15.3. Use-case Package

This package contains the implementation of the application use-cases. It uses an abstract base class based on the command pattern that implements common methods for all transactions and defines an abstract execute method. Each use-case class extends this abstract class and implements the execute method.

15.3.1. AbstractUserCase class

The base class for the use-cases implements the basic methods to get the PersistenceManagerFactory and PersistenceManager instances, begin and commit transactions, and handle exceptions. PerstistenceManagerFactory bootstrapping

As shown in earlier chapters, PersistenceManagerFactory bootstrapping can be done using a singleton pattern and reading properties from a file to avoid hard coding connection or JDO implementation specific details.

 * Creates or returns a JDO factory.
 * The properties are loaded
 * from a file.
public static PersistenceManagerFactory
  getPersistenceManagerFactory() {

    if (pmf == null) {

      String filename =

      if (filename == null) {

        throw new JDOFatalUserException(
          "System property 'jdo.properties' not defined");

      Properties properties = new Properties();

      try {

        FileInputStream file =
          new FileInputStream(filename);



        pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(

      catch (java.io.IOException e) {

        throw new JDOFatalUserException(
          "Error reading '" + filename + "'",
    return pmf;
  } Obtaining the PersistenceManager

This method uses a singleton pattern to maintain a reference to a PersistenceManager instance for a given use-case instance.

 * Creates or returns a PersistenceManager.
 * If a servlet helper is associated with
 * the current use case, a persistence manager
 * may be taken from the helper object.
PersistenceManager getPM()
    if (currentPersistenceManager == null) {
        currentPersistenceManager =
    return currentPersistenceManager;
} Closing the PersistenceManager

This method releases the singleton PersistenceManager instance at the end of the use-case.

 * Called by outside application management.
 * In case of servlets, this method is called
 * on session timeout.
 * The command line version calls this method
 * at system exit.
void close()
    if (currentPersistenceManager != null) {
        currentPersistenceManager = null;
} Execute use-case

This method runs the use-case; it gets the PersistenceManager instance, begins a transaction, and then calls the internal execute method to run the use-case. It then commits the transaction and handles any exceptions. If an exception is caught, the transaction is rolled back.

 * This method creates a transaction context,
 * starts the transaction
 * and commits all work, after the <tt>_execute</tt>
 * method has been
 * successfully invoked. If the subclass throws
 * an exception, the transaction is aborted.
public final void execute()
    if (!isAllowed())
       throw new UseCaseException("Not allowed.");
    boolean active = true;
    try {
        active = false;
    finally {
        if (active) {
            try {
                active = false;
            catch (JDOUserException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace() ;

15.3.2. AddBooks use-case

This first use-case is straightforward; it creates a new Book instance and makes it persistent.

Package com.corejdo.casestudy.usecase;

import com.corejdo.casestudy.model.Book;
import com.corejdo.casestudy.model.User;
import com.corejdo.casestudy.tools.CmdLine;

import java.util.Date ;
import java.text.DateFormat ;
import java.text.ParseException;

 * This class adds a book to the library.
 * It implements a bean pattern, which can
 * be used simply in the JSP.

public class AddBook
    extends AbstractUseCase
     * This is the book that gets inserted.
     * While it is transient, we
     * can set and get values directly.
    Book book = new Book();

    public AddBook()

    public void setISBN(String ISBN)
        book.ISBN = ISBN;
    public void setAuthor(String author)
        book.author = author;
    public void setCopyright(String copyright)
        book.copyright = copyright;
    public void setPublished(String published)
        book.published = parseDate(published);
    public void setFirstPublished(String firstPublished)
        book.firstPublished = parseDate(firstPublished);

    public void setTitle(String title)
        book.title = title;

     * Adds a book via command line.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new AddBook().runCmdLine(args);

    protected void runCmdLine(String[] args) {
                 "Author","Heiko Bobzin"));
                 "Copyright","© 2003 Prentice H"ll"));
        String now = new Date().toString();
              "  "Publishing d"te",now));
              "  "First publishing d"te",now));

    private Date parseDate(String d)
        try {
            return DateFormat.getInstance().parse(d);
        catch (ParseException e)
            throw new RuntimeExcepti"n("Illegal dat": "+d);

    public boolean isAllowed()
        return getContext().userRights.canManage();

    protected void _execute()
        // this is a really simple operation:
        User user = getUser();
        book.insertedBy = user;
        // set for next insert:
        book = new Book();

    public String getFirstPublished()
        return new Date().toString();
    public String getPublished()
        return new Date().toString();

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