
31Three, 130

301 redirects, 52–53, 58–60

404 error pages, 60–63, 76–77, 134, 144, 235


A List Apart

accessibility article, 30

“Contrast and Meaning” article, 95, 215

CSS maps article, 33

CSS sprites article, 74

“Flash Embedding Cage Match” article, 203

home page goals article, 93

user research article, 89

A9 search standard, Amazon, 176, 239

abbreviations, 36–37


guidelines, 29, 183, 206

and images, 30–35

standards, 5, 17

and table-based layouts, 35

and text transcripts, 211

accessible content, 29–30. See also accessibility

acronyms, 36–37

Adaptive Path, 159

Adobe, 198, 201

AdWords, Google, 104, 153, 158, 235, 237


catalog system, 190–197

and Charles, 65

and findability, 189, 198

naming of, 159, 160

purpose of, 159–160

recommended book on, 181

search system, 162

subscription system, 220–232

Ajax Search API, Google, 159–165

algorithms, search engine, 19, 20, 47, 84, 153

All in One SEO, 147

Allsopp, John, 37, 43

AllTheWeb, 77

alt attribute, 5, 30

Amazon, 99, 172, 176

Ambient Findability, 2

anchor tags, 23

Andrew, Rachel, 183

animation tools, 180


.htaccess files, 53, 55, 60, 66

mod_deflate module, 73

mod_expires module, 66

mod_gzip module, 73

mod_headers module, 67

mod_rewrite module, 52–54, 57, 138

API keys, 160, 161, 168

APIs, 121, 159, 168, 219, 220

Application Programming Interface. See APIs

array_slice( ) function, 111

articles, writing, 94–95

AskJeeves, 77

Atomz, 167–168

audio files, 180, 207–211

Authentic Jobs, 116

author meta tags, 26


Backlink Analyzer, 236

Barnett, Wyatt, 175

Bartelme Design, 45, 131

Bennett-Chamberlain, Jesse, 130

Berners-Lee, Tim, 12

.biz domain names, 51

Bjorkoy, Olav Frihagen, 82–83, 84

black hat SEO techniques, 9, 20, 133, 184

blog headlines, 126–127

blog pings, 136

Blog Search, Google, 136

blog templates, 125–126

blog tracking services, 98

blog update services, 136–137

blogging platforms, 134, 135

Bloglines, 93, 127

blogs, 124–149. See also WordPress

adding OpenSearch to, 178

adding popular posts section to, 129, 141–142

adding recent posts section to, 129, 143–144

analyzing traffic for, 124

archiving options for, 127, 140

automatic publication between, 94

best practices for, 124–133, 134

boosting site traffic with, 237

comment spam in, 9, 125

as content delivery platforms, 93–94

creating post titles for, 126–127

creating sense of trust in, 130

creating sitemap for, 146

creating your own template for, 126–127

directing users to related posts in, 132

duplicate content in, 132–133

encouraging others to share posts from, 131–132, 144–145

explaining purpose of, 130

findability of, 134, 136

including links in, 125, 131

including personal photo in, 130

linking to other, 125

promoting RSS feeds in, 130–131

SEO for, 125

summarizing posts in, 128, 140–141

tagging posts in, 147–149

time-consuming nature of, 94

as tool for discovering niche issues, 124

trackback feature, 94, 125

Blueprint CSS framework, 82–83, 84

BMW site, blacklisting of, 9

book reviews, 97–98

bookmark management systems, 117

bookmarklets, 117

Boulton, Mark, 82, 117

Brachhold, Arne, 146

Brett, Matt, 130

Brilliant, Larry, 239

broken links, 60, 61

Brothercake, 183

browsers. See also specific browsers

adding OpenSearch to, 176–177

disabling JavaScript in, 181, 182

and Google Ajax Search API, 160–161

search features integrated into, 176

Bulletproof Ajax, 181


cache-control, 67, 68

caching, 64–68, 149

Campaign Monitor, 219, 220

CAn-SPAM Act, 221

<caption> tags, 36

Carr, Norm, 89

case studies, 94–95

CastingWords, 209

catalog system, 190–197

Cederholm, Dan, 63

<channel> tags, 108, 112

Charles program, 65

Chevy Tahoe user-generated ad campaign, 100

Child, Dave, 54

cite attribute, 87

clients, caching files for, 64–68

CLOSED expansion mode, 164

coding practices, CSS, 90

collapsible boxes, 185–186

color contrast checker, Snook’s, 96–97

.com domains, 51

combine.php file, 73

Common Craft, 93

