There are many people I would like to thank for their part in making this possible.

I would like to thank Mike Barritt, who introduced me to agile, and his son Jim Barritt, who introduced him to agile, and the team at Oxford Innovation. Thank you to Allan Kelly for teaching me the core of agile within software, and to James Lewis from Thoughtworks for his ‘Millennium Falcon’ introduction to lean. I would like to thank them all for their support to push agile beyond the realms of software.

My thanks extend to all the industry agile experts who have spoken at ‘Agile on the Beach’ and supported the software sector in Cornwall over the past four years and who have shared their wealth of knowledge and experience of agile and lean. More inclusively, I would like to thank the huge movement of software developers and others involved in the creation and evolution of agile: it is truly open collaboration and innovation that has made this methodology such a powerful and effective tool for business in today’s world.

Thanks go to all the businesses that I have had the pleasure of working with in developing agile both within software and beyond software into a variety of sectors, especially Toby Parkins who has been around from the beginning as a client, colleague and friend.

Special thanks to coaches William Cairley and Karon Clark for sharing their wealth of coaching skills and knowledge, and having the faith in me to push the boundaries and step beyond my comfort zone.

Personal thanks to all my friends and colleagues, especially the ‘girls’ Marie, Teresa, Louise and Vanessa for their late-night book reviews. I feel it probably right here that I should also thank my dog Fiddy and the horses for their animal magic. And special thanks to my Nanna Win for being a guiding force and leading light and to Rich, for always being there for me.

And, finally, special thanks to Eloise Cook, business editor at Pearson, for her positivity and support in writing this book and helping me to get my thoughts onto paper and making this book a reality.

For Nanna Win


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