300 Core Software Security
which to architect. These may also be used as a training and mentorship
basis. McGraw’s principles are
1. Secure the weakest link.
2. Defend in depth.
3. Fail securely.
4. Grant least privilege.
5. Separate privileges.
6. Economize mechanisms.
7. Do not share mechanisms.
8. Be reluctant to trust.
9. Assume your secrets are not safe.
10. Mediate completely.
11. Make security usable.
12. Promote privacy.
13. Use your resources.
An in-depth discussion of these principles is beyond the scope of this
work. Security practitioners will likely already be familiar with most if
not all of them. We cite them as an example of how to seed an architec-
ture practice. From whatever principles you choose to adopt, architecture
patterns will emerge. For instance, hold in your mind “Be reluctant to
trust” and “Assume your secrets are not safe” while we consider a classic
problem. When an assessor encounters configuration files on permanent
storage the first time, it may be surprising to consider these an attack vec-
tor, that the routines to read and parse the files are an attack surface. One
is tempted to ask, “Arent these private to the program?” Not necessarily.
One must consider what protections are applied to keep attackers from
using the files as a vector to deliver an exploit and payload. There are two
security controls at a minimum:
1. Carefully set permissions on configuration files such that only the
intended application may read and write the files.
2. Rigorously validate all inputted data read from a configuration file
before using the input data for any purpose in a program. This, of
course, suggests fuzz testing these inputs to assure the input validation.
Once encountered, or perhaps after a few encounters, these two pat-
terns become a standard that assessors will begin to catch every time
Applying the SDL Framework to the Real World 301
as they threat model. These patterns start to seem “cut and dried.”* If
configuration files are used consistently across a portfolio, a standard
can be written from the pattern. Principles lead to patterns, which then
can be standardized.
Each of these dicta engenders certain patterns and suggests certain
types of controls that will apply to those patterns. These patterns can
then be applied across relevant systems. As architects gain experience,
they will likely write standards whose patterns apply to all systems of a
particular class.
In order to catch subtle variations, the best tool we have used is peer
review. If there is any doubt or uncertainty on the part of the assessor,
institute a system of peer review of the assessment or threat model.
Using basic security principles as a starting point, coupled to strong
mentorship, a security architecture and design expertise can be built over
time. The other ingredient that you will need is a methodology for cal-
culating risk.
Generally, in our experience, information security risk
is not well
understood. Threats become risks; vulnerabilities are equated to risk in
isolation. Often, the very worst impact on any system, under any possible
set of circumstances, is assumed. This is done rather than carefully inves-
tigating just how a particular vulnerability might be exposed to which
type of threat. And if exercised, what might be the likely impact of the
exploit? We have seen very durable server farm installations that took
great care to limit the impact of many common Web vulnerabilities such
that the risk of allowing these vulnerabilities to be deployed was quite
limited. Each part (term) of a risk calculation must be taken into account;
in practice, we find that, unfortunately, a holistic approach is not taken
when calculating risk.
A successful software security practice will spend time training risk
assessment techniques and then building or adopting a methodology that
* Overly standardizing has its own danger: Assessors can begin to miss subtleties that lie
outside the standards. For the foreseeable future, assessment and threat modeling will
continue to be an art that requires human intelligence to do thoroughly. Beware the
temptation to attempt to standardize everything, and thus, attempt to take the expert
out of the process. While this may be a seductive vision, it will likely lead to misses
which lead to vulnerabilities.
Information security risk calculation is beyond the scope of this chapter. Please see
the Open Groups adoption of the FAIR methodology.
302 Core Software Security
is lightweight enough to be performed quickly and often, but thorough
enough that decision makers have adequate risk information.
9.4 Testing
Designing and writing software is a creative, innovative art, which also
involves a fair amount of personal discipline. The tension between creativity
and discipline is especially true when trying to produce vulnerability-free
code whose security implementations are correct. Mistakes are inevitable.
