Chapter 4

Secure Cloud for Mobile Computing


The devices we use to access cloud resources is also changing, none more so than our dependency on mobile devices. In this chapter, we will look at the threats to mobile computing for the cloud.


Android; Apps; BYOD; iOS; Mobile
Information in this chapter
▪ Mobile top threats
▪ Addressing the threat: mobile components for consideration
Throughout the book, we have referenced multiple sources that reference the growth in the number of devices that each of us are or will be using in the future. This of course means that we are likely to witness considerably more devices beyond the traditional computing devices such as computers and mobile phones. Such adoption of nontraditional computing devices is likely to take some time, indeed the year 2020 has been cited by multiple sources. Although this migration may take some time, one recent trend has been the massive growth of mobile devices, and in particular smartphones. According to analyst firm International Data Corporation, 2011 marked the year that shipments of smartphones exceeded those of personal computers (PCs),1 a category that includes tablet computers. Looking forward, the sale of mobile devices will continue to rise significantly against a decline of PC sales according to Gartner2 as depicted in Table 4.1.
Somewhat inevitably, as the number of mobile devices grows so do the threats. In terms of malware, for example, according to McAfee “new mobile malware has popped up at a faster rate than malware targeting PCs, and new malware samples on the Android OS have grown by 33% in just the past two quarters, while PC malware remained relatively flat.”3 Of course, this is only one threat vector, with a multitude of additional mobile-related threats in existence. In 2012, the Mobile Working Group within the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) launched a research survey that included from 210 members across 26 countries to rank the top mobile threats in order of concern and likelihood. Please note that the threats presented are restricted to devices that connect to the Internet via cellular access (3G, 4G).

Table 4.1

Worldwide Device Shipments by Segment

PC (desktop/notebook)341,273299,342277,939268,491


Mobile Top Threats: Evil 8.0

The following top eight threats are ranked in order of their importance by way of concern as well as their likelihood of occurrence being either realized within a year, the following year, or not at all.

Threat 1: Data Loss from Lost, Stolen, or Decommissioned Devices

Threat Level: High

The key benefit of mobile devices is equally ranked as its greatest threat. This particular issue is exuberated by the manner in which users use such devices. For example, according to a survey 4 of 3000 consumers conducted by McAfee in early 2013, it was found that a third of consumers surveyed fail to protect their mobile device (phone or tablet) with a personal identification number. The majority of consumers in the United Kingdom and Germany, for example, “stick with the first one they were ever given. In contrast, French and American respondents are more likely to opt for their lucky number.”4
While this approach clearly increases the likelihood of data getting into the wrong hands, the risk is compounded with the fact that only one in five respondents back up their mobile devices, which can have significant impact on the availability of data. Consider that, in 2013, Transport for London (TfL) responded to a Freedom of Information request5 confirming that a total of 15,833 mobile phones were handed into its lost property department, with 2308 claimed by their owners, For tablets, there were 506 handed in, with 290 reclaimed by their owners.
This of course was only those devices handed into the TfL, and is a very small number compared with those mobile devices that actually go missing. In London, the Metropolitan Police estimate that up to 10,000 mobile phones are stolen every month, which when combined with those not stolen, but that are simply lost (there will likely be some overlap), the amount of data that goes missing each year across the globe will likely be significant. This of course justifies the decision to rank this particular threat as the highest. Particularly, as a third of these users are unlikely to have any form of security controls protecting the device. Not having any form of security controls will likely result in unauthorized attempts to access the data/applications on the device. In the Symantec Smartphone Honeystick project,6 50 smartphones were released (as lost), and in almost all instances, attempts were made to access data on the device:
▪ About 83% had attempts to access business apps
▪ About 89% had attempts to access personal apps
▪ About 96% had attempts to access at least some type of data
▪ About 50% of finders contacted the owner and offered to help return the phone
Although many organizations are likely to have some form of mobile management solution to manage mobile devices commissioned by them directly, there will be many more personal devices owned and managed by the employee. These are unlikely to have any form of security controls (based on the McAfee research this seems a fairly safe assumption), and should employees use such devices to store corporate data whether under the approval of their employer or not, then the loss of device will be nowhere as significant as the data getting into the wrong hands. In addition, the combination of these employee devices storing corporate data, and users installing apps with impunity, there is the risk with regards to the level of access such apps have to contacts, private pictures, social networking, Webmail, and passwords.