compressing files, 71–73

Constant Contact, 219, 220

contact information, 42–43

contact pages, 42–43

content, 80–121

accessible, 29–30. See also accessibility

alternatives to authoring your own, 107–121

in audio/video files, 207–211

blocking indexing of, 26–28, 133

examples of exceptional, 95

Blueprint CSS framework, 82–83

cartoon site, 91

e-commerce site, 80–82

Smashing Magazine, 89–90, 96–97

Terra Incognita, 97–98

and findability, 80–82

funneling traffic to specific, 91–93

getting feedback on, 89

helping users find specific, 91–93

hiding, 184

indexing of duplicate, 132–133

licensing, 46, 47, 84

open vs. restrictive, 83–84

organizing, 7

originality of, 89–90

placing keywords in, 105–107

setting expiration date headers for, 68

stuffing with keywords, 7, 9, 184

syndicating, 93, 98

tagging, 7, 43–44

targeting keywords in, 100–105

traits of quality, 84–91

trustworthiness of, 86–88

types of, 93–100

typos/misspellings in, 87

updating, 90–91

user-generated, 98–100

using appropriate voice for, 90

content development strategies, 107–121

content karma, 82–84

Content-Language meta tags, 26

content-to-code ratio, 28

Content-Type meta tags, 26

“Contrast and Meaning” article, 95, 215

copyright meta tags, 26

copyright restrictions, 83–84

copywriters, 7

Creative Commons licensing, 46, 47, 84

Croft, Jeff, 82

CSE, Google, 153–159


and abbreviations, 37

background images, 30–31

benefits of, 28

coding practices, 90

compressing, 71–73

for expanding/collapsing content, 186

externalizing, 69, 182

folder names, 69

for hiding content, 184

for image replacement, 34

minifying, 71

navigation systems, 183

positioning, 32

and progressive enhancement, 181–182, 192

for showing microformat icons/links, 45–46

sprites technique, 74

for subscription form, 225

and Web standards, 16

CSS-based layout systems, 35

CSS Drive, 71, 72

CSS framework, Blueprint, 82–83, 84

CSS Zen Garden, 13

Custom Search Engine, Google, 153–159

Cutts, Matt, 125


database servers, 175

datetime attribute, 87

Davidson, Mike, 19, 20, 35

<del> tags, 87–88


API, 121

bookmarklets, 117

browser extensions, 117

examples of RSS feed URLs, 119

link library, 119

researching keywords via, 101

RSS features, 116

sharing blog posts in, 131–132

syndicating bookmarks via, 117–118

and <title> tags, 22

deprecated elements, findability and, 28

description meta tags, 24, 25

designers, 7

Designing with Web Standards, 5, 13

Diaz, Dustin, 189

Digg, 131–132, 144–145

Dimon, Garrett, 62

directhit, 77

disabilities, accommodating users with, 29–30, 183. See also accessibility

disallow statement, 133

display:none property, 184

<div> tags, 111, 162, 185

DMxZone, 114

DOM Scripting, 69, 181

domain names

choosing/managing, 51–54

.com vs. other extensions, 51

including hyphens in, 51

including keywords in, 51

moving to new, 58–60

Dragon Design, 146

Dreamweaver microformats extension, 38

dropdown menu systems, 183

Duffy, Seth, 33

duplicate content, indexing of, 132–133

dynamic content, setting expiration date headers for, 68


E24 Transcription, 210–211

ecommerce system, 190

Edwards, Dean, 70, 71

Edwards, James, 183

<em> tags, 22–23

email addresses. See also mailing lists

collecting, 214–217

managing, 218–219

validating, 225

email newsletters, 216–217

Enablr, 209–210

error pages. See 404 error pages

event attachment functions, 189

EveryZing, 207–208

expandCollapseBoxes( ) function, 186–189

expansion mode options, 164

ExpiresDefault, 66, 67, 68

Expression Engine, 135

Extensible Markup Language, 13. See also XML


Fahrner Image Replacement, 35

Fairbanks, Chris, 178

“fast” spider user-agent, 77

FastFind, 170–171

FeedBurner, 137, 144

FeedSmith plugin, 144

Fetch, 138

fetch_rss( ) function, 110–111, 112

file storage site, 117


caching, 64–68

compressing, 71–73

managing size of, 69–71

minifying, 70

naming, 50–51

setting expiration of, 67

FilesMatch condition, 67–68


