Chapter 11

Confrontational or compliant

Whatever the job, at whatever level, there will be some working relationships to consider, but how important these are will depend on the role you are recruiting for so decide which of the following are key within your business.

Questions on relationships with managers

The dynamic between direct report and manager will vary enormously. You need to find out how your interviewee responds to their manager and if this approach will work in your company.

question How would you describe your working relationship with your boss?

question How would he / she describe their working relationship with you?

question Have you ever had a disagreement with a present or previous boss? What was it?

question How did the two of you overcome it?

question What is the most frustrating thing about working for your boss?

question How do you put new ideas forward to your manager?

question How do they react?

question How would you describe your relationship with senior management, i.e. those more senior than your line manager?

Questions on team relationships

Team work is essential in most businesses and therefore so is the relationship within the group and between them and their manager.

question How would you describe your relationship with your peer group / team?

question How would they describe their relationship with you?

question Is there anyone in your team you would like to change?

Relationships with direct reports are also very important so this too needs some investigation.

question How would you describe your relationship with your direct reports?

question What would they say about you?

Most answers to this are ‘firm but fair’, but ask them to explain and give examples of each.

question How do you motivate your team?

question Give me an example of a problem you have had to deal with within your team.

question How did you deal with it?

question Was that successful?

Questions on external relationships

Working relationships also exist between different departments, other offices and external customers and suppliers.


The facilities manager has hired a very competitively priced cleaning company who started off well but are now slacking. They don’t want to lose them because of their price, and they were originally doing a good job.

question How do you handle your relationship with customers / suppliers?

question What would your customers / suppliers say about you?

question Do you have any other external working relationships?

question What do you do to develop these relationships?

question How successful has this been?

question How do you get on with other departments / offices?

question What would they say about you?

question How do you get them to help you?

Questions on overcoming difficult working relationships

question What is the most difficult working relationship you have had to deal with concerning customers / team members / indirect reports / external contacts?

question How did you deal with this, and what was the outcome?

question Is there anyone in your current or previous roles that you do not get on with?

question How did you / how do you deal with this?

question Who is the most difficult person you have worked with or for?

question How did you overcome this?

If you may have a particularly difficult person in your company you might want to give them as an example and see how the candidate reacts.

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions but you are looking for candidates who are aware of their impact on others and how to deal with people in a variety of situations. You are also looking for positive responses and not just complaints!

  • Concentrate on the most important working relationships for your role.
  • Decide if your interviewee handles their relationships appropriately.
  • Will their approach work in your company?
  • Can they deal with difficult situations and people?
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