Threat 2: Information Stealing Malware

Threat Level: High

Figures 4.1 and 4.2 graphically depict the growth in mobile malware. While the numbers vary on the exact scale of the issue, what the two graphs should do is leave the reader in no doubt that here we have two organizations that compete commercially but agree that the growth of mobile malware is of significant concern.
Furthermore, mobile malware is predicted to continue growing. According to McAfee Labs,
“In the last two quarters reported, new PC malware growth was nearly flat, while appearances of new Android samples grew by 33%.
While McAfee Labs expects this trend to continue in 2014 it’s not just the growth rate in new mobile attacks that will make news. We also expect to see entirely new types of attacks targeting Android.”8
FIGURE 4.1 New mobile malware.7
FIGURE 4.2 Total mobile malware.
The examples cited in the CSA Mobile Threats research are Zitmo, which is based on the Zeus malware intended to steal mobile transaction authorization numbers (mTANs) that are used for mobile banking. According to Kaspersky,9 Zitmo works in the following fashion:
▪ Cyber criminals use the PC-based ZeuS to steal the data needed to access online banking accounts and client mobile phone numbers.
▪ The victim’s mobile phone (see point 1) receives a text message with a request to install an updated security certificate, or some other necessary software. However, the link in the text message will actually lead to the mobile version of ZeuS.
▪ If the victim installs the software and infects his phone, then the malicious user can then use the stolen personal data and attempt to make cash transactions from the user’s account, but will need an mTAN code to authenticate the transaction.
▪ The bank sends out a text message with the mTAN code to the client’s mobile phone.
▪ ZitMo forwards the text message with the mTAN code to the malicious user’s phone.
▪ The malicious user is then able to use the mTAN code to authenticate the transaction.
This ofcourse is merely the tip of the iceberg regarding mobile-based malware, with others not only targeting the data on the mobile device but also, in the case of NickSpy, recording conversations and uploading them to a remote server. Alternatively, in the case of Dendriod, the ability to “take pictures using the phone’s camera, record audio and video, download existing pictures, record calls, send texts, and more.”10
Of course, one of the many reasons that mobile malware is growing at such an exponential rate is the relatively low adoption rate among users for security software. According to a survey11 conducted by the National Cyber Security Alliance, three-quarters of US respondents have not installed security software on their smartphones.

Threat 3: Data Loss and Data Leaking through Poorly Written Applications

Threat Level: Medium

How many apps do you have on your mobile device? If you can answer that question, then congratulations; that is impressive, but can you confirm what data these apps collect, and more importantly what they do with your data? It is unlikely that many can even answer the first question, let alone the proceeding questions. This of course is hardly surprising when it is estimated the average number of apps downloaded by smartphone users equals 2512 (and a whopping 40 in South Korea).
If we take this number and then consider research by security firm BitDefender,13 which found that based on analysis of the 836,021 applications in the Play Store (at the time of conducting the research), 1 in 20 were able to locate and open photographs on installed devices. Equally, 1 in 30 divulged e-mail addresses over the Internet, with 1749 doing so over an encrypted connection and 1661 over an unencrypted connection. In addition, the research also found that almost 10% of apps had permission to read the contact lists on the mobile device. Of course, there is no suggestion that the applications themselves are doing anything malicious, indeed for Android, the user is provided with details regarding the permissions the application is requesting. However, there is no doubt that the level of transparency regarding what happens with the data, how it is transmitted, and what happens with the data once collected does not have the same level of transparency. Indeed, if we review the data protection authorities (Canada, Netherlands) investigation into WhatsApp, there is a disparity between what was stated (regarding how long data is stored and transmitted), and what actually happened.
The issue of leaky apps is clearly a key problem, and absence of transparency about how data are stored or transmitted poses an issue. Furthermore, the issue is compounded by the fact that consumers when provided with transparency (by at least knowing what permissions exist) either do not read or understand what data are being requested by the app in question. Therefore, the challenge for organizations in mitigating this particular threat is made considerably more difficult by an audience that do not understand the implications of allowing apps almost unfettered access to their devices, and ultimately corporate data. A recently publicized example of this was demonstrated with the “Flappy Birds” application. “The following example illustrates this: (3113ad96fa1b37acb50922ac34f04352) is one of the many malicious Flappy Bird clones.
Among its malicious behaviors, this clone does the following:
▪ Makes calls without the user’s permission
▪ Installs additional applications without the user’s permission
▪ Allows an app to monitor incoming SMS messages, and to record or process them (undeclared permission)
▪ Sends SMS messages without the user’s permission
▪ Extracts SMS messages
▪ Sends data to a cell number via SMS
▪ Allows an app to read the user’s contacts data (undeclared permission)
▪ Extracts GPS location (latitude and longitude)
▪ Reads IMEI number and MAC address and transmits them to third partkies (JSON) without user’s permission
▪ Sends user activity data to third-party sites
Allows an app to call the killBackgroundProcesses(String) (undeclared permission).”14
To put the issue into the context, the McAfee Labs team took a sample of 300 Flappy Bird applications, and of these, 238 was cited as malicious. This is the tip of the iceberg, but demonstrates the scale of the issue that is propagated by the simple acceptance of mobile applications without reviewing their permissions.

