
Image A

abbr attribute, 340

Action elements

core library

c:catch, c:remove, and c:url, 111

c:forTokens, 112

c:if, c:choose, c:when, and c:otherwise, 111

c:import, c:redirect, and c:param, 112

c:out, c:set, and c:forEach, 109111

i18n library (see i18n library)

standard actions (see Standard actions)

tag extension mechanism (see Tag extension mechanism), 223 (final), 224

align attribute, 339

ALTER TABLE statement, 399400

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 168

Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), 261

Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library, 263

Apache Service Manager icon, 8

Application architectures

Eclipse (see Eclipse)

Model 1 architecture, 4950

Model 2 architecture, 50

E-bookshop (see E-bookshop)

Java beans, 50

online bookshop (see Online bookshop)

application object

conditional code enable and disable attribute, 2728

javax.servlet.ServletContext interface, 27

logging control attribute, 2830

org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade class, 27

ASCII standard, 321

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)

ActiveXObject, 209

ajaxFun, 208

ajax.js, 209

ajaxReq.raeyState codes, 210

ajax.xhtml, 208


ajaxf.xhtml, 211212

commandButton element, 212

execute attribute, 215

h:body, 213

h:inputText element, 213

h:outputText element, 212, 213, 215

loginf.xhtml, 215, 214215

modified ajaxf.xhtml, 213

page with loginf, 214

render attribute, 213, 212, 213

serverTimeBean, 212

serverTimeBean.when, 213

IE, 210

server time, 209

time.jsp, 208

web.xml, 211

XMLHttpRequest object, 207

Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID), 381

attrName, 103

autoFlush field, 33

autoFlush object, 46

axis attribute, 340

Image B

balls.html, 374376

balls_no_js.html, 374

buffer object, 46

bufferSize field, 33

Image C

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 59, 121, 122

div and span HTML elements, 360361

placing styles, 359360

style syntax, 358359

tabs, 361364

Catalina engine, 262

cause_exception.jsp, 3132

c:forEach Types, 110111

char attribute, 340

charoff attribute, 340

CHECK column constraint, 397

check_logging.jsp, 29

colspan, 340341

Command line interface (CLI), 159

COMMIT and ROLLBACK statement, 401

composite library, 200

actionListener attribute, 228

component, 225, 227

composite:actionSource element, 229

composite:attribute, 227, 228

composite:facet, 229

composite:implementation element, 226

composite:insertFacet, 229

composite:interface element, 226

composite:renderFacet, 229

comp.xhtml, 226227

flip.xhtml, 228

h:body element, 226

h:commandButton, 228, 229

h:commandLink, 228

hello.xhtml, 226

implementation with empty interface, 227

with input element, 227

config object, 3031

Constraints, 397

Core attributes, 331332

core library

Ajax (see Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax))

independent of render kit, 205206

tags, 206207

Coyote, 261

CREATE DATABASE statement, 394395

CREATE INDEX statement, 397

CREATE TABLE statment, 395397

CREATE VIEW statement, 398

Image D

Data Access Object (DAO), 177

Database (DB)

alter statement, 170

category_id and category_name, 169, 169

client/server architecture, 168

“cross-polluting” data, 168

delete statement, 170

E-shop access

BookPeer.getBookID method, 177178

DataManager class, 176, 177

DataManager.insertOrder method, 179

data model structure, 176, 177

OrderDetailsPeer.insertOrderDetails method, 180

OrderPeer.insertOrder method, 179180

Java API (see Java API)

MySQL (see MySQL)

organized data, 159

PostgreSQL, 159

select statement, 169

SQL scripts, 170171

SQL standard, 168

SQL statements classification, 170

total confidentiality, 168

update statement, 169

User ID and password, 168

XML syntax

insertOrder method, 184

InsertOrderTag Definition in eshop.tld, 182183, 183184

OrderConfirmation.jsp, 180181

OrderConfirmation.jspx, 181182

pageContext, 184

Data model methods, 287

Data packets, 317

Date and time data types, 387

daysInMonth function, 370

DELETE statement, 399

directive elements, 19

include directive, 47

page directive (see page directive)

