Chapter 1

Cloud Computing, What is it and What’s the Big Deal?


In order to secure a cloud, we need to have a common agreement on what it actually is. This chapter will not only provide a definition, but also consider its benefits and the importance that cloud computing plays within the Internet economy.


Hybrid Cloud; IaaS; Paas; Private Cloud; Public cloud; SaaS

In fact, I think the Cloud is critical to Europe’s growth, and essential for making the best Internet available to all… Getting the cloud right will mean the Internet can continue to be a generator of innovation, growth and freedom. If we get it wrong our infrastructure will fail to meet our appetite for access to data and our fragile digital economy could be knocked about badly. To help get it right I’ve started work on a European Cloud Computing Strategy. I want to make Europe not just “cloud-friendly” but “cloud-active.”1

Neelie Kroes, European Union Digital Agenda Commissioner

Information in this chapter
▪ Defining cloud computing
▪ Economic opportunities
▪ The cloud is “not” secure
Such a ringing endorsement for cloud computing would lead many to believe that such a phenomenon would be well understood by everybody, after all it would appear critical to the economic growth of so many nations and regions across the globe.
Well, not quite!
A recent survey proved there is considerable confusion regarding cloud computing, indeed the results from the survey2 found that the majority of respondents believed that the cloud is an actual cloud (fluffy white thing that floats around in the sky) or associated with the weather (29%). Indeed only 16% said it was a computer network to “store, access, and share data from Internet-connected devices.”
Despite such a lack of understanding, the majority of respondents were actually cloud computing users (95%), despite 54% claiming to never use the cloud. The survey therefore clearly demonstrates that cloud computing is not just in widespread use, but indeed ubiquitous. However, most people have no idea what it is, even when they are using it. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, after all one of the many reported benefits of cloud computing is to allow its customers to focus on their daily activities while leaving the technology and security to specialist providers. In fact, this particular message forms the backbone of many cloud provider sales messaging; Salesforce, for example, state “With cloud computing, you eliminate those headaches because you’re not managing hardware and software—that’s the responsibility of an experienced vendor.”3
Despite the lack of understanding among the general public, the most telling statistic is that 95% of respondents are cloud users (even if they did not know it). This reveals an appetite for computing resources that cloud computing appears to be fulfilling. However, in order to evaluate the economic benefits of cloud computing, and indeed more broadly some of the concerns raised, we must agree on some common definitions.

Defining Cloud Computing

One of the biggest challenges is defining cloud computing, because much like other big buzzwords within the technology industry (e.g., Web 2.0) everyone has their own definition. Based on the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) “Security guidance for critical areas of focus in cloud computing” (v3)4 cloud computing can be defined as

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services).