Threat 4: Vulnerabilities in Hardware, Operating System, Applications, and Third-Party Apps

Threat Level: Medium

Any element of technology will contain vulnerabilities, mobile or otherwise. Of course, there is no indication as to how many vulnerabilities each will likely have; however, one very rudimentary method of determining the number of likely vulnerabilities is based on the number of lines of code. In other words, the more the number of lines of code, the greater the number of likely vulnerabilities.
Known as the average defect density, according to research 15 conducted by security firm Coverity, the number of defects per 1000 lines of code is estimated to be 0.62. This figure is identical for open-source projects as they are for proprietary projects. Of course, there will be considerable debate about the actual figure, because the number of likely defects will be dependent on many other variables, such as the expertise of the programmer and quality assurance process. However, the intention of presenting these figures is to emphasize that vulnerabilities will always exist, and as we demand more features and interoperability, the risk will only get higher. Furthermore, the level of complexity associated with mobile platforms increases the likely security risk. For example, mobile applications will include the functionalities associated with desktop computing; they will, however, also include cellular communication capabilities.
There are multiple examples of vulnerabilities associated with mobile devices, operating systems (OSs), and applications. This includes those applications that are developed with information security in mind. In 2014, security firm IOActive reported 16 that the official mobile application for the RSA Conference contained half a dozen security vulnerabilities. According to Chief Technical Officer Gunter Ollman, the most significant of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker the opportunity to conduct a man in the middle attack, inject malicious code, and potentially steal login credentials. Of course, the argument could be had that this is only an application for a conference (a security conference nonetheless), and that such vulnerabilities are unlikely to be present in applications that we use for more “important” tasks. However, research17 conducted again by IOActive found that 90% of mobile banking applications contained security vulnerabilities:
▪ “A few apps (less than 20%) did not have Position Independent Executable (PIE) and Stack Smashing Protection enabled. This could help to mitigate the risk of memory corruption attacks.”
▪ “40% of the audited apps did not validate the authenticity of SSL certificates presented. This makes them susceptible to Man in The Middle (MiTM) attacks.”
▪ “50% of the apps are vulnerable to JavaScript injections via insecure UIWebView implementations. In some cases, the native iOS functionality was exposed, allowing actions such as sending SMS or emails from the victim’s device.”
▪ “90% [of the apps] contained several non-SSL links throughout the application. This allows an attacker to intercept the traffic and inject arbitrary JavaScript/HTML code in an attempt to create a fake login prompt or similar scam.”
Of course, the above details are only the vulnerabilities associated with mobile applications, and the title with this threat includes the OS, as well as hardware. Indeed, when we consider vulnerabilities for mobile OSs, recent research would suggest that the number of identified vulnerabilities is increasing. According to Symantec,18 2012 saw a 32% increase in the number of documented vulnerabilities. The security flaw associated with iOS 6 as detailed by Trend Micro provides a recent example of a mobile OS vulnerability. In this example, researchers revealed that when connected to a fake charging station, the security flaw would grant complete access to an iPhone or iPad on the iOS 6 platform.19
This particular threat has been classed as medium because, although vulnerabilities will exist, the number of exploits (in the wild) are very low.

