beautifully bound book in front of them.

I sneaked a peak at the letter characters in the book hoping to make out the language, but they did not look like any I had ever seen. I could recognize Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew, and Sanskrit, but these letters were unrecognizable. It was as though I were seeing symbols or hieroglyphic images. If I looked at a letter or symbol like the character "B," and then moved my head, it would change to what looked like an "L," and then it would change to something like an "M." It was hard to make out whether they were symbols, characters, or hieroglyphs. The one thing I was certain about was that the shapes were ever-changing, and each character had a multidimensional effect to it.


I looked at Mir Kotti and smiled. "Last time, you mentioned you were going to give me a hint of who you are," I said.

He looked up and smiled back. "I did give you a hint—cogito ergo sum. Do you remember that?" he said.

"Yes, I remember and I understand," I said, "but I would like to understand the science behind your existence. I can see that you guys operate on an entirely different physical plane."

"Not really," said Mir Kotti. "We operate on a level that scientists in your time call 'quantum mechanics.' Your scientists are very close to tapping the mysteries that unfold at the quantum level. They have already theorized multiple dimensions, and I think they have formulated eleven of these to date." He further pointed out that current physicists have also started researching something called the string theory, which postulates the existence of strings that vibrate to form all the known elements in the universe. To avoid confusing me, he emphasized that when humanity makes the leap to fully understand the realm of quantum existence, he and his colleague—or the beings, as I called them—would make sense.

"There is so much more for human beings, as a civilization, to understand. At this stage, any experience you have at the quantum level scares you, and you immediately brand it as a paranormal activity," Mir Kotti said. He explained that normal for me—and other human beings—is the physical world, not the quantum world. The quantum world is too chaotic and confusing with its multiple dimensions and behaviors.

"Is this a good enough hint of who we are?" he said. "In the next few days we will elaborate further on this, if you are interested. But for now, we are here to talk about Junoon."

"Interested is an understatement," I said "I am super-interested. But okay, let's talk about the third wave of Junoon—fanatic focus."

Mir Kotti spoke and revealed the following:

"Sixth sight—the second wave of the state of Junoon—transforms your goal into an unremitting need from which you cannot escape, even if you tried. To support your state of Junoon, nature—in all its intelligence—moves you into the third wave, that of fanatic focus. As you segue into this wave, you literally fall deeper and deeper into an unadulterated love for your goal. Eastern mystics, known as Sufis, would describe this experience as becoming one with your objective. As with pure inspiration and sixth sight, fanatic focus unfolds in three distinct, yet interrelated, phases.

"The first is deep resonance: This state compels you to become hyperfocused on doing whatever you need to do to convert your vision into a fait accompli. To all outward appearances, you seem to be caught up in a hypnotic trance. Not surprising, since nothing has ever engulfed you with such immense feelings of pleasure as experiencing deep resonance. Everything else pales in comparison. You live as though on a super-release of that chemical you call endorphins.

"In this phase, you and your Junoon move together in unison. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're on the right course, and the pressures of life's daily distractions fade to insignificance. You become consumed with your drive to achieve your impossible goal, and spend each waking hour thinking, working, strategizing. You commit your life to your Junoon, and you ignore your family, friends, job, and in some cases, even your health. Great achievers who have moved humanity to new levels have all experienced this extreme commitment; we've all witnessed these kinds of people neglect the most fundamental aspects of their lives while undergoing this phase. Deep resonance makes your goal the main, and sometimes the only, purpose of your life.

"One such achiever who moved humanity to a new level with his prolific inventions was Thomas Edison. According to history, he held more than 1,000 patents and lived fanatic focus to an extreme degree. His ability to work for long hours on a problem is legendary—even by our standard."

"I've read his biography," I said. "I know that he put in sixteen-hour days, and often worked more than a hundred hours a week." In fact, it was common for Edison to work 60 hours straight on a single project. He took catnaps during the day so that he could continue late into the night. Even when he napped, he held a metal plate in his hand to wake him up when it fell. He had such a deep resonance with his projects that he eventually lost his wife, and his son did not even want to carry "Edison" as his last name.

