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A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


2PC (see two-phase commit)
? (help) command, Help


AbstractReplicationStrategy class, Replica Placement Strategies
AbstractType class, Column Sorting file, Using SimpleAuthenticator
AccessLevel objects, Providing Your Own Authentication
accrual failure detection, Gossip and Failure Detection
Accrual Failure Detector, Miscellaneous Settings
ACID transactions, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
Aggregate Key design pattern, Aggregate Key
ALL (consistency level)
reads, Consistency Levels
writes, Consistency Levels
AllowAllAuthenticator class, Security
Dynamo (see Dynamo)
use of eventual consistency, Tuneable Consistency
analytics, use of Cassandra for, Lots of Writes, Statistics, and Analysis
Ant, Building from Source
additional build targets for ant command, Additional Build Targets
Avro targets, Avro Ant Targets
build executing targets to create language bindings, Thrift
custom extension task definitions for subsequent targets, Avro Ant Targets
anti-entropy, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
defined, Glossary
AntiEntropyService class, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair, Repair
ANY (consistency level), Hinted Handoff
reads, Consistency Levels
writes, Consistency Levels
AP, primarily supporting Availability and Partition Tolerance, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
Apache Cassandra Project, Why Apache Cassandra?
Apache Commons libraries, What’s In There?
Apache CouchDB, Apache CouchDB
Apache Xindice, Apache Xindice
API version, displaying, Describing the Environment
application example (Hotel), Sample ApplicationSummary
Cassandra design, Hotel App Cassandra Design
code, Hotel Application CodeThe Search Application
creating the database, Creating the Database
data structures, Data Structures
getting a connection, Getting a Connection
operations performed by, Hotel Application Code
pre-populating database, Prepopulating the DatabasePrepopulating the Database
data design, Data Design
RDBMS design, Hotel App RDBMS Design
search application, The Search ApplicationThe Search Application
applications, evolving, use of Cassandra for, Evolving Applications
architecture (Cassandra), The Cassandra ArchitectureSummary
anti-entropy and read repair, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
Bloom Filters, Bloom Filters
compaction, Compaction
gossip protocol and failure detection, Gossip and Failure Detection
hinted handoff, Hinted Handoff
managers and services, Managers and Services
memtables, SSTables, and commit logs, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
peer-to-peer distribution model, Peer-to-Peer
Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA), Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
system keyspace, System Keyspace
tombstones, Tombstones
AsciiType sorts, Column Sorting
async writes, Glossary
atomic transactions, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
authentication, SecurityProviding Your Own Authentication
MD5 encryption for passwords with SimpleAuthenticator, Using MD5 Encryption
programmatic, Programmatic Authentication
providing your own, Providing Your Own Authentication
SimpleAuthenticator, changes in version 0.7, Using SimpleAuthenticator
using SimpleAuthenticator, Using SimpleAuthenticatorProgrammatic Authentication
authorization, Using SimpleAuthenticator
autobootstrap setting
adding nodes to cluster, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
for changing replication factor, Increasing the Replication Factor
seed nodes ignoring, Creating a Cluster
CAP theorem, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
Cassandra’s high availability, Distributed and Decentralized
high availability and fault tolerance, High Availability and Fault Tolerance
improvement with peer-to-peer design, Peer-to-Peer
tradeoffs with consistency and partiton tolerance, Tuneable Consistency
Avro, What’s In There?, AvroAvro Summary, Glossary
Ant targets, Avro Ant Targets
cassandra.avro file, Avro
specification, Avro Specification
avro-generate target, Avro, Avro Ant Targets


batch and periodic settings for commit log sync operation, Commit Logs
batch mutates, Batch Mutates
deletes, Batch Deletes
pre-populating database in Hotel application (example), Prepopulating the Database
batch_mutate operation, Batch Mutates
Bigtable, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less, Brewer’s CAP Theorem, Google Bigtable
databases derived from, place on CAP continuum, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
defined, Glossary
bin directory, What’s In There?
bin/ include script, Using SimpleAuthenticator
binary installation, Cassandra, Installing the Binary
blocking in synchronous updates, Tuneable Consistency
Bloom Filter, Bloom Filters, Glossary
use in read operations with Random Partitioner, Ranges and Slices
Boost, Getting Thrift
bootstrapping, Multiple Seed Nodes
(see also autobootstrap setting)
adding nodes to cluster, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
Brewer’s Theorem, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
(see also CAP Theorem)
buffer sizes, Buffer Sizes
Buffered Transport, Cassandra Web Console
build targets for ant, Additional Build Targets
Byte-Ordered Partitioner, Byte-Ordered Partitioner
BytesType sorts, Column Sorting