Of course, the general view that cloud computing does not vary greatly from traditional computing models does hold some merit; there are, however, some distinct characteristics as defined from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-1455:
On-demand self-service: Consider traditional computing models, where the need for additional computing resources leads to the acquisition of new hardware, installing an operating system, ensuring that all of the licenses are installed, etc. With cloud computing, the customer is able to provision additional computing resources in an automated fashion without having to engage with customer service personnel from each cloud service provider (CSP). In practice, for many CSPs, the sign-up, payment, and deployment of applications are completely on demand and driven from their Web site without the need for any human interaction. This, however, is not always the case: in 2012, the Web site CloudSleuth6 investigated how many CSPs actually fulfilled this characteristic. Their research found that “of the 20 companies we selected in this round, only 11 were fully self-serve, 9 required some level of sales interaction, and, astoundingly, 3 of those 9 simply didn’t respond to our requests.” This particular characteristic also applies to those implementations reserved for internal use (we will cover the private cloud later). For example, consider a business unit looking to build resources for an internal project; historically this would have involved calls, e-mails, and countless meetings to scope, define, and implement the resources to support this project. Examples of these benefits were realized by Intel IT, in their white paper entitled “Implementing On-Demand Services inside the Intel IT Private Cloud.”7 Within this example, the current web and database provisioning process undergoes a total of 38 different steps resulting in 12–16 days throughput time. Through the use of an on-demand self-service process, this is reduced to 13 steps and takes a total of 3 h. Equally, the latter process is entirely automated, as opposed to the current model that is manual with workflow automation. This is graphically illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Broad network access: Cloud resources should be available over the network and through multiple devices. Equally the resources should be available using “standard” mechanisms. This characteristic focuses on the accessibility of cloud resources, without the need for any specific device or proprietary software. Typically, the resources are available via a web browser using protocols such as HTTP, XML, Java, or other protocols that are “standard.”
Resource pooling: One of the key selling points for cloud computing is the potential reduced cost for customers. This is largely driven by the characteristic defined as resource pooling by NIST, where CSPs are able to utilize economies of scale to reduce the overall cost of the solution. Meeting this characteristic is achieved using a multitenancy model, whereby an instance of computing resources such as hardware, operating system, and database are able to serve different customers (tenants), but remain isolated from each other. It is also important to note that within this characteristic the customer may have neither knowledge nor control of the exact physical location of the resources. This may be acceptable, however, should the resources host personal data, or other regulated data, and this may breach specific compliance requirements. This issue of “data sovereignty” is seen as one of the major barriers toward the adoption of cloud computing. Subsequently, many providers allow for greater transparency and control to customers in terms of the specific location of resources. This particular issue is covered in detail later in the book.
FIGURE 1.1 On-demand self-service through a self-service portal.
Rapid elasticity: Almost any potential cloud computing customer faces resourcing dilemmas in terms of what to do during times of peak demand. Consider a bookshop: During the three months leading up to Christmas, it faces an increase in demand for those customers wishing to buy books via its Web site by 300%, does it buy three times as many servers just to support one-quarter of its business? This particular characteristic of cloud computing aims to address this quandary by providing cloud customers the ability to rapidly provision or release resources. Equally, this particular characteristic can also be achieved automatically, for example, by utilizing cloud provider monitoring tools to manage the capacity of resources as required by the workload. This may be to automatically provision 10 more servers until the load decreases.
Measured service: Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service. What this effectively means is that the provider will monitor utilization to ensure that resources are optimized. If we consider the bottom-line benefits of the cloud as potentially delivering cost savings, this particular characteristic becomes imperative.
While the above characteristics are essential for cloud computing as defined by NIST, the CSA includes multitenancy as an important element.
▪ Multitenancy: Although we briefly touched on the concept of multitenancy, it is an important point that warrants further clarification. Within multitenancy an application or resource can be used by other customers of the CSP. This could be a different department, or indeed another organization completely unrelated to other customers using the same resources or application as depicted in Figure 1.2. Multitenancy therefore maximizes the resources by allowing shared access to resources. This is demonstrated by (cited in 2010) with “72,500 customers supported by 8–12 multitenant instances in a 1:5000 ratio.”8 This means that each multitenant instance is capable of supporting 5000 tenants that share the same database schema. Such a level of efficiency can be achieved through an architecture where instances are isolated. Alternatively, instances of database/application may not be isolated, and access control methods are utilized to restrict access to resources (e.g., data, or the application).
FIGURE 1.2 Multitenancy.
Although such characteristics are important to define cloud computing, the level of importance placed on these particular characteristics are dependent on the specific model deployed.