and 301 redirects, 58–60

and 404 error pages, 60–63

and acronyms/abbreviations, 36–37

and Ajax, 189, 198

and audio/video content, 180, 207–211

of blogs, 134, 136

defined, 2

and deprecated elements, 28

developers’ impact on, 3–4

and domain names, 51–54

and file/folder names, 50–51

and Flash, 180, 198–207

and frames, 28

goals, 234

honest vs. dishonest techniques for improving, 8–9

importance of, 238–239

iterative nature of, 6

and JavaScript, 180–198

and microformats, 37–38

and pop-up windows, 29

prioritized approach to, 234–235

retrofitting website for, 8

roadblocks, 180

server-side strategies, 50–77

tags that promote, 20–23

team members’ roles in, 6-7

testing, 235–236

and URL design, 54–58

and Web project lifecycle, 2–3, 8

and Web standards, 5–6, 16–17

and website content, 80–82

FIR, 35

Firebug, 75


and acronyms/abbreviations, 37

Firebug add-on, 75

and Google Ajax Search API, 160

integrated search feature, 176

and OpenSearch, 176

Operator add-on, 40

YSlow add-on, 75–76

Flash, 37, 180, 198–207

Flickr, 43, 116, 148

folders, naming, 50–51, 69

folksonomy, 7

foreach loop, 112

<form> tags, 156, 157

formatting tags, 28

forums, 99

frames, 28


FTP clients, 138

function header( ), 68


Galli, Ricardo, 149

Garrett, Jesse James, 159, 160

geo tags, 26

GET method, 225

GET variables, 54–57, 173–174, 178

Global Public Health Intelligence network, 238–239


accessibility guidelines, 29

Ajax Search API, 159–165

boosting page rank in, 23

canonical problem, 52–54

Custom Search Engine (CSE), 153–159

and duplicate content, 133

getting banned from, 9, 51

Image Search, 77

and keyword positioning, 25

keyword tool, 104

and link exchanges, 23

and microformats, 46

and multilingual sites, 24

search algorithm, 84

spider user-agent, 77

Google AdWords, 104, 153, 158, 235, 237

Google Analytics, 21

Google Blog Search, 136

Google Calendar, 40

Google Maps, 40, 46

Google PageRank, 51–52, 59, 106, 125

Google Reader, 93, 127

Google Sitemap Generator, 146

Google Toolbar, 52

Google Web Master tools, 54

googlebot, 77

Googlebot-Image, 77

GPHIN, 238–239

graceful degradation, 157

GsearcherOptions( ) function, 164

GwebSearch( ) function, 163

Gzip, 71–73, 149


<h1> tags, 17–18, 19, 105, 126

Happy Cog, 92

hCalendar microformat, 38–41, 46

hCard microformat, 39, 42–43, 46

<head> tags, 161, 163

heading tags, 17–18. See also <h1> tags

headlines, limiting number of characters in, 113

home page design, 91, 93

hResume microformat, 45

hReview microformat, 45, 97

.htaccess files, 53, 55, 60, 66


for Ajax search system, 162

converting RSS content into, 111–113

for custom search tool, 173

embedding Flash content in, 201

revamping of, 13

for Rollyo search box, 166–167

.html file extension, 51


compression, 71

headers, 64–65

meaning of acronym, 64

monitoring program, 65

HTTP requests, reducing, 74

Huskisson, Jamie, 62

Hypertext Transfer Protocol. See HTTP


in domain names, 51

in file/folder names, 50


icon development kit, 45

If-Last-Modified request header, 65

IIRF, 53

IIS, 53, 61, 138

image maps, 32–33

image replacement, 18, 33–35


accessibility techniques, 30–32

blinking, 215

combining in single file, 74

and file size, 69

naming folders for, 69

providing text descriptions for, 30–32

in search results, 172

in syndicated content, 98

inbound links

and blog posts, 94, 125

and Creative Commons licenses, 84

encouraging/generating, 23, 58, 82–84, 94, 124

and Google canonical problem, 52

and link libraries, 96, 121

placing keywords in labels of, 20

and search engines, 5, 198

as signals of quality, 19, 23

indexing. See also search engines

controlling with robots.txt, 76–77, 133

of duplicate content, 132–133

encouraging search engines to skip, 65–66

optimizing performance for efficient, 64–76

of PDF files, 169, 172

of scripted navigation systems, 181

of Word documents, 169, 172

information architects, 7, 88, 89

init( ) function, 196, 229–230 )