Threat 5: Unsecured Wi-Fi/Network Access/Rogue Access Points

Threat Level: High

Convergence. If there is any word that can be used to describe the digital phenomenon that we are all witnessing today, then convergence would most likely be the most appropriate word. What this term means in the context of technology is that now more than ever previously isolated areas of computing are merging into one, and none more so than that of wired and wireless. Historically, wired devices (e.g., desktops) would maintain separation from other devices via network segmentation. However, even with such segmentation, the ability to jump networks has been made considerably easier with the convergence between wired and wireless networks. Consider a completely isolated network segment, with multiple firewalls, data diodes, and network addressing to completely disconnect this network from unknown devices.
And now plug in a mobile device.
Indeed, the proliferation of wireless networks means that mobile devices today have a choice of networks to connect to, ranging from cellular to wireless networks. With high international roaming charges, users are often far too willing to search and connect to any wireless network as long as it meets a very simple criteria, that it is free.
As expected, malicious actors understand this behavior and leverage rogue hotspots as a means to connect and compromise mobile devices of either passing users or to target specific individuals. According to the head of the European Cybercrime Centre, Troels Oerting, “We have seen an increase in the misuse of Wi-Fi, in order to steal information, identity or passwords and money from the users who use public or insecure Wi-Fi connections.”20 Subsequently, organizations may want to consider an appropriate policy exists regarding the use of unknown wireless hotspots and implement appropriate controls to enforce such an action on the mobile devices of employees. Other approaches to dealing with insecure networks are to assume that any network is in itself untrusted and to rely on the device and applications to protect themselves. This particular approach follows the principles of the Jericho forum.

Threat 6: Unsecured or Rogue Marketplaces

Threat Level: High

Affecting predominantly the Android platform, this particular threat relates to the availability of third-party application stores outside of the official stores. According to Digital Trends,21 there are a number of incentives for consumers to venture outside of the Google Play App Store; these are the following:
▪ Free apps and promotions: Some mobile app stores provide commercial incentives to their consumers. This may be in the guise of offering a free app of the day, or aggressive discounts, as well as other offerings providing financial savings to consumers. Roughly translated, the consumer will be provided financial incentives to access this third-party app store compared with the official Google Play app store.
▪ App recommendations: This incentive relates to the availability of mobile applications that may not be available within the official Google Play Store.
▪ Curated list: A third-party app store may be able to provide a more appropriate list of applications based on the preferences for the consumer. Indeed, it has been suggested that third-party app stores provide better app discovery assistance, which means for the consumer they will be provided with a more appropriate list of recommended apps. According to the “Pfeiffer Report ‘2013 App Store Maturity Shootout’ suggests that Amazon Appstore helps users find apps for specific activities by providing them with much more organized and sophisticated structure that includes a number of subcategories in comparison to Google Play.”22
▪ Localized portal: One particular example of a more appropriate list of available apps, as well as recommendations are stores that are country specific, and therefore in the local language of the consumer.
With such incentives, there is no surprise at the rise and popularity of third party app stores. For example, consider that the GetJar AppStore has a user base of 200 million, and the Opera Mobile Store has more than 1.8 million apps downloaded every day. These of course are a drop in the ocean compared with the actual number of stores available, and it is worth noting that, although they are used as an example to demonstrate the popularity of third-party stores, there is no suggestion that they do (or do not) host malicious content.
While there is no question that third-party stores are an attractive proposition to consumers for the reasons described earlier, they are the main delivery mechanism of malware. According to the H2 2013 Threat Report by F-Secure,23 “the most common distribution channel for mobile malware continues to be via third-party app sites.” Compare this with the Official Google Play Store where research found that only 1 in 1000 applications were classed as malware. Comparing this against third-party app stores, the level of malware increases significantly, this is depicted in Figure 4.3, which highlights the malware rate associated with a number of app stores.
This of course only tells part of the story, as malware is not the only risk associated with mobile apps. The research found both Adwarea and Riskwareb found in the Google Play Store, as depicted in Figure 4.4.
Equally, avoiding malware-ridden apps takes more than simply downloading only known apps. A growing trend has been to repackage known applications to offer within a third-party app store. The research found that of the top 20 most popular apps within the Google Play Store, 8 had trojanized versions available in third-party markets. For the purposes of the investigation, trojanized versions were applications that “uses the original package and application name, but also requests more permissions than the original.”
FIGURE 4.3 App stores with malware rates.
FIGURE 4.4 Count of adware and riskware samples found in Google Play Store.

