1. Adam Hartung, “Hostess’ Twinkie Defense Is a Management Failure,” Forbes Online, November 18, 2012,; and Susan Adams, “Why Hostess Had to Die,” Forbes Online, November 21, 2012,

2. Richard Dobbs, Jaana Remes, Sven Smit, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel, and Yaw Agyenim-Boateng, “Urban World: The Shifting Global Business Landscape,” McKinsey Global Institute Report, October 2013,

3. Richard Branson, “Richard Branson on Managing Change,” Entrepreneur Magazine, January 23, 2011,

4. Laura Northrup, “Same Crew Demolished Wrong House Two Days in a Row,” Consumerist, August 23, 2013, http://consumeristcom/2013/08/23/same-crew-demolished-wrong-house-two-days-in-a-row/.

5. Clive Thompson, “Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem,” Wired, December 21, 2009,

6. Jason Schreier, “How LucasArts Fell Apart,”, September 27, 2013, reprinted April 13, 2015,

7. Nina Munk, Fools Rush In: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Unmaking of AOL Time Warner (New York: HarperBusiness, 2005).

8. Vincent Barraba, The Decision Loom: A Design for Interactive Decision-Making in Organizations (New York: Triarchy Press, 2011). Barraba is a former Kodak executive.

9. “The Last Kodak Moment?” The Economist, January 14, 2012,

10. Chunka Mui, “How Kodak Failed,” Forbes Online, January 18, 2012,

11. Sam Gustin, “The Fatal Mistake That Doomed Blackberry,” Time Online, September 24, 2013,

12. Simon Collinson and Melvin Jay, “Complexity Kills Profits—CEOs Need to Simplify Their Businesses,” The European Business Review, November 24, 2011,

13. Josh Sanburn, “5 Reasons Borders Went Out of Business (and What Will Take Its Place),” Time Online, July 19, 2011,

14. Ibid.

15. Josh Sanburn, “E-Books: Why Barnes & Noble Avoided Borders’ Fate,” Time Online, March 18, 2011,,8599,2057760,00.html.

16. Lee Tyler, “Amazon Kindle Fire Unveiled,”, September 28, 2011,

17. Dina Spector, “The 11 Biggest Food Flops of All Time,” Business Insider Online, January 20, 2012,

18. Ann Thayer, “What’s That Stuff? Silly Putty,” Chemical and Engineering News 78, no. 48 (November 27, 2000): 27,

19. Ron Hunter, Toy Box Leadership: Leadership Lessons from the Toys You Loved as a Child (Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2010).

20. Peter Werder and Philippe Rothlin, Diagnose Boreout (Munich, Germany: Redline Wirtschaft, 2007).

21. “Survey Finds Balanced Workload Is Best, but Underworked Employees Are Least Happy,” PRNewswire, December 20, 2009,

22. Dobbs et al., “Urban World.”

23. Clifton Fadiman and Andre Bernard, Bartlett’s Book of Anecdotes (New York: Little, Brown, 2000), 210.

24. Alex Taylor, “Leading the Way: Leadership Should Be Substance over Style,” The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), August 11, 2013,

25. Rod Collins, Wiki Management: A Revolutionary New Model for a Rapidly Changing and Collaborative World (New York: ANACOM, 2013), 120–121.

26. Don MacPherson, “The Results Are In,” Modern Survey, March 29, 2013,

27. Modern Survey, “The State of Employee Engagement—Fall 2014,”

28. MacPherson, “The Results Are In.”

29. Eric Markowitz, “7 Unusual Ways to Motivate Your Employees,” Inc.,

30. MacPherson, “The Results Are In”; Modern Survey, “The State of Employee Engagement.”

31. Jillian D’Onfro, “The Truth about Google’s Famous ‘20% Time’ Policy,” Business Insider, April 17, 2015,

32. Vivian Giang, “A New Report Ranks America’s Biggest Companies Based On How Quickly Employees Jump Ship,” Business Insider, July 25, 2013,

33. Robert A. Eckert, “The Two Most Important Words,” Harvard Business Review, April 2013,; and 100 Best Companies to Work For Archive, 2006–2013, Fortune,

34. Armin Falk and Urs Fischbacher, “A Theory of Reciprocity,” Games and Economic Behavior 54, no. 2 (February 2006): 293–315,

35. Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Man,” archived on Project Gutenberg, August 20, 2007,

36. Richard Saul Wurman, Information Anxiety (New York: Doubleday, 1987).

37. Jonathan B. Spira, “Leadership in an Age of Information Overload,” Overload Stories, July 28, 2011,

38. Steve Wexler, Kevin Corti, Anne Derryberry, Clark Quinn, and Angela van Barneveld, Immersive Learning Simulations 2008 (Santa Rosa, Calif.: The eLearning Guild, 2008).

