Chapter 5

Working with Operators, Expressions, and Statements

In This Chapter

arrow Reading and coding JavaScript expressions

arrow Changing values with assignment operators

arrow Thinking logically with comparison operators

arrow Doing the math with arithmetic operators

arrow Getting wise to bitwise operators

arrow Putting it together with string operators

“Hello Operator. Can you give me number 9?”

— The White Stripes

JavaScript operators, expressions, and statements are the basic building blocks of programs. They help you manipulate and change values, perform math, compare two or more values, and much, much more.

In this chapter, you discover how operators, expressions, and statements do their work and how you can best use them to your advantage.

ontheweb Don’t forget to visit the website to check out the online exercises relevant to this chapter!

Express Yourself

An expression is a piece of code that resolves to a value. Expressions can either assign a value to a variable, or they can simply have a value. For example, both of the following are examples of valid expressions:

1 + 1

a = 1;

Expressions can be short and simple, as illustrated in these examples, or they can be quite complicated.

The pieces of data (1 or a in these examples) in an expression are called operands.

Hello, Operator

The engines that make expressions do their work are called operators. They operate on data to produce different results. The = and + in the preceding expressions are examples of operators.

Operator precedence

A single expression often will contain several operators. Consider the following example:

a + 1 + 2 * 3 / 4;

Depending on the order in which you perform the different calculations, the final value of a could be any one of the following:

a = 1.75

a = 2.5

a = 2.25

In fact, the actual result of this expression will be 2.5. But how do you know this? Depending on the person doing the math, the division could be done first (3 / 4), the addition could be done first (1 + 2), or the multiplication could be done first (2 * 3).

Clearly, there must be a better way to figure out the answer, and there is! This is where operator precedence comes in. Operator precedence is the order in which operators in an expression are evaluated.

Operators are divided into groups of different levels of precedence, numbered from 0 to 19, as shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Operator Precedence



Operator Associativity


Sample Use

( .. )



0 — highest precedence

(1 + 3)

… ..

operator property access

left to right



[ .. ]

array access

left to right



new …()

creates an object (with arguments list)



new Car ("red")

function …()

function call

left to right


function addNumbers (1,2)

new …

create an object (without a list)

right to left


new Car


postfix increment





postfix decrement





logical not

right to left



~ …

bitwise not

right to left



- …


right to left



++ …

prefix increment

right to left



-- …

prefix decrement

right to left



typeof …


right to left


typeof myVar

void …


right to left



delete …


right to left





left to right


result = 3 * 7



left to right


result = 3 / 7



left to right


result = 7 % 3



left to right


result = 3 + 7

… - …


left to right


result = 3 - 7


bitwise left shift

left to right


result = 3 << 7


bitwise right shift

left to right


result = 3 >> 7


bitwise unsigned right shift

left to right


result = 3 >>> 7


less than

left to right


a < b


less than or equal to

left to right


a <= b


greater than

left to right


a > b


greater than or equal to

left to right


a >= b



left to right


value in values

… instanceof


left to right


myCar instanceof car



left to right


3 == “3” // true



left to right


3 != “3” // false


strict equality

left to right


3 === “3” // false


strict inequality

left to right


3 !== “3” // true

… & …

bitwise and

left to right


result = a & b

… ^ …

bitwise xor

left to right


result = a ^ b

… | …

bitwise or

left to right


result = a | b

… && …

logical and

left to right


a && b

… || …

logical or

left to right


a || b

… ? …:…


right to left


a ? 3 : 7

… = …


right to left


a = 3

… += …


right to left


a += 3

… -= …


right to left


a -= 3



right to left


a *= 3



right to left


a /= 3



right to left


a %= 3



right to left


a <<= 3



right to left


a >>= 3



right to left


a >>>= 3



right to left


a &= 3



right to left


a ^= 3



right to left


a |= 3

yield …


right to left


yield [expression]


comma / sequence

left to right


a + b, c + d

technicalstuff The operator with the lowest number is said to have the highest precedence. This may seem confusing at first, but if you think of it in terms of the first person in a line (whoever is in spot 0, in this case) being the first person to get a delicious sandwich or cup of coffee, you’ll have no problem keeping it straight.

When an expression contains two or more operators that have the same precedence, they are evaluated according to their associativity. Associativity determines whether the operators are evaluated from left to right or right to left.

Using parentheses

The operator with the highest precedence in an expression is parentheses. In most cases, you can ignore the rules of operator precedence simply by grouping operations into subexpressions using parentheses. For example, the previous multi-operator expression can be fully clarified in the following ways:

a = (1 + 2) * (3 / 4); // result: 2.25
a = (1 + (2 * 3)) / 4; // result: 1.75
a = ((1 + 2) *3) / 4; // result: 2.25
a = 1 + ((2 * 3) / 4); // result: 2.5

Parentheses in expressions force the JavaScript interpreter to evaluate the contents of the parentheses first, from the inner most parentheses to the outermost, before performing the operations outside of the parentheses.

