

Accentlighting, 50, 315

Accomodation, 308

AC/DC, 184

Acid rock bands, 5

ACL, see Aircraft landing light

ACN, see Architecture for Control Networks

Action notations, 64

Actors'Equity Association( AEA), 101

ADB Lighting Technologies, 169170

AEA, see Actors'EquityAssociation

Aguilera, Christina, 85, 9697

Aircraft cable, 140, 315, see also Wire rope

Aircraft landing light (ACL) definition, 315 festivals, 237 Morpheus Lights, 163 in PAR, 192

Air Deck, 144145

Airgraphics, 213, 315

Airlifts, 143144

Airlight, 48, 213, 315

Akasaki, Isamu, 171

Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers(AMPTP), 24

Altman, Charlie, 191

Altman, Robert, 303

Altman, Ronnie, 191

Altman Stage Lighting, 177178, 191

Amano, Hiroshi, 171

American Graffiti, 4

American Music Awards, 19, 303

Amphitheatres, 1112, 239240, 263

AMPTP, see Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers

Ancillary enablers, 220222

Ann–Margaret, 87

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) definition, 315 DMX protocol, 219 industry certifications, 24 seismic concerns, 9899 smoke, 213 truss engineering, 136

Antari, 215

Appice, Vinny, 251

Archdale, Nick, 114

Arched roof, 153

Architecture for Control Networks (ACN), 219220

Arena characteristics, 41

Arena Hazer, 215

Arie Crown Theatre, 41

Arrow Rock Festival, 238

Art Beats, 189

Artfag LLC, 50, 196

Arthur Brown, 7

Artist contributions Gil Moore, 298301 idea rejection, 292 Kevin Cronin, 293295 needs, 291 relationships, 292 Ronnie James Dio, 295298 social engagement, 291292

Artistic style, 45

Artist's manager duties, 17

Artist's requirements preproduction, 4243 rider requirements, 33

Art-Net, 211, 315

Asia touring, 8286

Asolo Playhouse, 257258

Atmospheric effects amphitheatres, 240 standards, 213 A Tale of Two Cities, 259

Audience blinders, 196197

Audience lighting, 307308

Audiovisual specialist duties, 22

AutoCAD, 225, 227

Auto-Plot, 230

Avab systems, 117

Avolite Art dimmer rock, 124

Avolite Diamond console, 114

Avolite Diamond 4 Simulator, 232

Avolite Q M-500, 112

Avolite Stage Visualizer, 232

Axon Media Server, 188


Babyboom, 3

Background, 306307

Backlight, 55, 57, 315

Backline technicians duties, 20

Bad Boy, 168169

Badger, Jason, 278

Bahnick, John, 268

Balance, 305306

The Band, 303

Bandit Lights, 78

Barco, 10, 186, 315

Barrel House club, 4

Barton, Nick, 269

Basie, Count, 3

Batman, 161

Bayliss, Tim, 114

Beam projectors, 49, 196

The Beauty of Light(Bova), 51

Belafonte, Harry, 5

Bell, Robert, 260

Beller, Andy, 269

Belliveau, Richard, 166, 184

Berkey-Colortran, Inc., 207

Berry, Jake, 89

Big Bopper, 73

Big Brother, 56

Big Lite, 201

Bill Graham Presents, 6, 9

Blacklights, 206

Black Sabbath, 7, 247, 252

Bleasdale, Richard, 267268

Blimp, 129

Blind, 115

Blues for Moondog, 4

Boardwalk Hall( Atlantic City), 9697

Bob Dylan and the Band, 8

Body of knowledge (BOK), 25

Bon Jovi, 44, 76, 85, 303

Boost, 129

Bornhorst, Jim, 159

Boston Garden, 8

Bova, Ben, 51

Bowie, David, 76

Box truss, 133134, 147, 315

Brant, Doug, 50

Break-in boxes, 127

Break-out boxes, 126127

Brickman, Marc, 19

Bridle, 139, 150, 315

Brigham Gelatin Company, 207

BriteBurst 2000E, 200

British bands, 7

Broadway shows designer advice, 255261, 285, 288289 ellipsoidal luminaires, 83 follow spots, 70 hall types, 41 lighting styles, 52 moving luminaires, 161, 245 risk assessment, 87 theatre consoles, 117 Vector Works, 54

Brown United roofs, 153, 155

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 49, 61, 270280

Brutsche, Rusty, 159

Buck, 129

Buckley, Tim, 6

Budget artist'side as, 299 designc onsiderations, 282284 Heaven and Hell, 248, 251 In Rainbows, 263 preproduction, 42 small production, 36 A Tale of Two Cities, 258

Budokan(Japan), 82, 84

Business considerations authorized representative, 32 company employee, 28 contract rider, 3233 contracts, 3132 crew contracting, 32 direct contact, 2829 equipment costs, 3031 follow-up, 3435 freelance work, 2728 income, 29 international touring ethics, 86 per diem, 2930 promoters and riders, 3536 rider importance, 3334 rider items, 33 small production, 36 yellow card, 37

Business manager-designer interaction, 284285

Butler, Geezer, 251


Cable crank-up lifts, 143144

Cable crossovers, 130

Cable reel, 129130

Caesar's Palace, 87

`California Jam, 100

Callihan, Michael, 158159

Cameleon, 198

Cameraf actors, 305306

Cam-Lok connectors, 125, 128

Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology (CITT), 24

Capital Theatre, 41

Carlyle, Warren, 257

Carnets, 7778

Carousel Ballroom, 78

Cases, 210

Casinos, 240241

Cass, Aaron, 275

Cast Software, 232

CAT5, 223, 315

Catalyst software, 184185, 267, 269

Catastrophic failure, 99

Catwalk truss, 135

Ceiling height, 70

Century Lighting Company, 10, 157, 194

Century-Strand, Inc., 10

Certifications, 2425

CFR 1910.132, 93

Chad Mitchell Trio, 5

Chain hoists, 148149, 315

Chain Master, 149

Channel (N), 48

Chase, 115, 315

Chroma-Q Color Web, 180181

Cinemoid, 207

Cine Queen, 191


chart paperwork, 210 Color Kinetics, 178 connections, 140 design stage, 5152, 55 dimming, 123, 125, 127 diode, 172 LEDs, 175 Light Wright, 228 luminaires, 99 transformers, 128 Vari-Lite history, 160

