
orderedlist — A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label


orderedlist ::= ((((title? & titleabbrev?), | info, (annotation | bridgehead | remark | revhistory | Indexing inlines | Admonition elements | Formal elements | Graphic elements | Informal elements | List elements | Paragraph elements | Publishing elements | Synopsis elements | Technical elements | Verbatim elements)*, listitem+)

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • At most one of:

    • continuation (enumeration) = “continues” | “restarts”

    • startingnumber (integer)

  • inheritnum (enumeration) = “ignore” | “inherit”

  • numeration (enumeration) = “arabic” | “upperalpha” | “loweralpha” | “upperroman” | “lowerroman”

  • spacing (enumeration) = “compact” | “normal”


In an orderedlist, each member of the list is marked with a numeral, letter, or other sequential symbol (such as Roman numerals).

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.

The numeration attribute indicates the desired numeration. If it is not specified, Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …) are to be used.


The actual characters used in alphabetic numeration may be locale sensitive. Where the sequence “a”, “b”, “c” might be selected in an English locale, “ア”, “イ”, “ウ” might be selected if Katakana was implied by the current locale.

The continuation attribute indicates how numbering should begin relative to the immediately preceding list. If it is not specified, numbering is to be restarted at 1.


The preceding list is not required to be in the same parent. That is, a list in one chapter may be continued in the next, or indeed arbitrarily later in the document, provided no other list intervenes.

The inheritnum attribute indicates how items in nested lists should be numbered. If it is not specified, numbering is to ignore list nesting. Inherited numeration creates compound list item numbers.

If inheritnum is “inherit”, then the third item of a list inside the second item of a list inside the fourth item of a list might be enumerated as “4.2.3”. If inheritnum is “ignore”, then it would be simply “3” (with the numeration attribute handling the actual format of the numbers).

In nested lists, some publishers prefer to use Arabic numbers throughout (4.3.2) while others prefer to step through a sequence of numerations (4.b.iii). DocBook does not specify the sequence of numerations.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Indicates how list numbering should begin relative to the immediately preceding list

Enumerated values:

Specifies that numbering should begin where the preceding list left off


Specifies that numbering should begin again at 1


Indicates whether or not item numbering should be influenced by list nesting

Enumerated values:

Specifies that numbering should ignore list nesting


Specifies that numbering should inherit from outer-level lists


Indicates the desired numeration

Enumerated values:

Specifies Arabic numeration (1, 2, 3, …)


Specifies uppercase alphabetic numeration (A, B, C, …)


Specifies lowercase alphabetic numeration (a, b, c, …)


Specifies uppercase Roman numeration (I, II, III, …)


Specifies lowercase Roman numeration (i, ii, iii …)


Specifies (a hint about) the spacing of the content

Enumerated values:

The spacing should be “compact”.


The spacing should be “normal”.


Specifies the initial line number

See Also

calloutlist, itemizedlist, listitem, segmentedlist, simplelist, variablelist


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example orderedlist</title>

<orderedlist numeration="lowerroman">

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