taglib directive, 47

doAfterBody, 97

doEndTag, 93

do_it.jsp, 28

do_it_not.jsp, 28

do-while loop, 26

DROP statement, 399


attributeType, 124

DefaultHandler, 134

defaultValue, 124, 135

shuttle element, 124

starfleet.dtd, 124

starfleet_validate_dom.jsp, 137138

starfleet_validate_sax.jsp, 135137

starship elements, 124

StringEscapeUtils, 136, 137

warning, error, and fatalError methods, 134

Image E

E-bookshop. See also Online bookshop, 58

checkout page, 51, 52

Checkout.jsp, 5859

folder structure, 61

batch file, 61

class files, 61

classpath switch, 61

compile_it.bat, 61

JAR file, 62, 63

javax.servlet package, 61

META INF folder, 63

myLibs folder, 62

qwertyuiop package, 62, 62

WAR file, 63

web.xml, 62

home page, 50, 51

E-bookshop Home Page index.jsp, 5254

expression elements, 54

index.jsp, 54

scriptlets, 54

HTML Generated by index.jsp, 5960


control occasions, 57

doGet() method, 57

doPost() method, 57

ebookshop.cart attribute, 57

init() method, 57 code, 5457

shopping cart, 51


disadvantages, 69

download, 64

IDE, 63

importing WAR file, 6970

MD5 checksum, 64

new Web project

Generate web.xml deployment descriptor, 67

index.jsp, 68

output, 69

test project, 68

web-app element, 69

Web Module, 67

occasional bugs, 70

plug-ins, 63

Tomcat 7 as localhost, 65, 66

Tomcat configuration, 66, 67

Welcome screen, 64

Workbench screen, 65

ECMAScript, 364

Element type, 123

enterprises_transform.jsp, 150151

enumeration attribute, 129

enumPar.nextElement(), 17

errorPage object, 46

E-shop, 281. See also Online bookshop

action parameter, 284, 286

book categories, 284

book details, 287

book selection and search, 286—getAllCategories Method, 285

DataManager method, 285

DB access

BookPeer.getBookID method, 177178

DataManager class, 176, 177

DataManager.insertOrder method, 179

data model structure, 176, 177

OrderDetailsPeer.insertOrderDetails method, 180

OrderPeer.insertOrder method, 179180

files, 281

hash table, 285

home page, 284

HTML page generation, 281

index.jsp page, 283

MVC architecture, 281

order acceptance

Ajax, 290, 295

ccExpiry.jsp, 298

ccNumber.jsp, 298299

checking out, 289

credit–card number, 297

empty–form check, 291

individual field validation, 294, 295

minimalist approach, 295

modified Checkout.jsp, 291292

nonemptyForm.js, 290

numberOk and expiryOk, 295

server validation, 299

two flags, 294

validation, 290

validFormAjax.js, 295297

validForm.js, 293295

ZIP code, 290

payment details, 299

search request code, 284

shopping cart

action parameter value, 289

addItem and showCart, 288

CartItem class, 288

session attribute, 288

setQuantity method, 289

update form, 288–doPost method, 282283


annotated list of files, 308309

java modules, 313315

JSP documents, 312

style sheet

box, 310

box_p files, 311

cascading mechanism, 310

correct style search box, 312

search box, 311

span element, 312

web.xml and context.xml, 309310


custom tags and TLD, 306308

files, 300

JSP documents method, 305

JSTL core, 305

OrderConfirmation.jsp, 303304

OrderConfirmation.jspx, 305

style sheet, 301302


base and imageURL, 302

Eclipse, 303

Servlet 3.0, 303

Tomcat, 302

Ethernet connection, 319

exception object, 3132, 5

Expression Language (EL), 20

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 105

c:set JSTL core action, 107

header.user and agent, 106

Implicit Objects, 107

Java statement, 104

myBean.getProp(), 105

myKey, 105

NullPointerException, 105

operators, 105

sessionScope, 107

value attribute, 104

variableName, 104

extends attributes, 46

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

x:parse, 145146


axis specifiers, 141142

comment(), 142

context node, 141

example, 143145

implicit JSP objects mapping, 141

node(), 142

node set, 140

processing-instruction(), 142

slash separator, 140

text(), 142

XSL-FO, 139


browser-side XSL transformation, 148150

format transformation, 146147

server-side XSL transformation, 150151

XML to HTML transformation, 147148

x:transform and x:param, 152

Image F

Facelet library, 200

action controllers and action listeners, 223224

tags, 216

templ application

faces-config.xml, 222223

first page, 217

first.xhtml, 218

folders and files, 217

h:body element, 218

h:head element, 219, 221

h:outputStylesheet element, 221

header.xhtml, 221

jsp:root, 218, 220

layout.xhtml, 220221

page2.xhtml, 219

page3.xhtml, 219

second page, 217

template attribute, 220

ui:composition element, 220

ui:insert, 221

web.xml, 222

Facelets, 197

for loop, 26

for-each loop, 27

Foreign key, 379

Form event attributes, 334

fractionDigits attribute, 129

Image G

getBufferSize method, 33

getDate method, 93

getParameterMap, 17

getParameterNames, 17

getRemoteAddress method, 15, 35

getRemoteHost method, 35

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 159

Image H

h:selectBooleanCheckbox, 204

h:selectManyCheckbox, 204

h:selectManyListbox, 204

h:selectManyMenu, 204

h:selectOneListbox, 204

h:selectOneMenu, 204

h:selectOneRadio, 204

headers attribute, 341342



basic page, 329330

Flash format video clip display code, 331

Flash movies/streams, 331

indentation and spacing, 330

interprets and renders, 330

JPEG image display code, 331

MPEG movie file download code, 331

nesting, 329

start tag, 329

elements, 324327


h:select* Elements (see testf project)

