Building Findable Websites

Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond


Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond

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The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Peachpit was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear as requested by the owner of the trademark. All other product names and services identified throughout this book are used in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of the trademark. No such use, or the use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation with this book.

For Jamie


It’s good to have people on your side, especially when you’re facing big challenges. I had some wonderful people helping me out and cheering me on before, during, and after this process to whom I owe my humble thanks.

Many thanks to acquisitions editor Michael Nolan for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on this subject and convincing the great folks at Peachpit Press to give this book a shot.

Thanks to my development editor Jeff Riley for helpful writing advice, entertaining email exchanges, and helping me beat the comma into submission. Thanks also to my technical editor Jonathan Snook for expert advice on all the code and techy stuff within this book. You’re a master of your craft, and I’m grateful to have had your guidance.

Thanks to Glenn Bisignani for pointing me towards a title for this book that best communicates the contents within, and for wisely persuading me away from the one that didn’t.

Thanks to production editor Kate Reber for her sharp eye, and to designer Charlene Will for her aesthetic talents.

Many thanks to my brilliant colleagues and students at The Art Institute of Atlanta who have always kept me on my toes, curious, and inspired. Dr. Ameeta Jadav, my department chair, mentor, and friend, gave me guidance as I prepared to write this book, and much support along the way for which I am grateful. My Senior Project class gave me valuable feedback on the table of contents before a single page was written. Thanks guys.

On an almost daily basis my mother and father-in-law kept me fed with home cooked meals that were a delight and a much needed, kind gesture of support. Thanks Jim and Linda for your unparalleled catering skills.

My mom and dad have given me constant support and encouragement all my life and have always made me feel confident, capable, and loved. These gifts are the most valuable a person can give, and I’m grateful.

My wife Jamie is an amazing person. As I wrote this book she tolerated my distracted mind, put up with my neglected domestic duties, and excused my frequent absences. Through it all she never stopped cheering me on like a dedicated track coach, always making me feel like the finish line was reachable if only I put one foot in front of the other. What a lucky guy I am! I love you, Jamie, and I wrote this book for you. Maybe I’ll read it to you at night when you’re having trouble sleeping.

Finally, I’d like to give a big shout out to my little chipmunk friend outside my office window that has kept me company while writing this book. I sure hope Toots and Colonel Sanders don’t eat you for lunch.



The Companion Website

Chapter 1 Introducing Findability

What Is Findability?

The Development Side of Findability

The Deepest Desires of Search Engines

Beyond Search Engine Optimization

Get Your Team on Board from the Start

Using Your Moral Compass To Guide Your Way

Chapter 2 Markup Strategies

A Web Standards Primer

Getting Started with Web Standards

The Benefits of Web Standards

Web Standards and Findability Sitting in a Tree…

An Issue of Semantics

Will Search Engines Really Reward Adherence to Web Standards?

Essential Tags that Promote Findability

The Myth of Meta: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Preventing Content Indexing

Let Go of the Past To Embrace a Findable Future

Accessible Content Is Findable Content

Making Images Visible

Clearing the Roadblocks Caused by Image Maps

Image Replacement: Accessibility, Findability, and Beauty Converge

The Right and Wrong Way To Use Tables

More Keyword Opportunities in Accessibility Related Elements

Accessibility Pitfalls that Hinder Indexing

The Findability Benefits of Microformats

Making Event Data Portable with hCalendar and hCard

Marking Up Your Contact Information with hCard

Tagging Content with rel-tag

More Microformats Worth Investigating

Using Icons To Point Out Microformat Content

Do Search Engines Recognize Microformat Content?

