
advertising 6, 17, 150-1; foreign 149-52; see also commercials

African students in China 184-5

Anti-Rightist Movement (1957) 19, 84, 125

Armstrong, D. 222

art 135

audio cassette recorder, importance of 131

Behl, N. 222, 225

Beijing: description of 49,51-2; as research site 42

Beijing Autonomous Student Union 192,201

Beijing Broadcasting 192

Beijing Broadcasting Institute 142

Beijing Daily 190

Beijing Film Academy 139

Beijing Film Production Company 102

Beijing Teacher's College 142

Beijing Television (BTV) 21-2, 24, 37, 132. 149-50

Beijing Television College 79

Beijing University 117, 186, 190,203

Bishop, R. L. 139, 225

Brazil 28

Breakdance 131-2

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 88, 134, 191, 205

Buena Vista (American syndicator/distributor) 150

bureaucratism 92-126

Bush, G. 135, 205, 215

Butterfield, F. 2, 225

Cable News Network (CNN) 147, 191, 193,205

Carlson, R. 191

CBS News 193

CBS Productions 149

CBS Television network 152

censorship 18-19, 24, 103, 13244, 183

Central China Television (CCTV) 22-7, 35-8, 47, 65, 67, 79, 84-92, 99, 102-3, 118, 125, 142, 147, 149-50, 162, 176, 188-207, 212-14, 221-2

Central People's Broadcasting Station (CPBS) 131, 189

Central Radio and Television University (TVU) 79-82

Chai, L. 200

Chang Cheng Film Production Company 102

Chen, K-g. 136-42

Chiang, Kaishek 123

Chi Kung (the 'drunken Buddha') 168

children: choose TV shows 74-5; cultural importance of 567; daily routines of 64-5; learning from TV 165-9

children's television programming 15660

Chinese Television Drama Production Center 102

Ching, D-1. 101-2

Chu, C-n. 3, 225

Chu, G-c. 76, 225

Cohen, B. 147

Collins, J. 134

commercials, television: 1356; foreign 146, 162-5; impact 210; policy regarding 222; viewer criticism of 162-5

computers in China 14-15, 205

Confucius 123, 143, 153

corruption 13, 92-126

counterrevolutionaries 11, 142, 184, 186, 191-207, 219-20

crosstalk 89-90,1569

Cui, J. 135,210

cultural policy 127-53

cultural reference point, TV as170-81

Cultural Revolution 6-7, 19-20, 22, 31-2, 59, 73, 84, 934, 99-100, 109-10, 126, 139, 150, 202, 207-8

Dalai Lama, the 14

dance 131-2

Democracy Wall 125

Deng, X-po 2, 4-5, 9, 12-15, 49, 92, 94-5, 123, 182, 184-7, 192, 203-7, 209, 225

Denver, J. 131

Dietrich, C. 97, 225

Dislocation 140

drama, television: 155-7

Du, X. 214

Eastern Europe 22, 86, 184, 216

education: problems with cadre 98; use of television 79-82

England 22

Entertainment and Sports Network (ESPN) 150

ethnography 40-7

family: importance of 55-7; mobility 58; as research unit of analysis 43; routines and television viewing 63-77

Fang, L-z. 51, 123, 183,202-3

Feng, L. 83

Ferguson, J. 152

film: American 127, 131; attendance 63; Chinese 127, 134-42; on television 155-9

Fiske, J. 214, 225

Flowers, K. 215

Follow Me 215

forum, television as cultural and political 212-14, 219-20

Four Generations in One House 223

From the Audience 88

Fudan University 32

Fulbright Commission 39

Gang of Four 5, 84

Gargan, E. 134, 222, 225

gender, as consideration in: news 222; program preferences 15860; selecting television shows 73-6; viewing Oshin 176-9

