Chapter 5. Developing with JDO

“If debugging is the art of removing bugs, then programming must be the art of inserting them.”


Becoming proficient with using JDO to build applications requires a thorough understanding of the JDO concepts as well as all the classes and interfaces defined in the javax.jdo and javax.jdo.spi packages. In this chapter, we explore these concepts in greater detail and look at all the classes and APIs defined by the JDO specification.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • JDO concepts.

  • The names, roles, and relationships for all the JDO interfaces and classes.

  • Explanation for each method defined by the PersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManager, Transaction, Extent, Query, and InstanceCallbacks interfaces.

  • An overview of the JDO exception classes.

  • Explanation for each method defined by the JDOHelper and I18NHelper classes.

  • An overview of the classes and interfaces in the service provider interface package.

The examples for this chapter can be downloaded from the Internet at and are located in the com.corejdo.examples chapter 5 package; you can also use the persistence-capable classes contained in the com/corejdo/examples/model directory.

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