C# clients, Thrift, HectorSharp (C#)
(see also HectorSharp)
Boost libraries, Getting Thrift
clients, Thrift
CA, primarily supporting Consistency and Availability, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
caches, viewing information on, org.apache.cassandra.db
caching layer, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
caching, performance tuning, Caching
calculateNaturalEndpoints method, Simple Strategy
CAP Theorem, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
“The Case for Shared Nothing”, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
architecture (see architecture)
building from source, Building from Source
clients supported, What’s In There?
defined, Glossary
design differences from RDBMS, Design Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
download site, Installing the Binary
focus on availability and partiton tolerance, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
in Greek mythology, Where Did Cassandra Come From?
Hadoop source package, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
installing the binary, Installing the Binary
list of large companies using it, Who Is Using Cassandra?
origins of, Where Did Cassandra Come From?
queries, differences from RDBMS, Query Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
releases, Why Apache Cassandra?
running, Running Cassandra
use cases, Use Cases for Cassandra
Cassandra API, The API
ranges, Ranges and Slices file, default configuration, PropertyFileSnitch
cassandra.avro file, Avro
cassandra.thrift file, What’s In There?, Thrift
cassandra.yaml file
keyspaces defined in, loading, Importing Previous Configurations
users upgrading config files from XML to YAML, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
CassandraDaemon class, Cassandra Daemon, Interacting with Cassandra via JMX
CassandraServer class, Managers and Services
CASSANDRA_HOME environment variable, Running the Command-Line Client Interface
causal consistency, Tuneable Consistency
cfstats command, Using cfstats
check-avro-generate target, Avro Ant Targets
Chirper, Chirper
Chiton, Chiton (Python), Glossary
cleanup command, Cleanup
CLI (command line interface)
commands, basic, Basic CLI CommandsSummary
connect, Connecting to a Server
creating keyspace and column family, Creating a Keyspace and Column Family
describing the environment, Describing the Environment
help, Help
writing and reading data, Writing and Reading Data
creating keys with different columns, Seeding Some Values
creating keyspace in version 0.7, Keyspaces
executables for, What’s In There?
logging into, with username and password, Using SimpleAuthenticator
modifications to schemas, Keyspaces
other keyspace-related commands, Keyspaces
querying a column family, Column Families
querying super column family, Super Columns
running, Running the Command-Line Client Interface
specifying username and password during connection, Using SimpleAuthenticator
clients, ClientsSummary
Avro, AvroAvro Summary
basic client API, Basic Client API
Chirper, Chirper
Chiton (Python), Chiton (Python)
connecting client nodes, Connecting Client Nodes
Fauna (Ruby), Fauna (Ruby)
Git, A Bit of Git
Hector, Hector (Java)
HectorSharp (C#), HectorSharp (C#)HectorSharp (C#)
Kundera, Kundera (Java ORM)
Pelops (Java), Pelops (Java)
simple client to write values and then read them, Setup and Inserting DataSetup and Inserting Data
Thrift API, ThriftBasic Client API
web console, Cassandra Web Console
clock, Columns
clock_type, Creating a Column Family
CloudKick, use of Cassandra, Denormalization
clusters, Creating a ClusterMultiple Seed Nodes
adding nodes, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
changing name of, Changing the Cluster Name
configuration for integration with Hadoop, Cluster Configuration
defined, Clusters, Glossary
dynamic participation of nodes, Dynamic Ring Participation
load balancing, Load-Balancing the ClusterDecommissioning a Node
rings, Replicas
showing name of current cluster, Describing the Environment
specifying multiple seed nodes, Multiple Seed Nodes
Codd, Edgar F., What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner, Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner
column families, Writing and Reading Data, Column FamiliesColumn Family Options
adding, dropping, and renaming, Keyspaces
changing in working cluster, Changing Column Families in a Working Cluster
CompareWith element in definitions, Sorting Is a Design Decision
creating using CLI, Creating a Keyspace and Column Family
creating using Thrift API, Keyspaces
creating, options available, Creating a Column Family
defined, A Simple Introduction, Glossary
defining programmatically, Programmatically Defining Keyspaces and Column Families
Garbage Collection Grace Seconds, Tombstones
Merkle Trees representing data in, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
name and comparator attributes, Column Families
options, Column Family Options
querying using the CLI, Column Families
representing in JSON-like notation, Column Families
setting for keyspaces, Keyspaces
Standard or Super type, Column Families
super, A Simple Introduction
super column family definition (example), Super Columns
column name, Glossary
column value, Glossary
column-oriented, Row-Oriented
columnar databases, Columnar DatabasesHypertable
Bigtable, Google Bigtable
HBase, HBase
Hypertable, Hypertable
ColumnFamilyInputFormat class, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
ColumnFamilyRecordReader class, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
ColumnFamilySplit class, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
ColumnFamilyStore class, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
ColumnOrSuperColumn class, Setup and Inserting Data
ColumnOrSupercolumn type, Super Columns
ColumnPath object (HectorSharp), HectorSharp (C#)
columns, A Simple Introduction, Columns
clock attribute, Columns
defined, Glossary
defining (example), Columns
IColumn interface, Columns
specifying how names will be compared for sort order, Column Sorting
structure of Cassandra columns, Columns
SuperColumn class, Super Columns
timestamp attribute, A Simple Introduction
wide rows or skinny rows, Wide Rows, Skinny Rows
writing data to and reading from, Writing and Reading Data
column_index_size_in_kb setting, Miscellaneous Settings
column_type, Creating a Column Family bean, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
command line interface (see CKU)
comment option (column families), Column Family Options, Creating a Column Family
commit logs, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs, Basic Write Properties
defined, Glossary
emptying, Changing Column Families in a Working Cluster
flushing data to datafiles, Data Storage
purpose of, Data Storage
setting rotation threshold, Commit Logs
storage on separate hard disk from datafiles, Data Storage
sync operation settings, Commit Logs
CommitLogRotationThresholdInMB element, Commit Logs
compaction, Compaction
defined, Glossary
im_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb setting, Miscellaneous Settings
Merkle Tree created as snapshot during, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
reducing priority of compaction threads, Compaction
compaction threshold, finding for a node, Compaction Threshold
CompactionManager class, Compaction
options for, Creating a Column Family
ranges and, Ranges and Slices
Compare With type (column families), Column Sorting
compare_with attribute, Column Sorting
compensation, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
composite keys, Composite Keys
compression, Glossary
concurent package, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
concurrency model, Cassandra, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
concurrent_reads setting, tuning, Concurrency
concurrent_writes setting, tuning, Concurrency
conf directory, What’s In There?
config-converter script, Importing Previous Configurations
ConfigHelper class, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package, Running the Word Count Example
configuration, Configuring CassandraSummary
clusters, Creating a ClusterMultiple Seed Nodes
dynamic ring participation, Dynamic Ring Participation
keyspaces, KeyspacesTransitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
miscellaneous settings, Miscellaneous Settings
partitioners, PartitionersByte-Ordered Partitioner
replica placement strategies, Replica Placement StrategiesReplication Factor
replicas, Replicas
replication factor, Replication Factor
security, SecurityProviding Your Own Authentication
snitches, Snitches
tools for, Additional Tools
importing previous configurations, Importing Previous Configurations
connect command, Connecting to a Server
connection client convenience class ( example), Getting a Connection
CAP Theorem, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
defined, Glossary
gained through transactions, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
models of, Tuneable Consistency
tradeoffs with availability and partition tolerance, Tuneable Consistency
in transactions, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
tuneable, Tuneable Consistency
Consistency Level
ANY, Hinted Handoff
specified by client, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
consistency levels, Consistency Levels
defined, Tuneable Consistency, Glossary
reads, Consistency Levels
replication factor versus, Replication Factor
writes, Consistency Levels
Consistency Manager, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
Constants class (Hotel application example), Data Structures
contrib module, Working with MapReduce
Converter class, Importing Previous Configurations
CouchDB, Apache CouchDB
count attribute of slice range, Counts
CP, primarily supporting Consistency and Partition Tolerance, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
create column family command, Keyspaces
Custom sorts, Column Sorting
Cygwin, Tailing