Cloud Models

In addition to the broad definition of cloud computing, it is important to define the various cloud models available. These models are based on two characteristics:
1. based on ownership/sharing, for example, public, private, hybrid, community
2. based on cloud architecture, for example, Software as a Service (SaaS)
If we consider the various different ownership/sharing models, there are four distinct categories:
1. Public Cloud: Often, when the topic of cloud is brought up, the public cloud is usually referenced. This is because the most well-known and popular cloud services are public in nature. Typical examples include e-mail services, such as Hotmail, Apple iCloud, or storage services such as Dropbox. These services are made available to the general public, who can access services via the Internet. The infrastructure is managed and owned by the CSP with the infrastructure located outside of the customer’s premises. In addition, customers are untrusted, which means that they are not necessarily part of a single organization and will likely not even be aware of other cloud customers whatsoever. While many customers from one organization may in fact use a public cloud service, the very nature of the public model means it is available to any customer.
2. Private Cloud: While the public cloud uses an infrastructure for multiple customers, the private cloud is that reserved for a single customer. Within the private cloud deployment, the infrastructure, platform, software, etc. may be managed and owned either by the end customer or the CSP. Equally, the infrastructure may be located either on or off premise; however, the customer will have control over its specific geographic location. This particular point makes the private cloud a preferred model for hosting data that is regulated (for example, personally identifiable information), and as such may have restrictions on where it can be hosted. Unlike public cloud models, those within a private cloud are “trusted,” or at least known. This means that the company that has commissioned the private cloud will know the users using the service, and will be able to define their level of access.
3. Community Cloud: A community cloud extends the concept of the private cloud to incorporate multiple customers with a shared concern. As such, it has some similar characteristics to that of the private cloud. One particular example of a community cloud is that which is realized within health care. As reported by TechTarget,9 collaboration between the Open Science Data Cloud and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Genomics and System Biology, Center for Research Informatics, and Institute of Translational Medicine established the Bionimbus Protected Data Cloud (PDC). The PDC is a cloud-based infrastructure built to manage, analyze, and provide researchers an easy access to large data sets under The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). The TCGA uses techniques to find mutations that cause cancer, and the PDC allows researchers, once authorized by the National Institutes of Health, to access TCGA data. This is an excellent example of the community cloud; there is a collaboration of stakeholders with a common interest, and through the authorization process only trusted parties are provided access to the data.
4. Hybrid Cloud: Somewhere in between the private cloud and public cloud is the hybrid cloud. This category is there to catch those implementations that fall in between, where there is an element of public cloud and private cloud. A good example is the M-Cloud implementation in Moldova,10 which is intended to utilize a single cloud platform and provide a central platform from which public services will be delivered. This approach will utilize a single data center as opposed to the 100 disparate centers currently providing public services. It is a hybrid approach as some of the services are public in nature, such as those providing resources for citizens to access public services (and therefore accessible via the Internet); other resources are only for use by other public departments, and as such not directly accessible via the Internet. This is just one example of hybrid cloud using “Accessible and Consumed by” as detailed by the CSA Guide 3.0. There are other attributes such as Managed by, Owned by, and Located by (see Figure 1.3).
The various terms are often used interchangeably, and there is often some confusion in their description. Defining the differences between public/private/hybrid cloud models should not solely focus on their accessibility; there are other factors that can be used to differentiate, as depicted in Figure 1.3.
Another key point of differentiation between the various cloud models is the architectural design, often referred to as X-a-a-S. In other words, “something as a Service.” While there are three main categories described below, the market is adding almost every possible concoction into an as a Service, hence the term X-a-a-S.
▪ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is the foundation of cloud services whereupon other as-a-Service models are built. This particular implementation provides the customer with fundamental computing resources, such as storage, servers, network, and operating systems. Consider the earlier example of the M-Cloud; within this scenario, any public department that required a server for internal purposes would traditionally acquire hardware, install the software, and host this within their data center. With the M-Cloud, they could simply complete an online form, define the operating system they need, and this is then commissioned and provided from the single data center. This model describes IaaS, whereby the basic infrastructure is provided as a service allowing the end customer to customize.
FIGURE 1.3 Cloud computing models.
Within this implementation, the customer does not control the underlying infrastructure (for example, the hardware), but has management control over the operating system, applications, and possibly selected limited network components. With management control over the operating system and application, the responsibility for patching is likely to fall under the customer. This particular nuance is important to note, in terms of ensuring that patches are deployed, and possibly it could become a key point should a security incident occur that leverages an unpatched operating system/application.
▪ Platform as a Service (PaaS): Building upon IaaS is the PaaS model. There is considerable flexibility offered to the IaaS customer, much of this is removed within a PaaS environment. For example, within the PaaS environment, the CSP manages storage, operating system, and network but the customer has the ability to build or develop customized applications.
    Examples of PaaS platforms today include AppEngine from Google, Microsoft Azure, and WaveMaker, SimpleDB, S3, DynamoDB, SQS, and SQF from Amazon.
▪ Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): While the IaaS and PaaS platforms offer a degree of flexibility to the end customer, the SaaS model is a simple proposition with very limited flexibility. Consider a typical example of SaaS as an e-mail service (e.g., Gmail) that is provided over the Internet, the customer signs up for the service and in effect does not really care about the type of server hardware, operating system, or indeed the ability to extend the functionality of the service. What is provided is the application over the Internet. In some instances, a degree of flexibility is provided from within the application; however, the degree of configuration available to the customer is considerably more limited than the PaaS and IaaS models.
The various categories of service models and architectures are graphically depicted in figure 1.4.
In fairness, to the preceding paragraphs, the descriptions themselves are entirely valid; however, the market itself has progressed with many more models and variances of architectures appearing. Indeed, even the term cloud computing itself is somewhat blurred, with many definitions existing. However, having an agreed set of grounding principles clearly defined is imperative to enable further innovation, and of course dialogue.
FIGURE 1.4 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) visual model of cloud computing definition.
A good example of this was realized within the excellent work conducted by the European Network and Information Security Agency, and in particular with the work undertaken to understand security concerns associated with the cloud. Within these working groups there was no time wasted arguing various definitions, as the grounding already existed. It is for that matter the start of this particular book has focused in restating such definitions, which, while may be frustrating for those of you already familiar with such principles, is important.

Economic Opportunities for Cloud Computing

Recent comments by David Mundell, the Under Secretary of State for Scotland, claimed that cloud computing is vital for Scotland’s economic growth.11 In fact, his comments are not isolated, as many others in public office across the globe see the potential benefits that cloud computing can have on the macroenvironment such as the economic conditions for an entire nation. This not only refers to the potential cost savings that the technology can have on prospective customers, such as those highlighted in the M-Cloud implementation, but also includes the wealth generation (including new jobs) by such services. It is intended to focus on the macro benefits that cloud can bring, and then analyze some real-world implementations of cloud deployments to focus on the micro benefits felt by customers.