"Exactly," said Mir Kotti. "So be careful of deep resonance; your goal becomes your identity at this point of Junoon. The next phase of fanatic focus taps into a phenomenon with which we are very familiar in the realm of quantum existence. In our world, thoughts and experiences are connected. This means that the instant we think of something, we either witness it or experience it. This phase of fanatic focus is the closest that human beings come to experiencing this phenomenon, and it drives you deeper into the state of Junoon.

"In the synchronicity phase, fanatic focus arranges circumstances that open you to critical synchronicities that enable you to meet them when they occur. You sense that the universe is connecting you with people, situations, and events that convey knowledge in support of your vision. You see and hear things that are connected to achieve your goal that you would otherwise overlook.

"Synchronicities that come into play most often arrive as opportunities for which you have neither prepared nor directly influenced. A chance meeting that at other times would mean nothing results in someone investing money in your project. A new acquaintance offers the benefit of his or her expertise and advice to help you launch your business. While you're sitting in a barber shop leafing through magazines as you wait your turn to get a haircut, you come across an article that gives you a new perspective on a problem you've been struggling with. Events like these come your way, because your fanatic focus prompts a readiness and openness in you to what the universe has to offer."

"I know exactly what you're talking about," I said. "I've also experienced this form of fanatic focus. With your permission, I'd like to share a story about this with you," I said. Mir Pacha, who hadn't spoken all evening, motioned with his hand and nodded for me to proceed, so I told them the following story.

This is a personal example that happened to me. It's not based on some super-achievement, yet, it is so extraordinary that I have to share it with you. I was once trying to arrange a meeting with someone for a project I had been working on, someone who was essentially the key to the success of the project. I managed to make contact with him one day after trying for more than a year to reach him. After he listened to my pitch, he asked me to fly to his office to meet with him personally. We confirmed a date and time.

On the day of the meeting, I caught my flight, and reached his office an hour before the appointed time. I walked into his building and asked the receptionist to inform his assistant that I had arrived and would be waiting in his reception area. After a few minutes, a woman walked up to me and asked if I were Razi Imam. I said that I was, and she explained that there had been a mix-up. The person with whom I was scheduled to meet was traveling on vacation. I couldn't believe her. I thought we had a confirmed appointment. I pleaded with her; she was apologetic, and blamed herself for the mistake.

Reluctantly, I picked up my bags, headed back to the airport, and caught the next flight back to Pittsburgh. I spent the flight speed reading a technical book, as I usually do with such books.

At this point, Mir Pacha interrupted me. "What do you mean by speed read?" he asked.

"Just as you can read your multidimensional alphabets or symbols, some of us can read a full sentence or a paragraph in a glance," I explained. And that was the case for me that day; I must have read more than eight chapters in just 30 minutes.

During this time, the woman seated next to me read her own book. I finished with mine and closed my eyes to rest.

"Sorry to bother you, but did you just read eight chapters?" she asked, somewhat incredulously.

"Yes," I answered. I was taken aback by her question and wondered who this lady was and what made her suddenly speak to me.

When we started talking, she told me that she was headed to Florida and was changing planes in Pittsburgh. She was married and had decided to take an impromptu vacation with her husband. During our discussion, she mentioned that since she had bought tickets at the last minute, her husband had to sit several rows behind her. I asked her what her husband did. As soon as she started to explain his job, I realized that it sounded a lot like the position of the person with whom I had been scheduled to meet that morning. I interrupted and mentioned this man's name. Her eyes lit up as she responded, "He's my husband! And he's sitting a few rows behind us."

Now, what are the chances that I would take an earlier flight and choose the one seat out of 200 to sit beside the wife of the very person with whom I had been scheduled to meet? And if I hadn't speed-read the technical book, she may have never started the conversation.

I explained to her how hard I had been trying to meet her husband for more than a year, and had flown in that very morning just to meet with him. She apologized and explained that it was not his fault. She had insisted that they take an impromptu trip since the airfares were so cheap. As soon as the plane landed, she introduced me to her husband. Imagine the shock on his face. He couldn't believe the coincidence, and was extremely apologetic and helpful with the project I had been working on.

"Well, Razi, your fanatic focus arranged for this synchronicity to occur. That is the power of getting into the state of Junoon," said Mir Kotti.

Mir Pacha then spoke up. "You are going to really enjoy hearing about the third phase of Junoon.