Upon consulting Table 5-1, you’ll see that the actual order of the precedence for the preceding expression is

a = 1 + ((2 * 3) / 4);

This statement makes the actual operator precedence explicit. Multiplication is done first, followed by division, followed by the addition.

Types of Operators

JavaScript has a number of types of operators. This section discusses the most commonly used types of operators.

Assignment operators

The assignment operator assigns the value of the operand on the right to the operand on the left:

a = 5;

After this expression runs, the variable a will have a value of 5. You can also chain assignment operators together in order to assign the same value to multiple variables, as in the following example:

a = b = c = 5;

Because the operator’s associativity is right to left (see Table 5-1), 5 will first be assigned to c, then the value of c will be assigned to b, and then the value if b will be assigned to a. The result of this expression is that a, b, and c all have a value of 5.

What do you think the end value of a will be after these expressions are evaluated?

var b = 1;

var a = b += c = 5;

To find out, open up the JavaScript console in Chrome and type each line, followed by return or enter. The result of this statement is that a will be equal to 6.

tip You can find a complete list of the different assignment operators in in the “Combining operators” section, later in this chapter.

Comparison operators

Comparison operators test for equality or difference between operands and return a true or false value.

Table 5-2 shows a complete list of the JavaScript comparison operators.

Table 5-2 JavaScript Comparison Operators






3 == “3” // true



3 != 3 // false


Strict equality

3 === “3” // false


Strict inequality

3 !== “3” // true


Greater than

7 > 1 // true


Greater than or equal to

7 >= 7 // true


Less than

7 < 10 // true


Less than or equal to

2 <= 2 // true

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on operands and return the result. Table 5-3 shows a complete list of arithmetic operators.

Table 5-3 Arithmetic Operators






a = 1 + 1



a = 10 - 1



a = 2 * 2



a = 8 / 2



a = 5 % 2



a = ++b

a = b++




a = --b

a = b--


Listing 5-1 shows arithmetic operators at work.

Listing 5-1: Using Arithmetic Operators

  <title>arithmetic operators</title>
  <h1>Wild Birthday Game</h1>
    <li>Enter the number 7</li>
    <li>Multiply by the month of your birth</li>
    <li>Subtract 1</li>
    <li>Multiply by 13</li>
    <li>Add the day of your birth</li>
    <li>Add 3</li>
    <li>Multiply by 11</li>
    <li>Subtract the month of your birth</li>
    <li>Subtract the day of your birth</li>
    <li>Divide by 10</li>
    <li>Add 11</li>
    <li>Divide by 100</li>
    var numberSeven = Number(prompt(‘Enter the number 7’));
    var birthMonth = Number(prompt(‘Enter your birth month’));
    var calculation = numberSeven * birthMonth;
    calculation = calculation - 1;
    calculation = calculation * 13;
    var birthDay = Number(prompt(‘Enter the day of your birth’));
    calculation = calculation + birthDay;
    calculation = calculation + 3;
    calculation = calculation * 11
    calculation = calculation - birthMonth;
    calculation = calculation - birthDay;
    calculation = calculation / 10;
    calculation = calculation + 11;
    calculation = calculation / 100;

    document.write("Your birthday is " + calculation);

The result of running Listing 5-1 in a browser is shown in Figure 5-1.


Figure 5-1: The wild arithmetic game.

String operator

The string operator performs operations using two strings. When used with strings, the + operator becomes the concatenation operator. Its purpose is to join together strings. Note that when you’re joining strings with the concatenation operator, no spaces are added. Thus, it’s very common to see statements like the following, where strings containing nothing but a blank space are concatenated between other strings or spaces are added to the end or beginning of strings (before the quotation mark) in order to form a coherent sentence:

var greeting = "Hello, " + firstName + ". I'm" + " " + mood + " to see you.";

Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators treat operands as signed 32-bit binary representations of numbers in twos complement format. Here’s what that means, starting with the term binary.

Binary numbers are strings of 1s or 0s, with the position of the digit determining the value of a 1 in that position. For example, here’s how to write the number 1 as a 32-bit binary number:


The right most position has a value of 1. Each position to the left of this position has a value of twice the value of the number to its right. So, the following binary number is equal to 5:


Signed integers means that both negative and positive whole numbers can be represented in this form.

The term twos complement means that the opposite of any positive binary number is its negative (and vice versa, of course). So, to change the binary 5 to a binary -5, simply flip all the bits:


Bitwise operators convert numbers to these 32-bit binary numbers and then convert them back to what we would consider normal numbers after the operation has been done.

technicalstuff Bitwise operators are difficult to understand at first. They’re not very commonly used in JavaScript, but we would be remiss if we didn’t cover them.

Table 5-4 lists the JavaScript bitwise operators.

