
images A

Audio Capture

acoustic echo cancelation, 240241

noise suppression, 238240

sound stream

bindable properties, 235

instantiating and configuring, 236

Record and Playback buttons, 235

Record and Playback methods, 237

RecorderHelper class, 232

Recorder window, 231

Tracking Recording State, 234235

writing to Wav file, 232233

images B

Beam tracking

BeamChanged event handler, 244

Indicator, 241

MainWindow class implementation, 243

Speech direction indicator, 242

images C

Coding4Fun Kinect Toolkit, 256258

browsable source code, 257

extension methods, 257258

AddOne method, 257

bitmap methods, 262263

bitmapsource methods, 263

conversion methods, 264265

ImageExtensions class, 260262

in MainWindow code behind, 264

pixel formats, 263

WPF project, 259260

WinForms, 256

images D

Depth image processing, 49

application, 6566

gray shades

application output, 57

coloring, 59, 60

comparation, 61

light shade, 57

new StackPanel and Image element, 56

new version creation, 5859

visualizations, 59


building, 6263

MainWindow.xaml updation, 62

output image, 64

statistical distributions, 62

thresholding, 65

wall filtered out and holding newspaper front of image, 6465

image alignment

background subtraction process, 7980

green screening, 76

mapping method, 80

noisy pixels, 80

polling infrastructure, 7779

stereovision, 76

XAML, 76


bit manipulation, 53

CalculatePlayerSize method, 7173

depth bits layout, 52

different poses, 75

display depth values, 53

field of view, 51

hard-code, 54

ItemsControl, 71

mouse-up event handler, 5354

output display, 55

output properties, 75

Depth image processing, measurement (cont.)

PlayerDepthData class, 7375

player real world width, 70

player width and height, 69

UI, 70, 71

near mode, 8182

player indexing

displaying in black and white, 6768

index bits, 67

KinectExplorer, 69

raw and processed images, 67, 69

raw depth image frame, 51

steps, 49

thresholding, 61

images E

Emgu CV, 272

images F

Facial detection, 279

algorithm, 280

augmented reality implementation, 282

FaceFinder, 279

Pulse method, 280

setup code, 280

skeletal tracking, 281

Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST), 288

images G

Gestures, 167

affordance and feedback, 173174

arbitrary and conventional, 169

aspects, 169

conventions, 173

definition, 167

in arts, 167

central distinction, 168

challenges, 168

dictionary approach, 167

in Human-Computer Communication, 168

in human-computer-interaction, 169

future aspects, 220221

gestural idioms, 173

gesture detection

algorithms, 175

exemplar approach, 176

hand tracking (see Hand tracking, gestures)

hover button, 200202

magnet button, 204210

magnetic slide, 214217

neural networks, 175176

push button, 203204

swipe, 210214

universal pause, 219

vertical scroll, 217219

wave gesture, 177183

interaction idioms, 172

limitations, 221

Natural user interface (NUI), 170

buttons, 171

characteristics, 171

direct manipulation, 170

gestural interfaces, 171

goals, 170

posing, 171

speech interfaces, 171

touch interfaces, 171

in restaurant, 169

tasks, 167

images H

Hand tracking, gestures

CursorAdorner class

Adorner Base Class method, 188189

cursor animations, 190191

passing coordinate positions, 189190

visual element, 187188


Base Class, 199

Base Implementation, 197199

click event, 200


constructor overloads, 184185

structure, 184


constructors, 193195

event management, 195196

helper methods, 192193

MapSkeletonPointToDepth method, 197

SkeletonFrameReady method, 196

UpdateCursor method, 196

KinectInput, event declaration, 185187

Kinect to WPF data translation, 197199

Holograms, 283

Blender, 284

configuration, 286

3D cube, 284

3D oblongs, 287

moving the camera around cude, 286

Viewport3D object, 284

images I, J

Image Manipulation helper methods, 256

images K

Kinect, 1

applications, 16

Explorer, 1718


components, 10

glossy black case, 9

microphone array, 10

power source, 10

requirements, 11

zoom, 10

image processing (see Depth image processing)


acoustic models, 13

drivers, 13

instructions, 12

microphone array, 13

OpenNI, 12

Microsoft Research (MSR)

microphone array, 7

motion-tracking, 5

player blob, 6

player parts, 6

Minority Report, 2

Natal device, 4

Record Audio, 20

Shape Game, 1819

skeleton track (see Skeleton tracking)

software requirements, 1112

speech sample, 2021

time of flight technique, 4

vision recognition, 4

Visual Studio Project

add reference, 14

applications, 14

basic steps, 14

Kinect Depth Stream Data, 16

KinectSensor object, 15

Wii Remote, 3

Kinect3DV, 3

Kinect Math, 291

bit fields, 292

bit manipulation, 291

bit shifting, 296

bitwise AND operator, 293

bitwise NOT (complement) operator, 295

bitwise OR operator, 292

geometry, 297


degree and radian conversions, 298

distance between two points, 297

Law of Cosines, 299

for right triangles, 298

unit circle, 298

unit of measures, 291

Kinect sensor, 23

collection object, 24

color image stream

display, 30

enable method, 29

frame-ready event handler, 30

video camera, 28

data streams, 24

detection and monitoring, 2527

hardware, 24

image manipulation

Kinect_ColorFrameReady event handler, 32

pixel shading, 3334

image performance

bitmap image creation, 31

frame image, 31

image pixel updation, 32

memory allocation and deallocation, 32

loaded and unloaded events, 27

object reflection

class diagram, 36, 37

color image stream formats, 38

ImageStream class, 38

Timestamp, 39

polling application

advantages, 46

base code, 40

discover and initialization, 41, 42

OpenNextFrame method, 39

PollColorImageStream method, 42

rendering event, 41

Kinect sensor, polling application (cont.)