DAOs (data access objects), creating in HectorSharp, HectorSharp (C#)
Data Center Shard Strategy, Replica Placement Strategies, Network Topology Strategy
data consistency, Tuneable Consistency
Data Definition Language (DDL), RDBMS: The Awesome and the Not-So-Much
creating and altering tables, Keyspaces
data design, Cassandra application (example), Data Design
data integrity, Key-Value Stores and Distributed Hashtables
Data Manipulation Language (see DML)
data model
clusters, Clusters
column families, A Simple Introduction, Column FamiliesColumn Family Options
columns, Columns
introduction to, A Simple Introduction
keyspaces, Keyspaces
super columns, Super Columns
Google Bigtable, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less
relational databases, The Relational Data Model
data serialization and RPC systems, Avro
data structures, defining for Hotel application (example), Data StructuresData Structures
data update replication, Tuneable Consistency
database transactions (see transactions)
Cassandra db package, org.apache.cassandra.db
creating for Hotel application (example), Creating the Database
how different databases appear on CAP continuum, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
pre-populating database in Hotel application (example), Prepopulating the DatabasePrepopulating the Database
DataFileDirectory element, Increasing the Replication Factor
datafiles, Data Storage
storage on separate hard disks from commit logs, Data Storage
datanode (Hadoop), Cluster Configuration
DB2, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
DDL (Data Definition Language), RDBMS: The Awesome and the Not-So-Much
creating and altering tables, Keyspaces
DEBUG logging level, Logging
decentralized, Distributed and Decentralized, Glossary
“A Decentralized Structured Storage System”, Where Did Cassandra Come From?
decommissioning a node, Decommissioning a Node
deletes, Deleting
batch deletes, Batch Deletes
del command, Writing and Reading Data
range ghosts, Range Ghosts
tombstones, Tombstones
Deletion object, Batch Deletes
denormalization, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?, Summary
RDBMS versus Cassandra, Denormalization
dependency management plug-in, Ivy, Building from Source
describe keyspace command, Creating a Keyspace and Column Family
Deserialization Executor, MessagingService, Messaging Service
design patterns, Design Patterns
Aggregate Key, Aggregate Key
Materialized View, Materialized View
Valueless Column, Valueless Column
Differencer class, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair, Repair
Digg, Who Is Using Cassandra?
Property File Snitch, PropertyFileSnitch
disk access on key lookups, reduction of, Bloom Filters
disk_access_mode setting, Caching
distributed transactions, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
distributed, defined, Distributed and Decentralized
distribution design, based on Amazon Dynamo, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less
DML (Data Manipulation Language), RDBMS: The Awesome and the Not-So-Much
DNS, round-robin, connecting client nodes, Round-Robin DNS
document-oriented databases, Document-Oriented DatabasesRiak
Apache CouchDB, Apache CouchDB
IBM Lotus, IBM Lotus
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Document-Oriented Databases
MongoDB, MongoDB
Risk, Riak
documentation, javadoc directory, What’s In There?
dumpHeap operation on Cassandra node, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
duplicate keys, not possible in Cassandra, No Duplicate Keys
durability, Glossary
durable transactions, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
dynamic loading, Keyspaces
Dynamo, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less, Amazon Dynamo
anti-entropy, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
databases derived from, focus on availability and partition tolerance, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
defined, Glossary


eBay, use of sharding in relational database, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Eclipse, creating Java project in, Setup and Inserting Data
elastic, Glossary
elastic scalability, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
defined, Elastic Scalability
elevator pitch for Cassandra, The Cassandra Elevator Pitch
End Point Snitch, Simple Snitch
epidemic protocols (see gossip protocols)
Erlang clients, Thrift
event-driven architecture, SEDA, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
eventual consistency, Tuneable Consistency
defined, Glossary
exceptions, Thrift, Exceptions
ExecutorService class (Java), Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA), Cassandra’s MBeans
eXist XML database, eXist
“The Expanding Digital Universe”, Web Scale
extracting downloaded Cassandra binary, Extracting the Download


Facebook, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less
origins of Cassandra, Where Did Cassandra Come From?
Thrift, Thrift
use of Cassandra for inbox search, Who Is Using Cassandra?
use of eventual consistency, Tuneable Consistency
FailoverPolicy class (HectorSharp), HectorSharp (C#)
failure detection, Glossary
robust support as specified by Phi Accrual Failure Detection, Gossip and Failure Detection
use of gossip protocol, Gossip and Failure Detection
FailureDetector class, Gossip and Failure Detection
fault tolerance, High Availability and Fault Tolerance
fault-tolerant, Glossary
Fauna (Ruby), Fauna (Ruby)
feature-based shards (functional segmentation), Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
FileOutputFormat class, Outputting Data to Cassandra
Flixter, data sharding strategies, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
FlockDB, FlockDB
Florenzano, Eric, Twissandra
flush command, Flush
flush_data_buffer_size_in_mb setting, Memtables, Buffer Sizes
flush_index_buffer_size_in_mb setting, Buffer Sizes
Framed Transport, Cassandra Web Console
functional segmentation (shards), Sharding and shared-nothing architecture


Gang of Four Command pattern for Data Access Objects (DAOs), HectorSharp (C#)
Gang of Four Strategy pattern, Replica Placement Strategies
Garbage Collection Grace Seconds setting, Tombstones
gc_grace_seconds setting, Miscellaneous Settings, Deleting
geographical distribution of data, Cassandra support for, Geographical Distribution
geolocation data, Hotel application (example), Data Design
get command, Writing and Reading Data
get operation, Using a Simple GetSeeding Some Values
getBloomFilterFalsePositives method, Bloom Filters
get_range_slices operation, Get Range Slices
get_slice operation, Getting Particular Column Names with Get Slice
client projects using Git, A Bit of Git
read-only trunk version of Cassandra source, Building from Source
Bigtable, Cassandra in 50 Words or Less, Google Bigtable, Glossary
collections project, What’s In There?
MapReduce, What Is Hadoop?
use of eventual consistency, Tuneable Consistency
use of Shared Nothing architecture, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
gossip protocols, Glossary
use for intra-ring communication, Gossip and Failure Detection
GossipDigestAck2Message, Gossip and Failure Detection
GossipDigestAckMessage, Gossip and Failure Detection
GossipDigestSynMessage, Gossip and Failure Detection
Gossiper class, Gossip and Failure Detection
getUnreachableMembers method, Cassandra’s MBeans
graph databases, Graph DatabasesNeo4J
FlockDB, FlockDB
Neo4J, Neo4J
place on CAP continuum, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
guaranteed delivery in JMS, Hinted Handoff


Hadoop, Avro
configuration, information on, Cluster Configuration
Hadoop distributed filesystem (HDFS), What Is Hadoop?, Cluster Configuration
Hadoop, integrating with Cassandra, Integrating HadoopSummary
brief history of Hadoop, What Is Hadoop?
cluster configuration, Cluster Configuration
Hive, Hive
Pig, Tools Above MapReduce
running word count example, Running the Word Count Example
class running MapReduce program, Running the Word Count Example
Hadoop Streaming, Hadoop Streaming
Mapper implementation, Running the Word Count Example
outputting data to Cassandra, Outputting Data to Cassandra
Reducer implementation, Running the Word Count Example
use cases, Use Cases
Imagini, Imagini: Dave Gardner, Keith Thornhill
working with MapReduce, Working with MapReduce
Haskell clients, Thrift
HBase database, HBase
HDFS (Hadoop distributed filesystem), What Is Hadoop?, Cluster Configuration
health check for nodes in cluster, Health Check
heap analysis, using JMX and JHAT, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHATHeap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
heap size setting for JVM, Tuning the JVM
heap, instructing to dump its state on out of memory error, Tuning the JVM
Hector, Hector (Java), Glossary
API, The Hector API
features, Features
HectorSharp (C#), HectorSharp (C#)HectorSharp (C#)
Cassandra application, HectorSharp (C#)
console project reading and writing data to Cassandra, HectorSharp (C#)
Gang of Four Command pattern for Data Access Objects (DAOs), HectorSharp (C#)
high-level constructs, HectorSharp (C#)
help command, Help
high availability (see availability)
high performance, Cassandra, High Performance
hinted handoffs, Hinted Handoff
defined, Glossary
hints counting as writes, Consistency Levels
information in system keyspace, System Keyspace
HintedHandoffManager class, Hinted Handoff Manager
Hive, Hive
Hohpe, Gregor, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
horizontal scaling, Elastic Scalability
hot spots, Order-Preserving Partitioner
Hotel application (see application example)
HotSpotDiagnostic bean, dumpHeap operation, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
HPROF binary format, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
Hypertable, Hypertable


