C h a p t e r   8

Two-Day Program

What’s in This Chapter?
  • Overview of modules used for a two-day training session
  • Description of the program, and the objectives and modules to be used
  • Topics covered and time needed to present each module



The two-day workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the decision-making process and enables the learners to grasp and use all the key concepts of the process. These training modules are used for the two-day session:

Module 1—The Decision-Making Process: Anatomy of a Decision (Ch 9)

Module 2—The Creative Process: Developing Options (Ch 10)

Module 3—Barriers to Creativity (Ch 11)

Module 4—Overcoming Barriers to Creativity (Ch 12)

Module 5—Tools to Improve Creativity (Ch 13)

Module 6—The Analytic Process: Narrowing Down the Options (Ch 14)

Module 7—Using Everyday Statistics (Ch 15)

Module 8—Using Tools to Improve Analysis (Ch 16)

Module 9—The Human Aspect: Emotional and Irrational Factors (Ch 17)

Module 10—Implementing the Decision: Wrap-Up (Ch 18)

Overview of Modules Presented

Presented below is an overview of the modules for a two-day workshop, including the training objectives and a sample agenda with approximate times needed to complete each of the modules. Please refer to chapters 9 through 18 for a full description of the module contents, including a detailed facilitator’s guide for each module.

Module 1—The Decision-Making Process: Anatomy of a Decision (Ch 9)

Module 1 lays a foundation for all that follows it. It introduces the subject of decision making and breaks it into the process that will be used throughout the training workshop.


After completing module 1, the participants should be able to

  • list and explain the steps by which a decision is made
  • explain the benefits of a structured decision-making process
  • determine the relative importance of a decision.


  • Approximately 2 hours


Introduction, welcome, and housekeeping items 15 minutes
Pretest and discussion 15 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 30 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Complete PowerPoint presentation 10 minutes
Worksheet exercise and discussion 30 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview 10 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a pretest at the start, a learning check at the end, and administrative trivia associated with starting a training program (such as introductions, laying out the schedule and ground rules, and so on). A 10-minute break is included in modules of more than 90 minutes.

Module 2—The Creative Process: Developing Options (Ch 10)

Module 2 introduces the subjects of creativity and risk in decision making.


After completing module 2, the participants should be able to

  • explain the importance of creativity in decision making
  • clarify the goal of a decision
  • develop or identify viable options from which to choose
  • calculate the degree of risk related to a decision.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Introduction, welcome, and review 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 30 minutes
Worksheet/exercise and discussion 20 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview 5 minutes

Note: This includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 3—Barriers to Creativity (Ch 11)

This module delves into the subject of barriers to creativity.


After completing module 3, the participants should be able to identify

  • six kinds of barriers that may prevent effective decision making
  • personal traits related to decision making
  • factors to consider in group decision making.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Introduction, welcome, and review of previous modules 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 25 minutes
Creativity barriers exercise 15 minutes
Group discussions of barriers to creativity 10 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This includes time for a quick review and a learning check at the end.

Module 4—Overcoming Barriers to Creativity (Ch 12)

Module 4 presents methods for overcoming the barriers to creativity identified in module 3. Module 4 is recommended for any session in which the training program lasts more than one day. It should always follow module 3.


After completing module 4, the participants should be able to

  • explain four techniques for overcoming barriers to decision making
  • develop a personal plan for reducing at least two common barriers.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Introduction, welcome, and review of previous modules 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 30 minutes
Worksheet/exercise 20 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 5—Tools to Improve Creativity (Ch 13)

This module describes several tools that can help improve creativity.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • describe and use at least five tools that may help improve creativity
  • apply the appropriate tools to a variety of situations requiring creativity.


  • Approximately 2 hours


Introduction, welcome, and review of previous module 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and practice exercise 50 minutes
Break 10 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and practice exercise 50 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end. It includes time for both presentations by the trainer and exercises in applying new skills by participants. As with all units of more than 90 minutes, a 10-minute break is included.

Module 6—The Analytic Process: Narrowing Down the Options (Ch 14)

Module 6 covers the subject of gathering information to help make an effective decision.


After completing module 6, the participants should be able to

  • identify significant sources of data for decision-making analysis
  • determine the value of collecting additional information
  • explain and use Pareto analysis.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Review and introduction of the analytic process 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 30 minutes
Worksheet/exercise 20 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 7—Using Everyday Statistics (Ch 15)

Module 7 covers basic concepts of statistics that are helpful in making decisions.

Warn the boss about this module: On the chance that top brass in your organization may visit the training room, you may want to assure them that the card and dice games being played by participants are relevant to the subject of using statistics to improve decision making.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • define probability by using everyday examples
  • use the concept of probability to explain simple gambling situations
  • explain the process and uses of sampling data in decision making.


  • Approximately 1.5 hours


Review and introduction of statistical concepts 5 minutes
Exercise/games 15 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion* 55 minutes
Practice exercise* 10 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview 5 minutes

*You may either integrate the practice exercise and the lecture or save the practice time until after the PowerPoint presentation and discussion.

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 8—Using Tools to Improve Analysis (Ch 16)

Module 8 covers the use of simple tools that may be helpful when making decisions.


After completing module 8, the participants should be able to

  • describe at least five tools that may help improve analysis of information
  • apply the appropriate tools to a variety of situations requiring analysis of information.


  • Approximately 2 hours


Review and introduction of tools that improve analysis 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 50 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Complete PowerPoint presentation 20 minutes
Practice/worksheets 30 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end. As for all modules of more than 90 minutes, this schedule includes a 10-minute break.

Module 9—The Human Aspect: Emotional and Irrational Factors (Ch 17)

Module 9 covers the human aspects that frequently arise in making decisions.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • discuss the merits of group versus individual decision-making processes
  • list at least two differences between expert and layperson decision-making requirements
  • describe the influence of framing on the decision-making process
  • describe the influence of technology on the decision-making process.


  • Approximately 1.5 hours


Review and introduction of human aspects of decision making 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 60 minutes
Worksheet/exercise 20 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview of next module 5 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 10—Implementing the Decision: Wrap-Up (Ch 18)

Module 10 describes a process for developing a proposal to elicit agreement to implement a decision. It should be used in all two-day programs. Module 10 also includes the end-of-program review and a posttest covering the material.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • list the important factors to consider in planning to implement a decision
  • develop a plan for implementing a decision.


  • Approximately 2 hours


Review and introduction of tools for implementing a decision 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 40 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Evaluation Instrument 35 minutes
Posttest, discussion, and wrap-up 30 minutes

Note: This schedule includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end. As with all modules of more than 90 minutes, a 10-minute break is included. Because this is the final module, it includes time for a posttest and program evaluation (Evaluation Instrument 5–2).

What to Do Next

  • Review the contents of chapters 9 through 18, as appropriate, and decide which (if any) of the suggested elements you do not need to include. You may choose to rearrange, edit, or combine the material to best meet your organization’s specific training needs. For example, you should exclude topics that your participants already understand at a high-enough level.
  • Decide whether there is any other content relevant to your organization that you wish to add. You may want to include additional information in your presentations, in the worksheets, or in the visuals that tailor the content to your organization, industry, or a specific group’s requirements.
  • Go to the website www.astd.org/decisionmakingtraining and download the PowerPoint slides, worksheets, and any other materials you will need.
  • Modify the PowerPoint slides by adding background, company logo, or other enhancements, such as different transitions, sound, and so forth, to match your presentation requirements.
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