abortion controversy. See Sakiz, Aristotle
character and, 45, 50, 51–52,Edouard
accountability, 46 61, 103
community and, 59, 82Adario, Peter (organizational issues
case) context of life and, 128–29
Machiavelli and, 118–20career issues and, 15, 97–98,
99–103 me-ism and, 42–45
moderation and, 114–16crisis faced by, 15–19
decision made by, 85–87, 115 Nietzsche and, 69–71
values compromise and, 83grand principles and, 27–28,
31–32, 33, 34
personal values and, 68, 101–3 balance, standard of, 115–20
Barnard, Chester, 3–4, 19, 57,truth as process and, 85–88, 89,
91, 92–94, 95–96 120
Baulieu, Etienne-Emile, 106, 111adversarial groups. See societal
questions Bellah, Robert, 49–50
Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 107–8American Law Institute, 33
Antigone (Sophocles), 73–74, Burke, James, 85–86, 90, 93, 94,
98–9975–76, 77, 89, 116
Index 143
capitalism, as grand principle, 31, economists, viewpoint of, 33. See
also Friedman, Milton32–33
career issues, 55–57 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 42, 50
‘‘Enlightenment Project,’’ 34–36Adario case and, 15, 97–98,
99–103 expressive individualism, 50. See also
intuition, ethics based onmiddle managers and, 15–19
personal goals and, 78–81
power struggles and, 97–100, fairness, definition of, 18, 29–30
Friedman, Milton, 31, 32, 34105
training in losing and, 100–103 The Functions of the Executive (Bar-
nard), 3–4character
dilemmas as crucibles of, 2–5
intuition and, 45, 50, 51–52 Gage, Phineas, 49
The Gay Science (Nietzsche), 70principle of the golden mean
and, 115–18 Generation X (Coupland), 44
Goethe, Wolfgang von, 89revealed by defining moments,
58–59, 119–20 good intentions, 85–88
governments as stakeholders, 21,shaping of, 60–63, 70–71, 103,
119 22. See also societal questions
grand principles. See moral guid-chess analogy, 37n
company credo. See mission state- ance, principled sources of
ments and credos
compromise, 81–84 Habits of the Heart (Bellah), 49–50
Hampshire, Stuart, 52, 116corporate constituency laws, 33, 34
corporate ethics programs, 30 Hemingway, Ernest, 46–47
heroes, 126–27, 129–30Coupland, Douglas, 44
Hobbes, Thomas, 38
Hoechst (pharmaceutical com-defining moments. See also organiza-
tional questions; personal pany), 21–22. See also Sakiz,
Edouardquestions; societal questions
characteristics of, 6–7 mission statement of, 27–28
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 9, 24elements of (See revealing; shap-
ing; testing) Horace, 115
urgent managerial questions
about, 7–8 inspirational ethics, 5–7
intuition, ethics based onDewey, John, 55
‘‘dirty hands,’’ as phrase, 3, 7–8 faith in, 42–45
the heart’s reasons and, 71–73Dodd, E. Merrick, 33
Drucker, Peter, 97 inevitability of, 47–50
144 D
problems with reliance on, Meditations (Marcus Aurelius),
123–3144–45, 46–47
as test of integrity, 51–52 me-ism. See intuition
Mill, John Stuart, 26, 36
mission statements and credos, 5–6,James, William, 30, 53, 74, 88–89,
91–93 25
problems with reliance on,Jett, Joseph, 15n
Jobs, Steve, 27 27–30
RU 486 case and, 22Johnson & Johnson
corporate credo of, 27, 95 Sakiz case and, 27–28
moderation, 115–18Tylenol episode and, 85–86,
89–91, 93, 94 Montaigne, Michel de, 58
moral guidance, principled sources
of, 25–37Kant, Immanuel, 26, 36
Keneally, Thomas, 48 credos and mission statements
and, 27–30Kremlinology, 64
inadequacy of, 38–40
legal responsibilities and, 31–34leadership, as crucible of character,
2–5 philosophical principles and,
34–37Leeson, Nick, 15n
legal responsibilities, 25–26, 31–34 value of, 38
moral identity. See personal ques-Lewis, Steve (personal issues case)
decision made by, 82–84, 115 tions
moral instinct, 49. See also intuitionintuitions and, 71–73
personal values and, 10–14, 67,
74–75, 78, 101, 126–27
negotiated ethics, 19–24. See also
life as context, 128–30
Sakiz, Edouard
Lincoln, Abraham, 120
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 48, 68–71,
loyalty, 13
77–78, 82, 83, 101–2, 120
‘‘myth of eternal recurrence’’
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 78–81, 82,
and, 131
83, 97–100
nonshareholder interests, 33, 34.