CITT, see Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology

City Theatrical, Inc. (CTI), 205, 221

Clair Audio, 78

Clark Transfer, 74

Clear, 115

Clear Channel Communications,

Clear-channel stations, 4

Close-up shots, 307

CM, see Columbus McKinnon

CMA, 237

Collage generator, 188

Collie, Justin, 50

Color balance, 305306 design stage, 5051 LEDs, 173174 light plot sample, 5657

Color Blaster, 177178

Color changers, 57, 201204

Color checker, 211

Color codes, 125

Color Fader, 202

Color Kinetics, 10, 177178

Color media, 207208, 313

Color organ, 113

Color Ram system, 202

Color rendering index( CRI), 173

Color scrollers, 201204, 259

ColorSpot 2500E AT, 167168

Color temperature color checker, 211 definition, 173, 315 designer advice, 270, 279 Japanese tours, 82 live video, 309 Morpheus Lights, 164 moving luminaires, 170 as variable, 57 Vari*Lite history, 160

ColorWash 750 AT Tungsten, 167168

Columbus McKinnon( CM), 132, 148, 155, 251

Company employee advantages, 28

Company switch, 127128

Complete Control™, 119

Computer-aided drawing (CAD) applications, 54 load cells, 152 plot vs. execution, 52 programs, 234 Radiohead tour, 268 software, 225227 Springsteen tour, 277

Computerized moving lights, 9

Computer problems, 106

Concert lighting history amphi theatres, 1112 casinos, 11 cities and venues, 6 England, 67 Fillmore closings, 8 Fillmore East, 6 form changes, 89 larger venues, 78 LED revolution, 12 lighting as business, 9 lighting designers, 1213 mergers and buyouts, 911 new formats, 12 overview, 45 San Francisco light show, 56

ConcertsWest, 9

Concert Tour Production Management (Vasey), 72

Concord Pavilion, 8

Confetti, 212

Congo v5 console, 117118

Console cradle, 211

Consoles hands-on, 112114 hybrids, 118122 manufacturers, 121 matching cues, 60 moving luminaires, 114116 overview, 111112 specialized types, 122 theatre consoles, 116118

Constitution Hall, 41

Contract rider business considerations, 3233 definition, 315 importance, 3334 items, 33 and promoters, 3536 small production, 36

Contracts, 3132

Contrast filter, 305

Contrast range, 315

Control channels computer problems, 106 and dimmers, 123 Heaven and Hell, 251 In Rainbows, 266 layouts, 52 light plot sample, 56 Springsteen tour, 274 A Tale of Two Cities, 259

Conventional lighting audience blinders, 196197 backlights, 206 beam projectors, 196 color media, 207208 color scrollers/changers, 201203 cyclight and farcyc, 196 designer advice, 285 DMX iris, 200 ERS, 194196 fatlights, 200201 festivals, 237238 flame effects, 206207 follow spots, 197199 Fresnel, 193194 gobos, 208209 man lift, 209 media servers, 187 moving yoke, 204205 PAR, 191193 personal accessories, 209212 projectors, 205206 sample light plot, 5557 shutter, 200 strobes, 203204

Costume designer duties, 20

Counting Crows, 262

Country Music Association (CMA), 237

Covington, John, 159

Cremer, William, 158

Crew contracting, 32 failure, 104105 international touring, 85 lifestyle, see Road life local production equipment, 241 preproduction, 4344 Radiohead, 266 Springsteen tour, 275

Crew duties artist's manager, 17 audiovisual specialist, 22 costume designers, 20 crew chief, 2021 equipment managers, 20 industry certifications, 2425 laserist, 22 lighting designer, 19 lighting director, 19 lighting programmer, 19 lighting technician, 20 master electrician, 20 monitor engineer, 21 moving luminaire operator, 20 overview, 1516 production designer, 1819 production manager, 17 public relations representative, 18 pyrotechnician, 2122 rigger, 21 road chef, 23 road manager, 17 scenic designers, 20 sound engineer, 21 sound technician, 21 stage manager, 1718 tour accountant, 18 tour director, 17 tour manager, 17 truck driver, 23 unions, 2324 video crew, 2223 video director, 22 wardrobe, 22

Cronin, Kevin, 293295

Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, 8

Cuebook, 6063

Cue light, 211212

Cue number, 63

Cues cards, 6365 console picks, 60 cue card, 64 European touring, 80 follow spots, 6566 looks, 60 monitors, 306 overview, 5960 placement, 60 verbal communication, 65

Cue-Spot, 198

The Cult, 262

Cultural differences, 7981, 86

The Cure, 261

Cutaways, 306

Cut sheet, 63

Cyberight Turbo, 165

Cyclight, 136, 178, 196, 202, 307

Cyclorama, 313, 315

CYM( cyan, yellow, magenta), 201203


“Dairym arkets”, 71

Daisy chain configuration, 220221

Dallas Center for the Performing Arts, 255

Dance concert, 5

Dance floor safety, 91

Daniel, Peter, 272, 276

Dawson, Dinky, 71

Decision making, 104

Deep Purple, 100

Def Leppard, 73, 89, 92, 141

Delicate Productions, 2930

DeMille, Cecil B., 157

Denver, John, 60, 73

Depth of field, 51, 315

Design stage air light, 48 circuiting and dimming, 51 color, 5051 color changers, 57

Design stage (Continued) complex designs, 58 design failure, 104 effects, 57 hanging, 5455 layering, 51 layout and symbols, 5152 light plot sample, 5557 luminaire choices, 4950 luminaire placement, 50 movinglights, 4849, 57 overview, 47 PAR, 4748 variables, 5758

Desk, 315

Desklights, 211212

Dexter, Paul, 54, 6263, 65, 245255, 281288

DF-50 diffusion hazer, 214

DHSS, see Direct sequence spread system

Dichronic profiles pot, 203

Dido, 262

Digital Juice, 189

Digital light defnition, 315 developments, 186187 Heaven and Hell, 245 media servers, 187188 Medusa Icon M, 184 overview, 183184 Springsteen tour, 280

Digital Light(D L), 184186

Digital Light Processing (DLP), 184

Digital remote control hoists, 150151

Dimming definition, 316 design stage, 51 Heaven and Hell, 251 manufacturers, 126 overview, 123125 problems, 105106 A Tale of Two Cities, 259

Dio, Ronnie James, 246, 251, 295298

Diode, 172

Direct contact employment, 2829

Direct current (DC), 173

Direct sequence spread system (DHSS), 221222

Disc jockeys, 34

DL, see Digital Light

DLP, see Digital Light Processing

DMX(digital multiplexed)

adapter, 221

casino venue, 240

consoles, 114

definition, 315

digital light, 185 from Ethernet, 223 Hogi PC, 118119 iPhone lighting control, 211 iris, 200 media servers, 188 moving luminaires, 179 portable dimming, 125 protocol, 219 and RDM, 220 smoke, 214 strobes, 204 terminator, 221 Wholehog consoles, 115 wireless DMX, 221223