Chapter 3 Server-Side Strategies

File and Folders: The Power of a Name

Choosing and Managing Domain Names

Solving the Google Canonical Problem

Building Search Engine Friendly URLs

A Simple Solution

Moving Pages and Domains with 301 Redirects

Getting Users Back on Track with Custom 404 Pages

The Elements of a Successful 404 Page

Optimizing Performance for Efficient Indexing

Cache and Dash: Getting Clients To Cache Files

Managing File Size

Compressing Files with Gzip

Reducing HTTP Requests

Diagnosing Performance Problems with YSlow

Controlling Search Engine Indexing with Robots.txt

Chapter 4 Creating Content that Drives Traffic

Content that Sucks (Users In)

The Story of Tom

Content Karma

Blueprint CSS Framework

Open Content Generates Attribution

The Mark of Quality Content

Stay on Topic

Fill a Niche

Be Passionate and Authoritative

Be Trustworthy

Appeal to Your Audience’s Interests

Be Original

Use an Appropriate Voice

Keep It Coming

All Roads Lead to Content

Content of Many Flavors


Articles, Case Studies, and White Papers

Link Libraries

Document Templates, Code Examples, and Other Tools

Reviews and Recommendations

Syndicated Content (RSS)

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Targeting Keywords in Your Content

Researching and Selecting Keywords

Placing Keywords in Your Content

Evaluating Keyword Density

Content Development Strategies

Displaying RSS Content on Your Site

More RSS Parsing Opportunities

Using the RSS Parsing System To Create a Link Library

Chapter 5 Building a Findable Blog

Blogging Best Practices To Improve Findability

Write Regularly on a Focused Topic

Link Often, and Link to Other Blog Posts To Generate Trackbacks

Create Your Own Blog Template

Put Keywords in Your Post Titles

Archive by Topics

Summarize Posts To Direct Traffic Better

Add a Popular Posts Section

Add a Recent Posts Section

Tell People Who You Are and What Your Blog Is About

Promote Your RSS Feed

Cross Link To Circulate Traffic

Encourage Users To Share Your Content With Others

Direct Users to Related Posts

About Duplicate Content Indexing

Working with WordPress

Installing WordPress Plugins

Creating Your Own Themes

Making Your WordPress Blog More Findable

Defining Update Services

Remapping Your Permalink URLs

Using Categories To Archive by Topic

Summarizing Posts To Direct Traffic Better

Displaying Your Most Popular Posts

Displaying Your Most Recent Posts

Promoting and Tracking RSS Subscriptions with FeedBurner

Encouraging Social Exchanges of Your Content

Displaying Related Posts

Automatically Generating an XML Sitemap

Other Handy SEO Plugins for WordPress

Tagging Your Posts

Optimizing Content Delivery with Caching

Chapter 6 Adding Search to Your Site

Using Free Search Systems

Using Google Custom Search Engine (CSE)

Using Google’s Ajax Search API

Using Rollyo

Using Atomz

Using Yahoo! Search Builder

Purchasing Search Systems

Using FastFind

Using Zoom Search Engine

Building Your Own Simple Product Search System

Creating a Custom Product Search Tool

Logging Local Searches To Understand Your Site’s Shortcomings

Adding OpenSearch To Your Site

Setting Up OpenSearch on Your Site

Chapter 7 Preventing Findability Roadblocks

Avoiding JavaScript Pitfalls

Progressive Enhancement

Solving JavaScript Navigation Problems

Solving Scripted Style Problems

Solving Ajax Problems

Findable Flash

Using SWFObject for Flash Progressive Enhancement

Findable Audio and Video

Creating Text Transcripts

Chapter 8 Bring Traffic Back With a Mailing List

Encouraging Subscriptions

Earn Their Trust

Make It Obvious

Make It Quick

Tell Them What To Expect and Make It Valuable

Using a Mailing List Management System

Why Use a Mailing List Management System?

Building an Ajax-Powered Subscription System

Monkeying Around with MailChimp

Sign Me Up! The Big Picture of the System

Creating the Subscription Form

Building the storeAddress() Function

The Ajax Layer

Chapter 9 Putting Findability Into Practice

A Prioritized Approach

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 3

Discovering Problems on Your Site

Sitening SEO Tools

Spam Detector

Semantics Extractor

Keyword Priority and Density Evaluation

Watch Your Stats

When Will You See Results?

Final Notes: The Day Findability Saved the World


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