Author Biographies

We would like to thank all of the contributors to the various chapters of this book.

Jean-François GAJEWSKI

Jean-François Gajewski gained his degrees at ENSAE (Supaéro), and is an EADS technical expert for Astrium Satellites, lecturer at ISAE, as well as a coordinator for the Comité Technique AFIS “Sûreté de Fonctionnement des Systèmes” [AFIS Technical Committee “Dependability of Systems”]. After obtaining his Engineering degree in 1980, he joined Matra Espace where, for nearly 10 years, he was in charge of the dependability of the projects Spot1, Ariane 4 then Ariane 5 (vehicle equipment bay), Columbus, developing autonomous processing methods for complex system anomalies. He became head of the Systems Dependability Department at Matra Marconi Space in 1993 for the deployment of dependability engineering within the company (both space and ground segments). At the same time, he introduced an original training program for systems dependability and safety engineering (Supaéro, ENSICA, INSA, ENSEEIHT) and devised a specialized aeronautics course (Aeronautical Maintenance) for the Civil Aviation University of China (CAUC) in Tianjin (in collaboration with ENAC, ISAE, AIRBUS). Nominated as an EADS technical expert in 2005, he supervises all of the advanced studies in systems dependability for the Astrium Satellites account (including the domain of data security), and is in charge of promoting experience from in-orbit feedback in systems engineering processes.


Hélène Gaspard-Boulinc, née Uninski, obtained her degrees at École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, and also has a Masters in fundamental computer science and parallelism (1998). Employed by the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile [French Dept. of Civil Aviation], she first occupied the post of research engineer within the Centre d’Études de la Navigation Aérienne [French Air Traffic Management Research Center) on air-ground cooperation projects. She then became responsible for the design, creation and deployment of an analysis system for air traffic control incidents in French en-route control centers. At the same time, she was in charge of the teamwork on flight analysis systems (statistics, charges, experience feedback and safety). Since 2008, she has been an Associate Professor at École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile in project management and systems engineering. She also conducts research into human-computer interaction within the laboratoire d’informatique interactive (LII) [interactive computing laboratory].

Olivier KLOTZ

Olivier Klotz obtained his degrees at ENSAM (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers) and is certified in project management (PMP® from PMI). A senior consultant for Altran Technologies since 1989, he manages the project teams on the international environment and helps with systems engineering problems such as the implementation of system references, drafting system specifications, client/supplier problems (drafting requirements and job specifications), etc. He has worked in technical environments both in the civilian and military sector (space, naval, civilian and military aeronautics, air traffic control, automobile, rail, etc.). He also shares his know-how as a trainer in project management and systems engineering on behalf of his employer, their clients and at ISAE/Supaéro, and ENAC (at MSc level).

Dominique LUZEAUX

Dominique Luzeaux obtained degrees at École Polytechnique (1987) and École Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées (1989). After obtaining his doctorate from the University of Paris XI (1991), he was an invited researcher at the University of Berkeley until 1992. Employed by the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement [French Ministry of Defence]), he is currently in charge of the Land Systems Division and holds the rank of Brigadier General. Furthermore, having attained the habilitation [French accreditation to supervise research] in 2001, he has supervised a dozen doctoral theses and published more than 60 articles at conferences and in international journals. He teaches systems-of-systems engineering at graduate level. He is the author of several books on system-ofsystems engineering in French and in English with Jean René Ruault, and he has also co-written with Pascal Cantot Simulation and Modeling of Systems of Systems, published in 2011 by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons. Since 2009, he has been Chairman of Association Française pour l’Ingénierie Système (AFIS), which is the French chapter of INCOSE (International Council for System Engineering).

Daniel PRUN

After gaining his doctorate in 1997 at Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6 – MASI laboratory), he left the academic world to join Altran Technologies first as a junior then a senior consultant in systems engineering. He has thus been involved in many different sectors of the industry (mainly defense, air-traffic control, aeronautics, railways, medical) to lead support activities and advice. His main fields of expertise lie in the technical processes of systems engineering and particularly those of verification and validation. In December 2009, he joined ENAC and laboratoire d’informatique interactive (LII) [interactive computing laboratory] with the objective of developing courses and research in systems engineering. He is a member of INCOSE (International Council in System Engineering) for whom he participates in the development of a book of knowledge for systems engineering (BKCASE project) and its French chapter (Association Française d’Ingénierie Système, AFIS [French association for systems engineering]). He is particularly involved in the development a local Midi-Pyrénées chapter of AFIS.

Jean-René RUAULT

Jean-René Ruault gained his degree from EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in experimental social psychology. After working in various service firms for more than 10 years, he joined the DGA in 2004. He worked as a systems engineer for 7 years. Qualified to expert level in “Methods and tools of systems engineering” in 2008, he contributed to the education of young engineers and worked with programs. Currently, he is design authority and standardization leader. He was the seminar leader for the AFIS “Systems of systems and services; architecture and engineering” technical committee and contributed to the editing and publishing of the BNAE “General recommendation for acquisition and supply of open systems” (RG.Aéro 000 120). He has published more than 15 articles in the field of systems engineering and man-machine interaction. He was co-president of the Ergo’IA conference in 2006. Along with Dominique Luzeaux, he co-edited the book Systems of Systems, published by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons in 2010.

Charlotte SEIDNER

After obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s degree in engineering from École Centrale de Nantes, Charlotte Seidner defended her PhD thesis in 2009, entitled “Vérification des EFFBDs : Model checking en Ingénierie Système” [Verification of EFFBDs : model checking in system engineering] and carried out in collaboration with IRCCyN (Institut de Recherche en Communication et Cybernétique de Nantes [Nantes Research Institute of Communication and Cybernetics]) and Sodius, an SME in Nantes, highly involved in Systems Engineering. Since 2010 she has been an Associate Professor at the University of Nantes and carries out research activities at IRCCyN, around formal methods applied to high-level problems.


Philippe Thuillier gained his degree at SUPELEC (École Supérieure d’Électricité). He first worked in the field of real-time embedded software development before becoming interested in complex systems engineering. For nearly 15 years he has been a senior consultant within Altran Technologies in very diverse sectors (air-traffic control, defense, aeronautics, medical, etc.). As such, he supervises projects on subjects such as: the deployment of SE technical referentials, implementation of methods and tools (MBSE, RBE), systems procurement, etc.; activities which sometimes require approaches like collaborative engineering. He also contributes to the development of SE within his company. A lecturer in some MSc programs, he is also involved in the development of AFIS [French association for systems engineering; INCOSE affiliate], for example through his contribution in setting up the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées AFIS local chapter.


Jean-Luc Wippler gained his degree at SUPELEC (École Supérieure d’Électricité) in signal processing. For the last 20 years he has worked mainly in the sectors of space, defense, and air-traffic control. He has participated as a system architect in numerous projects in the field of Earth Observation (Hélios, Pléiades, Cosmo-Skymed, Orfeo, Musis, CSO) and satellite navigation (Egnos, Galileo). He has also contributed to systems engineering in the air-traffic control, medical and automobile fields. At the beginning of 2011 he joined EADS Cassidian, within the SDC (System Design Center) for whom he managed the Toulouse Antenna. He is also involved with the AFIS [French association for systems engineering]. He was, for example, the co-organizer of the RobAFIS 2009 competition. He is now the coleader of the MBSE working group. In addition to his job as a senior systems architect, he devotes his time to teaching systems engineering at MSc level (ISAE/Supaéro, ENAC) and continuing education in partnership with MAP Système and Eurosae.

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