Dobbin, Kathleen, 259

Don Kirshner Rock Concert, 305, 313

The Doors, 7

Dracup, Blaine, 268

Dresser duties, 22

Dry ice, 215

DVI ports, 119


EDDY Designer Award for Lighting Productof the Year, 162

Ediophor, 315

Editing, 232, 304305, 316

Ed & Ted's Excellent Lighting, 9

Education, 286

Edwin Shirley Trucking (EST), 74

Eight-bar notation cues heet, 6263

802.11 wireless standard, 315

Electrical hookup chart, 52

Electrical raceways, 140

Electric Factory, 6

Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC) Congo v5 console, 117118 Eos console, 119 Expression 3 console, 113 Ion console, 113114 Leko, 195 luminaire choices, 4950 moving luminaires, 169 PAR and PARnel, 192193 portable dimming, 124

Electrosonics, 111

Eligon, 151152

Ellington, Duke, 3

Ellipsoidal reflector spotlights (ERS) features, 194196 festivals, 237 international touring, 8384 luminaire choices, 49 truss design, 136

Elton John, Live from Verona, 246

Emmett, Rik, 298

End-stage, 315

Energy absorption, 94

England, lighting history, 67

Entertainment Services and Technology Association( ESTA) ACN, 219 certifications, 24, 81 fall protection systems, 94 master electrician, 20 rigging safety, 88 smoke, 213 Technical Standards Program, 101 truss engineering, 136

Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP), 2425

Entertainment Tonight, 271

Eos console, 119

Epic Productions, 9

Equipment costs, 3031 failure, 105 Heaven and Hell, 250 international touring, 8384 local production, 241 Radiohead, 266 Springsteen tour, 274 A Tale of Two Cities, 259 types, 84

Equipment manager, 20, 315

Erhart, Louis, 157

ERS, see Ellipsoidal reflector spotlights

ēSET, see Essential Skills for the Entertainment Technician

ESP Vision, 232

Essential Skills for the Entertainment Technician (ēSET), 25, 48

EST, see Edwin Shirley Trucking

ESTA, see Entertainment Services and Technology Association

Estefan, Gloria, 73

ETC, see Electronic Theatre Controls

ETCP, see Entertainment Technician Certification Program

Ethernet, 223, 315, 317

Ethics, 86

Euro, 7879

European Academy for Venue Management (EAVM), 41

European Common Market, 7879

European Union, 7881

Eventer Stage Lift, 144

Ewington, Chris, 267

Executors, 120

Explosion effects, 70

Exposure, 279, 315

Expression 3 console, 113, 116

Eynon, Dennis, 157158

Eynon, James, 158


Faces, 132

Fails, Gary, 222

Fairs, 239

Fall hazard, 93

Fall protection systems, 9396

Fans, 217–218

Farcyc, 196

Farm Aid, 237

Fat lights, 200202

Faylights, 196

Feller, Peter, 131132

Festivals, 237239

FHSS, see Frequency-hoppings pread spectrum

Field Template, 228, 230

Filllight, 315

Fillmore East venue, 68

Fillmore venue, 78

Film vs. HD video, 303304 live concert logistics, 305 look, 304305

Filters, 305, 309

Fire effects, 70

Fisher, Jules, 15 8

Flame effects, 206207

Flash button, 113, 315

Flemming, Graham, 7

Florida Coach, 7 374

Fly, 61, 72

Flying Pig Systems, 115, 121, 251

Focalpoint, 195

Focus Track, 228

Fog, 215217

FOH, see Front of house

Follow spot(FS) cue card, 6465 cueing, 6566 definition, 316 function, 197199 international touring, 84 roadlife, 6970 A Tale of Two Cities, 259

Foreground, 306

`Formes et Lumieres, 158

Forward biased, 173

Found space, 50, 131, 143, 313, 316

Four-pole roof, 153

Frame, 223

Frantz, Don, 257

Freelance work, 2728

Freestanding roof, 153

Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), 221222

Fresnel color changers, 202 designer advice, 270 equipment, 84 equipment failure, 105 luminaire choices, 4950 luminaires, 99 micro-Fresnel, 166 purpose, 193194 truss design, 136

Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 193194

Fresnelite, 194

Front of house (FOH), 21, 3435, 185, 198, 260, 274

FS, see Follows pot

f-stop, 305, 316

Full body harness, 94


Gallaway Company, 132

GAM Products, 203, 206208


Garcia, Jerry, 6

Gate, 195

GE, see General Electric

Gelatran, 207

GELcore, LLC, 10

General Electric (GE), 10, 12

Generators Japan, 8283 portable, 129 power service, 69

Genesis, 159

Genie, 145

Genie IWP Super Series, 209

Genie Superlift, 91, 140

Genie Super Tower, 143144

Genlyte, 10, 160161

Gilsbach, George, 81

Ginyard, Jeff, 230

Giotto Digital1500, 186187

GLC, see Greater London Council

Glycol, 215

Gobos definition, 316 designer advice, 276, 278, 280 function, 208 future technology, 314 lighting consoles, 112 luminaire choices, 50 manufacturers, 209 moving luminaires, 158 PRG, 168 visualization, 232

Golden Globe Awards, 105

Goldenscans, Clay Paky, 114

Goodman, Benny, 3

Google Sketch Up, 225, 227, 247

Gottlieb, Michael, 259

Grace Slick, 5

Graham, Bill, 56, 8, 73, 183

Graham, Martha, 82

Grammy Awards, 19, 303

grand MA, 120122, 227, 269, 278

Grand Tour, 3, 316

Grateful Dead, 6

The Great American Market, 207208

Greater London Council (GLC), 80

The Greatest Show on Earth, 151

Great Society, 5

Greek Theatre (Los Angeles), 11, 16

Green energy efficiency, 313314

Green Hippo, 189

Green Passamonte, Lisa, 271

Grids complex designs, 58 construction, 142 hall types, 41 hoists, 148 iPhone control, 211 lighting, 140141 rigging, 8485, 90 structural failures, 9697 trusses, 132, 135 truss tower lifts, 147

Ground rigging man, 88

Ground-supported trusses, 140

Ground support safety, 9192

Groupies, 15, 316


Haitz'slaw, 176

Hakamura, Shuji, 12

Halliday, Rob, 228

Hall types, 3942, 8586

Hancock, Hunter, 4

Hands-on consoles, 112114

Hanging point, 5455, 316

Hang time, 215

Hard Rock Cafe, 11

Harrah's Casino, 11, 111, 240

Harris, Jere, 168

Harrison, George, 8

Haze airlight, 48 amphitheatres, 240 artist's advice, 295, 298, 301 designer advice, 254 drawing programs, 227 as effect, 215217 LED PAR, 177 live video, 309 safety issues, 101 visualization process, 232

