

  1. Action
    1. the ability to take
    2. direct marketing of your product
    3. dumpster diving lesson on taking
    4. physical side of taking
    5. taking baby steps toward the path of
    6. visualization or the mental side of taking
  2. Adapting
  3. Alden's Essentials
  4. Affleck, Ben
  5. Alden, Michael
  6. The Alden Report (podcast)
  7. A.L. Williams (now Primerica Financial Services)
  8. Amazon. See Social media
  9. Apple
  10. Armstrong, Curtis
  11. Articles of Organization
  12. Ask More, Get More (Alden)
  13. Attorneys
    1. business name search by
    2. value of consulting one at the start
    3. See also Legal issues
  14. Avoiding


  1. Bar exam failure
  2. “Beast Mode” speech (Eric Thomas)
  3. The Beatles
  4. Beats
  5. Benet, Larry
  6. Bike story
  7. Black Panther (movie)
  8. Blue Vase Marketing
    1. venture of
    2. expectations to chip in when necessary at
    3. handling problem with vendor
    4. network marketing by
    5. 1-800-Flowers lesson learned at
    6. plan to build
    7. qualifying script used at
    8. relationship capital and connection capital of
    9. years of effort into the making of
  9. The Boiler Room (movie)
  10. Bottle trademark infringement story
  11. #BPTB (In business, you need to ASK!)
  12. Brady, Tom
  13. Brunson, Russell
  14. Buddha
  15. Buscaglia, Leo
  16. Business adversaries
  17. Business basics
    1. intellectual property
    2. naming your business
    3. patents
    4. protecting your business
    5. remember that the boring stuff matters
    6. value of consulting a lawyer at the start
  18. Business building
    1. being part-time with passion
    2. don't jump completely in
    3. don't quit your day job
    4. Elf on a Shelf story on raising money for
    5. people like to talk and share their knowledge
    6. questions to ask for
    7. starting with an idea
    8. stop dreaming and wake up for
    9. success can be duplicated tip on
    10. ways of finding information
  19. Business building tips
    1. about debt
    2. be prepared to adapt when things don't work
    3. for building a sustainable business
    4. care, just not that much
    5. define what success means to you
    6. don't be beholden to organization charts
    7. don't spend a dollar in marketing without knowing return on investment
    8. focus on the micro-wins that move you forward
    9. get rich slowly and progressively realize your goals
    10. to know and not to do is not to know
    11. never prequalify anyone, or any customers, ever
    12. nobody wins very time but you need to stay in the game to win
    13. opportunity comes in the form of new responsibilities
    14. in order to be better, you need to do better
    15. people like to talk about their business
    16. questions to help qualify customers
    17. register several iterations of your website
    18. success can be duplicated
    19. value of consulting a lawyer at the start
    20. verifying inside an organization
    21. whatever is a worthy goal to you is a worthy goal
    22. when negotiating, look into the future and anticipate what may happen
    23. you're never going to be ready
  20. Businesses
    1. getting started
    2. Marcus Lemonis's three core principles on
    3. the “secret” to sanity is a sustainable
    4. undercapitalization as reason for failed
  21. Business ideas
    1. how to screw up your
    2. it takes capital to launch your
    3. questions to ask to assess viability of a
    4. setting up the legalities before proceeding with your
    5. Steve Jobs' visionary
    6. Zeus Juice started with a
  22. Business names
    1. creating a separate official entity of your
    2. do a search before selecting
  23. Business plans
    1. to know and not do is not a
    2. people like to talk about and share their knowledge and
    3. putting your heart into applying knowing to your
  24. Butterfly Effect


  1. Capital
    1. needed to launch your business idea
    2. needed to support a new business
    3. raising the money for getting started
    4. undercapitalization as reason for business failure
  2. Cardone, Grant
  3. C corp
  4. Chasing after dreams
  5. Children
    1. the everyone's getting a trophy trend
    2. keeping promises to your
    3. teaching them real life skills
    4. teaching them to be better by doing better
    5. See also Family relationships
  6. Chuck E. Cheese
  7. “Click Funnels” websites
  8. CloiXonné
    1. Alden's Essentials product of
    2. canabidiol (CBD) spray product of
    3. Clarizene by
    4. direct marketing system of
    5. expectations to chip in when necessary at
    6. network marketing by
    7. qualifying script used at
    8. relationship capital and connection capital of
    9. success of
    10. taking action at
  9. Coca-Cola
  10. Communication
    1. be clear and realistic in the promises you make
    2. dropping the Mother of All Bombs (MOABs)
    3. protecting your relationship capital with good
    4. trust but verify with frequent and honest
  11. “Connection Capital”
    1. overpromising and underperforming damage to
    2. protecting it with good communication
    3. value to success of
    4. what to do when things go south
  12. Copyrights
  13. Cruise, Tom
  14. Customers
    1. direct marketing to
    2. never prequalify
    3. qualifying
    4. realizing that you need your
  15. Customer service
    1. expectations of top-notch
    2. offer great
    3. tips on process of providing great
  16. Czarface brand


