Removing Elements

DocBook has a large number of elements. In some authoring environments, it may be useful or necessary to remove unneeded elements.

Removing msgset

The msgset element is a favorite target. It has a complex internal structure designed for describing interrelated error messages, especially on systems that may exhibit messages from several different components. Many technical documents can do without it, and removing it leaves one less complexity to explain to your authors.

Example 5-2 shows a customization layer that removes the msgset element.

Example 5-2. Removing msgset

namespace db = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.msgset = notAllowed

The complexity of msgset is really in its msgentry children. DocBook V4.5 introduced a simple alternative, simplemsgentry. Example 5-3 demonstrates how you could allow msgset but only support the simpler alternative.

Example 5-3. Removing msgentry

namespace db = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.msgentry = notAllowed

Closer examination of the msgentry content model will reveal that it contains a number of descendants. It isn’t necessary, but it wouldn’t be wrong, to define their patterns as notAllowed as well.

Removing Computer Inlines

DocBook contains a large number of computer inlines. The DocBook inlines define a domain-specific vocabulary. If you’re working in another domain, many of them may be unnecessary.

They’re defined in a set of patterns that ultimately roll up to the db.domain.inlines pattern. If you make that pattern notAllowed, you’ll remove them all in one fell swoop. Example 5-4 is a customization that does this.

Example 5-4. Removing computer inlines

namespace db = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.domain.inlines = notAllowed

If you want to be more selective, you might consider making one or more of the following notAllowed instead:

  • db.error.inlines: errors and error messages

  • db.gui.inlines: GUI elements

  • db.keyboard.inlines: key and keyboard elements

  • db.markup.inlines: markup elements

  • db.math.inlines: mathematical expressions

  • db.os.inlines: operating system inlines

  • db.programming.inlines: programming-related inlines


Be aware that a customization layer that removed this many technical inlines would also remove some larger technical structures or make them unusable.

Removing Synopsis Elements

Another possibility is removing the complex synopsis elements. The customization layer in Example 5-5 removes cmdsynopsis and funcsynopsis.

Example 5-5. Removing cmdsynopsis and funcsynopsis

namespace db = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.funcsynopsis = notAllowed
   db.cmdsynopsis = notAllowed

Removing Sectioning Elements

Perhaps you want to restrict your authors to only three levels of sectioning. To do that, you could remove the sect4 and sect5 elements, as shown in Example 5-6.

Example 5-6. Removing the sect4 and sect5 elements

namespace db = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.sect4 = notAllowed

   # Strictly speaking, we don't need to remove sect5 because, having removed
   # sect4, there's no way to reach it. But it seems cleaner to do so.
   db.sect5 = notAllowed

This technique works if your authors are using numbered sections, which you could require them to do by removing the section element. But suppose instead you want to allow them to use recursive sections, but limit them to only three levels.

One way to do this would be to define new section2 and section3 patterns, as shown in Example 5-7.

Example 5-7. Limiting recursive sections to three levels

namespace db = ""
default namespace = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.section =
      element section {

db.recursive.section2s = (db.section2+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+

db.recursive.blocks.or.section2s =
  (db.all.blocks+, db.recursive.section2s?) | db.recursive.section2s

db.section2 =
   element section {

db.recursive.section3s = (db.section3+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+

db.recursive.blocks.or.section3s =
  (db.all.blocks+, db.recursive.section3s?) | db.recursive.section3s

db.section3 =
   element section {

Another solution, assuming your validation environment supports Schematron, is simply to add a new rule, as shown in Example 5-8.

Example 5-8. Limiting recursive sections to three levels using Schematron

namespace db = ""
namespace s = ""
default namespace = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.section =
         s:pattern [
            name = "Limit depth of sections"
            s:rule [
               context = "db:section"
               s:assert [
                  test = "count(ancestor::db:section) < 2"
                  "Sections can be no more than three levels deep"
      element section {

In this example, we’ve put the Schematron pattern inline in the RELAX NG grammar. If your validation strategy requires that they be in a separate document, it may be more convenient to simply create them separately.

Removing Admonitions from Table Entries

Sometimes what you want to do is not as simple as entirely removing an element. Instead, you may want to remove it only from some contexts. The way to do this is to redefine the patterns used to calculate the elements allowed in those contexts.

Standard DocBook allows any inline element or any block element to appear in a table cell. You might decide that it’s unreasonable to allow admonitions (note, caution, warning, etc.) to appear in a table cell.

In order to remove them, you must change what is allowed in the entry element, as shown in Example 5-9.

Example 5-9. Removing admonitions from tables

namespace db = ""
default namespace = ""

include "docbook.rnc" {
   db.entry = element entry {
      (db.all.inlines* | db.some.blocks*)

db.some.blocks =
 | db.para.blocks
 | db.extension.blocks

db.somenopara.blocks =
 | db.formal.blocks
 | db.informal.blocks
 | db.publishing.blocks
 | db.graphic.blocks
 | db.technical.blocks
 | db.verbatim.blocks
 | db.bridgehead
 | db.remark
 | db.revhistory
 | db.indexterm
 | db.synopsis.blocks

The extent to which any particular change is easy or hard depends in part on how many patterns need to be changed. The DocBook Technical Committee is generally open to the idea of adding more patterns if it improves the readability of customization layers. If you think some refactoring would make your job easier, feel free to ask.

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