IAuthenticator interface, Providing Your Own Authentication
databases developed by, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
Lotus, IBM Lotus
ICassandraClient interface (HectorSharp), HectorSharp (C#)
IColumn interface, Super Columns
IColumnContainer interface, Super Columns
IExecutorMBean interface, Cassandra’s MBeans
IFailureDetector interface, Gossip and Failure Detection
Imagini, Cassandra/Hadoop integration, Imagini: Dave Gardner
include script, Using SimpleAuthenticator
IncomingStreamReader class, Messaging Service
IncomingTcpConnection class, Messaging Service
indexed, row-oriented store, Row-Oriented
created over sorted data during compaction, Compaction
secondary, RDBMS versus Cassandra, Secondary Indexes
info command, Info
INFO logging level, Logging
Information Management System (IMS), IBM, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
initServer method, Storage Service
inserts, Setup and Inserting DataSetup and Inserting Data
pre-polutatiing database in Hotel application (example), Prepopulating the Database
instrumentation, Overview of JMX and MBeans
IntegerType sorts, Column Sorting
interface directory, What’s In There?
interface folder, Thrift
Avro interfaces, Avro
thrift folder and subfolders, Thrift
interpret method, Gossip and Failure Detection
InterSystems’ object database, Caché, Object Databases
in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb setting, Miscellaneous Settings
IP address or hostname of node as seed, Adding Nodes to a Cluster, Multiple Seed Nodes
IPartitioner interface, Partitioners
isAlive method, Gossip and Failure Detection
isolation (transactions), Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
IVerbHandler interface, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
Ivy plug-in for dependency management, Building from Source


JAR (Java Archive) files
Avro, Avro Ant Targets
creating for distribution, Additional Build Targets
Thrift, Thrift
clients, Thrift
generating Apache Thrift client interface for Java database, Additional Build Targets
Hector, Hector (Java)
Pelops client, Pelops (Java)
use by Kundera, Kundera (Java ORM)
performance tuning on Java 6, Tuning the JVM
runtime Avro interface, Avro Ant Targets
source package for Hadoop integration code, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
Thrift support for, Thrift Support for Java
Java classpath on Windows, Running the Command-Line Client Interface
Java Heap Analysis Tool (see JHAT)
Java Management Extension (see JMX)
Java Message Service (JMS), durable guaranteed-delivery JMS queues, Hinted Handoff
Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Building from Source
java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService class, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA), Cassandra’s MBeans
java.util.logging.Logger MBean, MBeans
java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean class, MBeans
javadoc directory, What’s In There?
JavaScript Object Notation (see JSON)
JConsole tool, MBeans, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
login, Interacting with Cassandra via JMX
looking for unreachable nodes, Cassandra’s MBeans
using to load old keyspaces defined in cassandra.yaml, Importing Previous Configurations
JDK (Java Development Kit), Building from Source, Overview of JMX and MBeans
JHAT (Java Heap Analysis Tool), Heap Analysis with JMX and JHATHeap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
using Object Query Language (OOL) to query heap dump file, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
jmap tool, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
JMS (Java Message Service), durable guaranteed-delivery JMS queues, Hinted Handoff
JMX (Java Management Extension), Monitoring
enabling with custom Cassandra MBeans, Custom Cassandra MBeans
heap analysis using, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
integrating with Cassandra, Integrating JMX
interacting with Cassandra, Interacting with Cassandra via JMX
JConsole client, MBeans
managing Cassandra using its MBeans, Cassandra’s MBeans
MBeans (see MBeans)
overview, Overview of JMX and MBeans
JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor class, Compaction, Cassandra’s MBeans
registering with MBean server, Cassandra’s MBeans
unregistering with MBean server, Cassandra’s MBeans
JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean class, Cassandra’s MBeans
jobtracker (Hadoop), Cluster Configuration
joins, inability to perform in Cassandra, Columns
JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Building from Source
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), A Simple Introduction
Avro definitions written as schemas, Avro Specification
cassandra.avro file, Avro
defined, Document-Oriented Databases
definition of Cassandra column, Columns
importing and exporting, scripts for, Importing Previous Configurations
representing column family in JSON-like notation, Column Families
serialization libraries, What’s In There?
JVM (Java virtual machine), Overview of JMX and MBeans
tuning, Tuning the JVM


key cache, Caching
key-based sharding, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
key-value stores, Key-Value Stores and Distributed HashtablesRedis
Amazon Dynamo, Amazon Dynamo
Project Voldemort, Project Voldemort
Redis, Redis
KeyRange objects, Get Range Slices
keys, A Simple Introduction
(see also row keys)
Aggregate Key design pattern, Aggregate Key
ranges of, Ranges and Slices
keyspaces, Schema-Free, KeyspacesTransitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
authenticating to, using SimpleAuthenticator, Using SimpleAuthenticator
basic attributes, Keyspaces
configuration file, transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
creating, Keyspaces
creating column families, options for, Creating a Column Family
creating keyspace and column family, Creating a Keyspace and Column Family
creating keyspace and column family using Thrift API, Keyspaces
defined, Glossary
defining programmatically, Programmatically Defining Keyspaces and Column Families
HectorSharp (C#) client, HectorSharp (C#)
loading old keyspace defined in cassandra.yaml, Importing Previous Configurations
modifying system keyspace, Keyspaces
programmatic authentication to, Programmatic Authentication
showing available keyspaces for cluster, Describing the Environment
system, System Keyspace
users in, Using SimpleAuthenticator
keys_cached setting, Column Family Options, Caching
key_cache_size, Creating a Column Family
Kundera, Kundera (Java ORM)


