
You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.’

Henry Ford, 1951

Aim of this chapter: To raise questions about your Customers: who are they, what their needs and goals are, and how can you work together? We will look at collaboration techniques to deliver their needs efficiently, with minimal waste, and to everyone’s satisfaction. Moreover, we will examine the need to invest in building trust and communication, in order to improve outcomes for both parties.

To be Agile is to adapt when circumstances change, and nothing changes more than your Customers’ needs. The second domain of Agile Business Management is the regular, and ongoing, fulfilment of Customer needs, through a collaborative and Incremental approach. You can achieve this close collaboration by integrating your Customer directly within the work process, granting them co-ownership, as well as co-responsibility, for delivery. Under this collaborative Agile approach, your Customer’s responsibilities include defining, and ordering, the major Requirements, working with the Teams to ensure appropriate outcomes, and undertaking quality control, including final User Acceptance Testing.


Remember Agile value #3: We value customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

Your Customer needs to dedicate time to work with the Team. However, there is no ‘right’ amount of time; it is dependent on the complexity of the Requirements, how close the Requirement is to completion, and the Team’s specific needs at that time. At a minimum, during each Iteration, or for each Requirement, the Customer must be available at the start (to help with planning), the end (to review and sign-off), and as required by the Team. Regularly scheduled weekly, or twice-weekly, timeboxed meetings, encourage a close, collaborative relationship between your Customer and your Team.


Remember Agile principle #4: Business people and developers [Team Members] must work together daily.


Timebox: A fixed period allocated to an activity or specific event.


Iteration: A repeating timebox of fixed duration, allocated to the delivery of one or more Requirements from a larger piece of work.

There are some drawbacks to this model, including the imposition of additional time from your Customer. If they are not willing to engage with you in an Agile way, either through a lack of interest or availability, it will be difficult for you to maximise your ability to respond to change. Poor communication, lack of subject matter experts, and mismanaged expectations, are all symptoms of a poorly engaged, or inappropriate, Customer.

While some Customers have legitimate reasons, such as regulatory requirements, for wanting traditional engagements models, others reject the Agile engagement model because they don’t understand the overall benefits. Training your Customers in their new role and responsibilities will significantly improve the take-up and effectiveness of Agile processes. If this still fails, there is significant benefit from applying the other Agile Business Management processes, while using traditional Customer engagement strategies.


Do not mistake consumers for Customers. Consumers purchase products from you. An Agile Customer, who may also be a consumer, has the responsibility, and authority, to direct the delivery of the products or services.


Consumer: An individual, or organisation, that purchases products or services from you, but does not have any authority, or responsibility, in the design, and development, of the product/service.

Customer engagement in an Agile model requires trust, which can be defined across five distinct levels.

1  Team: The highest level of trust where the Customer and organisation share the same goals and outcomes.

2  Identification: Where the Customer has a personal relationship with specific Teams or individuals.

3  Knowledge: Where the Customer bases their trust on personal knowledge and experience with the organisation.

4  Contract: Where the Customer uses legally binding contracts as the mechanism to trust the organisation.

5  Reference: Where third party references form the basis of trust.


Figure 5: Customer trust levels


Case study: Building trust with our Customers

A large retail body needed a specialist company to develop a marketing campaign for a new set of products. Our reputation as being one of the best companies in this field, along with several recommendations, led them to ask us to put forward a proposal (Reference Trust). We worked closely with the Customer to develop a proposal to meet their Requirements, which led to them engaging us to develop the marketing campaign (Contract Trust). By engaging with the Customer at all stages of the creation and delivery process, after several weeks our Teams delivered a marketing campaign to the satisfaction of the Customer (Knowledge Trust).

Several months later, this Customer needed another marketing campaign, for a different product. Because of the relationship we had built with them, they approached us directly to discuss this new campaign (Identification Trust). Over the next two years, we successful delivered five new marketing campaigns. At this stage, we proposed, and the Customer agreed to, a partnership arrangement, whereby they retained us to provide ongoing marketing consulting and support across their organisation (Team Trust).

Customers who base their trust on references or contracts will initially find Agile difficult to accept. It is easier to be Agile with Customers who have personal experience, and personal trust, with your organisation.

What is a Customer?


‘A manufacturer is not through with his customer when a sale is completed. He has then only started with his customer.’

Henry Ford, 1922

How you define your Customer is context specific, but is generally any person, group or organisation that requests, and usually funds, one or more Teams within your company, to deliver a set of Requirements. There are two types of Customers; external and internal.


Agile Business Management does not differentiate between Ultimate and Intermediate Customers.


Examples of Customers by context:

The Sales and Marketing manager (internal Customer) engages the graphic design Team (within Media and Communications) to re-brand their marketing material, in preparation for a new promotion.

An external client then engages the graphic design Team to re-brand their website. Though the Customers are different, in both instances the graphic design Team undertakes similar work, and closely engages with their current Customer to ensure successful delivery.