"At this point in fanatic focus, you fall so deeply in love with your vision that you are prepared to risk everything to attain its fulfillment. In the East, you know that you exist in this phase when the level of unbridled devotion takes over and people say that you are a mujnoon (pronounced "mudgnewn"). This Urdu/Arabic term describes someone who has passed beyond the pale of ordinary human logic into uncompromising ardor and preoccupation. You live and behave as though on fire, bursting with unbounded passion to complete what you set out to achieve. You are ready to give up your worldly possessions for the fulfillment of your vision. Nothing and no one can deter you.

"Few people in history have embodied this spirit of mujnoon with greater tenacity than the renowned scientist, Madame Marie Curie. She dedicated her life to the discovery of radium and polonium. But it was not this discovery that moved humanity to a different level. Rather, it was the detection of subatomic particles in the form of radiation that changed human civilization. We know now that her experiments exposed her bone marrow to gamma rays, her fingers to strong doses of beta rays, and her lungs to the radioactive gas, radon. In her Junoon to find the new elements, Curie ultimately sacrificed her life.

"Curie is revered among us," said Mir Pacha.

I could see in his eyes his great appreciation for Madam Curie's commitment.

"Madam Curie's research also set the framework for modern-day cancer treatment," I pointed out.

Both of them looked at me and smiled. Mir Kotti went on to explain that in the mujnoon phase, you think nothing of risking everything. Your dedication knows no bounds; it even convinces those closest to you that you've absolutely lost your mind. The unfettered power of this phase makes fanatic focus the most powerful dimension of the state of Junoon and endows the state with its outward human expression.

Suddenly Mir Pacha and Mir Kotti grew more serious and indicated an important point with hand gestures. "A caveat is in order here," they said in unison. "While in fanatic focus you must take great care to manage and guide yourself to maintain a balanced life as you realize positive achievements that work for the good of others as well as yourself. To support this stage, you now move into the fourth wave of the state of Junoon—metaphysical energy. We will cover this state tomorrow," said Mir Pacha.

"Wait! Before you leave, let me understand and summarize the points you have made," I blurted out, and then recounted the following.

To enter a state of Junoon to achieve your goal, you go through a phase called pure inspiration where your thoughts literally leap ahead. A proof or a secret is unlocked to achieve your goal. You then move into sixth sight, where you understand the what, how, and why of your goal. You convert your goal into a need that leads you into fanatic focus—where you then develop an obsession to achieve it.

"Correct! Humanity does not leap forward that easily, it only occurs when an ordinary human being achieves the impossible through the state of Junoon," added Mir Kotti.

I was deeply moved with the enormity of the concept, but wanted to lighten the discussion. "May I ask another question about your existence?" I said.

"Yes, but we may or may not answer it," said Mir Pacha.

"How many are you," I said, "and are you alien beings watching us? Were you human beings before you became what you are now?"

Mir Pacha answered. "Razi, your questions have merit. As we pointed out earlier, humanity will have to evolve to an understanding of the realm of quantum existence for your logical brain to process who we are. I promise you this: as we come to the end of our talks on Junoon, we will answer your questions in a way that will make sense to you."

"We will give you a gift today," said Mir Kotti. "Think of a person living or deceased."

"How about my mother? She tragically passed away seventeen years ago," I said.

Mir Pacha pointed toward his side and outlined a square shape with his hand. Suddenly there was my mother right before my eyes; it was like watching TV, except it was three-dimensional and more like a hologram. I saw my mother preparing a meal in the kitchen. I heard her speak while stirring a pot, and I could almost touch her. I knew it was her because I clearly remembered the day when she was cooking that very dinner and having that particular conversation. The picture quality and audio were not like the sound of a TV or phone; it was as though I were in the kitchen beside her. I instinctively jumped to touch her and to communicate with her. As I did her image vanished.

Mir Pacha and Mir Kotti looked at me. "The human race has much to learn," said Mir Kotti with a smile. We will discuss the fourth wave of Junoon—metaphysical energy—when we meet tomorrow, and we will also share more details about ourselves."

Then they vanished. And once again, condensation formed on the outside of my glass of water, with ice crystals inside. I picked the glass up and took a sip. I was still dazed about seeing my mother, and the water felt cold to my lips.

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