large deployments, use of Cassandra, Large Deployments
LexicalUUIDType sorts, Column Sorting
lib directory, What’s In There?
getting process IDs, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
installing Thrift on Ubuntu Linux, Getting Thrift
mixing with Windows boxes in cluster, Warning signs
running Cassandra, On Linux
running Command Line interface on, Running the Command-Line Client Interface
startup script, Startup and JVM Settings
listen_address setting, Multiple Seed Nodes
load balancer, connecting client nodes, Load Balancer
load balancing a cluster, Load-Balancing the ClusterDecommissioning a Node
nodetool, loadbalance and streams switches, loadbalance and streams
LoadDisseminator class, StorageService
loadSchemaFromYAML method, Loading the schema, Importing Previous Configurations
loadSchemasFromYAML method, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
Log4J, Logging
JAR file, Setup and Inserting Data file, The Search Application file, Setup and Inserting Data
changing location of logs directory, Logging
Logger MBean, MBeans
logging, LoggingWarning signs
changing location of logs directory, Logging
examining debug-level output, Following along
logging levels, Logging
output at DEBUG logging level, Logging
tailing the logs, Tailing
warning signs to take note of, Warning signs
LoggingMXBean class, MBeans
login method, Providing Your Own Authentication
LongType sorts, Column Sorting
lookup tables, sharding approach, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Lotus, IBM Lotus


maintenance, basic, Basic Maintenance
causing Cassandra to run major compaction, Repair
forcing write of data from memtables to SSTables, Flush
running nodetool cleanup, Cleanup
major compaction, Compaction
running using nodetool repair, Repair
managed beans (see MBeans)
managers, Managers and Services
Mapper implementation, word count example, Running the Word Count Example
mapping application objects to relational model, Schema
Cassandra’s built-in support for Hadoop implementation, What Is Hadoop?
Google Bigtable implementation, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Hadoop implementation, Integrating Hadoop
working with, Working with MapReduce
Hadoop Streaming, Hadoop Streaming
jobtracker, Cluster Configuration
Mapper implementation, word count example, Running the Word Count Example
Reducer implementation, word count example, Running the Word Count Example
tools operating at level above, Pig and Hive, Tools Above MapReduce
WordCount class running MapReduce program, Running the Word Count Example
MarkLogic server, XML database, MarkLogic Server
master/slave design, Peer-to-Peer
master/slave relationship, Distributed and Decentralized
Materialized View design pattern, Composite Keys, Materialized View
Maven, building with, Building with Maven
attributes, MBeans
Cassandra, Cassandra’s MBeansCassandra’s MBeans
org.apache.cassandra.concurrent package, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
org.apache.cassandra.db package, org.apache.cassandra.db
org.apache.cassandra.gms package, org.apache.cassandra.gms
org.apache.cassandra.service package, org.apache.cassandra.serviceStreamingService
compaction operations, Compaction
CompactionManager, Compaction
custom Cassandra MBeans, Custom Cassandra MBeans
exposing Cassandra version (example), Custom Cassandra MBeans
getBloomFilterFalsePositives operation, Bloom Filters
overview, MBeans
StorageServiceMBean, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
MD5 encryption for passwords, Using MD5 Encryption
Memtable class, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
MemtableObjectCountInMillions setting, Memtables
memtables, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
defined, Glossary
forcing write of data to SSTables, Flush
settings, performance tuning, Memtables
stages for units of work performed on, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
usage information, org.apache.cassandra.db
MemtableSizeInMB element, Memtables
memtable_flush_after_mins element, Memtables
memtable_flush_writers element, Memtables
memtable_throughput_in_mb setting, Memtables
Merkle Trees, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair, Repair
defined, Glossary
MessagingService class, Messaging Service
metadata in system keyspace, System Keyspace
model-based XML databases, XML Databases
MongoDB, MongoDB
auto-sharding capabilities, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), Apache CouchDB
multidimensional hashtables, Cassandra data storage in, Row-Oriented
multiget, Glossary
multiget slice, Multiget SliceMultiget Slice, Glossary
multiget_slice operation, Multiget Slice
Mutation object for batch deletes, Batch Deletes
MX4J library, Integrating JMX
mx4j-tools.jar file, Importing Previous Configurations
distributed, place on CAP continuum, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
master/slave design, Distributed and Decentralized


Nagios, use with JMX, Summary
namenode (Hadoop), Cluster Configuration
Neo4J database, Neo4J
.NET framework, version 3.5 or better (for HectorSharp), HectorSharp (C#)
network partitions, Glossary
in distributed systems, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use of, Some Things to Keep in Mind
Network Topology Strategy, Network Topology Strategy
node availability, Tuneable Consistency
NodeCmd class, Maintenance
NodeProbe class, Maintenance
adding to a cluster, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
connecting client nodes, Connecting Client Nodes
decommissioning, Decommissioning a Node
defined, Glossary
dynamic ring participation, Dynamic Ring Participation
multiple seed nodes, Multiple Seed Nodes
in ring, token assigned to, Replicas
updating, Removing Tokens
changing column families in working cluster, Changing Column Families in a Working Cluster
compaction threshold, Compaction Threshold
removing tokens, Removing Tokens
Nodetool, Maintenance
cfstats switch, Using cfstats
cleanup command, Cleanup
clearsnapshot switch, Clearing a Snapshot
decommission command, Decommissioning a Node
defined, Glossary
drain command, Changing Column Families in a Working Cluster
flush command, Flush
getcompactionthreshold command, Compaction Threshold
host switch and ring command, Ring
increasing replication factor, Increasing the Replication Factor
info command, Info
load balance or move operations, Order-Preserving Partitioner
loadbalance and streams, loadbalance and streams
question mark (?) for uncertain nodes, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
removetoken command, Removing Tokens
repair, Repair
snapshot command, Taking a Snapshot
streams command, Adding Nodes to a Cluster
tpstats, Using tpstats
nonrelational databases, The Nonrelational Landscape
columnar, Columnar DatabasesHypertable
document-oriented, Document-Oriented DatabasesRiak
graph, Graph DatabasesNeo4J
key-value stores and distributed hashtables, Key-Value Stores and Distributed HashtablesRedis
object, Object Databases
XML, XML DatabasesSummary
NoSQL, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?, The Nonrelational Landscape, Summary
(see also nonrelational databases)
auto-sharding capabilities, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
defined, Glossary
information on databases, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
master/slave scheme, Distributed and Decentralized
NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, use of, Some Things to Keep in Mind