Threat 7: Insufficient Access to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Management Tools, and Multipersonas

Threat Level: Medium

This particular threat refers to the level of access granted to the low-level functions within a given a device. Predominantly, the example that is often cited has been the security model deployed by Apple for the iOS platform. Eugene Kaspersky (of security company Kaspersky) raised this as a concern in relation to the lack of access for antivirus providers:

The most dangerous scenario, I am afraid, is with iPhones. It’s less probable because it is very difficult to develop malware for iPhones, because the [operating] system is closed [for outside programmers]. But every system has a vulnerability. If it happens—in the worst case scenario, if millions of the devices are infected—there is no antivirus, because antivirus companies don’t have any rights to develop true end-point security [for Apple].24

Apple makes the argument that the in-built security features of the iOS architecture negates the need for antivirus software:

iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are designed with layers of security. Low-level hardware and firmware features protect against malware and viruses, while high-level OS features allow secure access to personal information and corporate data, prevent unauthorized use, and help thwart attacks.

The iOS security model protects information while still enabling mobile use, third-party apps, and syncing. Much of the system is based on industry-standard secure design principles—and in many cases, Apple has done additional design work to enhance security without compromising usability.25

Of course, the argument made by Eugene Kaspersky is that the threat of malware on the iOS platform is not currently an issue; if, however, the issue does manifest itself, then addressing the problem will be considerably more difficult because of the closed nature of the platform. As the issue has not manifested itself as yet, the threat has been classed as medium, but the impact if (or when!) the risk is realized will be significant hence its inclusion.

Threat 8: Near Field Communications and Proximity-Based Hacking

Threat Level: LOW

Near Field Communications (NFC) is a wireless technology that allows for information to be shared over short distances between two devices. It allows consumers the ability to undertake a number of actions quickly and efficiently, for example, the QuickTap scheme provided by Orange allows consumers to make purchases of up to 15 GBP from up to 50,000 retailers. This is achieved by simply tapping an NFC-enabled mobile device that has an app with credit at the payment window of the retailer. Of course, payments is only example of where NFC can be utilized; use cases range from their use as boarding passes for airlines to allowing for payment with NFC-enabled parking meters and many other use cases.
While of course the benefits are well documented, and in certain cases being realized with projects across the globe, there is a growing number of risks associated with NFC. In fairness, a number of “hacks” associated with NFC have largely been proof-of-concepts, which explains why the threat has been classed as low; however, this will likely change. Examples of these “hacks” have taken place at conferences such as “Def Con”; one in particular was showcased by researchers who were able to hack an NFC-enabled device to get free transport on public services. Matteo Collura and Matteo Beccaro studied the security deployed for NFC-enabled cards in the Italian city of Turin. Attempting an NFC hack demonstrated against the San Francisco transport system at the same conference a year ago, they quickly discovered that the same issue was not present in Turin. However, upon further investigation, they found that there was a component within the ticket that is changed from 0 to 1 after each ride. By setting this sector to read-only mode, they were able to get “an unlimited-rides ticket.”26 Another issue was a timestamp, which determined whether the ticket needed to be stamped was in an area of the ticket that could be changed, and any NFC-enabled device (such as a mobile phone) could potentially overwrite this date.
Of course, this is only one such issue and is not per se an issue associated with mobile devices, but rather those platforms that leverage NFC (where the mobile device can be used as the attack vector). The issue is also compounded by the fact that there are now applications being made available to leverage the security vulnerabilities in these platforms offering the would-be mobile user free use of public transport systems: “UltraReset which takes advantage of NFC vulnerabilities in the systems used by many public transit systems, including the New Jersey Path and San Francisco Muni trains where it was tested effectively.”27
In 2012, it was reported28 that security researchers were able to hack into a Samsung Galaxy S3 phone that was running Android 4.0.4 through the use of NFC to send the exploit. The researchers were able to exploit a weakness in the manner in which the S3 implemented NFC, they were able to deliver a malicious file that was automatically opened by the device. Once the application was opened the researchers were able to launch a second attack and ultimately gain full rights on the compromised device.
What this and the other examples demonstrate is that there are clearly vulnerabilities in which NFC support is implemented. Moreover, there is a burgeoning security research community that are actively investing time (and money) into identifying, presenting, and in certain cases developing applications that allow anybody the ability to exploit. Subsequently, the threat level is classed as low but the likelihood is that it will not remain at that level of too long.
The threats listed above are classed as the Evil 8, and based on the research conducted by the CSA Mobile Working Group ranked as the top threats to mobile computing. In fairness, these threats are not necessarily related to mobile in relation to cloud computing, but entirely focused on mobile platforms themselves. In certain scenarios, the advent of cloud computing can be used to mitigate some of these threats; for example, threat 1 (loss of device) can be mitigated with cloud computing. Where data is automatically backed up to a cloud service, the loss of the device and ultimately data on the device is mitigated because the data is backed up to online storage. Although it is worth noting that only the risk of loss of availability is mitigated, but the loss of confidentiality still remains.
Of course, this particular point is important, those risks threats within the Evil 8 are useful to understand but without any recommendations to address they are of limited value. It is for this reason that the “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Mobile Computing” was developed by the Mobile Working Group. This document, in addition to presenting the Evil 8, also provides mobile components for consideration. These components are those areas that organizations should consider to reduce the risk of the Evil 8 (as well as other threats) being realized at their organization.
These components, and their detail, will be presented in the proceeding section. However, much like the remainder of the book we will avoid the Control + C and Control + V shortcuts and provide additional detail while not deviating from the true spirit of the recommendations provided by the Working Group.