Inktomi, 77

Inman, Shaun, 128

<input> tags, 156

<ins> tags, 87–88

Internet Explorer, 37, 160, 176

Internet Information Services. See IIS

Internet Services Application Programming Interface, 53


<item> tags, 108, 111



and accessibility, 37

for advanced search interface, 159

and Ajax, 159. See also Ajax

avoiding bloated, 69

benefits of unobtrusive, 69

compressing, 71–73

disabling in browsers, 181, 182

externalizing, 69

and findability, 180–198

handling events properly in, 189

libraries, 180, 189

minifiers, 70, 71

minifying, 70–71

navigation problems, 182–183

for progressive enhancement, 185–188

recommended book on, 181

for syndicating bookmarks, 117–118

job listing site, 116

Jordan, Miraz, 134


Kallestad, Steve, 71

karma, content, 82–84

KEI, 103

Keith, Jeremy, 69, 181

keyword analyzer, 106–107

keyword density, 7, 50, 106–107, 236

Keyword Effectiveness Index, 103

keyword meta tags, 24

keyword optimization, 106

keyword priority, 236

keyword research services, 101–105


in anchor tags, 23

in blog post titles, 126–127

calculating effectiveness of, 103

creating master list of, 7

including in domain names, 51

including in file/folder names, 50–51

placing, 105–107

researching/selecting, 100–105

stuffing pages with, 7, 9, 184

in <title> tags, 21–22

King, Alex, 141

Koch, Peter Paul, 69


lang attribute, 24–25

Langer, Maria, 134, 43, 115

Lawrence, John, 145

Leenheer, Niels, 72–73, 74

licensing content, 46, 47, 84

link exchanges, 23

link-farm sites, 51

link libraries, 86, 96, 117–121

link validation tool, 60

linkrolls, 117–118


exchanging, 23

finding/fixing broken, 60, 61

inbound. See inbound links

including in blogs, 125, 131

text labels for, 23

listSubscribe( ) method, 227

loadProduct( ) function, 196, 197

logo image files, 18

longdesc attribute, 31

Lycos, 77


Macromedia, 198


API, 121

bookmarklets, 117

examples of RSS feed URLs, 119–120

Filter, link library, 120

researching keywords via, 101

RSS features, 116

sharing blog posts in, 131–132

syndicating bookmarks via, 117–118

Magpie, 109, 110, 111

MailChimp, 219, 220–229

mailing list management systems, 218–220

mailing lists, 214–232

building storeAddress( ) function for, 225–229

constructing Ajax layer for, 229–232

encouraging subscriptions to, 214–217

managing, 218–220

as relationship builders, 214

setting up, 221–222

signup forms for, 215–216, 220, 221–225

validating email addresses for, 225–226

Marsh, Rob, 145

mashups, 159

media search tool, 207–208

Meehan, Tim, 89

meta tags, 24–26, 27

Mezzoblue, 129, 143

microformat extension, Dreamweaver, 38

microformat search engine, 45, 47, 97

microformat translation service, 40, 42

microformats, 37–47

articles/books on, 37

cheat sheets, 38

defined, 37

detecting, 40

findability benefits of, 37–38

for making event data portable, 38–41

for marking up contact information, 42–43

for marking up resumes, 45

and search engines, 46–47

standard icons for, 45–46

for tagging content, 43–44

wiki, 45

for writing reviews, 45, 97

minifying files, 70

Mint, 21, 22

MIT open source license, 84

mod_deflate module, 73

mod_expires module, 66

mod_gzip module, 73

mod_headers module, 67

mod_rewrite module, 52–54, 57, 138

Moll, Cameron, 116

MooTools, 71, 180

Morville, Peter, 2

Movable Type, 135

movie rental service, 116–117

MP3 files, 207

MSN, 47

MSN Live Search, 77

msNbot, 77