object databases, Object Databases
Object Query Language (OQL), using in JHAT, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
Object Relational Mapping (ORM), Schema
implementation for Cassandra, Kundera (Java ORM)
Objective C/Cocoa clients, Thrift
Old Network Topology Strategy, Old Network Topology Strategy
ONE (consistency level)
reads, Consistency Levels
writes, Consistency Levels
ONE (replication factor), Replication Factor
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Columnar Databases
OpenNMS, Summary
operations monitoring tools, Summary
OPP (see Order-Preserving Partitioner)
Oracle Berkeley XML DB, Oracle Berkeley XML DB
Order-Preserving Partitioner (OPP), Order-Preserving Partitioner
Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner, Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner
defined, Glossary
use for range queries, Basic Read Properties
org.apache.cassandra classes, Setup and Inserting Data
org.apache.cassandra.auth.AllowAllAuthenticator, Security
org.apache.cassandra.auth.SimpleAuthenticator, SecurityProgrammatic Authentication, Using MD5 Encryption file, Avro Ant Targets
org.apache.cassandra.concurrent package, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.IExecutorMBean interface, Cassandra’s MBeans
org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor class, Cassandra’s MBeans
org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.StageManager class, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
org.apache.cassandra.config.Converter class, Importing Previous Configurations
org.apache.cassandra.db package, org.apache.cassandra.db
org.apache.cassandra.db.CompactionManager class, Compaction
org.apache.cassandra.db.IColumn interface, Columns
org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType, Column Sorting
org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable class, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
org.apache.cassandra.dbt.Range class, Replicas
org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner interface, Partitioners
org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner class, Random Partitioner
org.apache.cassandra.gms package, org.apache.cassandra.gms
org.apache.cassandra.gms.FailureDetector class, Gossip and Failure Detection
org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper class, Gossip and Failure Detection
org.apache.cassandra.gms.IFailureDetector interface, Gossip and Failure Detection
org.apache.cassandra.hadoop package, Cassandra Hadoop Source Package
org.apache.cassandra.locator.AbstractReplicationStrategy class, Replica Placement Strategies
org.apache.cassandra.locator.DataCenterShardStrategy class, Network Topology Strategy
org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndPointSnitch class, Simple Snitch
org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch, PropertyFileSnitch
org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackUnawareStrategy class, Simple Strategy class, Messaging Service class, Messaging Service
org.apache.cassandra.service package, org.apache.cassandra.service
org.apache.cassandra.service.AntiEntropyService class, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair, Repair
org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon class, Cassandra Daemon
org.apache.cassandra.service.LoadDisseminator class, StorageService
org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy class, Managers and Services
org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService class, Storage Service
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraDaemon class, Interacting with Cassandra via JMX
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraServer class, Managers and Services class, Maintenance
org.apache.thrift classes, Setup and Inserting Data
ORM (Object Relational Mapping), Schema
implementation for Cassandra, Kundera (Java ORM)
OutputFormat implementation for Cassandra, Outputting Data to Cassandra


ParameterGeneratorTask, Avro Ant Targets
ParaNamer library, Avro Ant Targets
partition tolerance, Tuneable Consistency
CAP Theorem, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
tradeoffs with consistency and availability, Tuneable Consistency
Partitioner element, Partitioners
partitioners, PartitionersByte-Ordered Partitioner
Byte-Ordered Partitioner, Byte-Ordered Partitioner
Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner, Collating Order-Preserving Partitioner
defined, Glossary
Order-Preserving Partitioner, Order-Preserving Partitioner
Random Partitioner, Random Partitioner
use with range queries, Ranges and Slices
partitions, defined, Glossary
passwd.mode, Using MD5 Encryption file, Using SimpleAuthenticator
passwords, Using SimpleAuthenticator
(see also authenticstion)
plain text and MD5 mode for SimpleAuthenticator, Using MD5 Encryption
peer-to-peer distribution model, Peer-to-Peer
Pelops (Java), Pelops (Java)
use by Kundera, Kundera (Java ORM)
PendingTasks attribute, Health Check
performance tuning, Performance TuningSummary
buffer sizes, Buffer Sizes
caching, Caching
commit logs, Commit Logs
concurrency, Concurrency
data storage, Data Storage
memtables, Memtables
reply timeout, Reply Timeout
startup and JVM settings, Startup and JVM Settings
using Python stress test (py_stress), Using the Python Stress TestRunning the Python Stress Test
performance, high performance from Cassandra, High Performance
periodic and batch settings for commit log sync operation, Commit Logs
Perl clients, Thrift
Persistent Objects and Extended database Technology (POET), Object Databases
Phi Accrual Failure Detection algorithm, Gossip and Failure Detection
PHI threshold and Accrual Failure Detectors, Miscellaneous Settings
phi_convict_threshold setting, Miscellaneous Settings
PHP clients, Thrift
Pig, Pig
Pig Latin, Pig
points of interest (POI) data structure (Hotel application example), Data Structures
Polyglot programming, Polyglot Persistence
preload_row_cache setting, Column Family Options, Creating a Column Family, Caching
Prepopulate class (example), Prepopulating the DatabasePrepopulating the Database
priority of compaction threads, reducing, Compaction
process ID for Cassandra instance, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHAT
Property File Snitch, PropertyFileSnitch
Python, Clients
Chiton, Chiton (Python)
clients, Thrift code generation library for, Thrift
Thrift client interface for, Additional Build Targets
Python stress test (py_stress), Using the Python Stress TestRunning the Python Stress Test
generating Thrift interfaces for Python, Generating the Python Thrift Interfaces
running, Running the Python Stress Test


queries, differences between RDBMS and Cassandra, Query Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
query language, RDBMS versus Cassandra, No Query Language
query model, determining for Cassandra application, Data Design
quorum, Glossary
QUORUM (consistency level)
reads, Consistency Levels
writes, Consistency Levels


