Shape measures 
coefficient of kurtosis 65, 66f
coefficient of kurtosis on Stata 66–68, 67–68b, 67t
definition 65
Fisher’s coefficient of kurtosis 66
leptokurtic curve 65, 66f
mesokurtic curve 65, 65f
platykurtic curve 65, 65f
Bowley’s coefficient of skewness 63–64, 64b
coefficient of skewness on Stata 64–65
Fisher’s coefficient of skewness 64
left/negative skewness 61, 62f
Pearson’s first coefficient of skewness 62–63, 62–63b
Pearson’s second coefficient of skewness 63, 63b
right/positive skewness 61, 62f
symmetrical distribution 61, 62f
Shapiro-Francia (S-F) tests 480
Stata, regression models estimation 509, 509f, 511, 512f
univariate tests for normality 205–206, 205–206b, 206t
Shapiro-Wilk (S-W) test 480, 1178–1179t
result 523, 523f
Stata, regression models estimation 503–504, 504f
univariate tests for normality 203–205, 204t, 204–205b
Shortest path problem 
Excel Solver 875, 876b, 876–877f
mathematical formulation 873–875, 874–875b, 874f
supply capacity node 870–873
Sigmoid function 609
Sign test 
one sample 257–262, 259–260b, 259t
SPSS Software 260, 260–261f
Stata Software 261–262, 262f
two paired samples 264–270, 267–268b, 267–268t, 268f
SPSS Software 268–269, 269–270f
Stata Software 270, 271f
Simple arithmetic mean 38–39, 38t, 38–39b
Simple linear regression model 191, 443–445, 444f, 450, 450f
equation 448
outputs 450, 452f
Simple matching coefficient (SMC) 322
Simple random sampling (SRS) 179–180b
finite population, sample size 
mean estimation 178
proportion estimation 179
infinite population, sample size 
mean estimation 178
proportion estimation 179
planning and selection 170
with replacement 171–172, 172b
sample size factors 177–178
without replacement 170–171, 171t, 171b
Simplex method 
degenerate optimal solution 773
description 758, 758f
flowchart 758, 758f
iterative algebraic procedure 757
maximization problems 
analytical solution 758–762, 759–762b, 759f
tabular form 762–769, 763–769b
minimization problems 770–772b
tabular form 769–772, 770f
transformation 769
multiple optimal solutions 772–773
no optimal solution 773
unlimited objective function z 773
definition 919
Monte Carlo simulation  See Monte Carlo method
Sneath and Sokal similarity coefficient 324
Snedecor’s F distribution 162–164, 163b, 163f, 164t, 1157–1162t
Snowball sampling 177, 177b
Spearman’s coefficient 110–113, 110f, 111–113b, 111t, 112–113f
Staff scheduling problem 908–912, 909–912b, 911f, 913–914f
Standard deviation 59–60, 59–60b
Standard error 60–61, 60t, 60–61b, 459, 460f
Standard maximization problem 711
Standard normal distribution 193, 193f, 1167–1169t
Stata Software 4
binary logistic regression model 
classification table 583–584, 584f
dataset 575, 576f
dummies creation 576, 577f
frequencies distribution 575–576, 576–577f
Hosmer-Lemeshow test 579, 579f
likelihood-ratio test 578, 578f
linear adjustment 581, 582f
logistic adjustment 581, 582–583f
odds ratios 581, 581f
outputs 577, 577–578f, 580, 580f
probability estimation 580, 580f
ROC curve 585–586, 586f
sensitivity analysis 582–584, 583–585f
sensitivity curve 585, 585f
C chart 966, 966f
Cp, Cpk, Cpm and Cpmk indexes 977
Cronbach’s alpha 437–438, 438f
hierarchical agglomeration schedules 368–374, 368f, 369–370t, 370–374f
intermediate models (multilevel step-up strategy) and commands 1033, 1033t
multinomial logistic regression model 586–591, 587f, 589–590f
negative binomial regression model 663–664f
dataset 653, 653f
explanatory variables 659, 659f
frequency distribution 653, 653f
goodness-of-fit 655, 655f
histogram 653, 654f
mean and variance 654, 654f
null model 656, 657f
outputs 655, 656f, 658f, 659, 660f
overdispersion 658
probability distribution 661, 661–662f
results 654, 655f
nonhierarchical k-means agglomeration schedule 374–376, 375–376f
nonparametric tests 
binomial test 253–254, 255f
chi-square test 257, 259f, 279–280, 280f, 297–299, 299f
Cochran’s Q test 288–290, 290f
Friedman’s test 293–295, 295f
Kruskal-Wallis test 303–304, 304f
Mann-Whitney U test 285–286, 286f
McNemar test 264, 266f
sign test 261–262, 262f, 270, 271f
Wilcoxon test 275–276, 276f
parametric tests 
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test 209, 209f
one-way ANOVA 237–238, 238f
Shapiro-Francia (S-F) test 210, 210f
Shapiro-Wilk (S-W) test 209–210, 210f
Student’s t-test 221–222, 223f, 227, 227f, 231, 231f
two-way ANOVA 244–245, 246f
P chart 959, 959f
Poisson regression model 
dataset 645, 645f
explanatory variables 650, 650f
frequency distribution 645, 645f
goodness-of-fit 649, 649f
histogram 645, 646f
incidence rate ratios 650, 650f
maximum logarithmic likelihood function 647
McFadden pseudo R2 647
mean and variance 645, 646f
null model 647, 647f
outputs 646, 646f
overdispersion test 648, 648f
principal components factor analysis 
dataset 421, 423f
eigenvalues and eigenvectors 424, 424f
KMO statistic and Bartlett’s test of sphericity 423, 424f
loading plot 426, 427f
multiple linear regression models 428, 429–430f
Pearson’s correlation coefficient 427, 428f
ranking 429, 431f
rotated factor scores 427, 428f
Z-scores 427–428
R chart 947f, 948
regression models estimation 
augmented component-plus-residuals 509, 513, 515f
Box-Cox transformation 511, 512f, 513, 515f
Breusch-Godfrey test results 516, 517f
Breusch-Pagan/Cook-Weisberg test 505, 506t, 506f
correlation matrix 499, 500f
dataset 498, 498f
distribution adherence 513
dummy variable 498, 499f
Durbin-Watson test result 515, 516f
frequency distribution 498, 498f
Hapiro-Francia test 504
heteroskedasticity, graphing method 504–505, 505f
Huber-White robust standard error estimation 507
Kernel density estimate 511–513, 514f
leverage distance concept 501–502, 502t, 503f
linear adjustment and lowess adjustment 509, 510f, 511, 512f
linktest 507, 507f
logarithmic transformation 510
maximum likelihood estimation 500
mfx command 501, 502f
multicollinearity 499, 504
nonparametric method 509
null hypothesis 505
parameter estimation 501
reg command 499–500
RESET test 500, 507–508, 508t, 508f
residuals distribution and normal distribution 503, 503f
Shapiro-Francia test results 509, 509f, 511, 512f
Shapiro-Wilk test 503–504, 504f
squared normalized residuals 502
temporal model estimation results 513, 515f
temporal variable 513, 515f
variables—graph matrix 498–499, 499f, 510, 511f
VIF and Tolerance statistics 504, 504f
weighted least squares model 506–507
White test 505, 506f
Statistical process control (SPC) 
attributes 941
confidence interval 943
mean 952
np chart 960–963, 963b, 964f
parameters 944
probability 943, 943f
sample size 944
sigma control limits 943
standard deviations 944, 950, 952
standard normal distribution 942
Stata Software 947–949f, 948
line chart 941
normal distribution 941–942
process capability 
Cp index 972, 974–977b
Cpm and Cpmk indexes 973–977, 974–977b
quality characteristics 942
range 941–942
sample mean 941–942
sample size 941
sampling method 941
standard deviation 941
variables 941
Stem-and-leaf plots 21, 34–37, 35–36t, 35–37b, 36–37f
Stevens classification 9
Stratified sampling 173, 173b, 182t, 182–183b
estimation error 180
finite population, sample size 
mean estimation 181
proportion estimation 181–183
infinite population, sample size 
mean estimation 180–181
proportion estimation 181
Student’s t distribution 160–162, 161f, 162b, 194, 194f, 1162–1163t
Student’s t-test 220–221, 220f, 221b
independent random samples 224–225b, 225f, 225t
bilateral test 223, 224f
degrees of freedom 224
SPSS Software 225–226, 226–227f
Stata Software 227, 227f
single sample 
SPSS Software 221, 222–223f
Stata Software 221–222, 223f
two paired random samples 228–229t, 228–229b, 229f
bilateral test 228, 228f
normal distribution 227
null hypothesis 227
SPSS Software 229–230, 230–231f
Stata Software 231, 231f
Sum of squares due to regression (SSR) 451
Systematic sampling 172, 172b