multilingual websites, 24

music site, 115

MySQL, 173


naming files/folders, 50–51

national Federation for the Blind, 29

navigation systems, 182–183

nested tables, 20

.net domain names, 51

Net Results, 127–128

Netflix, 116–117

Netvibes, 93

newsletters, email, 216–217

niche websites, 85–86

nofollow, noindex meta tags, 27

noindex, nofollow meta tags, 27


object-oriented programming, 109, 226

OnLoad( ) function, 163

OOP, 109, 226

open content, 83–84

OPEN expansion mode, 164

OpenSearch, 172, 176–178

Opera, 160

Operator Firefox add-on, 40

optimizing performance, 64–76

caching files, 64–68

compressing files, 71–73

diagnosing problems, 75–76

managing file size, 69–71

reducing HTTP requests, 74

organic search terms, 104

originality, 89–90


Packer, 70, 71

page rank

and duplicate content, 132–133

and Google canonical problem, 52

and link exchanges, 23

tracking, 236

PageRank, Google, 51–52, 59, 106, 125

paid search terms, 104

pandemics, 239

parseRSS( ) function, 109–110, 115

parseRSS.php file, 109, 114–115, 117

PARTIAL expansion mode, 164

PDF files, indexing, 169, 172

performance optimization, 64–76

caching files, 64–68

compressing files, 71–73

diagnosing problems, 75–76

managing files size, 69–71

reducing HTTP requests, 74

performance problems, diagnosing, 75–76

permalinks, 138–139

Phark, 33

photo-sharing site, 116

PHP, 173, 193–195

.php file extension, 51

PHP function header( ), 68


PHPDelicious, 121

Pierzchala, Stephen, 73, 47, 97

pings, blog, 136

PingShot, 137

pixel shims, 30


and EveryZing, 207

and FeedBurner, 137

on open content, 84

providing transcripts of, 209

on Web standards, 20

PodZinger, 207

pop-up windows, 29

Popularity Contest plugin, 141–142

Powazek, Derek, 93

privacy policies, 8, 215

Problogger, 129, 132

progressive enhancement, 181–188, 190, 201–207

project managers, 6

promotion, website, 235


built-in event attachment functions, 189, 229, 231

and interactive interface design, 180

minifying, 71

simplifying Ajax interactions with, 191, 197, 223

Public Health Agency of Canada, 238

R keyword analyzer, 106–107

reading levels, 90

<refresh> meta tags, 25–26

regular expressions, 53

rel-license microformat, 46, 47

rel-tag microformat, 43–44, 147

rel="nofollow" attribute, 27–28

Resig, John, 189

resource websites, 86, 89, 96. See also link libraries


user-authored, 99

writing, 96–98

<robots> meta tags, 25, 27

robots-nocontent attribute, 27

robots.txt file, 27, 76–77, 133

Rollyo, 165–167


aggregators, 93

distributing content via, 98

icons, 130–131

introductory video on, 93

meaning of acronym, 93

parsing, 109–115

syndication, 98

RSS feeds

customizing icons for, 130–131

promoting in blogs, 130–131

publishing, 137

subscribing to, 93

tracking subscriptions to, 144

Rundle, Mike, 33

Rutledge, Andy, 95, 215


Safari, 160

SARS virus, 238

Scalable Inman Flash Replacement, 34

<script> tags, 161, 163

Scriptaculous, 180

Search Builder, Yahoo!, 168–169

search engine algorithms, 19, 20, 47, 84, 153

search engine optimization. See SEO

Search Engine Ranking Page tracker, 236

search engines. See also search systems

and accessible content, 29

and Ajax, 189

and audio/video files, 180, 207

controlling with robots.txt, 76–77

and duplicate content, 132–133

getting banned from, 9

how they “think”, 19

and image maps, 32–33

and JavaScript, 180–181, 183–184