HD, see High-definition

HD-MIDI, 220

Health Effects Evaluation of Theatrical Smoke, Haze, and Pyrotechnics, 101

Hearst Greek Theatre (Berkeley), 11

Heaven and Hell, 245255, 295298

Hewlett, Bill, 184

Hexagon truss grid, 135

High-definition (HD), 303304, 316

High-density dimming, 125, 316

High End Systems, Inc., 10, 115, 165167, 184186, 188

Highlight, 115

High man, see Rigging

High Performance Lamp (HPL), 193

High-power LEDs (HPLED), 174

Hill, Faith, 44

HippoNet, 189

Hippotizer Express, 189, 276

Hirschfeld Theatre NYC, 259260

Hissorich, 157

HMI (hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide) definition, 316 follow spots, 198 Fresnellum inaires, 50 LED efficiency, 172

Hod, 316

Hoffman, John, 278

Hog iPC console, 118119

Hoists and bridles, 150 characteristics, 148 digital remote control, 150151 international touring equipment, 84 load cells, 151152 safety issues, 152

Holding Company, 56

Hollingsworth, Dawn, 271

Holly, Buddy, 4, 73

Holonyak, Nick, 12, 171

Hook, 59

Horizontal lifeline rig, 95

House of Blues, 11

House staffs, 85

Howlin'Wolf, 3

HTI lamp definition, 316 follow spots, 198 Morpheus Lights, 164 power distributions, 126

Huey Lewis and the News, 8

Hunt, Mark, 184, 190

Huntin' with Hunter, 4

Hybrid consoles Eos, 119 HogiPC, 118119 Maxxyz, 119120 overview, 118122

Hydraulic lift safety, 91, 93


IAAM, see International Association of Assembly Managers

IATSE, see International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IA)

IBC, see International Building Code

IEM, see In-ear monitor system

I-MAG, see Image magnification

Image magnification( I-MAG) follow spots, 67 live performance, 303 projectors, 205 Springsteen tour, 279

i-marc850, 199

Income range, 29

In-ear monitor (IEM) system, 21

In Rainbows, 261270

Interesting Products, 215

Interfaces, 221223

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 29

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees( IA) circuitry, 52 contracts, 31 definition, 316 income range, 29 rigging safety, 88 rules, 27 unions, 2324 yellow card, 37

International Association of Assembly Managers (IAAM), 24, 39, 41

International Building Code (IBC), 99

International touring carnets, 7778 cultural respect, 86 European Union, 7881 Japan and Asia, 8286 overview, 77 South America, 81

Interpersonal communication, 103, 233235, 288289

INXS, 261

Iommi, Tony, 251

Ion console, 113114

iPhone, 211

iPIX, 267268

Iris, DMX, 200

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service

Iso, 304, 316

Izenour, George, 111


Jackson, Nick, 252

James, Rick, 246

Janis Joplin, 6

Japan touring business ethics, 86 crew, 85 cultural differences, 80 cultural respect, 86 equipment, 8384 as foreign market, 77 lighting companies, 83 local power, 83 productions, 8283 promoters, 85 rigging, 8485 theatre culture, 82 theatre and halls, 8586 trucking, 85

Jefferson Airplane, 56

Jeopardy!, 271

Jethro Tull, 192

Johanssen, Peter, 53

John, Elton, 154, 246, 307

Joshua Light Show, 6


Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, 255

Kelvin temperature ADB Lighting Technologies, 170 color checker, 211 definition, 173, 316 follow spots, 198 High End Systems, 167 and LEDs, 175 live video, 309 Martin Professional, 165 Morpheus Lights, 164 PAR lamps, 192 Vari*Lite history, 160

Kenny Chesney Live, 303

Keyes, Alicia, 213

Keylight definition, 316 dimmer problems, 105 festivals, 237 issues, 306307

Keystone correction definition, 316 digitallight, 185 media servers, 188 projectors, 205

Key word, 63, 66, 316

Kindred, Graham, 259

Kinesys, 152

King, Albert, 6

King, B.B., 6

King Biscuit Time, 3

Kingston Trio, 5

KISS, 135

Knight, Gladys, 6

Kuenning, Karl, 69, 291

Kyoritsu, 82


Lag, 316

Lamp safety, 99100

LAN, see Local area network

Laserist duties, 22

Lasers, 84

The Last Waltz, 303

Late people, 3

Latin Casino, 6

LATP, see League of American Theatres and Producers

Launchers, 211212

Law, Don, 8

Layering, 51, 316

Layout consoles, 111, 119, 239 and cues, 59 designer advice, 251, 272, 276 lightplots, 5152 local stages, 241 truss, 58, 92, 131, 140141 Virtual Magic Sheet, 228 visualization programs, 232

LD, seeLighting designer

LD Assistant, 2 27228

LDI, see Live Design International

League of American Theatres and Producers (LATP), 101

LEC, seeLight-emitting capacitor

LED(light-emitting diode) advantages, 175 audiovisual specialist, 22 camera factors, 306 Color Kinetics, 10 colors and RGB, 173174 cue lights, 211 digital light, 187 disadvantages, 175 efficiency, 172173 entertainment applications, 176177 festivals, 238 Heaven and Hell, 246 high-power LED, 174 history, 171 Japanese productions, 83 lighting revolution, 12 live video, 309 luminaire choices, 49 manufacturers, 176 Maxxyz console, 119120 moving luminaires, 163, 178179 organic LED, 174 PAR, 177 power consumption, 314 power sources, 174175 quantum dot LED, 174 Radiohead tour, 268, 270 sources, 175 special effects, 70 static LED, 178 styles, 176 A Tale of Two Cities, 259 technology, 171172 walls, 180181, 183 wash luminaires, 177178

Lekos, 49, 191, 194195

Lektralink principle, 128

LeMaitre Special Effects, 206207

Leprecon LP-1600 console, 114

Let's Spend the Night Together, 303

Letter of agreement, 31, 316

Levine, Mike, 298

The Life, 255

Life on the Road (Dawson), 71

Lifts, 143145, 152

Light-emitting capacitor (LEC), 175

Lighting designer (LD) Andi Watson interview, 261270, 281288 budget, 42 carnets, 78 company buyouts, 10 company employee, 28 and consoles, 112 duties, 19 follow spot cueing, 66 interpersonal skills, 233235 Jeff Ravitz interview, 270280, 282289 lighting considerations, 305 Paul Dexter interview, 245255, 281288 problem solving, 103 responsibilities, 1213 Richard Pilbrow interview, 255261, 281289 software programs, 225230 visualization process, 230, 232 visualization programs, 232 visualization studios, 232233

