Running cAdvisor using a container

There are a number of ways to install cAdvisor; the easiest way to get started is to download and run the container image that contains a copy of a precompiled cAdvisor binary.

Before running cAdvisor, let's launch a fresh vagrant host:

[russ@mac ~]$ cd ~/Documents/Projects/monitoring-docker/vagrant-centos/
[russ@mac ~]$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==>default: Importing base box 'russmckendrick/centos71'...
==>default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==>default: Checking if box 'russmckendrick/centos71' is up to date...


==>default: => Installing docker-engine ...
==>default: => Configuring vagrant user ...
==>default: => Starting docker-engine ...
==>default: => Installing docker-compose ...
==>default: => Finished installation of Docker
[russ@mac ~]$ vagrantssh


Using a backslash

As we have a lot options to pass to the docker run command, we are using to split the command over multiple lines so it's easier to follow what is going on.

Once you have access to the host machine, run the following command:

docker run 

You should now have a cAdvisor container up and running on your host machine. Before we start, let's look at cAdvisor in more detail by discussing why we have passed all the options to the container.

The cAdvisor binary is designed to run on the host machine alongside the Docker binary, so by launching cAdvisor in a container, we are actually isolating the binary in its down environment. To give cAdvisor access to the resources it requires on the host machine, we have to mount several partitions and also give the container privileged access to let the cAdvisor binary think it is being executed on the host machine.


When a container is launched with --privileged, Docker will enable full access to devices on the host machine; also, Docker will configure both AppArmor or SELinux to allow your container the same access to the host machine as a process running outside the container will have. For information on the --privileged flag, see this post on the Docker blog at

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