
bibliomixed — A cooked entry in a bibliography


bibliomixed ::= (text | citebiblioid | citerefentry | citetitle | person | personblurb | personname | subtitle | title | titleabbrev | Publishing inlines | “Info” elements)*


A bibliomixed is an entry in a bibliography. The contents of bibliomixed include all necessary punctuation for formatting. Presentation systems usually display all of the elements in a bibliomixed.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.

A bibliomixed entry is cooked. In addition to named fields, it can contain interspersed text to provide punctuation and other formatting information.

The processing system is generally expected to present each and every element in the entry, and all interspersed #PCDATA, in the order in which it occurs.

See Also

biblioentry, bibliomisc, bibliomset, biblioset

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