

  • air-handling units (AHU)
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • ALC
  • artificial neural networks (ANN)
  • automatic relevance determination (ARD)
  • auto-regressive
    • integrated moving average (ARIMA)
    • integrated moving average with eXtra inputs (ARIMAX)
    • model with eXtra inputs (ARX)

B, C

  • back propagation through time (BPTT)
  • building technology, state and community program (BTS)
  • classification and regression trees (CART)
  • content-based image retrieval (CBIR)
  • correlation coefficient (CC)
  • conditional demand analysis (CDA)
  • COP

D, E, F

  • department of energy (DOE)
  • energy information administration (EIA)
  • empirical risk minimization (ERM)
  • energy supplier survey (ESS)
  • fault detection and diagnosis (FDD)
  • FEC
  • feature selection (FS)

G, H, I

  • GPU
  • household energy end-use project (HEEP)
  • heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
  • indoor air quality (IAQ)
  • independent component analysis (ICA)
  • incomplete Cholesky factorization (ICF)
  • intermediate neurons (IN)

K, L

  • Karush-Kuhn-Tucher (KKT)
  • kernel logistic regression (KLR)
  • K-nearest-neighbor (KNN)
  • KPCA
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LGP)
  • Libsvm


  • MapReduce
  • multi-layer perceptrons (MLP)
  • message passing interface (MPI)
    • communicator
    • datatypes
    • derived data type
    • function
    • implementation
    • parallel support vector machines
    • point-to-point function
    • process
  • MapReduce parallel SVM (MRPsvm)
  • mean squared error (MSE)

N, P, Q

  • number of support vectors (nSV)
  • principle component analysis (PCA)
  • PSVM
  • quadratic problem (QP)

R, S

  • radial basis function (RBF)
  • recursive deterministic perceptron (RDP)
  • regression, gradient guided feature selection (RGS)
  • recurrent neural networks (RNN)
  • squared correlation coefficient (SCC)
  • sequential minimal optimization (SMO)
  • structural risk minimization (SRM)
  • support vectors (SV)
  • support vector classification (SVC)
  • support vector machines (SVM)
    • 1-norm
    • algorithms
    • application
    • choosing parameters
    • classification
    • dual form
    • extensive
    • four-layer classifier
    • general
    • implementation
    • inductive
    • large scale
    • multi-class
    • multi-layer
    • one-class
    • parallel
    • parallel implementation
    • prediction
    • primal form
    • SVM QP
    • training
    • transductive
    • two-class
    • two-pairs
  • SVM-Light
  • support vector regression (SVR)

T, V

  • TRaNsient SYstem simulation program (TRNSYS)
  • variable air volume (VAV)
  • Vapnik Chervonenkis (VC)
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