Rack-Aware Snitch, Old Network Topology Strategy
Rack-Aware Strategy, Replica Placement Strategies
renamed Old Network Topology Strategy, Old Network Topology Strategy
Rack-Unaware Strategy, Replica Placement Strategies
RAM, adding to speed up reads, Basic Read Properties
Random Partitioner, Random Partitioner
defined, Glossary
read operations using, Ranges and Slices
Range class, Replicas
range ghosts, Range Ghosts
range queries, use of OPP, Basic Read Properties
range slices
defined, Glossary
get range slices, Get Range Slices
range tokens (see tokens)
ranges, Ranges and Slices
slice (see slice ranges), Cassandra/Hadoop integration, Keith Thornhill
RDBMS (relational database management systems), What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?Web Scale
design differences from Cassandra, Design Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
Hotel application design (example), Hotel App RDBMS Design
moving to Cassandra data model, pointers for, Some Things to Keep in Mind
queries, differences from Cassandra, Query Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
reasons for popularity, A Quick Review of Relational Databases
schema, Schema
sharding and shared-nothing architecture, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
soft deletes, Tombstones
summary of strengths and weaknesses, Summary
transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commits, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
read repair, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair, Glossary
read-only compaction, Compaction
reading and writing data, Writing and Reading Data, Reading and Writing DataSummary
basic read properties, Basic Read Properties
basic write properties, Basic Write Properties
batch mutates, Batch Mutates
Cassandra API, The API
Cassandra’s high performance on writes, High Performance
checking memtable before reads, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
concurrent_reads and concurrent_writes settings, Concurrency
consistency levels, Consistency Levels
deleting data, Deleting
get range slices, Get Range SlicesGet Range Slices
multiget slice, Multiget SliceMultiget Slice
programmatically defining keyspaces and column families, Programmatically Defining Keyspaces and Column Families
query differences, RDBMS and Cassandra, Query Differences Between RDBMS and Cassandra
setup and inserting data, Setup and Inserting DataSetup and Inserting Data
simple client to write, then read data, Setup and Inserting Data
slice predicate, Slice PredicateGetting All Columns in a Row
getting all columns in a row, Getting All Columns in a Row
getting particular column names with get_slice, Getting Particular Column Names with Get Slice
getting set of columns with slice range, Getting a Set of Columns with Slice Range
statistics on, org.apache.cassandra.db
using a simple get, Using a Simple GetSeeding Some Values
read_repair_chance option (column families), Creating a Column Family
read_repair_change option (column families), Column Family Options
reconciler for conflicting column versions, Creating a Column Family
Redis, Redis
Reducer implementation, word count example, Running the Word Count Example
referential integrity, RDBMS versus Cassandra, No Referential Integrity
relational databases, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
(see also RDBMS)
on CAP continuum, Brewer’s CAP Theorem
data model, The Relational Data Model
one-size-fits-all solution, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
problems with, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
tables, similarity and differences of column families, Column Families
remote procedure calls (see RPC)
remove operations, Deleting
repair command, Repair
replica placement strategies, Replica Placement StrategiesReplication Factor
Network Topology Strategy, Network Topology Strategy
Old Network Topology Strategy, Old Network Topology Strategy
Simple Strategy, Simple Strategy
Replica Placement Strategy, Keyspaces
replica synchronization, Glossary
replicas, Clusters
anti-entropy synchronization method, Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
configuring, Replicas
achieving consistency in, Tuneable Consistency
defined, Glossary
replication factor, Clusters, Replication Factor, Glossary
ANY, Replication Factor
consistency level versus, Replication Factor
defined, Tuneable Consistency
increasing, Increasing the Replication Factor
ONE, Replication Factor
setting, Keyspaces
replication strategy, Glossary
reply timeout, Reply Timeout
report method, Gossip and Failure Detection
REST, XML Databases
reversed attribute on slice range, Reversed
ring, Clusters
(see also clusters)
defined, Replicas
dynamic participation by nodes, Dynamic Ring Participation
getting information about, Getting Ring Information
host switch and ring command on nodetool, Ring
info command, Info
ring command, Ring
Risk database, Riak
rotation threshold for commit logs, Commit Logs
round-robin DNS, Round-Robin DNS
row cache, Caching
row keys, A Simple Introduction, Column Families
defined, Glossary
sorting of, specified by partitioners, Partitioners
row-oriented databases, Row-Oriented
rows, A Simple Introduction
Cassandra, as containers for columns, Column Families
collection of, in column families, Keyspaces
defined, Glossary
reading all columns in a row, Getting All Columns in a Row
in same column family, stored together, Columns
size of, Miscellaneous Settings
wide or skinny, Wide Rows, Skinny Rows
rows_cached setting, Column Family Options, Creating a Column Family, Caching
RPC (remote procedure calls)
Avro, Avro
client API, What’s In There?
Thrift support of, Thrift
RpcTimeoutInMillis element, Reply Timeout
rpc_address setting, Multiple Seed Nodes
rpc_timeout_in_ms setting, Reply Timeout
Ruby clients, Thrift
Fauna, Fauna (Ruby)
running Cassandra, Running Cassandra
on Lunux, On Linux
on Windows, On Windows
starting the server, Starting the Server
runtime analysis tools, Runtime Analysis ToolsDetecting Thread Problems
detecting thread problems, Detecting Thread Problems
heap analysis with JMX and JHAT, Heap Analysis with JMX and JHATHeap Analysis with JMX and JHAT


aided by peer-to-peer design, Peer-to-Peer
defined, Elastic Scalability
problems with relational database applications, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
scaling down, Elastic Scalability
schema definition, Describing the Environment
schema-free, Schema-Free
Avro definitions written as, Avro Specification
defining for Cassandra database (example), Creating the Database
loading database schema, Loading the schema
relational database, Schema
SchemaTask, Avro Ant Targets
search application, HotelApp (example), The Search ApplicationThe Search Application
output from, The Search Application
secondary indexes, RDBMS versus Cassandra, Secondary Indexes
security, SecurityProviding Your Own Authentication
programmatic authentication, Programmatic Authentication
providing your own authentication, Providing Your Own Authentication
using MD5 encryption for passwords with SimpleAuthenticator, Using MD5 Encryption
using SimpleAuthenticator, Using SimpleAuthenticatorProgrammatic Authentication
SEDA (Staged Event-Driven Architecture), Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA), Glossary
Cassandra classes, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
seed nodes, Creating a Cluster
defined, Glossary
multiple, Multiple Seed Nodes
none required for writing data, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
reducing number of through compaction, Compaction
sequential consistency, Tuneable Consistency
connecting to, Connecting to a Server
starting, Starting the Server
server symmetry, Distributed and Decentralized
service package, MBeans, org.apache.cassandra.service
services, Managers and Services
set command, Writing and Reading Data
sharding and shared-nothing architecture, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Shared Nothing architecture, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
Shoup, Randy, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
show api version command, Describing the Environment
show cluster name command, Describing the Environment
Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) agents, Overview of JMX and MBeans
Simple Snitch, Simple Snitch
Simple Strategy, Simple Strategy
SimpleAuthenticator class, SecurityProgrammatic Authentication
MD5 encryptiion for passwords, Using MD5 Encryption
single point of failure (SPOF), Distributed and Decentralized
skinny rows, Wide Rows, Skinny Rows
SLF4J logger, Setup and Inserting Data
slice, Ranges and Slices, Glossary
slice predicate, Setup and Inserting Data, Slice PredicateGetting All Columns in a Row
getting particular column names with get_slice, Getting Particular Column Names with Get Slice
getting set of columns with slice range, Getting a Set of Columns with Slice Range
getting all columns in a row, Getting All Columns in a Row
using in batch deletes, Batch Deletes
slice query, Setup and Inserting Data
slice ranges, Slice Predicate
getting set of columns with, Getting a Set of Columns with Slice Range
limiting number of columns returned by, Counts
SliceRange type, Sorting Is a Design Decision
using for batch deletes, Batch Deletes
sliced_buffer_size_in_mb setting, Buffer Sizes
Smalltalk clients, Thrift
snapshots, Snapshots
clearing, Clearing a Snapshot
taking, Taking a Snapshot
snitches, Snitches
defined, Glossary
Property File Snitch, PropertyFileSnitch
Simple Snitch, Simple Snitch
social networks, explosion in data volume from, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?
SoftwareAG, Tamino database, SoftwareAG Tamino
columns, Column Sorting
RDBMS versus Cassandra, Sorting Is a Design Decision
source files, building Cassandra from, Building from Source
additional build targets for ant, Additional Build Targets
building with Maven, Building with Maven
sparse, Row-Oriented, Glossary
Spring web console, Cassandra Web Console
SQL (Structured Query Language), What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?, RDBMS: The Awesome and the Not-So-Much
(see also NoSQL)
WHERE clause, recreating effect of, Materialized View
Squeak clients, Thrift
sstablekeys tool, Viewing Keys
SSTables, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
copying in snapshot, Taking a Snapshot
Data, Index, and Filter files, Compaction
defined, Glossary
deleting during column family modification, Changing Column Families in a Working Cluster
forcing write of data from memtables to SSTables, Flush
usage information, org.apache.cassandra.db
Staged Event-Driven Architecture (see SEDA)
StageManager class, Compaction, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
stages, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
defined, Glossary
listed, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
Standard type (column families), Column Families
“Starbucks Does not Use Two-Phase Commit”, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
startup, tuning, Startup and JVM Settings
gathering for server, Getting Statistics
using cfstats, Using cfstats
using nodetool tpstats switch, Using tpstats
use of Cassandra for, Lots of Writes, Statistics, and Analysis
Stonebraker, Michael, Sharding and shared-nothing architecture
storage-conf.xml file, Keyspaces
converting to cassandra.yaml file, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
StorageProxy class, Managers and Services
StorageService class, Storage Service, Cassandra’s MBeans
Consistency Manager stage, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
loadSchemaFromYaml method, Importing Previous Configurations
MBean, StorageService
registering and unregistering with MBean server, Cassandra’s MBeans
StorageServiceMBean class, Loading the schema, Cassandra’s MBeans
loadSchemasFromYAML method, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
StreamingServiceMBean class, org.apache.cassandra.service, StreamingService
streams command (Nodetool), Adding Nodes to a Cluster, loadbalance and streams
strict consistency, Tuneable Consistency
strong consistency, Consistency Levels, Glossary
stuck threads, Detecting Thread Problems
subcolumns, A Simple Introduction, Super Columns
subcomparator, Creating a Column Family
super column families, A Simple Introduction
super columns, Super Columns
ColumnOrSuperColumn class, Setup and Inserting Data
composite keys, Composite Keys
defined, Glossary
definition, example, Super Columns
SuperColumn class, Super Columns
Super type (column families), Column Families, Super Columns
SuperColumn class, Super Columns
suspicion level, Gossip and Failure Detection, Miscellaneous Settings
sync operation for commit logs, Commit Logs
system keyspace, Describing the Environment, System Keyspace
modifying, Keyspaces
storing, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7
system_add_column_family operation, Keyspaces
system_add_keyspace operation, Keyspaces
system_drop_column_family operation, Keyspaces
system_drop_keyspace operation, Keyspaces
system_rename_column_family operation, Keyspaces
system_rename_keyspace operation, Keyspaces


