abandonment: calculated, 49

of wrong decisions, 67–68

ability, and style/appearance, 99–100

accessibility, 103–4

accountability, 135, 136–38, 153

accountability system, 189

achievement, celebrating, 32

acting classes, 199

acuity, 198–205

adaptability, 42–47

adaptation, 48

Agile Project Management (APM), 180–82

agility, 4, 177–92

agreements, 106

aligning/alignment, 29–32

Amazon, 89

AOL, 67

APM. See Agile Project Management

appearance, and ability, 99–100

Apple, 112–13

appointments, 104

argumentation, effective, 56–58

arguments, preparation of, 57

AT&T, 49

audit, big picture, 110

authority, 42, 80, 155–56

autonomy, of work, 80

availability, 103–4

awards, 121

balance, 4, 193–206

Barnes and Noble, electronic publishing at, 89

Bell Operating Companies, 49

benefits, of new ideas, 60–61

Bennett, J. Michael, 167

Best Buy, 110

best practices, 97–98

big picture, 110, 118

Blackberry, 69

blame, accepting, 132

Borders bookstores, 88, 89

boredom, preventing, 92–94

boundaries, 91

brainstorming, 189

Branden, Nathaniel, 195

Branson, Richard, 44

break rooms, 203

breaks, 205

Brin, Sergey, 38

BSkyB, 191

budget cuts, 95

bureaucracy, 156

business practices: changing, 87–88

imitating, 46–47

celebration, 32

challenges: business, 42–45

risk-taking, 93

change, 4, 37–51, 66, 71, 87, 177, 179

inertia and, 40–41

innovation and, 39–40

managing, 48–51

chaos, embracing, 38

cloud computing, 172–73

coaching, 186–87

cohesion, 58–61

collaboration, 119, 135, 154

in decision-making, 68–71

communication, 4, 25, 53–61, 92, 122, 167

effective, 47, 53–54

and effective argumentation, 56–58

rules of, 54–56

communication styles, 55–56

commuting, 152

competition, 38, 43, 88, 96

through modeling, 46–47

complacency, 111

complexity, value-destructive, 85

conflict, 138–40

mediating, 104–6

in team collaboration, 70–71

consistency, loyalty and, 126

consultation, 25

contingency plans, 67

control: and productivity, 153–54

of technology, 173–76

core values, 31, 65

organizational, 28–29

corporate cultures, and inertia, 40–41

creativity, 115

and work process, 123–25

credit, taking, 132

crisis, 178, 185

criticism, 110, 128

responding to, 138–40

cross-training, 183

CSS Farms, 47, 70, 80, 148

culture: of efficiency, 84–87

organizational, 83–84

dashboards, 101

data management, 43–44

deadlines, 72, 185

debate, in decision-making, 69–70

decision-making, 3, 4, 25, 45–46, 58, 63–64

collaboration around, 68–71

executing, 72–73

factors in, 67–68

imperatives in, 65–66

wrong, 66–67

decoration, 202

delegation, 151, 155

of responsibility and authority, 41–42

diet, good, 197

digital cameras, 68

Dillon Consulting, 191

direction, 46

disagreement, 57–58

in decision-making, 69–71

dissension, 71

diversity, encouraging, 90–91

documentation, 183

Drucker, Peter, 39

The Effective Executive, 1, 3, 207–8

on knowledge workers, 209–10

eating, 197

Eckert, Robert, 127

economy, knowledge-based, 78

education, continuing, 73, 80

Effective Executive, The (Drucker), 1, 3, 207–8

effectiveness, 2, 134, 143, 188–89

efficiency, 2, 88, 143, 167

effective, 188–89

team, 84–87, 134

effort, 143, 145

ego, 45–46

electronic publishing, 89

email, 205

managing, 166–67, 168–69

emerging nations, competition from, 43

employees, 80, 86, 88, 154, 191

coaching, 186–87

diversification of, 90–91

engagement of, 116–18

as greatest asset, 78–79

interchangeability of, 182–85

loyalty of, 115–16

motivating and challenging, 92–96, 120–21

unproductive, 107–9

empowerment: individual, 154

team, 41–42, 80, 115, 126

enablers, 156–62

engagement, team-member, 116–23

Enron, 31

environment, 4, 83–96

working, 201–3

equipment/tools, 72, 119

e-readers, 89

ergonomics, 201

establishing goals, 32–35

Evernote (application), 188

excellence, 143, 144

excuses, 72

execution, 72–73

continuum, 28–29

executive(s): defined, 3

role of, 25, 99, 208–9

as team members, 77–81

executive assistants, 104

exercise: memory, 199–200

physical, 197–98

exit strategies, 171

expectations, 55, 122

managing, 50–51

experts, and innovation, 39–40

Facebook, 175

facilitation, 122–23

facilitator, 162

leader as, 34, 113, 154

failure, 124–25

false economy, 151–52

feedback, 110, 134, 181

film crews, project management by, 181

film market, Kodak and, 68

flexibility, 48–51, 68, 72–73, 177

appearance/style, 99–100

management for, 48–50, 184–86