Addressing the Threat: Mobile Components for Consideration

How do you address risk? In almost any formal guidance or security standard the recommendation is PPT. This of course is not through the use of PowerPoint files (although we recognize the value in presenting the strategy!) but in fact Policy, Process, and Technology. For addressing the mobile risk, the very first consideration for all organizations should certainly be the mobile policy, in other words, agreeing and clearly defining the company approach in managing mobile devices (both corporate issued and employee owned).

Policy Considerations for Mobile Usage

Perhaps the first task for organizations regarding the use of mobile devices is to determine what is acceptable and what is deemed as too risky. In particular, the policy will need to be ratified (this term is particularly vague because the regulatory requirements will vary by country) by employees regarding the level of support or oversight expected on employee-owned devices.
While this may seem like the most sensible course of action; it is worth noting that recent CSA research found that one in five organizations do not have any mobile device policy in place (see Figure 4.5) according to research conducted by the CSA29 Simply put, not having any policy in place will increase the level of risk within a given organization. This may not necessarily be security related, as any monitoring of employee devices without a formally accepted policy may open that organization up to legal action.
FIGURE 4.5 Mobile device Policy.
FIGURE 4.6 Approach to BYOD strategy.
At a minimum, the mobile device policy should determine whether BYOD will be supported within the organization. Interestingly, the majority of organizations actually allows BYOD but differ in how they manage employee devices (see Figure 4.6).
What this demonstrates is that there is no “right answer” in how to manage employees’ mobile devices, although it is important to recognize that without a formal policy employees will most certainly use their own devices. However, one small caveat to the above sentence is that having a policy does “not” mean that employees will avoid using their own devices, we will discuss in detail how to enforce the policy later within this chapter.
When determining the key questions for a mobile device policy as it relates to use of employee-owned devices, the following should be considered as a minimum:
▪ Are employees allowed to access corporate resources using their own devices?
▪ Will there be any specific device restrictions?
▪ Under what circumstances can the device be wiped?
▪ Will every employee be able to participate in the BYOD program?
▪ What is the policy for jailbroken devices?

Table 4.2

Example of Mobile Trust Boundaries

Trust BoundaryTypes of Authentication/Authorization
User to OSPassword, PIN, facial recognition
User to applicationPassword, social media login, two-factor
Application to applicationIPC, remote methods, intents, custom URL
OS to networkNTLM, Kerberos, 802.1x
Application to OSApplication digital signatures; this will determine what an application can read/write on OS
OS to applicationApplication digital signatures; this will determine what the OS can read/write from application data
Application to backendUser credential, client-side credential, certificates, session keys, etc.

PIN, personal identification number; URL, uniform resource locator.

