To get, ask


When you need help implementing a project, the way to get is to ask

Being a pioneer can be lonely. If you look closely at the people who have had a significant impact in their fields, you’ll find it’s very seldom they did it alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – even from unusual sources.

Advertising legend George Lois dared to ask. In fact, that’s how he saved MTV. After its first year of operation, it was failing because cable operators in the US refused to carry it. He created commercials that ended with the announcer saying, ‘If you don’t get MTV where you live, call your cable operator and say…’ and then Mick Jagger (or Pete Townshend or Pat Benatar) shouted into a telephone: ‘I WANT MY MTV!!!’

Lois told me, ‘In each city, thousands called moments after viewing the commercial and screamed for their MTV! Within months, MTV was in 80 per cent of all households.’

On a separate piece of paper write down what you want. Then brainstorm who might be able to help you get it. Here are some possible choices (hint: think what you can give as well as what you want to get):

  • customers (or customers once-removed, as with the MTV example)
  • suppliers
  • colleagues
  • family members
  • competitors (can you find common ground for a win–win?)
  • someone famous who uses your product or service
  • friends
  • businesses that have similar customers but are not your competitors
  • the media.

Who is most likely to be able to help you? List them by name, position or description.

Finally, brainstorm how you can motivate them to do it (George Lois did it by using rock superstars). Here are some good motivators (to be used ethically, of course):

  • payment
  • flattery – how can helping you make them look good?
  • win–win deals
  • just asking
  • reciprocal favours
  • recognition (certificates, public thanks)
  • association with something worthy
  • association with celebrities.

Go back to your list of possible helpers. How could you motivate each of them? With the right help, almost anything is possible. Start asking!


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