Aristotle and, 118–20
See also Sakiz, Edouard
judging by results and, 113–14
Nussbaum, Martha, 52
lessons for managers from,
virtu and, 107–13 Ohmai, Kenichi, 44
optimism, 49MacIntyre, Alasdair, 34–36, 69, 75
Marcus Aurelius, 122–23 organizational questions. See also
Adario, Petermedia, 90–91, 93, 98–99, 111, 112
Index 145
meaning of defining moments The Prince (Machiavelli), 79, 80–81,
110for, 63–66, 127
Sakiz case and, 20–21, 22, principle of the golden mean,
114–18104–5, 109
truth as process and, 85–103 Proust, Marcel, 74
racial issues. See Lewis, Steve
reflectionPascal, Blaise, 72
Peirce, Charles, 39–40 art of, 130–31
imagined best life and, 128–30personal questions, 67–84. See also
career issues lived truths and, 125–28, 129
making time for, 123–25Adario case and, 18, 68, 101–3
Lewis case and, 10–14, 67, relationship networks, responsibili-
ties to. See societal questions74–75, 78, 101
Sakiz case and, 20–21, 68 The Remains of the Day (Ishiguro), 54
Remembering Denny (Trillin), 76–77philosophical principles, 25, 26,
34–36 revealing, 57–59
right-versus-right decisionsplan of action, 75
judging by results and, 113–14 consequences of, 5, 18
as crucibles of character, 2–5the lion versus the fox and,
109–12, 114–15 as defining moments, 6–7,
54–66practicality and, 78–81, 109–13
spirit of the times and, 100–103 inspirational ethics and, 5–7
nature of difficulty in, 6standard of balance and, 115–18
values definition and, 75–78 public versus private aspects of,
55‘‘wiggle room’’ and, 81–84
Plato, 43, 53 rogue traders, 15n
Roussel-Uclaf (pharmaceuticalpolitics, 106–7
power company), 20–23. See also
Sakiz, Edouardconflicting responsibilities and,
1–5 corporate credo of, 28
RU 486 case. See Sakiz, Edouardcontests of interpretation and,
97–100, 105
definition of success and, 107–9 Sakiz, Edouard (societal issues case)
action in RU 486 episode,practicality of ethical actions
and, 78–81, 109–13 106–7, 110–14
nature of RU 486 crisis, 20–24shared, and negotiated ethics,
23–24 organizational issues and, 104–5
personal values and, 20–21, 68,practicality, 78–81, 109–13
Pragmatism (James), 74, 88–89 104
146 D
results of decision by, 113–14 shaping of character and, 60–63
values testing and, 59–60societal issues and, 105
standard of balance and, 116–18 stress, stepping away from, 122–24
virtu and, 110–12
Sartre, Jean Paul, 2–3, 7 testing, 59–60
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche),Schindler, Oskar, 47–48, 50
Schindler’s List (Spielberg film), 77–78
training in losing, 100–10347–48, 50
serenity, moments of, 123–25 Trillin, Calvin, 76–77
Truman, Harry S., 36shaping of character, 60–63,
70–71, 102–3, 119 truth
competing interpretations and,‘‘sleep-test ethics,’’ 41–42. See also
intuition 88–91, 97–100, 105
emotional commitment and,societal questions
judging by results and, 113–14 39–40
groundwork behind definingprinciple of the golden mean
and, 114–18 moments and, 94–96
moderation and, 117–18reflection and, 127–28
RU 486 case and, 21–24, as organizational process,
85–103104–20, 105, 106–7, 109
virtu and, 108–12 successful interpretations and,
91–94Sophocles, 73–74, 75–76, 77, 89,
116 turning points, 62–63
Spielberg, Stephen, 48
stakeholder responsibilities, 20–24. values. See also personal questions
defining moment as test of,See also Sakiz, Edouard
Stevens (The Remains of the Day but- 59–60
plan of action and, 75–78ler)
defining moment for, 54, roots of, 73–75, 125–28
virtu, 108–9, 117, 118–2055–57
interpretation and, 89
revelation of character and, wake-up calls, 41, 48
work/family issues. See Adario, Peter57–59
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