Macro Benefits of Cloud Computing

To really understand the level of expectation placed upon cloud computing, one only has to read the recent report published by the European Commission entitled “Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe.”12 Within this report, it anticipates the potential impact of cloud computing could result in “EUR 45 billion of direct spend on Cloud Computing in the EU in 2020 as well as an overall cumulative impact on GDP of EUR 957 billion, and 3.8 million jobs, by 2020.” Of course, to achieve such forecasts there are a number of key actions that the European Commission have identified need to be addressed. This includes not only resolving some of the market challenges associated with cloud computing, but also implementing policies that are regarded as “cloud friendly.” This includes the need to establish a digital single market. It is forecasted that the implementation of cloud-friendly policies would generate an estimated EUR250bn in gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020, whereas failure to implement such policies would yield a return of EUR88bn. Further, the cumulative impact of implementing such policies equates to EUR940 between 2015 and 2020; this is in contrast to EUR357bn with a no-intervention strategy. Such estimates are based on research conducted by the International Data Corporation (IDC) on behalf of the European Union in the report entitled “Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up.”13
In terms of the specific policy actions required to realize such enormous economic benefits within Europe, the following have been identified as enabling a “cloud proactive environment”:
▪ Harmonizing data protection and privacy protection regulation across the European Union, so that CSPs and users are sure that the same regulations are respected, no matter where the data are
▪ Clarifying data jurisdiction regulation and providing European Union-wide guidelines about which laws apply to data stored in the EU MS
▪ Promoting common standards and interoperability of cloud systems, so that portability of data and processes between cloud vendors is possible and lock-in in proprietary systems is prevented
▪ Establishing clear and harmonized principles around CSPs’ accountability and liability for security breaches, no matter which country they are from
▪ Developing European Union-wide certification of cloud service vendors on their security and data protection arrangements and compliance with main regulations, to build trust in the offerings; this is specifically requested by the public sector, where ensuring compliance is a priority.
Subsequent chapters will focus on many of these requirements in greater detail; however, these concepts are introduced here to highlight the potentially enormous macro benefits the cloud can yield. Indeed, outside of these staggering sums of money, the potential benefit in terms of jobs can be as much as the creation of 2.5 million extra jobs.
Such a positive economic forecast shows exactly why in Europe so much attention has been placed on the creation of a cloud-friendly environment.
The macro economic opportunities that cloud computing represents is of course one potentially benefitting many geographies, and not only Europe, and its importance on the future economic prosperity has led to the development of policies enabling it a cloud proactive environment. Other government bodies that have focused their efforts on maximizing the benefits of cloud computing include the Australian Government. In their May 2013 “National Cloud Computing Strategy,”14 three core goals were identified in order to realize the “promise of cloud computing.” These three goals are
1. Maximizing the value of cloud computing in the government
2. Promoting cloud computing to small businesses, not-for-profits, and consumers
3. Supporting a vibrant cloud services sector
Modeling cited within the strategy expect that the “increased adoption of cloud services across the Australian economy would grow annual GDP by $3.3 billion by 2020.”
What this and other cloud computing strategies published by government bodies demonstrate is that the cloud will generate economic opportunities for nations. Although the number of cloud-related jobs is expected to increase, it is worth noting that fulfilling such roles may prove somewhat problematic. The reason for this was demonstrated by a recent study undertaken by the IDC and sponsored by Microsoft that showed over 1.7 million jobs related to cloud computing were unfulfilled at the end of 2012.15 Indeed, further detail16 into the research confirms the expectation that the number of jobs within cloud computing will increase significantly in the years ahead. Demand for information technology (IT) professionals who are “cloud ready” is expected to grow by 26% annually to 2015. Such growth will be experienced in specific geographic regions, in particular the emerging markets (Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific), which are expected to account for 40% of all cloud-related jobs, and are predicted to grow at 34% annually to 2015. In Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA), the growth is also impressive, with jobs expected to grow by 24% annually to 2015. Although it is predicted to account for a total of 1.4 million jobs, it is somewhat off the target set by the European Union (this of course can be attributed to the fact the European Union cited their potential growth to 2020, and as a best case scenario with the development of a cloud friendly environment). In North America, growth for cloud-related jobs is expected to reach 22% per annum from 2012, to 2.7 million jobs by 2015.
