Design and Development (A4): SDL Activities and Best Practices 191
that the data is traced back to its source, and trust is assigned based on
the weakest link.
There are other lists of questions that should be considered. Some of
these are organized into sets of key areas based on the implementation
mistakes that result in the most common software vulnerabilities relevant
to the software product or solution being developed, also called hotspots.
These questions are typically developed by the software security architect
and revolve around the last top 10–20 CVE or OWASP “Top 10” lists
described earlier in the book.
A review for security issues unique to the architecture should also be
conducted as part of the manual security review process. This step is par-
ticularly important if the software product uses a custom security mecha-
nism or has features to mitigate known security threats. During this step,
the list of code review objectives is also examined for anything that has
not yet been reviewed. Here, too, a question-driven approach such as the
following list will be useful, as the final code review step to verify that
the security features and requirements that are unique to your software
architecture have been met.
Does your architecture include a custom security implementation? A
custom security implementation is a great place to look for security
issues for these reasons:
It has already been recognized that a security problem exists,
which is why the custom security code was written in the first
Unlike other areas of the product, a functional issue is very likely
to result in security vulnerability.
Are there known threats that have been specifically mitigated? Code
that mitigates known threats needs to be carefully reviewed for prob-
lems that could be used to circumvent the mitigation.
Are there unique roles in the application? The use of roles assumes that
there are some users with lower privileges than others. Make sure
that there are no problems in the code that could allow one role to
assume the privileges of another.
We would like to reiterate that it is not an either/or proposition
between different types of security testing. For a product to be secure, it
should go through all types of security testing—static analysis, dynamic
analysis, manual code review, penetration testing, and fuzzing. Often,
192 Core Software Security
trade-offs are made during the development cycle due to time constraints
or deadlines, and testing is skipped as a product is rushed to market. This
might save some time and a product may be released a few weeks/months
sooner. However, this is an expensive proposition from a ROI point of
view. Further, security problems found after a product is released can
cause a lot of damage to customers and the brand name of the company.
6.5 Key Success Factors
Success of this fourth phase of the SDL depends on review of policy com-
pliance, security test case execution, completion of different types of secu-
rity testing, and validation of privacy requirements. Table 6.1 lists key
success factors for this phase.
Table 6.1 Key Success Factors
Key Success Factor Description
1. Security test case execution Coverage of all relevant test cases
2. Security testing Completion of all types of security
testing and remediation of problems
3. Privacy validation and remediation Effectiveness of privacy-related
controls and remediation of any
issues found
4. Policy compliance review Updates for policy compliance as
related to Phase 4
Success Factor 1: Security Test Case Execution
Refer to Section 6.2 for details on success criteria for security test execu-
tion plan.
Success Factor 2: Security Testing
It is critical to complete all types of security testing—manual code
review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, penetration testing, and fuzzing.
Issues found during each type of testing should be evaluated for risk and
prioritized. Any security defect with medium or higher severity should
be remediated before a product is released or deployed. Defects with
Design and Development (A4): SDL Activities and Best Practices 193
low severity should not be ignored but should be put on a roadmap for
remediation as soon as possible.
Success Factor 3: Privacy Validation and Remediation
Validation of privacy issues should be part of security test plans and secu-
rity testing. However, it is a good idea to have a separate workstream to
assess effectiveness of controls in the product as related to privacy. Any
issues identified should be prioritized and remediated before the product
is released or deployed.
Success Factor 4: Policy Compliance Review (Updates)
If any additional policies are identified or previously identified policies
have been updated since analysis was performed in Phase 3, updates should
be reviewed and changes to the product should be planned accordingly.
6.6 Deliverables
Table 6.2 lists deliverables for this phase of the SDL.
Security Test Execution Report
The execution report should provide status on security tests executed and
frequency of tests. The report should also provide information on the
number of re-tests performed to validate remediation of issues.
Table 6.2 Deliverables for Phase A4
Deliverable Goal
Security test execution report Review progress against identified security
test cases
Updated policy compliance
Analysis of adherence to company policies
Privacy compliance report Validation that recommendations from
privacy assessment have been implemented
Security testing reports Findings from different types of security
Remediation report Provide status on security posture of
194 Core Software Security
Updated Policy Compliance Analysis
Policy compliance analysis artifacts (see Chapters 4 and 5) should be
updated based on any new requirements or policies that might have come
up during this phase of the SDL.
Privacy Compliance Report
The privacy compliance report should provide progress against privacy
requirements provided in earlier phases. Any outstanding requirement
should be implemented as soon as possible. It is also prudent to assess
any changes in laws/regulations to identify (and put on a roadmap) any
new requirements.
Security Testing Reports
A findings summary should be prepared for each type of security testing:
manual code review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, penetration testing,
and fuzzing. The reports should provide the type and number of issues
identified as well as any consistent theme that can be derived from the
findings. For example, if there are far fewer XSS issues in one component
of the application compared to another, it could be because developers
in the former were better trained or implemented the framework more
effectively. Such feedback should be looped back into earlier stages of the
SDL during the next release cycle.
Remediation Report
A remediation report/dashboard should be prepared and updated regu-
larly from this stage. The purpose of this report is to showcase the security
posture and risk of the product at a technical level.
6.7 Metrics
The following metrics should be collected during this phase of the SDL
(some of these may overlap metrics we discussed earlier).
Percent compliance with company policies (updated)
Percent of compliance in Phase 3 versus Phase 4
Design and Development (A4): SDL Activities and Best Practices 195
Number of lines of code tested effectively with static analysis tools
Number of security defects found through static analysis tools
Number of high-risk defects found through static analysis tools
Defect density (security issues per 1000 lines of code)
• Number and types of security issues found through static analysis,
dynamic analysis, manual code review, penetration testing, and
Overlap of security issues found through different types of testing
Comparison of severity of findings from different types of testing
Mapping of findings to threats/risks identified earlier
Number of security findings remediated
Severity of findings
Time spent (approximate) in hours to remediate findings
Number, types, and severity of findings outstanding
Percentage compliance with security test plan
Number of security test cases executed
Number of findings from security test case execution
Number of re-tests executed
6.8 Chapter Summary
During our discussion of the design and development (A4) phase, we
described the process for successful test case execution, the process of
proper code review through the use of both automated tools and manual
review, and the process for privacy validation and remediation to be con-
ducted during this phase of the SDL. Perhaps the most important pro-
cesses and procedures described in this chapter are those that provide the
ability to effectively and efficiently test, tune, and remediate all known
and discovered vulnerabilities, and to ensure that secure coding policies
have been followed which provide the necessary security and privacy vul-
nerability protections before moving on to the product ship (A5) phase
of the SDL.
1. Kaner, C. (2008, April). A Tutorial in Exploratory Testing, p. 36. Available at http://
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