Three-level hierarchical linear model, repeated measures 987, 989, 990f, 990t
IBM SPSS Statistics Software 
linear trend model with random intercepts and slopes 1042–1045, 1043f, 1045f, 1046t
null model 1040, 1041f, 1042
Stata Software 
dataset characteristics 1015, 1015t, 1016f
linear trend model, random intercepts 1020–1023, 1021–1023f
linear trend model, random intercepts and slopes 1023–1027, 1024–1025f, 1027–1028f
null model 1018–1020, 1019f
outputs 1015, 1016f
random effects variance-covariance matrix 1027–1032, 1029–1032f
students’ average school performance 1016–1017, 1017f
temporal evolution 1015–1018, 1016f, 1018f
Total sum of squares (TSS) 451
Transhipment problem (TSP) 
intermediate transhipment points 860–862
mathematical formulation 862–866, 862f, 864–865f, 864t, 864–866b
stages 860–862
transportation unit cost 862
Transportation algorithm 846f
balanced transportation model 846, 846b
elementary operations 847
iteration 854
minimum cost method 849, 850–851t, 850–852b
northwest corner method 847, 848–849t, 848–850b, 854–856b
optimality test 853
vogel approximation method 851, 852–854b, 852–853t
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) 898–899t, 898–900b, 899f
Excel Solver 901f, 902, 902b, 903–904f
formulations 896–901
Hamiltonian problem 896, 898f
network programming 896
Tree structure 837, 837f
t-test 457–459, 474
coefficients and significance 459, 461f
significance levels 460, 461f
Two-level hierarchical linear model, clustered data 987–988, 989t, 989f
IBM SPSS Statistics Software 
complete final model 1038–1040, 1039f
random intercepts and slopes model 1037–1038, 1038f
random intercepts model 1036, 1037f
Stata Software 
adaptive quadrature process 1005
best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPS) 1005
complete random intercepts model 1011–1014, 1012–1014f
dataset characteristics 998, 999f, 999t
generalized linear latent and mixed model (GLLAMM) 1005
maximum likelihood estimation 1005
ordinary Gauss-Hermite quadrature 1005
random intercepts and slopes model 1006–1011, 1007–1011f
random intercepts model 1004–1005, 1004f, 1006f
students’ average performance per school 998, 1000–1001f
unbalanced clustered data structure 998, 1000f
Two-stage cluster sampling 174, 175b
sample size 183, 185–186, 186–187t, 186b
Two-way ANOVA 937