Of course, the above five policy considerations are only a snapshot into the issues that should be considered when developing their mobile device policy, and more specifically for BYOD. Further policy considerations are based on the research from the CSA Mobile Working Group. It is, however, worth considering the legal/regulatory landscape when monitoring employees; this goes beyond BYOD and even corporate mobile devise but is an area of consideration for security as a whole. Subsequently, any such policy should not be reviewed by the legal department particularly where employees across multiple geographies will be managed/monitored as it is likely that one single approach may not be appropriate.

Technical Controls for Managing Mobile Devices


In Chapter 3, we considered cloud computing threats; we presented the notorious nine, these are the nine biggest threats associated with cloud computing. Without wishing to give the game away, the issue of authentication is presented as a major risk associated with cloud computing. However, the majority of cloud services are simply protected with single factor authentication, and the hope that attackers are unable to simply guess a password.
There is no intention here to repeat the section on authentication as a whole, but rather focus on the authentication afforded on mobile devices. Within a mobile ecosystem there will exist multiple authentication boundaries; these are the boundaries between the various components within the mobile ecosystem and the methods these components use to establish trust in verifying their identity. This is demonstrated in Table 4.2.
Of course, the authentication methods available for the trust boundaries are likely to evolve as both technology and the industry evolves. On the latter part it is worth noting the work being conducted by the Fast Identity Online Alliance whose aim is to establish “interoperable set of mechanisms that reduce the reliance on passwords to authenticate users.”c
The purpose of presenting the mobile authentication boundaries is to consider the levels of authentication available, and thereafter appropriate for the use case in question. For example, consider a use case where a mobile user is looking to gain access to personally identifiable customer-related data via a private cloud service. In this case, it will be appropriate to consider the mobile device boundaries, and where stronger controls can be enforced to achieve the level of assurance sought. Subsequently, the use of authentication at user to device is unlikely to be appropriate, and the level of assurance can be achieved between the user and application. Where the user is accessing data that is not personally identifiable and nonsensitive, authentication via the user to device boundary may be appropriate.
It is also worth considering that there are a number of attack vectors associated with the major authentication threats. These are listed in Appendix 1 (and taken from the CSA MWG Security guidance); this includes a series of countermeasures.

App Stores

Within the Evil 8, one of the key threats that were presented was the use of third-party app stores. In particular, one of the key issues was the repackaging of legitimate apps to contain malicious content. Within the mobile ecosystem, there exist a number of opportunities for nefarious actors to embed their malicious content within a mobile app, as depicted in Figure 4.7.
Although Figure 4.7 is an oversimplification of the process, it does demonstrate that the provision of mobile apps to the end user can take a number of routes. Furthermore, the dashed line (D3) is used to indicate a higher risk. However, the recommendation for end users and indeed the organizations that are tasked with supporting these devices is that the mobile device policy should clearly define where the end user is allowed to download apps from.
FIGURE 4.7 Channels of App distribution.
Some of the basic guidance end users should adopt are in the first instance to review the permission the app is requesting and determine whether the permissions requested are deemed too risky before downloading. Of course, there is no assurance that such an approach will address the issue as solely relying on people to make the right security decision can have varying results. Another option, or rather a supplementary approach for organizations is to consider utilizing whitelisting applications that an end user can download. This will demand the use of mobile device management software; however it will consume resources to test, verify, and regularly update the whitelist of approved applications.

Mobile Device Management

While the development and acceptance of a mobile device policy (and of course a risk management process that ensures that any policy satisfies the risk appetite of the organization) is the foundation for many organizations, a mobile device management solution is crucial in enforcing this policy. The key components of such a solution for both corporate-issued and employee-owned devices are depicted in Figure 4.8.
Mobile technologies continue to become a critical component to almost every organization, and as such the need to provide a safe environment for their use is essential in ensuring their use can maximize the benefit to the end user and organization. The mobile nature of such devices when combined with cloud computing allows them to be a great enabler for more productive employees. However, there is no question that the emerging focus among nefarious actors is on these devices due to their popularity. This is supported through countless studies into the threat landscape, with, for example, mobile malware growth outstripping that of traditional PCs. Subsequently, it is imperative for organizations and consumers alike to consider the threats to their mobile devices and implement People, Process, and Technology-based controls to mitigate the risk to an acceptable level.
FIGURE 4.8 Mobile device management key components for BYOD/corporate devices.
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