and meta tags, 24–26, 27

and microformat content, 46–47

and nested tables, 20

optimizing content delivery for, 64

preventing content indexing by, 26–28

and progressive enhancement, 182

and semantic markup, 17, 28

and table-based layouts, 35

and update frequency, 91

and URL design, 54–58

and Web standards, 19–20

what they like, 4–5

search spider user-agents, 76–77

search statistics, 152, 171

search systems, 152–178. See also search engines

as alternative to navigation systems, 152

browser-integrated, 176–178

building custom, 173–176

importance of, 152

purchasing, 170–172

using free, 153–169

search terms, organic vs. paid, 104, 105

Section 508 accessibility guidelines, 183

SEFFS, 207

semantic markup, 17–18, 19, 20, 28

semantics extractor, 236


and accessibility, 29–30

black hat techniques. See black hat SEO techniques

complementary techniques, 6

importance of, 4

in-house vs. outsourcing, 8

meaning of acronym, 2

SEO Analyzer tool, 236

SEO plugins, WordPress, 146–147

SERP tracker, 236

server-side findability strategies, 50–77

building search-engine friendly URLs, 54–58

choosing/managing domain names, 51–54

controlling indexing with robots.txt, 76–77

naming files, 50–51

optimizing for efficient indexing, 64–78

serving custom 404 pages, 60–63

using 301 redirects, 58–60

setExpandMode( ) function, 164

setSiteRestriction( ) function, 163

Shea, Dave, 13, 33, 74, 129, 143

Shull, Ed, 127

SIFR, 34

signup forms, mailing list, 215–216, 220, 221–225

Similar Posts plugin, 145

sitemaps, 146

Sitening, 236

SitePoint, 73, 175, 183, 217

Slurp, 77

Smashing Magazine, 89–90

Smith, Steve, 144

Snook, Jonathan, 96–97

Sociable plugin, 145

social bookmarking sites, 22, 101, 116. See also specific sites

social music site, 115

social news sites, 132

social tagging, 43. See also social bookmarking sites

Socialist plugin, 145

spam detector, 236

spam email, 214

spammers, 9, 99, 218

spider user-agents, 76–77

SQL, 174–175

SQL Server, 175

standards, Web. See Web standards

statistics, traffic. See traffic analysis tools

stats applications, 21, 91–92

Sterns, Geoff, 201

storeAddress( ) function, 224–229, 230

strikethrough text, 87

strip_tags( ) function, 112

strlen( ) function, 113

<strong> tags, 22–23

Structured Query Language. See SQL

subscription APIs, 219, 220

subscription forms, mailing list, 215–216, 221–225

subscription system, Ajax-powered, 220–232

Suda, Brian, 37

summary attribute, 36

SWF files, 198, 203. See also Flash

SWObject, 201–206

syndicated content, 98


table-based layouts, 35–36

<table> tags, 36

tabular data, 35–36

tag clouds, 148–149

tagging content, 7, 43–44, 147–149, 29

Tech Times newsletter, 217


blog tracking service, 136, 237

and hResume microformat, 45

microformat conversion service, 40, 42

microformat search engine, 47, 97

and rel-tag microformat, 44

TED conference, 239

teomaagent1, 77

Terra Incognita, 97–98

text transcripts, 208–211

Textpattern, 135

<th> tags, 36

Threadless, 63

title attributes, 5, 36

<title> tags, 21–22

tool tips, 30

trackbacks, 94, 125

traffic analysis tools, 7, 21, 235, 236

Transcribr, 209–210

transcripts, text, 208–211

transparent GIFs, 30

truncation, 113

trustworthiness, 86–88, 130, 214–215

Type Pad, 135


UGC, 98–100

Ultimate Dropdown Menu, 183

underscores, in file/folder names, 50

UNIT Interactive, 95, 116

updating content, 90–91