golden time (prime-time television) 65

Gold, T. B. 96, 225

Goodman, D., et al. 5, 225

Gorbachev, M. 4, 135, 183, 186, 193

Graham, B. 127

Great Leap Forward (1958) 106

Guangdong Province Television (GDTV) 21, 24, 37, 100, 118, 146-7

Guangming Daily 190

Guangzhou: description of 52-3; as research site 42

guanxi (and guanxi wang) 95-126, 211, 222

Guldin, G. E. 31, 221

Guo, Z. 19, 225

Guomingdang 19

Hall, S., et al. 215, 225

Harding, H. 7, 225

Hareven, T. K. 32-3, 44, 56, 225

Hirsch, P. 212, 226

history, of Chinese mass media 17-29

homes 57-9; influence of space on television viewing 65-7

Hong, M-s. 142-3

Hong Kong 3, 10, 13, 28, 3940, 52, 88, 131, 134, 176, 205-6, 221

Hong Kong television 144-7, 206

Hooper, B. 48, 135, 180, 225

Hopkins, M. 188, 225

Hou, D-j. 198-20 I

housing 50-9

Howkins, J. 26, 225

Hu, Y. 10, 14, 22, 78, 99, 183-6

Hundred Flowers Campaign 31, 84, 125

information, as television programming 156-60

infrastructure 14-15

INTELSAT 27, 193

internal channels 18, 33, 86

Iococca, L. 135

Jackson, M. 131

Japan 10, 22-3, 31, 123, 141, 151-2, 162, 165, 172, 176-81, 192, 223

Jia, P-a. 13, 225

Jiang, Q. 139

Jiang, Z-m. 201, 204, 211

journalism 18, 84-8, 188-93, 213

Ju, Y. 76, 225

June 4th (1989) 1, 11, 125, 182-207, 214

J. Walter Thompson advertising 151

Kristof, N. 194

kung-fu 144-5, 156-61, 168-9

Kuo, Y-1. 100, 117, 222

language 218

Lau, T-y. 143, 225

learning, from television 165-81

leisure time 62-5, 177

Li, J. 144

Li, P. 12, 14-16, 85, 183, 187, 189, 191-2, 203-4, 206, 211

Li, X. 101-2

light entertainment, as television program genre 156-60

literacy 13, 18

Liu, M. 224

Lo, Y-k. 143,225

Lockett, M. 225

Lorimar Productions 149

Lu, W-p. 61

Lull, J. 74, 126, 155, 169, 225

Ma, S-1. 122

Macau 13

McCann-Erickson advertising 151

McCormick, R. 80

Madonna 131

Mao, Z-d. 5, 49, 84, 97, 123, 185, 211

market, China as business 151-2

marriage, characteristics of 57

martial law 192-3, 206-7

mass communication research in China 34-8

material civilization 17-18

MCA/Paramount/MGM 149

methodology for book 40-7, 92, 222

Mexico 174-5

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck 150, 175

Ming, A-x. 17-19

Ministry of Education 79

Ministry of Radio and Television 24

Mishler, E. 45

model citizen and worker television programs 82-4, 218

Morley, D. 74

music, popular 53, 127-32

Nathan, A. 14, 184,226

neighborhoods, description of 54-5

Newcomb, H. 212, 226

news: research 86; television general 84-8 214; television international 86-8

newspapers: history and circulation 18-19; reading habits 63

New Star (Xin Xing) 89, 92-126, 136, 143, 213, 219, 221-2

novels, reading habits 63

Ogilvy & Mather advertising 151

Old Well 140

one child policy 13, 56-7

One Hundred Mistakes of River Elegy (He Shang) 214

Open Door policy 3-4, 17, 39, 125, 127, 134, 147, 172

opera, Chinese 155-7

Oshin, Japanese drama series 73, 176-80, 215, 222-3

Pan, L. 2

Parish, W. 39-40, 54, 57-8, 221, 227

Pasternak, B. 31-2, 221, 227

People's Congress 219

People's Daily 189-90, 192

People's University of China 46, 89, 190, 221

Perkins, D. 6, 9, 178

polysemy 211, 214-17

pornography 28-9, 134

posters, political 188, 190-1

propaganda 828, 139-40, 172, 194-207,211, 215-20

public relations, Chinese 6, 151

Pye, L. 98-9

Qin, B-1. 189, 204

Qinghua University 198

Qin Shi Huang 208

radio: history 19-20; listening habits 63; programming 20; shortwave 20; wired installations 20