in project management models, 180–82

focus, 6, 199

Ford, Henry, 98

foundational beliefs, of organizations, 28–29

Freedom (computer program), 174

Frito-Lay, 47

Fuji, 68

fun, 205

Gangwish, Steve, 47, 70, 80, 145, 148

Gates, Bill, 112–13

GE, underperformers at, 108–9

Geneen, Harold, 38

Gerber baby food, 91

gifts, 128

global market, 94

goals, 4, 24, 27–35, 153, 189

achieving, 32, 119

focus on, 31–32

measurability of, 178–79

organizational, 122

productive and reliable, 32–33

in quantum leaps, 112–13

reevaluating, 204–5

team, 27–28

goal setting, 27, 28, 30

as team, 33–35

Google, 38, 203

creativity at, 123–24

gossip, 160

gratitude, factors in showing, 127–30

groupthink, 69, 71

growth, 4, 49, 131–40

Halligan, Brian, 120

hard reboot, 194–95

health: physical and mental, 193–94

prioritizing, 195–98

Hostess Brands, 41

houseplants, 201–2

Howard, Mike, 87, 149, 155–56, 162, 166, 198

HubSpot, 120

hydration, 197

ideas, 124

promoting, 58–61

impact, of valuing time, 148–52

implementation plan, 59–60

improvement, 79, 178–84

inactivity, and mental acuity, 204–6

indecision, resolving, 64–66

indispensability, 182, 184

individuals, 154

communication styles, 55–56

and team alignment, 31, 33–35

inertia, 40–41

information: access to, 188

overload, 164–69

initiative, encouraging, 41, 42, 118

innovation, 39–42, 43, 89, 90

implementing, 39–40, 91

Internet, 165, 174

investors, 38

Jobs, Steve, 99, 112–13

John Hancock Investments: company loyalty, 129–30

structured communication at, 56

Jordan, Michael, 120

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 35

knowledge, multiple sets of, 134–35

knowledge work, 209–10

Knowles, Brenda, 30, 69–70

Kodak, and digital cameras, 68

KPIs. See Key Performance Indicators

Kroc, Ray, 90

language learning, 200

leader-as-coach, 187

leadership, 8, 34, 35, 38, 79, 85, 126, 154

team, 94–96, 103

leading by example, 46

learning, 200

and ROI, 187–92. See also training

Levin, Gerald, 67

listening, 54

loyalty, 115–16

gratitude and, 127–30

new paradigm of, 125–27

LucasArts, 66–67

Luccock, H. E., 134

Lucent Technologies, 49

management, 30

changes in, 208–9

flexibility in, 184–86

marketing, 39

markets, emerging, 43

Mattel, 127

Mayer, Marissa, 123–24

McDonald’s, 90, 183

measurement/metrics, of productivity, 35, 178–79, 189

mediation, 104–6

meetings, 179

business, 161–62

memory, exercise of, 199–200

mental acuity: inactivity and, 204–6

sharpening, 198–201

mental health, 198

metacognition, 132–33

Microsoft, 112–13, 149

Microsoft Outlook, 6-D Information Management System and, 168–69

milestones, 33, 72, 129

Mini-CEO Program, 120

miscommunication, 54

mission, 53–56, 65

mission statements, 29

mistakes, 155–56

modeling, 46–47

Montreal Transit System, 190

motivation, 4, 35, 92, 108, 115–30, 186

creativity and, 123–25

of team, 115, 116–17

tips for, 121–23

Motorola, 191

Murdoch, Rupert, 117

National Employment Engagement Study, 117

National Sleep Foundation, 196

National Speakers Association (NSA), 29

implementation plans, 59–60

succession plans, 183–84

Nations Hotel Company, 191

Net Nanny (computer program), 174

Nike, Inc., 91

Nokia, 43

NSA. See National Speakers Association

objections, 80

objectives, 29

goal setting and, 33, 119

office design, 202–3

office environment, improving, 201–3

office hours, 104

opportunities, 68, 88

opportunity cost, 65

options, 67

organizations, 44, 83, 85

goals of, 28–29

outcome, 65

outsourcing, 44

overload, information, 164–69

Page, Larry, 38

paying it forward, 130

Pennington, Randy: Results Rule!, 179

performance, 4, 97–113, 119

consistency of, 98–102

performance management, 102, 122

performance reviews, 101–2

persuasion, skills of, 58

pioneering technology, 169–73

planning, 27, 28–29, 119, 143, 144

for succession, 183–84

Pope, Alexander: “An Essay on Man,” 132

Powell, Colin, 155–56

praise, 128

precautions, 67

priorities, 178

prioritization, 99, 206

of health, 195–98

of tasks, 3, 159–60

problems, dealing with, 155–56

processes, core, 86

productivity, 86, 97–98, 133, 170, 177

determining, 178–79

engineering quantum leaps in, 111–13

hard reboot, 194–95

health and, 195–98

keys to, 143–46

maintaining, 72–73

and performance, 101–2

removing barriers to, 155–56

self-control and, 153–54

team, 28, 34, 35

professionalism, 150

profitability, 179

