1.10. JPython and Some Nomenclature

As we mentioned in the previous section, a Python interpreter completely (re)written in Java called JPython is currently available. Although there are still minor differences between both interpreters, they are very similar and provide a comparable startup environment.

What are the advantages of JPython? JPython…

  • Can run (almost) anywhere a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be found

  • Provides access to Java packages and class libraries

  • Furnishes a scripting environment for Java development

  • Enables ease-of-testing for Java class libraries

  • Matches object-oriented programming environments

  • Delivers JavaBeans property and introspection ability

  • Encourages Python-to-Java development (and vice versa)

  • Gives GUI developers access to Java AWT/Swing libraries

  • Utilizes Java's native garbage collector (so CPython's was not implemented)

A full treatment of JPython is beyond the scope of this text, but there is a good amount of information online. JPython is still an ongoing development project, so keep an eye out for new features.

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