Radio Corporation of China 19

Rather, D. 193

Reagan, N. 135

Red Sorghum 138-41, 222

research, Chinese: applied television 35-8; foreigners in China 39-40; history 31-2; mass communication 348; qualitative 34-8; quantitative 338; social and cultural 30-40

responsibility system 6

Reynolds, E. 12, 226

rice bowl, concept 4-6, 13, 210

Ritchie, L. 131

River Elegy (He Shang) 89, 92, 136, 142-4, 213, 219

Rogers, E., et al. 20, 226

ru 153, 212

satellites, telecommunications 27-8, 193, 206

Schell, O. 2, 184, 209, 226

Segal, G. 225

Shanghai: description of 50-1; as research site 42

Shanghai Television (STV) 21, 24, 37, 132, 149-50

Shen, B-z. 210

Silicon Valley, California 205

Singapore 131

Sobel, R. 147, 152, 226

social behavior, influenced by television 165-9

Soviet Union 4, 20, 31, 186

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) 7, 10, 13,49, 151

spiritual civilization 17-18

sports, television 66, 156-60, 174

Stallone, S. 135

Stone, J. 141, 222

Su, X-k. 142, 222

Sun, L. 22, 24, 27

Sun, SoW. 2, 41-6

Taiwan 3, 13, 86, 131, 195, 198,205

Taiyuan Television (TYTV) 100-3, 116-17

telephones 14-15, 27, 190,205

television: history of in China 20-4; management problems 212-14; structure of system 24-6

television programming 26-7; American shows 145, 147-50, 172-81; audience involvement programs 88-9; for children 67-8; criticism of 160-1; educational 7982, 156-60; foreign 131, 145, 155-7, 172-81; genres 155-60; scheduling 67, 152, 162

television viewing: choosing programs 72-5; favorite programs of family members 155-60; as meaning construction 216-20; program conflicts 75; rules for 71-5; stages in adoption of sets 59-62; styles and routines 67-75

Third Plenum, Eleventh Central Committee meeting 5

Third Plenum, Twelfth Central Committee meeting 7

Third World Advertising Conference 151

Thurston, A. 32, 221, 226

Tiananmen Square 1-2, 16, 28, 46-7, 83, 85, 151, 171, 182-207, 215, 221

Tibet 14, 185

Turnley, D. 224, 227

Turnley, P. 224, 227

Twentieth Century Fox 149

United States of America 9-10, 22, 28, 31, 131, 170-81, 190-1, 203, 205-6, 212

video cassette recorders (VCRs) 28, 52, 60, 62

Voice of America (VOA) 88, 134, 190-1, 202, 205

Walt Disney 150, 175

Wang, L-x. 142

Wang, Z. 203

Wang, Z-x. 18, 20, 78

Whyte, M. 39-40, 54, 57-8, 221, 227

Wicke, P. 170, 227

Womack, B. 18-20, 24, 79, 84, 227

World Economic Herald 189, 204

Worldvision Enterprises 147

Wu, T-m. 136-42

Wu, V-c. 102, 227

Wuer, K-x. 192, 200

Xia, J. 142

Xian: description of 53-4; as research site 42

Xian Film Studio 136-42

Xinhua (New China News Agency) 187, 189, 192

Xiu, R-j. 99

Xue, F. 214

Yellow Earth 138-40

Zhang, Yom. 136-42

Zhao, Z-y. 9-10, 13-16, 85, 125, 183, 185-7, 189, 203-4

Zhen, W. 142-3

Zhou, Y-p. 116-24, 227

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