The potential lack of skills represents a significant risk with regards to the realization of such global employment gains. In terms of the types of skills/competencies sought, respondents within the study were asked to rate the most important. The findings are rated in terms of importance:
▪ Risks and consequences of cloud computing
▪ Clouds impact on IT service management
▪ Steps to successful adoption of cloud computing
▪ Business and IT perspectives of cloud computing
▪ Business value of cloud computing
▪ Technical alternatives in cloud implementation
What this clearly shows is that the skills related to risk management, and ultimately securing cloud, are cited as the most important competencies for prospective cloud customers. This bodes well for the reader, because the intention of the book is to put forward the controls required to secure cloud computing. Consider the number of new roles, and the fact that determining the risk associated with cloud implementation is the most sought after competency, and the decision to buy, and read this book can be seen as an excellent investment.
While the previous studies have largely focused on the expected number of open jobs related to cloud computing, and indeed within certain geographies, we should provide evidence on the global demand for cloud computing. There are of course a multitude of reports forecasting varying degrees of growth; therefore, we were somewhat spoilt for choice in the proceeding paragraphs.
In 2011, Morgan Stanley published their Blue Paper examining the growth within cloud computing.17 Forecasts from within the research identified the following.
Public cloud adoption: It is predicted that the workload within the public cloud could increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50% within the next 3 years. This prediction is based upon a series of interviews undertaken by the research team of 300 decision makers, whereby 51% expect to use public cloud within 3 years. This is up from the current 28%.
Server growth shifts to the cloud: More servers are expected to be shipped into public cloud infrastructures, an earlier forecast for example predicted at an annual compound growth rate of 60% (to 2013). This of course will be based on the transition of workloads from on-premise to public cloud environments. To give an example of the scale, in 2013, then Microsoft Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Steve Ballmer provided a rare insight into the operations of the largest cloud providers: “We have something over a million servers in our datacenter” he went on to say “Google is bigger and Amazon is a little bit smaller.”18 Now of course this top-level figure fails to provide a breakdown over the specific functions of the servers. This does, however, put the scale of operations behind the likes of popular cloud services such as Hotmail, Azure, and Office 365 into context. Another way of looking at the scale is presented by Sebastian Anthony: “At roughly 200 watts per server, plus perhaps another 50 watts of overhead (cooling, distribution losses, routers), that’s a total power consumption of 250 megawatts—or around two terawatt-hours (TWh) per year. That’s about the same amount of power used by 177,000 average US homes (at 11,280 kWh per year). Assuming each server costs on average $1000 (some will be beefy, some will be wimpy), that’s $1 billion of capital expenditure—and that’s before you build the data centers. Data centers are usually priced by the megawatt, with modern data centers coming in at around $10 million per megawatt. 250 megawatts, then, equates to $2.5 billion.”
On-premise server growth on decline: Respondents anticipate spending on servers for on-premise installations to reduce by 8.6% over the next 3 years.
Beyond these forecasts, which of course by the time the book is published are likely to have been proven right or wrong, is also predicted continued growth for cloud computing. Analyst firm Gartner19 anticipates a CAGR of 17.7% through to 2016, which would mean the market is expected to grow from $76.9 billion in 2010 to $210 billion in 2016. Examining the growth of public cloud even further, it is anticipated that growth will be mainly experienced within the infrastructure-related services, which will include IaaS. Indeed, IaaS will be the fastest category of growth experiencing a CAGR of 41.3% to 2016. In comparison, PaaS is forecasted a CAGR of 27.7%, and SaaS 19.5%. In terms of geographic regions most likely to adopt such services, North America leads the way accounting for 59% of all spending, followed by Western Europe (24%).
These forecasts are not likely to surprise many. During the research for this book, we found many varying examples forecasting the growth of the cloud across many, many sources. However, there are a number of potential barriers that threaten to derail the considerable growth of cloud computing. One of the major barriers according to a number of studies is security. A study by IDG Enterprise, for example, found that “two-thirds of IT decision makers see security as the primary barrier to cloud adoption.”20 This is a recurring theme, with countless other studies all commenting on security as the major barrier to cloud adoption. The only difference between the various studies is often the total number surveyed, or the percentage that sees security as the main barrier, the one constant is that security is usually at the top of the list.

