

Achieve Global, 12

achievers, dreamers vs., 1012

active participation

resistance and, 154, 162163, 175, 176177

sharing the glory and, 185

See also inclusion

adrenaline rush, 8283

aggression, 152153

defensiveness and, 154156


mission as driving force, 1620

as success factor, 4

See also motivation

applause, 103104, 181

application, 10, 195

guiding principle of, 196

holistic perspective and, 195197, 199200

importance of small improvements, 196197

law of augmenting returns, 194, 201

repetition in, 196, 197198

aspiration, 9

mission focus and, 1920

aspirational fields, 2021, 39, 118, 181, 194195

conflicting objectives, 181182

desire and, 67

protection of, 183186

unbalanced life and, 138139

augmenting returns, law of, 194, 201


Big Dream, 2

day jobs and, 1012

failure factors, 1

inspiring others and, 203204

visual images and, 4344, 45

See also aspiration; mission

bigotry, 172

brainteaser exercise, 5859

Brody Howard, 62, 63

business organizations. See corporations


Cameron, James, 165167

challenge, 3031

change, resistance to, 30

children, teaching human- ness to, 201203

Churchill, Winston, 2527, 69

clarity of purpose

lack of willpower and, 7879

in life alignment, 2425

in mission statement, 3536

conflict, 152153

defensiveness and, 154156

energy-sapping effect of, 153

personality factor in, 156157, 158, 197

telling factor in, 157161


employees’ sense of mission, 24

leadership role in, 173

mission statements, 29, 32

Czikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 106


De GraafJohn, 141

declaration strategy, 8790, 105, 161

rewards and, 108109

tracking system and, 101

See also inclusion; motivation

defensiveness, 154156

personality factor in, 156157

telling factor in, 157161

Dickens, Charles, 180

Disney, Walt, 4648

dreamcrafter’s law, 74

dreamcrafting, 2, 144, 204

core values, 125129

dealing with objections, 8487

life patterns and, 20

macroskills for, 910

optimism as fuel for, 54

as self-delusion, 6466

sense of purpose and, 10

skillpower and, 8

staging points, 9899

storytelling and, 160161

dreamers, achievers vs., 1012

dreams. See Big Dream; mission



Eisenhower, Dwight D.