Table class, taking snapshots, Taking a Snapshot
in relational databases, The Relational Data Model
similarity and differences of column families, Column Families
tailing logs, Tailing
Tamino, SoftwareAG Tamino
tasktracker (Hadoop), Cluster Configuration
text-based XML databases, XML Databases
thread pools
associated with stages, Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA)
ExecurtorService, Messaging Service
information on, getting with tpstats, Using tpstats
thread problems, detecting, Detecting Thread Problems
ThreadContention MBean, MBeans
threading and streaming functionality, org.apache.cassandra.concurrent
Thrift, What’s In There?, Basic Client APIBasic Client API
Ant build target, gen-thrift-jave, Additional Build Targets
Ant build target, gen-thrift-py, Additional Build Targets
Ant build to executing targets to create language bindings, Thrift
building, Getting Thrift
cassandra.thrift file, Thrift
CassandraServer class, Managers and Services
defined, Glossary
downloading, Getting Thrift
exceptions, Exceptions
features, Thrift
generating interfaces for Python, Generating the Python Thrift Interfaces
modifications to schemas, Keyspaces
subfolders with bindings for languages, Thrift
support for Java, Thrift Support for Java
using to write data to Cassandra from Hadoop, Outputting Data to Cassandra
Thrift API, Super Columns
AccessLevel objects, Providing Your Own Authentication
creating keyspaces and column families, Keyspaces
JAR file containing, Setup and Inserting Data
thrift command, --gem switch, Thrift
Cassandra column attribute, A Simple Introduction
clock, Columns
for columns, Setup and Inserting Data
defined, Glossary
UUIDs for, Column Sorting
TimeUUIDType sorts, Column Sorting
token assigned to each node in a ring, Replicas
tokens, Range Tokens
defined, Glossary
removing, Removing Tokens
tombstones, Tombstones, Deleting
defined, Glossary
tpstats command, Using tpstats
ACID-ity and two-phase commit, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit
differences between Cassandra and RDBMS, No Server-Side Transaction Support
transport types for Cassandra connections, Cassandra Web Console
Twissandra, Twissandra
port to .NET (Chirper), Chirper
use of Cassandra, Who Is Using Cassandra?
use of eventual consistency, Tuneable Consistency
two-phase commit, Transactions, ACID-ity, and two-phase commit


no update query in Cassandra, No Update Query
synchronous blocking operations, Tuneable Consistency
writes to commit log and datafile, Data Storage
use keyspace command, Keyspaces
UTF8Type sorts, Column Sorting
UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers)
LexicalUUIDType, Column Sorting
TimeUUIDType, Column Sorting


validateConfiguration method, Providing Your Own Authentication
Valueless Column design pattern, Composite Keys, Valueless Column
vector clocks, Glossary
Versant Object Database, Object Databases
vertical scaling, What’s Wrong with Relational Databases?, Elastic Scalability
views in RDBMS, Composite Keys
Visual Studio .NET 2010 Express IDE, HectorSharp (C#)
Voldemort, Project Voldemort


weak (eventual) consistency, Tuneable Consistency
weak consistency, Consistency Levels, Glossary
web console (Spring), Cassandra Web Console
web page for this book, How to Contact Us
Web scale, Web Scale
wide rows, Wide Rows, Skinny Rows
Cygwin, Tailing
Git andCygwin POSIX emulator, A Bit of Git
mixing with Linux boxes in cluster, Warning signs
running Cassandra command line client interface, Running the Command-Line Client Interface
running Cassandra on, On Windows
startup script, Startup and JVM Settings
Thrift on, Thrift Summary
with flag, creating keyspace or column family, Keyspaces
wrapping range, Range Tokens
write throughput capacity, Increasing the Replication Factor
writes, Web Scale
(see also reading and writing data)
append operations in Cassandra, Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs
Cassandra’s throughput on, Lots of Writes, Statistics, and Analysis
hinted handoff information, Hinted Handoff
record-level atomicity on, Record-Level Atomicity on Writes
set command, Writing and Reading Data


XForms, XML Databases
XML databases, XML DatabasesSummary
Apache Xindice, Apache Xindice
eXist, eXist
MarkLogic server, MarkLogic Server
Oracle Berkeley XML DB, Oracle Berkeley XML DB
SoftwareAG Tamino, SoftwareAG Tamino
XML, JSON data expressed in, Document-Oriented Databases
XPath, XML Databases
XQuery, XML Databases
XRX Web Application Architecture, XML Databases


schema definition in cassandra.yaml file, Creating the Database
upgrading from storage-conf.xml file to cassandra.yaml file, Transitioning from 0.6 to 0.7


ZERO (consistency level)
reads, Consistency Levels
writes, Consistency Levels
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