  1. Debt
    1. business tips about
    2. vendors and
  2. Direct marketing process
  3. venture
  4. Dre, Dr.
  5. Dumpster diving story


  1. Edelman, Julian
  2. EIN (Employer Identification Number)
  3. Elf on a Shelf story
  4. Emory, Blake
  5. Emory Vodka
    1. learning from someone's process story on
    2. mistake of prequalifying potential customers
    3. process of marketing
    4. realistic expectations for slow success of
    5. successes and failures with
  6. Emotional Bank Account
  7. Employees
    1. people as one of the three core business principles
    2. realizing that you need your
    3. verify by doing what they do
  8. Entrepreneurs
    1. bike story on doing whatever it takes by
    2. learning that you can't do it all yourself
    3. mentality and drive required of
    4. respect the responsibility of being an
    5. sacrifice is part of being an
    6. stop dreaming and just do big things
    7. sustainable business as “secret” to sanity for
    8. tips for business that will allow you to sleep better
    9. Zeus Juice example of the daily life of figuring it out
  9. Esoteric
  10. Eternal optimism
  11. Everyone's getting a trophy trend
    1. as setting children up for failure
    2. the unfortunate


  1. Facebook. See Social media
  2. Failure
    1. Alden's Essentials as example of success and
    2. bar exam
    3. being paralyzed by the fear of
    4. be prepared to adapt in case of
    5. chemical and physical reactions to
    6. the everyone's getting a trophy trend as setting them up for
    7. as part of the progressive realization of worthy goal
    8. reconceptualizing it as another opportunity
    9. temporary defeats versus finality of
    10. undercapitalization as reason for business
  3. Family relationships
    1. See also Children
  4. Farley, Chris
  5. Figuring it out
  6. 5% More (Alden)
  7. “Flaky” deals
  8. Freaky Ice (The Netherlands)
  9. Future
    1. always look into the
    2. prepare for the


  1. GEICO Insurance
  2. Get rich quick schemes
  3. Gladwell, Malcolm
  4. Goals
    1. failure as part of the progressive realization of a worthy
    2. get rich slowly and progressively realize your
    3. Jimmy Iovine's story on using opportunity to reach his
    4. setting 5% More
    5. setting realistic expectations and
    6. success defined as progressive realization of a worthy
    7. teaching children to be better by doing better to achieve
    8. whatever is a worthy goal to you is a worthy
  5. Goldsmith, Marshall
  6. Google. See Social media


  1. Hard work
    1. “Beast Mode” speech (Eric Thomas) on requirement for
    2. examples of people making money through
    3. setting 5% More goals
    4. success requires
    5. understand that making money takes
  2. Hill, Napoleon
  3. The Howard Stern Show


  1. Improvement (constant)
  2. Incorporation
  3. Instagram. See Social media
  4. Intellectual property
    1. copyrights
    2. importance of doing your research
    3. importance of understanding issues of
    4. patents and patent infringement
    5. trade secrets and trade design
    6. as valuable business asset
    7. website domain registration
    8. See also Legal issues; Trademark issues
  5. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  6. Interscope Records
  7. Iovine, Jimmy
  8. iTunes


  1. Jay-Z
  2. Jobs, Steve
  3. Johansson, Scarlett
  4. JUST DO IT!
  5. “Just Do It” speech (Art Williams)


  1. Kardashian, Kim
  2. Kevin's dad
  3. Kiyosaki, Robert
  4. Knowing/knowledge
    1. to know and not to do is not
    2. people like to talk about and share their business
    3. putting your heart into applying your