Cloud Computing—the Concerns

Developing a business case for cloud computing or any project will invariably call for practical information to measure the likely success of migration. This includes the return on investment and the total cost of ownership; more on these shortly.
Failure to accurately incorporate such information and indeed ensure that the implementation of the solution meets the expectations set out in the business case is likely to result in some very uncomfortable conversations. There does appear to be an entire industry overselling the benefits of the cloud, and failure to undertake appropriate diligence and relying solely on the marketed benefits is not the best approach.
Such a business case should not only address the business metrics, but also consider that many businesses have identified a number of barriers toward cloud adoption. Many of these barriers are documented in the KPMG report entitled “Breaking through the cloud adoption barriers”21 and are based on a survey of 179 CSPs to understand the perceived barriers to cloud adoption. As mentioned previously, the presentation of supporting figures underlining the financial benefits of cloud computing is imperative in the development of a business case, and indeed the findings from the survey would support this theory. Providers certainly believe that cost reduction is the single most important factor in any decision toward cloud adoption, with 60% of providers believing this being the main goal. Perhaps more insightful than this statistic is that only 39% of providers believed that customer expectations on cost reduction is realistic, which again reinforces points raised earlier.
While much of this chapter has focused on the benefits of cloud computing, there is no doubt that many concerns do exist. The survey identifies that many of the barriers toward cloud adoption surround security and privacy. This reinforces many earlier studies in which security is perceived as the greatest barrier toward cloud adoption, and explains why cloud security skills are perceived as so important. The top 10 perceived barriers are detailed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

Perceived Barriers toward Cloud Adoption

Loss of control48%
Integration with existing architecture41%
Data loss and privacy risks39%
Not sure the promise of a cloud environment can be realized28%
Implementation/transition/integration costs to high28%
Risk of intellectual property theft27%
Lack of standards between cloud providers (interoperability)25%
Legal and regulatory compliance22%
Transparency of operational controls and data22%
Lack of visibility into future demand, associated costs21%
While the perceived barriers are likely to include some of the well-known concerns, the order may surprise many. Indeed, if we compare the perceived barriers with those that are reported by end customers, not only are there certain barriers not included within the top 10 above, but also their order in terms of importance does vary.
Security plays a recurring concern within multiple end-customer surveys regarding concerns/barriers toward cloud adoption, as do concerns about data privacy. Based on a survey of 489 “business leaders,” the PwC report entitled “The Future of IT Outsourcing and Cloud Computing”22 asked a series of questions to respondents across multiple geographies, industry verticals, and company sizes relating to cloud adoption.
When asked about concerns regarding data security, respondents believed it represented the biggest risk to infrastructure in the public cloud. Indeed, 62% of respondents believed data security as either a serious or an extremely serious risk. In comparison, other concerns were not rated nearly as highly, with the next risk only garnering 40% of the overall response, which interestingly was data and systems interoperability. These findings align rather closely with the view of CSPs; however, the subsequent risks did not correlate as well. In particular, the next risks were data portability (41%), viability of third parties (40%), IT governance (39%), and service level agreements (35%). The third risk relating to data and systems portability is well documented within cloud computing, whereby the concern that migrating to one provider will lead to the customer being locked into that provider for the long term, which of course is very much related to the viability of the provider. What this means is that once a customer has moved to one particular cloud provider, and spent time and money transitioning their services to this provider, they will find it very difficult to move those services elsewhere. The motivation to migrate from a cloud provider may be due to a number of reasons: whether the provider is not meeting the expectations of the customer, has gone out of business, or for any other reason. History is littered with multiple examples where either these or other scenarios have resulted (we present a large number of these throughout this book) in the customer having to find an alternate provider. This concern may be the last thing potential cloud customers think of when considering which provider to engage with, because the Web site of the provider seemed so convincing, or the customer service team at the provider was so responsive and helpful, but it is important to consider the what if scenario.

Viability of Provider

This exact same scenario was played out for customers of Pano Logic, a provider of virtual desktop infrastructures and other cloud-related services. It was reported in late 201223 that customers had no indication or prior warning that any problem existed, that was until they could no longer access the services that they had paid for. According to journalist David Marshall who reported on the story,24 there was no formal announcement, and customers took to social media asking whether a problem did indeed exist. The concern was raised shortly after October 22, 2012, when the company sent their final tweet regarding a customer who was using their technology. Thereafter, there was complete silence. This led to rumors and conjecture with many voicing questions about the company, where customers took to social media with tweets such as “is panologic dead??” and “hello are you still with us?” Both Twitter and Facebook were used to ask questions about the company “because e-mail and phone calls were evidently going unanswered.” In fact, comments from the community seemed to suggest that there was indeed a problem, with one individual stating they had driven to the company’s headquarters only to discover it was “all closed up.” What we do now know is that the company failed in October of 2012, and in early 2013, another organization confirmed they had secured the rights to support Pano Logic customers, and will “help transition the customer base to a new platform.”25
This example demonstrates why the viability of the third-party provider can be considered such a major barrier toward cloud adoption, and does indeed go some way to explain the number one perceived barrier toward cloud adoption (as indicated by providers), which is the loss of control. If you are hosting services on-premise, then at the very least you will (or should) know that there are potentially some difficulties that may impact service. When migrating any service to a third party, whether that is a cloud provider or a traditional outsourcing company, there is always the risk that you have zero visibility as to the state of the provider as Pano Logic customers can attest to. However, financial considerations are not the only reason that the viability of a CSP can be impacted, as customers of MegaUpload can attest to.
Established in 2005 in Hong Kong, as an online file storage (and viewing) service, MegaUpload garnered an enormous user base. At the time of its service being shutdown, it was able to boast 180,000,000 registered users and at its peak was the 13th most visited site on the Internet. However, the service ceased amidst accusations the service facilitated large volumes of illegal downloads of copyrighted material, costing the owners of such copyrights at least $500 million in lost revenue. While we could dedicate this chapter, and indeed many of the proceeding chapters on the case, the impact on the end customer when its cloud provider is no longer viable is the focus of this particular section.
When the service was shut down by the US Department of Justice on January 19, 2012, authorities reportedly seized 25 petabytes of data. For customers, however, the issue was compounded when it was reported that a Dutch hosting company deleted data stored on 630 servers rented by MegaUpload, which led to founder Kim Dotcom calling it a “huge disaster.”26 For those cloud customers breathing a sigh of relief in the belief that their data was not among the purge, attempts by MegaUpload to acquire 1103 servers owned by Carpathia Hosting have at the time of writing not proven successful. In April 2013, MegaUpload reached an agreement with Carpathia to buy the servers and ultimately preserve the data stored. However, this was reported to have been blocked by authorities, forcing founder Dotcom to issue the following statement:

