
There is also the Stacks section. Stacks are a collection of services similar to what you would think of when you are using Docker Compose.


Let's take a look at this section, because it can be very useful while using development environments or for testing.

After we click on Create your first stack, we are taken to a page that is similar to the following screenshot:


In this screenshot, we can see that we need pieces of information.

We need a name for our stack and we need the stackfile contents. In our case, we are going to use our trustworthy MySQL example and call our stack mysql.


For our stackfile, we are going to use one of the resources that Tutum encourages us to explore. In the bottom section under the Stackfile field, there is an option to get a Stackfile from the Stackfile registry, which is located at

Upon entering, we are presented with an easy search box.


Again, for our test, we want to find the mysql stackfile, so we enter mysql in the box and click on Browse.

Now, for our example, we want a mysql one and we can see it right on the top.


However, you could use a different one or search for one as well to see if there is one already done for you. Again, always work smarter, not harder!

So, if you drill into the mysql stackfile, you can see what all it is doing.


In our case, we are just going to copy this, go back to our Tutum stack deployment page, and paste it among the contents of the stackfile.

After we paste its contents in our Stackfile field and click on the Launch stack button, we will see our stack come to life.


After a few minutes, it will fire up for us and we will have created and be running our first stack. We can then manipulate the various pieces of the stack by starting/stopping them, terminating them, redeploying them, or even editing their configurations.

We can also look at the stackfile being used and edit it if needed to our likings or download it to share it with others as well.

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