When you have a good idea – keep going!


Settling for the first good idea you have stops you from having a better one

It’s tempting to stop as soon as you come up with a good idea. However, if you keep going, you might come up with an even better one.

One way to make sure you don’t stop is to set yourself a minimum number of ideas to generate in a given time. Set yourself a high standard – remember, they don’t all have to be good ideas (anyway, you’re not judging at this point, remember?) and write down everything as quickly as you can.

A good target is 50 ideas in 15 minutes. The pressure to keep coming up with more ideas helps you gain momentum. And even if idea number 10 seems like the perfect solution, carry on.

When you’re ready to evaluate the ideas, instead of choosing just one, choose at least three finalists, even if you’re already pretty sure that one of them is the best by far.

Then have an additional brainstorming session of at least 5 minutes for each of the three final ideas, trying to come up with variations that could make it better.

Finally, pick the best ideas from those sessions, and evaluate the three solutions again – you may find that now a different one comes out ahead.


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