Lighting directors, 1213, 19, 29

Lighting grids, 140141

Lighting programmer duties, 19

Lighting technician, 20, 71

Lighting technology, 313314

Lighting vendors, 242

Lightning Hopkins, 6

Light organ, 113

Light Palette, 60, 117

Light plot basic, 56 color, 51 contract provisions, 31 designer advice, 247, 255, 261, 270, 276, 283 fairs, 239 Heaven and Hell, 250 international touring, 77 layout and symbols, 5152 local production equipment, 241 music cues, 59 preproduction, 39 Radiohead, 264265 sample, 5557 small productions, 36 Smokey Robinson, 55 software programs, 225226 Springsteen tour, 273 Sweden Rock, 53 A Tale of Two Cities, 258 two-truss, 54 Vector Works, 226 venues, 45 Virtual Magic Sheet, 228

Lights how, 56, 89, 101, 119, 316

Light & Sound Design, 7, 184

Light Wave, 227, 230

Light Wright, 227228, 230, 289

Linear screen LED, 181

Line feed, 306

Liquid light projector, 5

Liquid nitrogen fog machine, 216217

Litepod, 197

LittleBig Lite, 201

Live Aid, 237

Live Design International (LDI), 162, 235

Live Nation, 9, 1112, 24, 28

Live video, 309

Load cells, 151152

Local area network (LAN), 188189, 316

Local lighting vendors, 242

Local production equipment, 241

Lode Star hoist, 148149

Loeb, Matthew, 2324

Long-form concert video, 308309

Looks artist's advice, 294, 297, 300 background/foreground, 306 close-ups, 307 color, 51 computer problems, 106 definition, 316 designer advice, 246, 251, 270 design stage, 47 dimmer problems, 105 finding, 60 follow spots, 70 lighting variables, 57 Morpheus Lights, 164 preptime, 44 visualization programs, 112

Lost Highway: The Concert, 303

Low Fog Generator, 215

Lucas, George, 4

Lumen per watt, 316

Lumens conventional lighting, 191 definition, 316 digital lights, 187 High End Systems, 166167, 185186 Japan touring, 82 LEDs, 172173, 175 live video, 309 PAR lamp, 192 PRG, 168 Wash luminaire, 163

Luminaire, see also Moving luminaires American, 7 choices, 4950 circuitry, 5253 definition, 316 LED, 12 linear screen LED, 181 manufacturers, 198 placement, 50 safety issues, 99100 static LED, 178 wash luminaire, 177178

Luminance, 211, 316

Lux, 306307

Lynyrd Skynard, 73

Lyric cue sheet, 61


MAC III Profile, 165

MacKay, Patricia, 256

Madison Square Gardens, 8, 44

Madonna, 28, 44, 85, 184

Madrix consoles, 122

Magic, 270280

Magic sheet, 228, 231, 289

Malham Lighting Design, Ltd., 158

Malham Photographic Equipment, Ltd., 157158

Manlift, 209

Mann, Dave, 277

Marconi Labs, 171

Maricopa County Event Center (Scottsdale), 15, 43

Markets, 71

The Marque Club, 67

Martin Atomic Colors, 203204

Martin Professional, 164165

Martin Show Designer (MSD), 227, 232

Master electrician duties, 20

Masterworks Design, Inc., 246247

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 101

Matrix, 316

Matthews, Spy, 3031

Maxson, Jack, 159

Maxxyz, Martin, 232

Maxxyz consoles, 119120

MBox Extreme, 189

McCandles, Stanley, 157

McGraw, Tim, 44

McManus, Bill, 6, 132, 134135, 191

McManus Enterprises, 5, 8

Meals & incidental expenses (M&IE), 29

Med, see Medium flood (Med) lamp

Media server capabilities, 188189 content, 189190 definition, 316 and digital light, 183184, 187188

Medium flood (Med) lamp, 4748

Medusa Icon M, 184

Mellencamp, John, 276

Merchandise passport, see Carnets

Messenger Service, 5

Metallica, 16

Metal Masters tour, 142

Metalworks Production Group, 298299

MGM Grand H otel (LasVegas), 52

Micro-Fresnel, 166

Middle-of-the-road, 5, 316

MIDI controls, 20, 119, 189, 220

MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA), 316

Miles, Peter, 114

Mills Brothers, 4

Mime Troupe benefit, 5

Mind Benders, 7

Minneapolis Symphony Hall, 41

Mississippi Delta Blues, 4

Miss Saigon, 161

Mitchell BNC, 304

Mixlight, 158

MMA, see MIDI Manufacturers Association

Modeling, 230231, 233, 316

Mohegan Sun, 11

Monck, Chip, 56, 15, 131, 191192

Monitor engineer duties, 21

Monitors, 306

Montana, Hannah, 76

Monterey Festival, 8

Moody, James, 5556, 63

Moody/Ravitz Design Partners, Inc., 271

Moondog Show,

Moore, Gil, 298301

MOR (middle-of-the–road), 5, 316

Morpheus Lights, Inc., 161, 163164, 198, 202, 270, 276

Morse, Peter, 19

Motley Crue, 246

Mountain Production, 141, 154155

Moving luminaires ADB Lighting Technologies, 169170 characteristics, 4849 consoles for, 114116 cost and availability, 163 current developmentss, 161163 design considerations, 289 design stage, 57 ETC, 169 future, 170 Heaven and Hell, 251 High End Systems, Inc., 165167 history, 157160 international touring, 83 LED, 178179 manufacturers, 162 Martin Professional, 164165 Morpheus Lights, 163164 operator duties, 20 PRG, 168169 ROBE Lighting, 167168 truss design, 136 Vari*Lite history, 160161

Moving yolk, 204205

MR16 strip light, 196

MSDS, see Material Safety Data Sheet

Muddy Waters, 6

Multicable characteristics, 127 definition, 316 electrical integration, 140 in film, 313 modern truss, 135

Murch, Tim, 7, 30

Murphy's Law, 101102

Musical comedy lighting techniques, 9

Music cues console picks, 60 cue book, 6063 cue card, 6365 follows pots, 6566 looks, 60 overview, 5960 placement, 60 verbal communications, 65

Music hall lighting, 89

My Cousin Vinny, 71


Nakamura, Shuji, 171

Nano-imprint lithography, 173

National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professional (NCQLP), 24

National Indian Gaming Commission, 11

NCQLP, see National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professional