“Ike,” 6971

entertainment, life alignment and, 116


changing negative to positive, 61, 87

fear sublimation and, 8283

outcome and, 58

placebo effect, 6163

roller coaster example, 8081

See also naysaying; power of suggestion


failure factors, 1

unpredictability, 198200

failure patterns, 156

willpower and, 7779

false hope, 6667

fans. See supporters fractals, 194

Frankl, Viktor, 205207

Fuller, Buckminster, 153

future, optimism and pessimism influences on, 5354



as reward trap, 181182, 183

sharing, 184186


distractions and, 21

short-term needs vs., 137139, 141, 143144, 152

Goleman, Daniel, 139

Goodall, Jane, 9093

grabbers vs. anticipators, 139142, 180

grain-of-truth exercise, 86, 88

Guiliani, Rudy, 133135


heroes internal resources of, 1718

as people who never give up, 17, 21, 4546, 171

real-life, 1920

in stories, 1718

hope, 6667

hypnosis, 62


Ikemi,Yujiro, 62

inclusion, 10, 160, 161164, 178179

of children, 203

criteria for involvement, 178

guidelines for, 163

sharing the glory, 184186

See also active participation; declaration strategy

inspiration, sources of, 1920


job satisfaction, 24


dreariness of, 2224

employees’ sense of mission, 24

incorporating dream elements in, 1112, 143

interference with mission, 1012, 143


Kennedy, John F., 24, 41, 4243

Kirsch, Irving, 63

Kohn, Alfie, 103


Landes, David, 6566

leadership, 170173, 186

delegation of authority, 180

L-factor formula, 173174

role-based view of, 172173

Leider, Richard J., 143

life alignment, 1012, 153

clarity of purpose in, 2425

conflicting priorities, 117119

distractions and, 21, 118

eliminating given activities, 118

entertainment and, 116

imbalance, 138139

importance of small improvements, 196197

mission as driving force, 1620, 41

short-term obligations, 137139, 141142

teaching children about, 201203

Lindbergh, Charles A., 109112


macroskills, 910, 194

defined, 34

difficulty of learning, 45

man-on-the-moon mission. See moon race microskills, 8

mid-life crisis, 132

mission acceptance of, 41

achievability, 39

anticipating objections, 8485

distractions as part of, 21

as driving force, 1620

employees’ collective sense of, 24

inclusion of others, 10, 161164

multiple objectives in, 40

probability/impact grid, 8586

resistance from other people, 154, 162163

See also Big Dream; motivation

Mission Impossible (television show), 1617

mission statements, 2932

criteria for, 30

establishing priorities in, 32

precision in, 3537, 40, 78

too-formidable, 31

money motivation and, 179180

time as, 119120

moon race, 24, 4143

Saturn 5 rocket stages, 9597, 98, 118

Morris, Desmond, 103

motivation, 3, 9

celebrating milestones, 101102, 181

demotivators, 130132

glory as, 181182, 183

money and, 179180

quiet time for recharging, 105107

rewards and, 107109

sustaining momentum, 9798

theory and, 7

time-release motivators, 9899, 109, 181

tracking systems for, 99101

See also ambition; declaration strategy; mission

Murphy’s law, 7374, 77, 89, 203



Nakagawa, Shunji, 62

Naylor, Thomas H., 141

naysaying, 8384

dealing with, 8487, 163

grains of truth in, 86, 88, 162

news broadcasts, bad news emphasis, 75


O’Brien, Flann, 141

optical illusions, true-false card, 5253

optimism as dreamcrafting fuel, 54

pessimism vs., 5254

rewards of the journey, 65, 68


Pascal, Blaise, 160

patience, 124125

Pearson, Lester B., 82

pessimism bigotry as, 172

fear of disappointment and, 5556

grains of truth in, 86, 88, 162

Murphian contamination reprogramming, 7677

naysayers and, 8384

optimism vs., 5254

self-sabotage and, 6768

willpower and, 7880

physical fitness holistic view of, 196197

mission statements for, 3637, 3839

placebo effect, 6163

power of suggestion, 6264

See also expectations practice, theory and, 68

predicting the future, 198199

optimism and pessimism in, 5354

probability, mathematics of, 7576

problem-solving, satisfaction from, 6061

projection, 9, 127129

gifts to future self, 129132

scenic dead-ends, 132

purpose. See clarity of purpose; mission


resistance, indifference as, 176

resistance to mission active participation and, 154, 162163, 175, 176177

defensiveness, 154156

reward trap, 107109, 183

rewards, 107109

grabbers vs. anticipators, 139142, 180

rites of passage, 102105

road map for a dream, 99102, 128

roller coasters, expectations and, 8081



Scherer, John, 171

self-sabotage, 5556

pessimism as source of, 6768

sense of purpose. See mission Shapiro, David A., 143

short-term needs, 137139, 141, 143144, 152

Shure, Norman, 63

skill difficulty level, success and, 45

mastery of, 67, 7980

as success factor, 4

smoking, quitting, 36, 3738

social roles leadership and, 172173

people beneath the roles, 171172, 173

Socratic method, 158160

staging points, 9899

as ceremonial occasions, 104105

stories, 1718, 160161

success celebration of, 45

as exhausting nightmare, 141

triumphal moment, 4445

vision and, 4244

success factors, 4

in business, 24

in compelling visions, 43

suitcase words, 126, 141, 142

support from others. See declaration strategy; inclusion

supporters, 170173, 177178


talent, as success factor, 4


how-to vs. why-to, 68

motivation and, 7


concepts of, 115118

lack of, 117118, 131

life alignment and, 117118

as money, 119120

time management, 9

bundling opportunities, 122, 141, 163

computer macros and, 120122

delete key and, 5

eliminating demotivators, 130132

gifts to future self, 129132

multitasking, 122123, 144

patience, 124125

searching for lost items, 123

time-release motivators, 9899, 109, 181

tracking systems, 99102

true-false card illusion, 5253



clarification exercise, 127

core beliefs, 125129

instant gratification and, 142

vision statement. See mission statement visions of success, 4344, 138


wagon wheels, in movies, 158159

Wann, David, 141

Williams sisters (Venus and Serena), 187189

willpower lack of, 7778, 84

skillpower and, 8

unclear mission and, 37

Wilson, Woodrow, 160

Winfrey, Oprah, 145147

wish list creating a, 3233

desirability ranking, 3435, 40

grouping of wishes, 3334

specific ends, 39

workplace. See jobs worldview, reprogramming against Murphian contamination, 7677

Wray, Nelda P., 63

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