
Daniel Linstedt

I would like to acknowledge my wife and family for granting me the support and love I needed to finish this book. I would also like to acknowledge my co-author Michael Olschimke for working extremely hard at trying to understand my writing, and spending countless hours on Skype calls with me in order to discuss my ideas. Furthermore, I would like to personally thank Scott Ambler for all his contributions over time (especially to my last book); many of these ideas have made it into the foundations of Disciplined Agile Delivery embedded in the Data Vault 2.0 methodology. I am also pleased to thank Bill Inmon (the father of the data warehouse) for not only writing the foreword but also creating the industry I earn a living in. Without the “Data Warehouse” I would not have been able to create the Data Vault 2.0 System of Business Intelligence.
In addition, I would like to thank Roelant Vos for kick-starting the Australian Data Vault market, as well as my partners: Doerffler & Partner, and Analytics8, who assist me with training in the Data Vault 2.0 space. I also would like to thank AnalytixDS, for their brilliant work on Automation of Data Vault 2.0 templates through their incredible product, Mapping Manager. Without their assistance, we could not generate much of the work that goes into Data Vault 2.0 systems worldwide.
In addition, there are some customers I would like to thank for trying out the Data Vault 2.0 ideas as I refined them over the past several years. This includes Commonwealth Bank in Australia, QSuper in Australia, Intact Financial in Canada, and Microsoft – not only for creating the wonderful technology we have applied in this book, but also for utilizing Data Vault Modeling in-house for their own solutions.

Michael Olschimke

My acknowledgements go to Dörffler + Partners who have financed my contributions to this book and gave me a safe harbor to be able to focus on writing. This certainly includes the management team around Werner Dörffler, Christian Hädrich and Siegfried Heger, but also the current and former employees of the firm, especially Timo Cirkel, Dominik Kroner, and Jens Lehmann. I would also like to thank our customers, especially the team of Gabriela Goldner at SwissLife and the team of Marcus Jacob at DEVK for giving me some valuable opportunities and feedback.
Furthermore, I’d like to thank all those who have helped me become what I am today. This includes my parents Barbara and Paul Olschimke, for obvious reasons; Udo Bornschier who encouraged me to take an academic career; Prof. Cornelius Wille (Bingen) who promoted my scientific interest and encouraged me to continue my academic career; Dr. Betty Robbins (OU) who teached me how to write, with the help of large amounts of red ink, which I deserved; Dr. Albert Schwarzkopf (OU) who helped me to discover my interest for data warehousing; Udo Apel who supervised my bachelor’s thesis at Borland and gave me some valuable advice when I started my graduate studies at Santa Clara University; Prof. Manoochehr Ghiassi (SCU) who teached me how to organize a research team, among other valuable things (such as data mining and the value of taking notes); Oliver Cramer who discovered the Data Vault for me; and Daniel Linstedt for explaining it to me. The faculty at Santa Clara University deserves credit for helping me to understand the value of the Data Vault and see the glory in the service to others.
But the most life-changing person, and the one who enabled me to make my contribution to this book, is Christina Woitzik, my partner for the last ten years. We strayed through darkness and went all the way through hell. But in the early light of dawn, our love is still there.
By the time this book is published, she should be my lovely wife.
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