Neal, Andy, 114

Neg Earth, 268

Nelson, Ricky, 73

Nelson, Steve, 9495

Neutral-density filter, 309

Nexera LX Profile, 203

Nichia Corporation, 12, 173

Nocturne, 268


Oasis, 262

Obie Company, 9

O'Brien, Conan, 277

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 9394, 143

O'Connor, Sinéad, 261

Offline editing, 232, 304, 316

Ohashi, Kenji, 92

OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes), 174

Omni Sistem, 205, 207

Online editing, 305, 316

Ontario Motor Speedway, 100

Opening acts, 44

Optosplitter, 220221

Orlando Performing Arts Center, 255

Osbourne, Ozzy, 246

Otis, Johnny, 4

Our Town, 255

Outdoor performances, 71

Outriggers, 147

Overexposure, 279


Pablo's Lights, 6

Package dimming, 28, 123124, 316

Paid friends, 29

Panabeam, 163164

Panaspot, 163

Pandora's Box Media Server, 189

PANI Projection and Lighting, 196, 205206

Paperwork programs, 234

PAR (parabolic aluminum reflector) design stage, 4748 early trusses, 132 ETC, 192193 at fairs, 239 history, 191193 LED, 177

PAR–36, 50

PAR–64 and crewing, 43 definition, 316 design stage, 4748history, 191192, 313 international touring, 83 Japanese productions, 82 lighting form changes, 9 luminaire choices, 49 Morpheus Lights, 163 portable dimming, 125 small production, 36 Thomas Tower, 145 truss design, 136

PARnel, 192193

Patching computer problems, 106 definition, 316 dimming history, 123 layout and symbols, 52

PC-Beam, 164

Peacock, Ian, 7

Pearce, Eric, 111

PEPS, see Professional Entertainment Production Society

Per diem, 2930, 242, 317

Performance, 16

Perkins, Carl, 4

Peter, Paul, and Mary, 5

Philips Electronics, 10

Philips Lumileds, 172173

Phillips, P., 255

Phoebus shutters, 200

Phosphor-based white LEDs, 173

Pickup point, 139, 317

Pigtails, 100, 317

Pilbrow, Richard, 255261, 281289

Pine Knob Music Center, 41

Pink contract, 37, 317

Pink Floyd, 7

Pin matrix, 316

Pixel mapping, 122, 189, 317

PLASA, see Professional Lighting and Sound Association

p-n junction, 172

Polymer LEDs (PLEDs), 174

Pop idol origins, 3

Portable generators, 129

Portable lighting structures, 9

Portable trusses, 131, 141142

Ports DVI, 119 Ethernet, 223, 317 USB, 122

Positive Productions, 85

Pounce wheel, 207

Powerd istribution consumption, 314 Heaven and Hell, 251 manufacturers, 127 overview, 123125 power sources, 126127 racks, 126 sources, 174175

Power service European touring, 81 Japan, 83 road life, 69 safety issues, 100 South America, 81

PR, see Public relations (PR) duties

Pre-Lite Studios, 233

Premier Global, 9

Preproduction artist's requirements, 4243 basic checklist, 39 budget, 42 crewing, 4344 halltypes, 3942 Heaven and Hell, 253 opening acts, 44 preptime, 4445 Radiohead tour, 269 rehearsal time, 45 Springsteen tour, 278 stage limitations, 43 timing, 45 venues and artistic styles, 45

Preptime definition, 317 designer advice, 268, 276277 light plot sample, 56 preproduction, 39

Pre-rig trusses(PRTs), 239

Preset, 6364, 103, 111, 114, 278

Preston, Billy, 42

Previsualization software, 4445

PRG, see Production Resource Group

Primary markets, 71

Prince, 184

Prince, Hal, 255256

Private Dancer, 303

Problem solving computer problems, 106 decision making, 104 dimmers, 105106 failure points, 104105 overview, 103 preparation, 106107

Pro Cue, 211

Production designer duties, 1819

Production manager, 17, 284285

Production Resource Group (PRG) equipment costs, 30 European touring, 78 Heaven and Hell, 252 industry certifications, 24 larger venues, 8 lighting as business, 9 MBox, 189 moving luminaires, 168169 visualization studios, 233

Professional Entertainment Production Society(PEPS), 87

Professional Lighting and Sound Association(PLASA), 25, 115, 185

Profiles pots, 49, 195196, 203

Programming definition, 317 designer advice, 253, 259262, 268269, 276278, 286 digital light, 185 fairs, 239 festivals, 238 lighting consoles, 112, 114116, 119 media servers, 188 moving luminaires, 178 prep time, 44 smoke, 214 software, 225 timetables, 72 visualization studios, 233

Projections designer advice, 245247, 252253, 261, 280 design stage, 47 digital lighting, 183188 equipment, 84, 196, 205206, 303 ERS, 195 future technology, 314 LED walls, 180 light plot sample, 56 lights hows, 56 luminaires, 4950 media servers, 188189 moving luminaires, 158, 166167 moving yoke, 205 personnel, 15, 22 power distribution, 126127 roofs, 155 software programs, 226 special effects, 70 stage limitations, 43 trusses, 142 visualization studios, 233

Prolyte Black Book, 138, 148

Prolyte Products Group, 138, 147148

Promoters casinos, 240 color media, 208 company employees, 28 concert history, 810 contract riders, 3436 crew contracting, 3233 crewing, 43 design stage, 47 and follow-up, 34 international touring, 77, 7980, 82, 8486 Japanese, 85 launchers, 211 local productions, 241 power service, 69 prep time, 44 riders, 33, 3536 safety issues, 87, 91, 96, 9899, 102 small productions, 36 stage limitations, 43 and tour personnel, 1718, 2123

Proscenium, 85, 317

Protocols ACN, 219220 DMX, 219 manufacturers, 222 RDM, 220

Provost coach, 7374

PRTs, see Pre-rig trusses (PRTs)

Psychovisual, 317

Public relations (PR) duties, 18

Punch light, 48, 317

Pyrotechnical effects artist's ideas, 297 characteristics, 217 international touring equipment, 84 safety issues, 100101 special effects, 70

Pyrotechnician duties, 2122


Q1 Production Technologies, 9

Quantum Color system, 169

Quantum dot LEDs, 174

Quick silver, 5

Quiet Drive motor control, 169


Racetracks, 239

Radiohead, 178, 261270

RAID (redundant array of independent disks), 189, 317

Ram lifts, 144

Rank Organisation, 158

Rapael, 262

Ravitz, Jeff, 19, 28, 45, 49, 6162, 270280, 282289

Ray light, 192, 317

RDM, see Remote Device Management

RDS projectors, 84

RDS Scene Machine, 206

Reading light, 212

Rectangle circuitry symbol, 5253

Rectifier, 172

Red Car Jazz, 6

Reel EFX, 214

RE-Fan II Turbo, 217

Rehearsal time artist communication, 291 artist's advice, 294, 297, 300 contracts, 31 designer advice, 252253, 255, 259260, 268269, 274279 fees, 29 follows pots, 70 international touring, 80, 8283 lighting designer, 1213, 19 lighting programmer, 19 preproduction, 39, 45 problem solving, 103 Radiohead tour, 269 software programs, 228 trusses, 131 visualization process, 232

