Final Words of Encouragement

DEAR READER, CREATOR, ARTIST, spark of the universe: Remember that you are a glorious expression of the universe. I know it doesn’t always feel like it, and things can be tough sometimes, but treat yourself with deep compassion, love, and kindness, if you can. If your creative journey is hard and you’re not quite making paintings that you like yet, give yourself time; you require practice. Keep going—you can do this. Enjoy the journey. Focus less on the outcome and more on the process. If you dislike much of what you’re creating, go back to the creative things that gave you joy (follow your bliss), even if it’s just that one color against the other color. (I recommend just color blocking deep pink magenta against vibrant bright teal—my happy place!) Don’t compare your work to other people’s work. You have your own unique, beautiful, shining voice. Your story and your voice matter. You are worthy, loved, and needed. Stick with yourself—you’re what it’s all about.

Do not believe in failure. Think of Thomas Edison, who said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” How’s that for an awesome reframe? Be good to yourself, precious soul.

Whatever you do, don’t stop. Don’t give up on yourself or your creative journey. The world is waiting for you and your voice. I believe in you!

Life Book Manifesto

This is the manifesto given to Life Book students who take the online course. Now you’re a student too, so it applies to you!


You are welcome to be your own, authentic self. We celebrate your shadow and your light. You can shine big and bright, or you can quietly sit at the back of the room. No matter how you show up, you are loved, you are worthy, you are glorious, and you are welcome. Your art is valued and appreciated. When you create art, we see your soul speaking; we see it reaching out, expressing itself. Your nature is creative, and we will provide a safe space for you to explore your artistic yearnings. Your art matters. Your story matters. You matter. On Life Book, it is safe to make mistakes, to dance like no one is watching, to play, to make messy art, to be crazy happy, to blow bubbles, to sing out of tune, to cry, to fumble around, to giggle-snort, to laugh out loud, to be wild, and to find yourself. It is safe to be who you need to be. On Life Book, we encourage our fellow creative friends on their personal and artistic paths. We look to become our own superheroes and our own best friends. We celebrate our positive qualities, we celebrate our triumphs, and we allow space for mourning and grief. We feel our feelings. We lean into discomfort and see where it takes us. We honor our inner world. We sit down with sadness. We sit in the fire and we rise again, like the phoenix. We keep an open mind and heart. We strive to be kind to ourselves and to love ourselves more deeply. We befriend our inner critic so that she may become less critical of us. We dance with our angels; we dance with our demons. We breathe, we dive, and we stand strong. On Life Book, you can play like a child! You can blow bubbles, fling glitter, and jump in muddy puddles. You can dye your hair blue or pink, and you can revel in your paint-stained hands. Wear odd socks, stripy stockings, bear hats, or rainbow nail polish; it’s all celebrated here! There are no shoulds or musts, just a gentle encouragement to follow the path that leads you to joy, freedom, kindness, and inner peace. On Life Book, we say yes, we follow our bliss, and we show up without apologizing. We make miracles happen, dance in the rain, and run wild and free. We follow our dreams, but treasure the beauty of the now. We strive to be the change we want to see in the world and to become better versions of ourselves by exploring our inner worlds through our creative practice. We share our hearts, we fly high, and we are true to ourselves and each other. On Life Book, we are artists. We honor you.

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