39. Jack J. Phillips, “The ROI in Business Coaching: A Real-Life Example,” Association for Talent Development, March 14, 2006,

40. Tim Lane, “Learning to Succeed in Business with Information Technology,” Motorola, 2000.

41. CompTIA and Prometric. “The 2001 Global Training and Certification Study,” CompTIA, 2001.

42. Lynette Gillis and Allan Bailey, “Measuring the ROI of Project Management Training” (case study), Centre for Learning Impact, Canada, 2009,

43. Amy Bell, “BSkyB—Driven by Customer Service Excellence,” The Institute of Customer Service, March 20, 2013,

44. “How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?” National Sleep Foundation, 2015,

45. F.P. Cappuccio, F.M. Taggart, N.B. Kandala, A. Currie, E. Peile, S. Stranges, and M.A. Miller, “Meta-analysis of Short Sleep Duration and Obesity in Children, Adolescents and Adults,” Sleep 31, no. 5 (2008): 619–626; University of Warwick, “Sleep Deprivation Doubles Risks of Obesity in Both Children and Adults,” ScienceDaily, July 13, 2006,; Karine Spiegel, Esra Tasali, Plamen Penev, and Eve Van Cauter, “Brief Communication: Sleep Curtailment in Healthy Young Men Is Associated with Decreased Leptin Levels, Elevated Ghrelin Levels, and Increased Hunger and Appetite,” Annals of Internal Medicine 141, no. 11 (2004): 846–850; and Shahrad Taheri, Ling Lin, Diane Austin, Terry Young, Emmanuel Mignot, “Short Sleep Duration Is Associated with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index,” PLoS Medicine 1, no. 3 (2004): e62, doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0010062.

46. Ming-Chang Chiang, Marina Barysheva, David W. Shattuck, Agatha D. Lee, Sarah K. Madsen, Christina Avedissian, Andrea D. Klunder, Arthur W. Toga, Katie L. McMahon, Greig I. de Zubicaray, Margaret J. Wright, Anuj Srivastava, Nikolay Balov, and Paul M. Thompson, “Genetics of Brain Fiber Architecture and Intellectual Performance,” Journal of Neuroscience 29, no. 7 (February 18, 2009): 2212–2224.

47. Denise C. Park, Jennifer Lodi-Smith, Linda Drew, Sara Haber, Andrew Hebrank, Gérard N. Bischof, and Whitley Aamodt, “The Impact of Sustained Engagement on Cognitive Function in Older Adults,” Psychological Science 25, no. 1 (2014): 103–112,

48. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, Piero Antuono, Jeri-Annette Lyons, Ryan J. Hanson, Alissa M. Butts, Nathan C. Hantke, Matthew D. Verber, “Semantic Memory Functional MRI and Cognitive Function after Exercise Intervention in Mild Cognitive Impairment,” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 37, no. 1 (2013): 197–215; University of Maryland, “Exercise May Be the Best Medicine for Alzheimer’s Disease,” ScienceDaily, July 30, 2013,

49. Lera Boroditsky, “Does Language Shape Thought?: Mandarin and English Speakers’ Conceptions of Time,” Cognitive Psychology 43 (2001): 1–22; Robert B. Kaplan. “Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education,” Language Learning 16 (1966): 1–20.

50. B.C. Wolverton, Willard L. Douglas, and Keith Bounds, “A Study of Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement” (report), NASA, July 1, 1989,

51. Jill Krasny, “Yahoo CEO: Why I Was Right about Telecommuting,” Inc., May 28, 2013,

52. Margriet Dogterom, Pollination with Mason Bees: A Gardener and Naturalists’ Guide to Managing Mason Bees for Fruit Production (Coquitlam, B.C., Canada: Beediverse Publishing, 2002).

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