Remote Device Management (RDM), 165, 202203, 220

Render Works, 2 32, 278

REO Speed wagon, 3435, 52, 54, 247, 293295

Rescue plan, 94

Retractable life line, 95

RGBHV, 185, 317

RGBLEDs, 171, 173174

RGB method, 201

Rhodes, Todd, 4

Ricci, Todd, 278

Richter, Michael, 3334

Ridgeway, Dave, 268

Rigging bridle calculations, 139 characteristics, 148 definition, 317 duties, 21 fall protection systems, 9495 Heaven and Hell, 251 international touring, 8485 safety concerns, 8891 Springsteen tour, 274

Risk assessment, 8788

RJ45, 223, 315, 317

R&M Materials Handling, Inc., 149

RMS (root mean square), 317

Road cases, 210

Road Cases Shorts, 246

Road chef duties, 23

Road company, 317

Road Hog Full Boar, 115116 Roadie: A True Story (at least the parts I remember)(Kuenning), 69, 291

Roadies, 15, 317

Roadlife follow spots, 6970 lifestyle, 7173 overview, 69 power service, 69 special effects, 70 stages and ceiling height, 70 touring, 7576 transportation, 7375

Road manager, 17, 42, 284285

Roadrack, 123

Roadshow, 74

Road technician duties, 70

ROBE Lighting, 167168, 186187

Robinson, Smokey, 55

Rocklahoma, 9798

Rock & roll history, 35

The Rock and Roll Show, 4

Rock Star, 246

Rodgers, Bruce, 275

Rolling Stone magazine, 4

Rolling Stones, 8, 65, 80, 131132, 303

Ron Stage Master, 151

Roofs types, 152155

Rosco Labs, 207208

Roscolene, 207

#821 Roscolene, 36

Roscolux, 207

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, 255

The Rothchilds, 255

Round, H.J., 171

The Round House, 67

RS-485 splitter, 220

Russell, Barbara, 285


Safe cues, 306

Safety cables, 9091

Safety issues fall protection systems, 9396 focus on task, 100 ground support, 9192 lifts and hoists, 152 luminaires, 99100 Murphy's Law, 101102 overview, 8788 power hook–up, 100 pyrotechnics, 100101 rigging, 8891 seismic concerns, 9899 smoke, 101 solutions, 102 stage support, 91 structural failure, 9698 truck loading, 88 trusses, 88

Safety shots, 307

San Francisco Light Show, 56

Saturation Bad Boy, 169 color changers, 202 definition, 317 layering, 51

Scenic designer duties, 20

Scissor lifts, 144146

Scott, Jay, 259

SCR, see Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) dimmers

Scrim, 43, 317

SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) dimmer, 126127, 172, 317

SD, see Standard definition

SDT, see Session Data Transport

Sea Changer, 202

Search lights, 200202

Seat harness, 93

Secondary markets, 71

See, Bob, 6, 8, 191

See-Factor, 8, 132, 191

Seismic concerns, 9899

Semiconductor diode, 172

Seminole Indian casinos, 11

Senator Coaches, 73

Session Data Transport (SDT), 219

Sets, 60, 84, 317

SGM, 186187

Sharpe, Ron, 285

Shimizu Group, 8283

Show Boat, 255

Showco, 132, 159, 161, 163

SHOWGUN, 166167, 184, 201

Showlites, 11 1, 127

SHOWPIX, 167, 178179, 184, 201

Shutter, 200

Sidelight, 57, 317

Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) dimmers, 126127, 172

Simply Red, 115

Singlepole support, 154

6-footrule, 93

Skjonberg Controls, Inc., 151

Skunk Anansie, 262

Skyjack, 145

Skytracker series, 200201

The Sleeping Beauty, 255

Small Faces, 7

Smeeton, Jonathan, 7

Smith, Chris, 261

Smith, Dave, 267

Smoke, 70, 213214, 216, 317

Socapex connectors, 123, 125, 127, 130, 140, 192

Soft patch, 123, 317

Soft Plot, 227

Soft Symbols, 228, 230

Software programs CAD, 52, 54, 225227 Catalyst, 184185, 267, 269 Focus Track, 228 iPhone lighting control, 211 Light Wright, 5, 227228 media servers, 190 overview, 225 previsualization, 4445 3D drawing programs, 227 Virtual Magic Sheet, 228 visualization, 112, 232

Song order, 60

Song punctuation, 5960

Sound engineer duties, 21

Sound system designer, seeSound engineer duties

Sound technician duties, 21

South America tours, 81

South Hampton Guild Hall, 7

Span set, 317

Spears, Britney, 76

Special effects artist's ideas, 294, 296300 design stage, 57 Heaven and Hell, 251 roadlife, 70 A Tale of Two Cities, 259

Specialz, 267

Spectrum venue, 8

The Spice Girls, 76

Spot chair setup, 142

Spot Co, 114

Spotlight, 230, 232

Square truss, 133134

Stage Lighting, 157

Stage Lighting Design: The Art, the Craft, the Life(Pilbrow), 256

Stage Lighting(Pilbrow), 256

Stageline mobile stage, 154

Stage maker hoists, 149151

Stage manager, 1718, 103

Stage requirements, 33

Stage safety, 91

Staging companies, 155

Stampede Show, 71

Standard definition (SD), 189, 317

Stansfield, Patrick, 80

Star configuration, 220221

Starlight Express, 161

Starr, Ringo, 62

Star Strobe, 203204

Static LED luminaire, 178

STEALTH display, 180

Stewart, Rod, 132

Stipanovich, George, 273275

Strand Lighting, Inc., 10, 50, 60, 117, 124, 194

Streaking, 317

Streamers, 212

Streets of Fire, 161

Stress management, 103

Stress test, 137138

Striplights, 49, 84, 178, 196, 259

Strobes, 203204, 259

Structural failure concerns, 9698

Studio Color, 165166

Studio Command series, 167

Studio Pix, 167

Studio Spot, 165166

Subtractive color mixing system, 202

Sullivan, Charles, 5

Sundance Lighting, 8, 132

Super Arc 400, 199

Super Bowl Half-time Show, 19

Supertramp, 2829

Sweden Rock Festival, 53, 237238

Symbols, design, 5152

Synchrolite MX-4000, 201

Synthe FX, 211


Tait, Michael, 7, 15

A Tale of Two Cities, 161, 255261

Tawil, Joe, 207208

Taylor, Brooks, 159

TCP/IP, 219, 317

TEA, see Themed Entertainment Association

Technical rider, 3435

Technical Standards Program (TSP), 101

Technician duties backline, 20 certifications, 2425 chain hoists, 149 company employee, 28crewing, 43 designer layouts, 52 dimmers, 124 electrical work, 140 asfirst job, 281, 287288 follow spots, 66, 70 Japanese business ethics, 86 opening acts, 44 preproduction, 42 problem solving, 103 projectors, 205 pyrotechnician, 2122, 100101 road lifestyle, 7172 safety issues, 87, 93, 98 small productions, 36 software programs, 226 sound, 21 special effects, 70 trusses, 135 unions, 2324 visualization studios, 233