  1. Law of diminishing returns
  2. The Law of Success (Hill)
  3. Legal issues
    1. don't be a sole proprietor
    2. naming your business
    3. protecting your business
    4. securing an EIN and proof of formation
    5. setting up LLC (limited liability company)
    6. setting up the legalities before proceeding with your idea
    7. See also Attorneys; Intellectual property; Trademark issues
  4. Lemonis, Marcus
  5. Lennon, John
  6. LET's DO IT NOW! story
  7. Life skills
    1. Butterfly Effect of teaching
    2. importance of teaching children real
    3. taught through teaching kids soccer skills
    4. teaching children to be better by doing better
  8. Limited liability company (LLC)
    1. advantages of a
    2. Articles of Organization
    3. filing in Delaware
  9. Limitless (movie)
  10. Lotto winners
  11. Love (Buscaglia)
  12. Lynch, Eric


  1. Making money
    1. examples of people who have worked hard at
    2. get rich quick schemes for
    3. network marketing companies for sustainable way of
    4. setting 5% More goals and start
    5. understanding that it takes hard work
    6. See also Success
  2. Marketing
    1. direct
    2. GEICO and Progressive campaigns
    3. generating revenue from ads as key to successful
    4. Jim Shriner's infomercial
    5. learning from someone's process story on
    6. network
    7. 1-800-Flowers type of
    8. by small local businesses
    9. social media buzz
    10. storytelling approach to
    11. three tips for successful
    12. See also Products; Services
  3. Marvel Comics
  4. McKinnon, Kate
  5. Mental attitude
    1. having a positive
    2. for setting realistic goals and expectations
  6. Mercury Cougar story
  7. Mother of All Bombs (MOABs)


  1. Naming your business
  2. National Religious Broadcasters of America
  3. Negotiating
    1. a debt situation
    2. “flaky” deals
    3. if things go south
    4. look into the future and anticipate what may happen
    5. remember that the deal isn't done till its done
    6. value of connection capital and relationship capital to
    7. when to say “What the fuck”
  4. Network marketing
    1. making money through sustainable
    2. pass on the get rich quick schemes of
  5. Nightingale, Earl
  6. Nike's Just Do It campaign


  1. 1-800-Flowers story
  2. Opportunities
    1. come in the form of new responsibilities
    2. how to screw up your
    3. Jimmy Iovine's story on taking advantage of
    4. of learning from someone's process story
    5. 1-800-Flowers lesson on taking advantage of
    6. reconceptualizing failure as another
    7. relationship between responsibility and
    8. of taking more responsibility on than you are paid for
    9. why people fail to take advantage of
  3. Outliers (Gladwell)
  4. Overpromising
    1. how not to engage in
    2. making the mistake of
    3. by parents to their children


  1. Part-time entrepreneurship
    1. being passionate and a
    2. lack of capital driving
  2. Passion
    1. it is possible to be a part-time entrepreneur with
    2. putting your knowledge to work using your heart and
  3. Patent infringement
  4. Patents
  5. The Patriots
  6. Power Players (TV show)
  7. Prequalifying
    1. Kevin's dad story on danger of
    2. never ever engage in
    3. qualifying versus
  8. Primerica Financial Services
  9. Process
    1. direct marketing
    2. Emory Vodka's marketing
    3. learning from someone's
    4. as one of three core principles of business
    5. tips of providing great customer service
  10. Products
    1. bottle trademark infringement story
    2. never prequalify potential customers of your
    3. offer one that works
    4. as one of the three core business principles
    5. opportunity of learning to sell through
    6. protecting trademark of your
    7. stories are what sell
    8. two realistic expectations of a
    9. See also Marketing
  11. The Profit (TV show)
  12. Progressive Insurance
  13. Promises/promising
    1. avoiding behavior when you can't deliver on your
    2. being clear and realistic when
    3. overpromising and underperforming
    4. trust but verify
    5. in your personal life with your family
  14. Proof of formation


