
Photo Credit: David Cummings, Outer Woods Media

Craig W. Ross

As CEO of Verus Global, for 20 years Craig has partnered with c-suite executives and leadership teams in global organizations across numerous industries. Combining a passion for uniting people and a conviction that organizations achieve extraordinary things through teams, Craig delivers practical and real-world expertise to those he serves. He and his family call Colorado home.

Other books authored by Craig: Stomp the Elephant in the Office, Degrees of Strength, and One Team

Angela V. Paccione, PhD

As an executive facilitator and powerful keynote speaker for Verus Global, Angie is “all-in” and 100 percent committed to the success of the partners she serves. A former professional athlete, college professor, two-term state representative and Congressional candidate, Angie is a performance expert who activates the greatness within people and teams. Angie enjoys being single in Colorado.

Other books authored by Angie: One Team

Victoria L. Roberts

As president of Verus Global and former head of organizational effectiveness for a large medical device company, Victoria is passionate about bringing humanity to the workplace and beyond. Her experience transferring cognitive behavioral psychology practices across organizational systems enables her to build lasting solutions for partners with immediate and sustainable results. Victoria and her family live in Colorado.

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