Directly connected to your organisation, an internal Customer can include senior management, employees, shareholders, external regulators, etc. The Customers for product oriented businesses are generally internal (e.g. a product or design manager), as the customers (little c) of these products are considered consumers, not Customers (big c). Exceptions are for organisations that are engaged directly to develop bespoke products, such as construction or software companies. Services delivered to internal Customers often relate to the operation of business, such as HR or IT support services.

External Customers are not directly related to your organisation, and usually engage your organisation to deliver specific outcomes. In general, service oriented businesses are engaged by external Customers, usually B2B, to deliver on specific Requirements.


Your organisation will have many customers, but a D Team’s current ‘Customer’ is context specific, as defined by the Requirements.


Examples of Customers by Team may include:

•  In a business intelligence team: Your Customer could be the (internal) financial division requesting a financial report.

•  In a service delivery team: Your Customer could be an (external) client generated through a sales Team.

•  In a retail team: Your Customer could be an (internal) product manager. However, a Customer would not be someone walking into a shop front purchasing your product, this is a consumer. In general, there is an insufficient level of interaction to involve them in your business processes.

The Customer Representative


‘The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.’

Theodore Roosevelt, anecdotal

A Customer can delegate their responsibilities to an individual called the ‘Customer Representative’. Common situations where this occurs are:

•  The Customer is unavailable to fulfil their role.

•  The Customer is a senior executive.

•  There are multiple Customers.

The Customer Representative is an individual who has the authority to represent the Customer, and the Customer’s Requirements, to your Team. From the Team’s perspective, the Customer, and the Customer’s Representative, are synonymous in both authority and responsibility.


Customer Representative: An individual delegated with the authority to act on behalf of the Customer.


Throughout this book, the term ‘Customer’ and ‘Customer Representative’ are interchangeable.

For those familiar with Scrum, the Customer Representative is equivalent to the Product Owner.

Requirements and the Requirements Backlog


‘It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.’

Winston Churchill, ∼1960

Now that you know who your Customer, or Customer Representative, is, it is time to start engaging with them on their Requirements. The first step, before the Customer creates any specific Requirements, is to define the vision, or goal, of the end state. This vision shouldn’t be very complex, and can be as simple as a single sentence. For long projects or highly complex Requirements, you can create a simple, low detail, business case, to define the outcomes, non-functional requirements, and value of investing in the work. Because this is Agile, the vision will change as your Customer Requirements change, and it is important to keep the vision up to date, so all Team Members understand what they are working towards.


Vision: A brief description of the expected end state after the Team completes all the Customer Requirements. This will change as the Customer Requirements change.


Example visions include:

•  ‘Recruit five new shop assistants for our new store.’

•  ‘The Corporate Branding Programme, through collaboration with our external partners, will strengthen our ability to promote, and sell, our range of products, by developing, and implementing, a coordinated brand across all our products, with associated shop fit-out and marketing collateral that is underpinned by comprehensive consumer research and staff training.’

•  A simple five page business case for a new store system, with the following sections

1  Programme overview

Image  Objective

Image  Issue/opportunity to be addressed

Image  Strategic alignment

Image  Proposed solution

Image  In scope

Image  Out of scope

Image  Constraints and assumptions

Image  Dependencies

2  Outcomes and benefits

Image  Tangible benefits

Image  Financial benefits

Image  Intangible benefits

3  Cost estimates

4  FTE estimates

5  Stakeholders

6  Programme milestones

7  Key risks

8  Options examined.

Once the vision is complete, the key artefact that your Customer is responsible for developing and maintaining, through the life of the work, is the Requirements Backlog. The Requirements Backlog is the ordered list of Requirements needed by the Customer. Given the collaborative nature of Agile, your Customer and Teams should create the Requirements Backlog together.


Requirements Backlog: An ordered list of Requirements; maintained by the Customer, and estimated by the Team.

To minimise later rework, the initial Requirements Backlog should be created in low detail, and describe only the current and best-understood Requirements. The highest priority Requirements, those you will deliver next, are then expanded, with additional detail. Large Requirements that need more than a single Iteration to deliver, can be added to the Requirements Backlog, and later decomposed into smaller, self-contained Requirements. This ensures that the outcomes at the end of an Iteration are always usable, and deliver value to your Customer.


Remember Agile value #4: We value responding to change over following a plan.

Each Requirement should meet the INVEST characteristics, as defined by Bill Wake1.

•  Independent: Each Requirement should be as self-contained as possible, with minimal dependencies on any other Requirement. This allows for easy reordering or removal, as Customer Requirement’s change.

•  Negotiable: The Customer can change a Requirement at any time, up to the point it enters the Iteration Backlog (see Chapter 4: Work, the Agile Way).

•  Valuable: Each Requirement should deliver a tangible, and measurable, benefit to the Customer.

•  Estimatable: The definition of each Requirement is such that the Team can estimate it.

•  Small: The estimate, and delivery, of a Requirement, should be within a few days, or a single Iteration.

•  Testable: Each Requirement should have appropriate quality control and quality assurance metrics, so the Customer can validate their Deliverables against the original Requirement.