“The destruction of the LeaseWeb servers demonstrates the urgent need to reach a workable solution for data preservation as soon as possible, lest the 1103 servers currently in Carpathia Hosting’s possession meet the same fate,” it concludes. “We therefore respectfully urge the Court to reconvene the interested stakeholders and renew negotiations as quickly as the Court’s schedule permits.”23

What this and the earlier example clearly demonstrate is that when utilizing any third-party services, there is undoubtedly a loss of control, and should such providers experience financial issues, or indeed face the ire of regulators, the customer may indeed be the last to know. While, of course, there are many CSPs that remain entirely financially viable, and are nowhere near facing the actions undertaken by authorities as in the case of MegaUpload, there is no doubt that the attention these examples received has resulted in serious concerns. After all, as a cloud customer, the implications of not being able to access data could be the death knell for a business, and something Kyle Goodwin can attest to. Goodwin used MegaUpload as a backup service for his business as an Ohio videographer. However, the combined actions of US authorities and a hard drive failure have meant that Goodwin has lost “valuable commercial footage” and is forced to undergo a number of court hearings to recover these data. Despite the fact that his case is supported by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), it does demonstrate as a spokesperson for the EFF cited as “the virtually insurmountable burden on innocent users seeking to get their files back by asking the court to do a slow-walking, multi-step process that takes place in a faraway court. Most third parties are not in a position to attend even one court appearance, much less the multiple ones the government envisions.”27

Once We Choose, We Are Locked-in

Viability of a provider does not necessarily have to result in the said provider going out of business or facing scrutiny from authorities. In fact, simply increasing the prices of provisioned services can be equally debilitating. What may be unacceptable to senior management is the need to stay with the costly provider because the cost of transitioning to another vendor (or even bringing back to an on-premise solution) is far too high, or complicated. In an interview reported in NetworkWorld, CEO of RedHat stated on the subject of vendor lock-in as “Once users get stuck in something, it’s hard for them to move,”28 before unveiling measures his company were undertaking to tackle the issue. The interview does concur that lock-in comes in many forms, which can broadly be divided into three categories:
▪ Platform lock-in: The provider will leverage a specific virtualization platform, and the transition to an alternate provider and its preferred platform can be both complicated and costly.
▪ Data lock-in: This is very much related to the loss-of-control concern raised earlier, but the question remains who ultimately owns the data once stored on the cloud? Furthermore, how can the end customer retrieve the data should they wish to migrate to another provider? This particular concern is echoed by Bill Gerhardt, director of Cisco Systems’ Internet solutions group’s service provider practice, “We need to sort out data portability. Customers ask: ‘If I give you all this data, how do I retrieve that data if I want to go somewhere else?’ Many cloud companies don’t have a clear exit route.”29 In addition to data retrieval, there are also concerns about data structures and architecture. For example, if I get .csv (comma separated value) files from my provider, I will need to understand data field relationships in order to migrate to a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
▪ Tools lock-in: This particular type of lock-in is considered the most common, and refers to the various tools to manage, provision, and monitor the hosted services.
Point of note: There is considerable concern regarding the aforementioned lock-in scenarios, and we certainly agree that these concerns should be considered when selecting a cloud provider (more on the selection of a CSP in Chapter 2). It should be noted that lock-in scenarios with specific vendors also exist in the on-premise world, and indeed at home.
David Linthicum summarizes the lock-in concerns in his Cloud Computing article published by InfoWorld30: “The reality is that using any technology, except the most primitive, causes some degree of dependency on that technology or its service provider. Cloud providers are no exception…As long as technology and their service providers’ profitability and intellectual property value trump data and code portability, this issue will remain. It’s not a new situation.” Moreover, it is also worth noting that the market should punish vendors that use overt mechanisms to lock-in customers. Such market forces are recognized by vendors and operators as is highlighted by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison31 in this interview appropriately entitled “Larry Ellison Debunks Myth of Oracle Cloud Lock-in”: “But we cannot have lock-in; lock-in is a very bad idea. Once we lock someone in and charge high prices, you get mad at us, and you look for a way to break away from us. We watched IBM do that, and we think that’s a very bad strategy. We get LAZY; if we don’t give you choice, then we think we don’t have to compete, we don’t have to work so hard, we don’t have to advance our technology. As long as we give you choice, you’re not locked in.”

