Appendix A. Survey Respondent Demographics

About half (49 percent) of the respondents to the Cloud Platform Survey work in the IT industry (Figure A-1).

Chart of responses to Q28
Figure A-1. Industry

The majority of survey responses (51 percent) came from people located in North America (Figure A-2), with 35 percent from Europe.

Figure A-3 shows respondents came from a range of company sizes (in number of employees). Twenty-two percent are from companies with 9 employees or fewer, 24 percent from companies with 10 to 99 employees, 20 percent from 100 to 999, 18 percent from companies of 1,000 to 9,999, and 9 percent from companies with 10,000 to 99,999 employees.

Chart of responses to Q29
Figure A-2. Geographic region
Chart of responses to Q30
Figure A-3. Company size

Respondents identified as being software developers (27 percent), software/cloud architects (22 percent), or in IT operations roles (17 percent) (Figure A-4).

Chart of responses to Q31
Figure A-4. Respondent’s role in company

The top roles responsible for infrastructure and platform issues at the respondents’ companies included IT operations (53 percent) and DevOps (41 percent) (Figure A-5), with only a handful (less than 2 percent) of respondents nominating the development team as being responsible.

Chart of responses to Q32
Figure A-5. Who is responsible for infrastructure and platform issues in your company?
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