It is key that the SDL security testing approach be thorough; testing is
the linchpin of the defense in depth of your SDL. Test approaches must
overlap. Since no one test approach can deliver all the required assurance,
using approaches that overlap each other helps to ensure completeness,
good coverage both of the code as well as all the types of vulnerabilities
that can creep in. Figure 9.11 describes the high-level types of testing
approaches contained in the SDL. In our experience, test methodologies
are also flawed and available tools are far from perfect. It’s important not
to put all ones security assurance “eggs” into one basket.
Based on a broad level of use cases across many different types of pro-
jects utilizing many of the commercial and free tools available, most of
Figure 9.11 Complete test suite.
Applying the SDL Framework to the Real World 303
the comprehensive commercial tools are nontrivial to learn, configure,
and use. Because testing personnel become proficient in a subset of avail-
able tools, there can be a tendency to rely on each testers tool expertise
as opposed to building a holistic program. We have seen one team using
a hand-tailored approach (attack and penetration), while the next team
runs a couple of language- and platform-specific freeware tools, next to a
team who are only running static analysis, or only a dynamic tool. Each
of these approaches is incomplete; each is likely to miss important issues.
Following are our suggestions for applying the right tool to the right set
of problems, at a minimum.
As noted previously, we believe that static analysis belongs within the
heart of your SDL. We use it as a part of the developers’ code writing
process rather than as a part of the formal test plan. Please see the first
section for more information about the use of static analysis in the SDL.
9.4.1 Functional Testing
Each aspect of the security features and controls must be tested to ensure
that they work correctly, as designed. This may be obvious, but it is
important to include this aspect of the security test plan in any SDL.
We have seen project teams and quality personnel claim that since the
security feature was not specifically included in the test plan, testing
was not required and hence was not performed. As irresponsible as this
response may seem to security professionals, some people only execute
what is in the plan, while others creatively try to cover what is needed.
When building an SDL task list, clarity is useful for everyone; every step
must be specified.
The functional test suite is a direct descendant of the architecture and
design. Each security requirement must be thoroughly proved to have
been designed and then built. Each feature, security or otherwise, must
be thoroughly tested to prove that it works as designed. Describing a set
of functional tests is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, we will
suggest that using several approaches builds a reliable proof.
Does it work as expected?
Test the corner and edge cases to prove that these are handled appro-
priately and do not disturb the expected functionality.
Test abuse cases; for inputs, these will be fuzzing tests.
304 Core Software Security
Basically, the tests must check the precise behavior as specified. That
is, turn the specification into a test case: When a user attempts to load a
protected page, is there an authentication challenge? When correct login
information is input, is the challenge satisfied? When invalid credentials
are offered, is authentication denied?
Corner cases are the most difficult. These might be tests of default
behavior or behavior that is not explicitly specified. In our authentication
case, if a page does not choose protection, is the default for the Web server
followed? If the default is configurable, try both binary defaults: No page
is protected versus all pages are protected.
Other corner cases for this example might be to test invalid user and
garbage IDs against the authentication, or to try to replay session tokens.
Session tokens typically have a time-out. What happens if the clock on
the browser is different than the clock at the server? Is the token still valid,
or does it expire en route? Each of these behaviors might happen to a typi-
cal user, but wont be usual.
Finally, and most especially for security features, many features will be
attacked. In other words, whatever can be abused is likely to be abused.
An attacker will pound on a login page, attempting brute-force discovery
of legal passwords. Not only should a test plan include testing of any lock-
out feature, the test plan should also be able to uncover any weaknesses in
the ability to handle multiple, rapid logins without failing or crashing the
application or the authentication service.
In our experience, most experienced quality people will understand “as
designed” testing, as well as corner cases. Abuse cases, however, may be a
new concept that will need support, training, perhaps mentorship.
9.4.2 Dynamic Testing
Dynamic testing refers to executing the source code and seeing how
it performs with specific inputs. All validation activities come in this
category where execution of the program is essential.
Dynamic tests are tests run against the executing program. In the security
view, dynamic testing is generally performed from the perspective of the
attacker. In the purest sense of the term, any test which is run against
the executing program is “dynamic.This includes vulnerability scans,
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