Table 5-4 JavaScript Bitwise Operators




Bitwise AND

a & b

Returns a 1 in each bit position for which the corresponding bits of both operands are 1s

Bitwise OR

a | b

Returns a 1 in each bit position for which the corresponding bits of either or both operands are 1s

Bitwise XOR

a ^ b

Returns a 1 in each bit position for which the corresponding bits of either but not both operands are 1s

Bitwise NOT


Inverts the bits of its operand

Left shift

a << b

Shifts a in binary representation b (<32) bits to the left shifting in zeros from the right

Sign-propagating right shift

a >> b

Shifts a in binary representation b (<32) bits to the right, discarding bits shifted off

Zero-fill right shift

a >>> b

Shifts a in binary representation b (<32) bits to the right, discarding bits shifted off, and shifting in zeros from the left

Figure 5-2 shows a demonstration of each of the bitwise operators in the Chrome JavaScript console.


Figure 5-2: The JavaScript bitwise operators.

Logical operators

Logical operators evaluate a logical expression for truthiness or falseness. There are three logical operators, shown in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Logical Operators






Returns the first operand if it is true. Otherwise, it returns the second operand.



Returns the first operand if it is true. Otherwise, it returns the second operand.



Takes only one operand. Returns false if its operand can be converted to true. Otherwise, it returns false.

technicalstuff You can also use the OR operator to set a default value for variables. For example, in the following expression, the value of myVar will be set to the value of x unless x evaluates to a false value (for example, if x hasn’t been defined). Otherwise, it will be set to the default value of 0.

var myVar = x||0;

Special operators

JavaScript’s special operators are a hodge-podge of miscellaneous other symbols and words that perform other and important functions.

Conditional operator

The conditional operator (also known as the ternary operator) uses three operands. It evaluates a logical expression and then returns a value based on whether that expression is true or false. The conditional operator is the only operator that requires three operands. For example:

var isItBiggerThanTen = (value > 10) ? "greater than 10" : "not greater than 10";

Comma operator

The comma operator evaluates two operands and returns the value of the second one. It’s most often used to perform multiple assignments or other operations within loops. It can also serve as a shorthand for initializing variables. For example:

var a = 10 , b = 0;

Because the comma has the lowest precedence of the operators, its operands are always evaluated separately.

delete operator

The delete operator removes a property from an object or an element from an array.

warning When you use the delete operator to remove an element from an array, the length of the array stays the same. The removed element will have a value of undefined.

var animals = ["dog","cat","bird","octopus"];
console.log (animals[3]); // returns "octopus"
delete animals[3];
console.log (animals[3]); // returns "undefined"

in operator

The in operator returns true if the specified value exists in an array or object.

var animals = ["dog","cat","bird","octopus"];
if (3 in animals) {
  console.log ("it's in there");

In this example, if the animals array has an element with the index of 3, the string "it's in there" will print out to the JavaScript console.

instanceof operator

The instanceof operator returns true if the object you specify is the type of object that has been specified.

var myString = new String();
if (myString instanceof String) {
  console.log("yup, it's a string!");

new operator

The new operator creates an instance of an object. As you can see in Chapter 8, JavaScript has several built-in object types, and you can also define your own. In the following example, Date() is a built-in JavaScript object, while Pet() and Flower() are examples of objects that a programmer could create to serve custom purposes within a program.

var today = new Date();
var bird = new Pet();
var daisy = new Flower();

this operator

The this operator refers to the current object. It’s frequently used for retrieving properties within an object.

Chapter 8 covers the this operator in much more detail.

typeof operator

The typeof operator returns a string containing the type of the operand:

var businessName = "Harry's Watch Repair";
console.log typeof businessName; // returns "string"

void operator

The void operator causes an expression in the operand to be evaluated without returning a value. The place where you most often see void used is in HTML documents when a link is needed, but the creator of the link wants to override the default behavior of the link using JavaScript:

<a href="javascript:void(0);">This is a link, but it won't do anything</a>

Combining operators

You can combine assignment operators with the other operators as a shorthand method of assigning the result of an expression to a variable. For example, the following two examples have the same result:

a = a + 10;

a += 10;

Table 5-6 lists all the possible combinations of the assignment operators with other operators.

Table 5-6 Combining the Assignment Operators and Other Operators



Standard Operator


x = y

x = y

Addition assignment

x += y

x = x + y

Subtraction assignment

x -= y

x = x - y

Multiplication assignment

x *= y

x = x * y

Division assignment

x /= y

x = x / y

Remainder assignment

x %= y

x = x % y

Left shift assignment

x <<= y

x = x << y

Right shift assignment

x >>= y

x = x >> y

Unassigned right shift assignment

x >>>= y

x = x <<< y

Bitwise AND assignment

x &= y

x = x & y

Bitwise XOR assignment

x ^= y

x = x ^ y

Bitwise OR assignment

x |= y

x = x | y

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