  1. Qualifying customers
    1. prequalifying versus
    2. script for


  1. Reagan, Ronald
  2. Realistic expectations
    1. for Emory Vodka
    2. stop lying to children and give them
    3. teaching them to be better by doing better
  3. Red Bull's “overnight success”
  4. Relationship capital
    1. overpromising and underperforming damage to
    2. protecting it with good communication
    3. value to success of
    4. what to do when things go south
  5. Relationships
    1. be clear and realistic in the your promises to others
    2. keeping promises in your family and personal
    3. overpromising and underperforming damage to
    4. talk to trusted
  6. Reputation
    1. do care about your business online
    2. how other people perceive you versus your
    3. you should care about your
    4. See also Stop caring
  7. Responsibilities
    1. benefits of taking on more than you get paid for
    2. Butterfly Effect of teaching life skills and
    3. don't be beholden to organization charts on
    4. 1-800-Flowers lesson on chipping in
    5. opportunities come in the form of new
    6. relationship between an opportunity and
  8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Kiyosaki)
  9. Risky Business (movie)
  10. Rough Night (movie)


  1. Sacrifice
    1. as part of being an entrepreneur
    2. teaching children life skills including how to
  2. S corp
  3. Second-guessing yourself
  4. Services
    1. direct marketing of your
    2. offer one that works
    3. two realistic expectations of a
    4. See also Marketing
  5. Shriner, Jim
  6. Social media
    1. care about your business reputation on
    2. get rich quick schemes found on
    3. it takes money to create buzz on
    4. marketing through
    5. projecting an unreal image through
    6. stop caring about what people say about you on
    7. story lines and storytelling on
  7. Sole proprietor status
  8. Spade, David
  9. Spouse relationships
  10. Stern, Howard
  11. Stop caring
    1. about what other people think
    2. about what social media says about your
    3. focus on you instead of other people
    4. focus on your world instead of other people
    5. Napoleon Hill's story on his decision to
    6. and never second-guess yourself
    7. and spending energy on how you are perceived
    8. when there is an adversarial relationship
    9. See also Reputation
  12. Storytelling
    1. GEICO and Progressive campaigns based on
    2. Jim Shriner's infomercial
    3. selling through
  13. The Strangest Secret (Nightingale)
  14. Stress
    1. business tips that will reduce your
    2. as constant in life of entrepreneur
    3. unique type of entrepreneurial
  15. Success
    1. Alden's Essentials as example of failure on the way to
    2. can be duplicated
    3. defined as progressive realization of a worthy goal
    4. define what it means to you
    5. focus on the micro-wins that move you forward
    6. hard work required for
    7. Marcus Lemonis's three core principles for
    8. no secret formula but a proven method to
    9. Red Bull's slow but eventual “overnight”
    10. Russell Brunson's duplication of
    11. teaching children the life skills needed for
    12. the 10,000 Hour Rule application to
    13. value of relationship capital and connection capital to
    14. winning the lotto versus becoming a
    15. you need to stay persistent in order to achieve
    16. See also Making money
  16. Sustainable business
    1. as “secret” to entrepreneur sanity
    2. tips for building a
  17. “Sweeper”


  1. The 10,000 Hour Rule
  2. Thomas, Eric
  3. Tommy Boy (movie)
  4. Trade design
  5. Trademark issues
    1. bottle trademark infringement story on
    2. Esoteric's Czarface brand
    3. importance of understanding your
    4. naming your business
    5. website domain registration
    6. World Wildlife Fund vs. WWE dispute over
    7. your own name
    8. See also Intellectual property; Legal issues
  6. Trade secrets
  7. Trust
    1. trust but verify
    2. when you need help talk to friends you
  8. Twitter. See Social media


  1. Under 10 (U10) girls' soccer
  2. Undercapitalization
  3. Underperforming
    1. how not to engage in
    2. making the mistake of
    3. by parents to their children
  4. United States Patent and Trademark Office Website


  1. Valuable Final Product (VFP)
  2. Vaynerchuk, Gary
  3. Vendor relationships
    1. business tips about debt and
    2. connection capital and relationship capital in
    3. realizing that you need
    4. what to do when things go south
    5. when there is an adversarial
    6. when to say “What the fuck”
    7. when you owe them money
  4. Visualization
    1. as mental side of taking action
    2. Steve Jobs's ability of


  1. Websites
    1. “Click Funnels”
    2. registering the domain of your
    3. register several iterations of your
  2. “What the fuck”
  3. Williams, Art
  4. World Wildlife Fund vs. WWE trademark dispute
  5. WWW (formerly WWF)


  1. Yelp. See Social media


  1. Zeus Juice
    1. figuring it out to solve problems of
    2. keeping day job while starting
    3. lack of capital problem when starting
    4. started with a business idea
  2. Ziglar, Zig
  3. Zone Diet Company
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