Allowing users to switch language

Since we are serving content that is available in multiple languages, we should let our users switch the site's language. We are going to add a language selector to our site. The language selector will consist of a list of available languages, which are displayed using links.

Edit the shop/base.html template of the shop application and find the following lines:

<div id="header">
<a href="/" class="logo">{% trans "My shop" %}</a>

Replace them with the following code:

<div id="header">
<a href="/" class="logo">{% trans "My shop" %}</a>

{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% get_available_languages as LANGUAGES %}
{% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as languages %}
<div class="languages">
<p>{% trans "Language" %}:</p>
<ul class="languages">
{% for language in languages %}
<a href="/{{ language.code }}/"
{% if language.code == LANGUAGE_CODE %} class="selected"{% endif %}>

{{ language.name_local }}
{% endfor %}

This is how we build our language selector:

  1. First, we load the internationalization tags using {% load i18n %}
  2. We use the {% get_current_language %} tag to retrieve the current language
  3. We get the languages defined in the LANGUAGES setting using the {% get_available_languages %} template tag
  4. We use the tag {% get_language_info_list %} to provide easy access to the language attributes
  5. We build an HTML list to display all available languages and we add a selected class attribute to the current active language

We use the template tags provided by i18n, based on the languages available in the settings of your project. Now open in your browser and take a look. You should see the language selector in the top right-hand corner of the site as follows:

Users can now easily switch to their preferred language.

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