The Requirements Backlog is the master document that defines the scope and high-level description of each Requirement. As work progresses, and your Customer’s needs evolve, the Customer needs to keep the Requirements Backlog up to date. They can create, remove, change or reorder Requirements at will. Once all the Requirements are Done, and the Requirements Backlog is empty, the Backlog itself should remain, to cater for further changes as required by the Customer.


Remember Agile principle #2: Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.

At a minimum, each Requirement within the Requirements Backlog should contain a User Story, in the following format.

As a [role]

I want a [goal/desire]

So that [benefit]

The [role] is the expected end-user of the Requirement, who is usually different from the Customer. The [goal/desire] of each User Story describes what should be delivered, and the [benefit] provides the context, or the Why.


User Story example – HR Team:

As a Team leader

I want someone with good technical writing skills

So that we can develop new tenders

User Story example – Sales Team:

As a sales consultant

I want new marketing material designed and printed

So that we can promote our new range of products

User Story example – Production/Operations:

As a bookstore retail chain

I want 1,000 copies of Directing the Agile Organisation

So that we can sell them to our customers

User Story example – Production/Operations:

As a bookstore retail chain

I want in-store promotional material for Directing the Agile Organisation

So that we can promote and market to our customers

In addition to the User Story, each high priority Requirement within the Requirements Backlog should contain the following information:

•  Order: How soon should the Team deliver this Requirement? Risk, value and necessity to the Customer all drive the order.

•  Dependencies: Are there any other Requirements that the Team need to deliver first?

•  Additional stakeholders: Does the Team need to engage anyone else during the planning or development phases?

•  Quality control requirements: What are the quality control steps to verify that the Requirement is Done?

•  Effort estimation: What is the Estimate of the effort to develop the Requirement (see section: Effort estimation)? This is the only part of the Requirements Backlog developed by the Team, not the Customer.

Requirements should not require additional information, until they are at the top of the Backlog, and the Team is ready to work on them. If a Requirement is highly complex, and you feel it needs more information, consider splitting it into multiple, smaller Requirements. In addition, only the Team should define specific technical and implementation criteria, and only in the planning phase of delivery (see section: Phases of delivery).


To be successful, the Customer must take ownership of the Requirements Backlog, both its creation and ongoing maintenance.

If multiple Teams are working together towards the same outcome, for the same Customer, the Customer should only create, and maintain, one Requirements Backlog. You can dynamically group Requirements using whatever mechanism you need, such as related Requirements, skills, or Deliverables for each Team.

On a regular basis, or between each Iteration, your Customer must keep the Requirements Backlog up to date with their latest Requirements. This ensures that your Teams can meet the Customer’s current needs, and that the next Requirement to be delivered is the most appropriate and useful. As they are Done, or deemed unnecessary, each Requirement should be removed from the Requirements Backlog, to ensure clarity, and reduce the risk of confusion.

By building the Requirements Backlog, Teams will:

•  Reduce uncertainty within the Team when designing Tasks, which in turn reduces the risk to the Customer.

•  Promote regular communication between the Customer and Team, which can also speed up decision making.

•  Ensure that the Requirements integrate with current short-term and long-term goals.

•  Identify required Team Members, which in turn will improve overall financial planning across the lifecycle of the Customer’s Requirements.

•  Ensure that the Team has a comprehensive understanding of the Customer’s Requirements, without getting into too much detail.


Example Requirements Backlog process:

Iteration #1: Planning

An HR Department needs to develop a new set of OH&S standards for one of their Customers, the OH&S committee. The Customer defines four Requirements within the Requirements Backlog.

1. As an office worker; I need to understand my rights and responsibilities when using ICT equipment; In order to comply with OH&S requirements.

2. As a manual labourer; I need to understand my rights and responsibilities when on a client site; In order to comply with OH&S requirements.

3. As an executive; I need to understand my rights and responsibilities when travelling; In order to comply with OH&S requirements.

4. As an employee; I need to understand my rights and responsibilities regarding bullying; In order to comply with OH&S requirements.

Iteration #1: Estimation

The Team reviews, and estimates, this Requirements Backlog, prior to starting, so that everyone involved understands the effort involved, and the expected outcomes.

1. ICT use policies: Four days

2. Manual labour policies: Five days

3. Travel policies: Two days

4. Bullying policies: One day

Iteration #2: Planning

During the development of the first Requirement, the Customer updates, and reorders, the Requirements Backlog, and includes a new Requirement. This takes into account their current priorities, based on specific events happening in the company. Once again, the Team reviews, clarifies and re-estimates the new Requirements Backlog, before beginning work on the current top Requirement.

1. ICT use policies (Done)

4. Bullying policies: One day

2. Manual labour policies: Five days

5. Client site policies: One day

3. Travel policies: Two days

For Incremental Delivery, at the beginning of each Iteration, your Team groups the top Requirements from the Requirements Backlog into a new, high-detail, Iteration Backlog. Your Team then decomposes this Iteration Backlog into individual Tasks, and roughly estimates them, to ensure that delivery can occur within the Iteration timeframe. You can find more information on the Iteration Backlog in Chapter 4: Work, the Agile Way.


Iteration Backlog: An ordered list of Tasks to be delivered during an Iteration.

1 INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks, Wake, n.d.

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