Teen listeners, 34

Telescan, 198

Television lighting, 136

Template circuitry, 52

Terminator, 221

TFA, see Tom Fields Associates

Theatre consoles, 116118

Theatre Projects, 255

Theatre Words, 79

Theatrical education, 286

Theatrical smoke, 70, 213214, 216, 317

Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 24

Thomas Tower, 146147

Thompson, Tom, 233

Thrasher, Bob, 274

3D drawing programs, 227

3D Warehouse, 227

Timberlake, Justin, 9697

Timetables, 72

Tom Fields Associates (TFA), 8, 132

Tommy, 161

Top Rank Bristol Suite, 158

Torm, 9, 317

Tour accountant duties, 18

Tour director duties, 17

Touring rack, 124

Tour manager, 17, 78

Tour security/bodyguard duties, 18

Towers, 145, 147

Trade usage, 32, 317

Transformers, 81, 83, 128129

Transportation, 7375, 241

Traveling Stages roofs, 155

Travis, George, 272, 274276

Triangle truss, 132133

Trips Festival, 5

Triumph, 246, 298301

Truck examples, 7475 international touring, 85 loading safety, 88 roadlife, 69 video, 304

Truck driver duties, 23

Trusses box, 147 definition, 317 Def Leppard layout, 92 design, 131 early models, 131132 electrical raceways, 140 engineering and construction, 136138 grid construction, 142 Heaven and Hell, 251 In Rainbows, 266 international touring equipment, 84 layouts, 58 lighting grids, 140141 lighting plot, 54 manufacturers, 137 modernde sign, 134136 portable, 141142 raising example, 149 Rocklahoma collapse, 98 safety concerns, 88 spans, 138140 Springsteen tour, 274 square/box, 133134 triangle, 132133 variables, 57

Truss tower lifts, 146148

TSP, see Technical Standards Program

Tungsten-halogen lamp (quartz), 165, 167168, 208, 278, 317

Turn around, 60, 317

Turner, Tina, 303


U2, 28

UBC, see Uniform Building Code

Udo Artists, 85

UDP/IP, 318

Uniform Building Code (UBC), 99

Uniform Commercial Code, 32

Unions, 2324, 29

United Scenic Artists (USA), 24, 27, 31, 52, 318

United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT), 24, 52, 125, 219, 235

Universe definition, 318 DMX, 211, 219 Hog iPC, 118119 Maxxyz, 119120 media servers, 187 specialized consoles, 122 Virtuoso DX2, 116

Up Right, 145

Upstaging, 74

USA, see United Scenic Artists (USA)

USB ports, 122

U.S. Customs Service, 7778

USITT, see United States Institute for Theatre Technology


Value-added tax (VAT), 77

Van Halen, 76

Vari*Lite color media, 208 fat lights, 201 history, 10, 160161 moving luminaires, 48, 83, 114116, 157, 159 and PRG, 168 South America tours, 81 technological developments, 161163 visual media control, 184

Vario lift, 150

Vasey, John, 72

VAT, see Value-added tax

Vaughn, Stevie Ray, 73

V676 console, 116

Vector Works, 54, 225228, 230, 232, 253, 269, 278

Venue amphitheatres, 239240 casinos, 240241 definition, 318 design considerations, 282, 285 fairs and racetracks, 239 festivals, 237239 Heaven and Hell, 251 In Rainbows, 263 large, 78 lighting history, 6 road life, 69 variety, 45

Versa TILE, 180

Versa T ower, 147

Versa TUBE, 181, 267269

Very narrow spot (VNSP) lamps, 48

VGA, 114, 185, 318

Video, 303304, 308309

Video crew duties, 2223

Video director duties, 22

Violent failure, 99, 105, 318

Virtual Magic Sheet (VMS), 228, 231, 259261, 289

VirtuosoD X2 console, 116

Visualization process, 230, 232, 253, 269, 278

Visualization software, 112, 232, 234

Visualization studios, 232233

Visual media, 183184

Visual Terrain, Inc., 8, 28, 271272

VLZero, 159

V4 Media Server, 189

VMS, see Virtual Magic Sheet

Von Ballmoos, Fritz, 158159


Walking with Dinosaurs, 8990

Wall-wash luminaire, 177

Walsh, Tom, 159

The Walt Disney Concert Hall: The Backstage Story(Pilbrow), 256

Walton, Tony, 257

Ward, Michael, 260

Wardrobe person duties, 22

Warlock, 5

Warping, 318

WARP Motorized 800W, 169170

Wash luminaires, 177178

Watson, Andi, 78, 178, 261270, 281288

WDS, see Wireless distribution system (WDS)

Weather, 71

Weller, Paul, 276

Westsun, 9

Whalley, I an “Avo”, 111

Wheel of Fortune, 271

White, Josh, 6

WhiteLEDs, 171, 173174

Whiteman, Paul, 3

TheW ho, 7

Wholehogc onsole, 114115

Wholehog II console, 115

Wholehog III console, 115

The Will Rogers Follies, 161

Wilson, Peter Wynne, 184185

Wind loading, 9899

Winterland, 8

Wireframe perspective, 229

Wireless distribution system (WDS), 221222

Wireless DMX, 221223

Wire rope, 93, 99, 143, 318, see also Aircraft cable

Wise, Bernie, 131132

Wohleen, Dan, 1516, 18, 34, 43

Wolfman Jack, 4

Wood, Mike, 10

Woodruff, Patrick, 19

Woodstock, 8

Wybron, Inc., 198

WYG-it, 2, 232


CAD programs, 225

designer advice, 259261, 289

prep time, 44

3D drawing programs, 227

visualization programs, 232

Wholehog II, 115

wire frame example, 229


Xenon, 84, 200, 204, 318


Yellowcard, 32, 37, 318

YES, 7

Young, Richard, 261, 267268


Zap Technology, 201

Zazie, 262

Zinn, David, 257

Zorba, 255

ZZYZX, Inc., 232

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