U chart 970, 971f
Uniform distribution 151–152, 151t, 152f, 152b
Uniform stratified sampling 173
Union 127, 128f
Univariate descriptive statistics 22f
Add-ins dialog box 68, 70f
Data Analysis dialog box 69, 71f
dataset 68, 68f
Data tab 69, 71f
descriptive statistics 69, 72f
Descriptive Statistics dialog box 69, 71f
Excel Options dialog box 68, 70f
File tab 68, 69f
frequency distribution tables 21
calculations 22
continuous data 24–25, 25b, 25t
definition 22
discrete data 23–24, 23–24b, 23–24t
qualitative variables 22–23, 22–23b, 22–23t
IBM SPSS Statistics Software 69–72
dataset 72, 72f
Descriptives Option 74–76, 77–78f
Explore Option 77–83, 79–82f
Frequencies Option 72–74, 73–76f
qualitative variables 
bar charts 21, 26–27, 26t, 26–27b, 27f
Pareto chart 21, 28–30, 29t, 29–30b, 30f
pie charts 21, 27–28, 28b, 28t, 28f
quantitative variables 
boxplots/box-and-whisker diagram 21, 37–38, 37f
line graphs 21, 30–31, 30t, 30–31b, 31f
scatter plot 21, 31–32, 31–32b, 31t, 32f
stem-and-leaf plots 21, 34–37, 35–36t, 35–37b, 36–37f
boxplot 86–87, 87f
frequency distribution table 83–84, 83f
histograms 85–86, 86f
percentiles calculation 85, 85f
stem-and-leaf plot 86, 86f
summary 84, 84f
summary measures 
dispersion/variability 21 See also Dispersion/variability measures
position/location 21 See also Position/location measures
shape 21 See also Shape measures


definition 7
descriptive statistics 17
Likert scale 17
types 7, 8f
metric/quantitative 8, 9t, 9f See also Quantitative variables
nonmetric/qualitative 7–8, 8t See also Nonmetric/qualitative variables
scales of measurement 9–15, 10f
Stevens classification 9
continuous data 58–59, 58–59b, 59t
continuous random variable 140, 140b
definition 57
discrete random variable 138, 138t, 138b
grouped discrete data 57–58, 58b, 58t
ungrouped discrete and continuous data 57, 57b
Varimax orthogonal rotation method 397, 416, 416f
Venix Toys 779–783, 780b, 780–784f, 784b
Vertical bar charts 26, 27f
Vogel approximation method 851, 852–854b, 852–853t
Vuong test correction 696, 696f


Wald z test 550–551
Weighted arithmetic mean 39–40, 39–40t, 39–40b
Weighted least squares model 490
Stata, regression models estimation 506–507
Weighted rank-sum criterion 408, 409t
White test 505, 506f
Wilcoxon test 1180–1184t
two paired samples 270–276, 272–273t, 272–274b, 273–276f


Yule similarity coefficient 323


Zero-inflated regression models 692b
Bernoulli distribution 691
logarithmic likelihood function 691
quantitative variable 690
sampling zeros 691
negative binomial regression model 697–703, 698–703f
Poisson regression model 693–697, 693–697f
structural zeros 691
Zero-order correlation coefficients 387–388
Z-scores 427–428
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