thread, 4344

UI thread Updation, 4546


add button, 35

TakePictureButton_Click event handler, 35

test application, 36

Xbox Kinect games, 34

starting process, 28

StatusChanged event handler, 27

status values, 24

stopping process, 28

thread safety and release resources, 28

wrapper, 27

Kinect the Dots game

expansion, 112113

feature set, 100

hand tracking

application output, 105

cursor position updation, 104

location and movements, 102

primary hand, 103, 104

SkeletonFrameReady Event Handler, 102103

puzzle drawing, 106108

solving puzzle, 108112

user interface

image, 101

Viewbox and Grid elements, 101

XAML, 101

images L

Libfreenect, 12

images M, N

Microphone array, 223, 224


Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), 225

Acoustic Echo Suppression (AES), 225

Automatic Gain Control (AGC), 225

Beam Angle Mode, 227

BeamForming, 225

Center Clipping, 225

Echo Cancellation Mode, 226

feature properties, 226

Frame Size, 225

Gain Bounding, 225

Noise Filling, 225

Noise Suppression (NS), 225

Optibeam, 225

Single Channel, 225

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), 225

speech recognition (see also Speech recognition)

command recognition, 227

Engine object configuration, 230

free-form dictation, 227

grammars, 228229

overloaded methods, 230

result properties, 229

SetInputToAudioStream method, 230

Voice Capture DirectX Medio Object (DMO), 224

Microsoft Kinect Audio Array Control, 12

Microsoft Kinect Camera, 12

Microsoft Kinect Device, 12

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, 288

images O

OpenCV (Open Computer Vision), 272

images P, Q, R

Proximity Detection, 265

with depth data, 269270

_isTracking, 266

motion detection

algorithm, 275277

configuration, 275

Emgu CV, 272

Emgu extension methods, 273274

OpenCV, 272

polling technique, 274

strategies, 272

with player data and depth data, 271

saving the video

Record and StopRecording methods, 279

Recording Video, 278

SkeletonFrameReady event, 267

Skeleton tracking, 85, 121

application displays, 90, 91

array of brushes, 87

coordinate space, 113, 114

depth-based user interaction

hand in different position, 151

hand in same position, 151, 153

hand tracking, 150151

layout system, 146

visual elements, 149

XAML updation, 147149

drawing skeleton joints, 89

hit testing

Button, 126

Canvas panel, 128

definition, 125

dot proximity, 125

Grid and StackPanel, 128

hand cursors, 129

InputHitTest method, 127

layout space and bounding boxes, 127, 128

Natural User Interface design, 129

position points, 129

ShapeGame application, 125, 126

visual element layering, 126, 127

initialization, 8687

Kinect the Dots

feature set, 100

game expansion, 112113

hand tracking, 102105

puzzle drawing, 106108

solving puzzle, 108112

user interface, 101102

KinectSensor object, 85

mirrored effect, 115

object model

class, 96

ClippedEdges field, 98

enable and disable methods, 93

frame descriptors, 96

FrameNumber and Timestamp fields, 9596

identifier, 97

joint object, 98100

position field, 97

schematic representation, 91, 92

selections of, 95

SkeletonFrame objects, 95

SkeletonStream, 93

smoothing, 9394

TrackingState values, 97


execution, 157

gesture, 153

hit testing, 154

joint position calculation, 156

joint triangulation method, 156

Kinect, 154

Law of Cosines, 155

T pose, 155

type and complexity, 154

umpires, 153

images S

Simon Says game

application output, 139

build infrastructure, 133135

ChangePhase method, 139140

commands, 140142

enhancements, 145, 163

indicators, 145

instruction sequence, 129, 146

interactive components, 131

joint position calculation, 161

output, 164, 165

play infrastructure, 135136

PoseAngle class, 158

pose detection, 157

pose library creation, 159

presentation, 146

ProcessGameOver updation, 160161

processing player movements, 142143

serialization, 163

SkeletonFrameReady Event Handler, 136137

starting game, 137139

timer initialization, 162

UI components, 131

UIElement object, 144

user experience, 145

user interaction, 146

user interface, 130

user movement detection, 144145

XAML, 131133

SkeletonViewer user control

dependency property, 116117

drawing joints, 117119

initialization, 119

Kinect the Dots, 119, 120

XAML, 116

space transformations, 114

stick figure creation, 8789

user interaction

detection, 124125

graphical user interface, 122

stick figure creation, user interaction (cont.)

touch/stylus devices, 122

WPF input system, 122124

Speech, 223

audio capture (see also Audio Capture)

acoustic echo cancelation, 240241

noise suppression, 238240

sound stream, 231238

directional microphone (see Beam tracking)

microphone array (see Microphone array)

Speech recognition

CreateAudioSource method, 247

Crosshairs user control, 245

event handlers, 251

GrammarBuilder, 252

Hand Tracking, 249

InterpretCommands method, 252

Kinect Sensor and SpeechRecognitionEngine, 248

LaunchAsMTA method, 247

MainWindow class implementation, 246

MainWindow XAML, 246

Put That There application, 245

StartSpeechRecognition method, 250

Stylus device, 122

images T

Touch device, 122

images U

Unity3D, 288

images W, X, Y, Z

Wave gesture

constants, 179

Detection Class, 180

detection methodology, 177

helper methods, 181183

neutral zone, 178

TrackWave method, 180181

user waving, 177

WaveGestureState, 178

WaveGestureTracker, 178

WavePosition, 178

WPF input system

API, 122

component, 123

controls, 124

InputManager object, 123

joint positions, 124

single pixel point location, 124

touch input, 123

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