Project Management Training Program, 191

projects, 87

agile management of, 180–82

promises, 33, 79

proposals, implementation plans for, 59–60

publishing industry, changes in, 88, 89

quality, 143, 145

quantum leaps, engineering, 110–13

reading, 167

receptiveness, team, 87–91

rechecking, 55

red tape, 156

reduction, 87

redundancy, 182–83

reports, standardized, 101

research, online, 167

resolving indecision, 64–68

resources, 66

obtaining and retaining, 94–96

time as, 148

respect, 126

responsibility, 136, 160–61

delegation of, 41–42

personal, 136–37

restructuring, 44, 86

results, 3

consistent, 98–102

Results Rule! (Pennington), 179

retreat, personal, 195

return on investment (ROI), 65, 77, 81, 176, 179

consistent training, 190–92

effective efficiency and, 188–89

learning and, 187–88

revitalization, 98

rewards, intrinsic and extrinsic, 120

risk, calculated, 84

risk-taking, 92–96

Roddenberry, Gene, 169

ROI. See return on investment

rules, organizational, 153

saying no, 157–59

schedule, flexibility of, 100

Schlimmbesserung, 170–71

scoreboards, 101

security, cloud computing, 172–73

self-care, 194–95

self-control, and productivity, 153–54

self-knowledge, 133

self-worth, time management and, 150–52

sense of accomplishment, 94

setting an example, 154

Severts, Jeff, 110

Shaw Industries, 30

debate in, 69–70

Silly Putty, 91

simplification, 86

Sirota Consulting, 93

6-D Information Management System, 168–69

skill sets, 134–35, 139, 167

slackers, identifying and correcting, 107–9

sleep, 196

Slinky, 91

smartphones, 43, 69, 174

Smith, Darren, 56, 79, 178, 206

on company loyalty, 129–30

social media, misuse of, 175–76

society, changes in, 50

software design, 182

speed, 184–87

speed-reading, 167

Spira, Jonathan B., 165

Starbucks, 90

strategic planning, 27, 30

strategy: changes in, 87

team focused, 77–81

stretching, to grow, 132–35

study, creativity and, 124

style, 184

personal, 99–100

substance over style, 98

success: based on SWOT analysis, 109–13

celebrating, 119–20

succession planning, 183–84

sunset clauses, 87

sunshine, and office environment, 202

SWOT analysis, 98, 109–11, 113

synergy, team, 135

tactical work, 6

talent, management of, 44

tasks, 185

prioritizing, 3, 159–60

refusing, 157–59

Taylor, Alex, 100

team: alignment of, 29–32

as asset, 78–79

communication with, 55–56

conflict and decision-making with, 70–71

consultation with, 109–10

diversification of, 90–91

effectiveness of, 134–35

empowerment of, 41–42

engagement of, 116–20

goals of, 27–28, 33–35

importance of, 133–34

interchangeability of, 182–85

motivating and challenging, 92–96

unity of, 103–9

team culture, 70

efficiency and, 84–87

team dynamics reviews, 102

team focus, 6, 77–78, 102

technology, 4, 49, 163–76

cloud, 172–73

controlling, 173–76

efficiency and, 188–89

information intake and, 166–69

new, 90, 169–70

“time-saving,” 170–71

techno-tools, controlling, 173–76

Tektronix Communications, 171

telecommuting, 44, 152

telephone, 59

thinking: defeatist, 161

employer vs. employee, 136–38

evaluating, 132–33

strategic, 4, 23, 24–25

3D Realms, 66

3T Leadership Assessment, 9–15

making use of, 18–19

scoring, 16–18

3T Leadership Model, 4, 6–8

time, 3, 23, 33, 66, 73

information intake and, 166–67

saving, 156–62

valuing, 148–52

time management, 147, 148–49

and self-worth, 150–52

social media and, 175–76

Time Warner, and AOL, 67

time-wasters, dealing with, 153–56

to-do lists, 204

tracking, 119

trade-offs, 65

training, 72, 73, 80, 119, 183

consistent, 190–92

triage, 164–65

information flow and, 165–69

trust, 56

turnover, 127

Twitter, 175

“2001 Global Training and Certification Study, The,” 191

underperformance, 107–9

unity, team, 103–9

upgrading, 170

US Postal Service, business practices of, 46–47

value, 4, 44, 147–62

time as, 148–52

verification, 56

video games, 66–67

vision, 29, 56–58, 65, 178

Wade, Janie, 27, 181

Warner-Lambert, 46

waterfall model, 180

weaknesses, examining, 109–11

Welch, Jack, 108–9

Wells Fargo, 47

Western Union, 59

Wi-Fi, 188

work, 6

and knowledge, 209–10

workflow: authority and, 155–56

streamlining, 85–86

workforce, decentralized, 211

working environment, 83–84

supportive, 34, 42

work/life balance, 121

work process, and creativity, 123–25

Wurman, Richard Saul, 165

Yahoo, 38

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