The Cloud is “Not” Secure

Depending on whose survey you read, the concern over security is probably one of the biggest concerns related to cloud computing. Perhaps we should not have included the results from the KPMG survey then!
Indeed, whenever we (not wishing to speak for my coauthor here, so perhaps using I would be more appropriate) present any topic on the concept of cloud computing, the first slide that is always presented includes the following quote:

According to IDC,32 87% of respondents cite security as the greatest worry with regards to cloud computing.

According to the survey, concerns regarding security trump availability (83.5%), performance (83%), and even interoperability (80%). However, one has to really question whether such a concern is even valid. Indeed, this entire book is dedicated to presenting research and mechanisms that hopefully answer this question in the negative, but we have to ask whether rather than security being the concern, really the issue is about transparency.
Let us take Google as the case in point. Consider that, in 2012, it was reported33 that Gmail (SaaS-based e-mail) had 425 ;million customers and Google Apps had 5 ;million customers. The belief that security is a major barrier to cloud adoption infers that the CSP has an unacceptable level of security. However, the opposite is likely and indeed in the case of Google one can argue Google deploys stronger security measures than those using their services. That of course does not mean that cloud is more secure than on-premise, nor does it mean that on-premise is more secure than cloud. This is because there is no “the cloud” per se. There are many companies that have a service termed as such that may not meet the NIST definition (as CloudSleuth demonstrated). The use of cloud computing involves entrusting third parties with corporate/personal data, and to do so with less transparency into the security controls than internally provisioned services. The use of on-premise providers will generally provide greater transparency regarding the security controls deployed than the use of cloud providers. Imagine the following scenario, for example: senior management asks you about the level of physical security protecting the company’s intellectual property.
For an on-premise deployment, this is likely to involve a trip to the company’s security office, a likely visit to the data center, and possibly the human resources department. Perhaps an oversimplification, but there will be some internal processes, and indeed accountable and responsible individuals who can provide the information or facilitate a tour. For the CSP, this level of transparency is not possible (or rather unlikely). Giving intricate details about the physical security is likely commercially sensitive (e.g., you would not want your provider sharing physical security plans with other customers), and providing a clause that gives customers a “right to audit” is unsustainable where there is a high volume of customers. The concept of transparency was introduced by Gartner analysts Jay Heiser and Mark Nicolett in their 2008 research paper entitled “Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud Computing.”34 It clarifies that the degree of transparency offered by the provider will determine the ability to undertake a risk assessment. Indeed, the best practices for cloud computing will include high transparency, with “the less information that is hidden the easier it is to trust the provider.”
Whether the issue is security, or indeed transparency, what is clear is that there is a demand from customers to have assurance about the service provider. This includes not only the security controls deployed by the provider, but also their viability, and whether the use of their services will result in breaching regulations that govern their business. These are of course only a small subset of the assurance requirements that end customers will demand from third parties, and the cloud is no different.
Cloud computing does, however, have some nuances that do not necessarily present themselves within traditional outsourcing relationships when potential customers are attempting to determine the level of security implemented. This begins with the potential customer’s journey in identifying and selecting a CSP. The reality of course is that the journey long before any review of the potential providers begins with the identification of internal business operations that are seen as suitable candidates for migration. The level of work to identify such processes/applications will be entirely subjective and out of scope of this book, as our focus will be on cloud security challenges and solutions; however, it is worth noting that as Dave LeClair, Senior Director of Strategy at Stratus Technologies, states, “Companies need to take a hard look at which applications they are putting in the cloud, then, consider what’s involved in managing this shift from a resource, skillset, cost and complexity standpoint…we know first-hand these considerations are not a one-size-fits-all answer and rewriting applications for the cloud will not be the solution in many cases.”35
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