As I write this final chapter, America is struggling with yet another economic downturn, reported to be the worst since the Great Depression. Corporate failures and bankruptcies have punctuated the business landscape from coast to coast. Famed companies, once the leaders of our economy, have taken their place among the walking wounded. Leading banks have died painful deaths. Automakers have inhaled the scent of funeral candles. And the value of pension plans has sunk to unimaginable lows.

But let's not forget one unassailable truth about America: Our country is, and will continue to be, a mighty engine of success. Economic recessions have punctuated our history, and we've weathered and surmounted them. Yes, each one has jolted us a bit, but we've dusted ourselves off and restarted again on the highway to growth and prosperity.

History has shown that we've been unstoppable and so taken with each turnaround that we've been totally consumed with getting it done. Our motivation is boundless, inspired as we are by our colossal mission. Nothing, absolutely nothing, keeps us from reaching our objectives. We are a driven nation.

When times are tough, we Americans rebound by living out our passionate concentration and desire as though we are caught up in an all-consuming mania. We dedicate ourselves to the tasks at hand. A sense of focus burns within us, and we unite our energies and determination to achieve what others can only imagine. Simply put—we never give up. And we make it look so easy that the rest of the world mistakenly chalks up our staying power to good luck.

We transcend logic, overcome hardship, and even appear to be propelled insanely as we step beyond accepted boundaries to make our dreams come alive. Even when we encounter repeated setbacks, we draw on a wellspring of resilience to keep driving ourselves forward until, against all odds, we sculpt our visions into reality.

That said, it is worth noting that it is truly American to exist in a state of Junoon. It meshes well with our failure-is-not-an-option culture. Junoon conveys the powerful five steps to extraordinary achievement. Best of all, existing in the state of Junoon is available to everyone who desires to achieve the impossible.

Go find your Junoon!!! Tell us about your Junoon on our blog at

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