<Url> tags, 177, 178


building search-engine friendly, 54–58

defining preferences for use of www in, 54

forcing www in, 53

general guidelines for designing, 58

with GET variables, 54–57

and Google canonical problem, 52–54

remapping permalink, 138–139

removing www from, 54

with session IDs, 54–55

usability experts, 7

user-agents, search spider, 76–77

user forums, 99

user-generated ad campaign, 100

user-generated content, 98–100

user research, 88–89


Van Der Sluis, Bobby, 201, 203

vBulletin, 99

video files, 180, 207–211

Vinh, Khoi, 82, 83

viral marketing, 235

VoteLinks, 45



creation of, 12

link validation tool, 60

meaning of acronym, 12

semantics extractor, 236

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 183, 206

and Web standards, 12

Wahler, Claus, 207

Walter, Aarron, 239

WCAG, 183, 206

Web browsers. See browsers

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 183, 206

Web pages. See also websites

diagnosing performance problems of, 75–76

evaluating keyword density in, 106–107

moving with 301 redirects, 58–60

signals of quality in, 19

stuffing with keywords, 7, 9, 184

Web standards, 12–17

benefits of, 5–6, 15–16

and findability, 5–6, 16–17

history of, 13

podcasts, 20

purpose of, 12–13

and search engines, 19–20

Web Standards Project, 12–13

website content. See content


adding search to, 152. See also search systems

blacklisting of, 9

creating quality content for, 84–91

findability of, 3–4. See also findability

finding broken links in, 60

generating traffic to, 214

naming sections of, 7

preventing content indexing of, 26–28

promoting, 235

standards-compliant, 15–16, 19–20. See also Web standards

white hat SEO techniques, 9, 20

white papers, 94–95

Word documents, indexing, 169, 172

WordPress, 134–149

archiving options, 140

caching features, 142, 149

creating themes in, 135–136

default installation, 134

defining update services in, 136–137

displaying most popular posts in, 141–142

displaying most recent posts in, 143–144

displaying post tags in, 148–149

displaying related posts in, 145

documentation, 134

encouraging social exchanges in, 144–145

and findability, 134

forums, 134

improving findability in, 136–149

installing plugins for, 135

and OpenSearch, 178

popularity of, 134

recommended book on, 134

remapping permalink URLs in, 138–139

and RSS feeds, 144

SEO plugins, 146–147

setting up, 134

summarizing posts in, 140–141

tagging posts in, 147–149

Wordtracker, 101–103

World Wide Web. See Web

World Wide Web Consortium. See W3C

WP-Cache, 149

WrenSoft, 171

WSFTP Pro, 138


xenu, 61

xFolk, 44

XHR, 65


and alt attributes, 30

for hiding content, 184

vs. HTML, 14

and image replacement, 33

and keyword placement, 21

for microformat content, 46

and scripted style problems, 184

for showing microformat icons/links, 45–46

and Web standards, 13

and WordPress, 136


and Ajax, 159

compressing, 71–73

and Flash, 204, 205, 206

meaning of acronym, 13

for setting up OpenSearch, 177

sitemap format, 146

and Web standards, 13

XMLHttpRequests, 65



keyword research tool, 105

and microformats, 46

Search Builder, 168–169

selective cloaking standard, 27 site, 116

YSlow program, 75–76

YUI, 180, 189

YouTube, 207

YSlow, 75–76

YUI, 180, 189


Zeldman, Jeffrey, 5, 12

Zoom Search Engine, 171–172

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