html tags and HTML elements, 200201

HTTP Servlet class, 22

Image I

IE and XHTML, 154155

Implicit objects

application object

conditional code enable and disable attribute, 2728

javax.servlet.ServletContext interface, 27

logging control attribute, 2830

org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade class, 27

config object, 3031

exception object, 3132

out object, 3234

pageContext object, 34

request object (see request object)

response object, 43

session object, 4344

include directive, 47

index.jsp, 113115

info attributes, 46

i18n library

fmt:bundle, fmt:setTimeZone, and fmt:timeZone, 115116

fmt:ParseDate, fmt:formatDate, and fmt:requestEncoding, 117118

fmt:parseNumber and fmt: formatNumber, 116117

fmt:setLocale, fmt:setBundle, fmt:setMessage, and fmt:param, 112115

InputSource class, 136

INSERT statement, 398399

Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 63

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 318

Internet Protocol (IP), 317319

isELIgnored attributes, 46

isErrorPage object, 46

isScriptingEnabled attributes, 46

Image J

Jasper, 263

Java API

data access

executeQuery method, 174175

executeUpdate method, 175

Statement class, 173

database connection

connection.close(), 173

DataManager.getConnection method, 173

DataManager.putConnection method, 173

init parameter, 172

transactions, 176

Java Community Process (JCP), 10

Java data types, 21

Java Development Kit (JDK), 3

Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), 10

java.lang library, 22

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), 239, 263

Java runtime environment (JRE), 3


Ajax, 364


bouncing balls, 373378

ticker tape, 370373

date checking and correction

client-side checks, 365

dates.js code, 368370

dates.jsp code, 366368

setting and copying, 365, 366

ECMAScript, 364

Netscape Navigator web browser, 364

placement, 364365

responding events, 365

JavaServer Faces (JSF), 2, 10

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2

life cycle, 198

apply request values, 198

event handling, 199

invoke application, 198

process validation, 198

render response, 199

restore view, 198

update model values, 198

simplef application, 194 (annotated), 195

aStringBean.getStr() method, 191

aStringBean object, 194

core and html libraries, 191

faces-config.xml, 193, 194

first.jsp, 190191

first page, 190

f:view element, 191

h:commandButton element, 191, 192

h:form element, 191

h:inputText element, 191, 192

h:outputText element, 191, 192

HTML page, 191

index.jsp, 192

second.jsp, 191

second page, 190

simplefx and simpleh applications, 195197

web.xml, 192193

tag libraries

composite library (see composite library)

core library (see core library)

facelet library (see Facelet library)

HTML library (see HTML library)

UI components, 189

web application development, 189

JavaServer Faces and eshop, 241243

Checkout page, 237

converters, 240241

custom components

inline renderer, 256257, 249250

renderer, 251253

tag, 253256

faces-config.xml, 257

home page, 231

Left Menu, 233236

registering converter, application, 243

shop manager, 235236

Top Menu, 232

using converter, 243

validation mechanisms

application-level validation, 245

backing beans, 247248

built-in validators, 244

custom validators, 246247

web.xml, 238

JavaServer Pages (JSP)

action elements, 19 (see also Action elements)

application architectures (see Application architectures)

comments and escape characters, 90

definition, 2

directive elements, 19

include directive, 47

page directive (see page directive)

taglib directive, 47

dynamic content addition, 9

expression language (see Expression language (EL))

Hello World!

in Boring JSP Page, 13

getRemoteAddr() method, 15

with Google Chrome, 15

hello.html, 12

hello.jsp, 1314

Java code, 14

with Mozilla Firefox, 15

out variable, 15

in plain HTML, 13

request variable, 15

servlet execution, 15

XHTML standard, 12

history, 10

HTML-request parameters, 1617

installation packages, 2

Java installation

Environment Variables double dialog, 3, 4

JDK, 3

JRE, 3

Path variable updation, 4

software download procedure, 3

test, 56

Java servlets, 2

JSTL, 107109

online services, 9

plain HTML page, 1

scripting elements, 19

data types and variables, 2123

declarations, 21

expressions, 2021

implicit objects (see Implicit objects)

iterations, 2627

objects and arrays, 2324

operators, assignments, and comparisons, 2425

scriptlets, 20

selections, 2526

Tomcat installation

communication ports, 6

netstat /a command, 6

procedure, 67

Service and Native settings, 8

Services control panel, 8

test, 89

viewing, 1012

web page view request, 12

Java Specification Request (JSR), 10

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 172

javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest interface, 34

javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse interface, 43

javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface, 44

javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext class, 34

javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter class, 33

javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext class, 34

javax.servlet.ServletConfig interface, 30

javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface, 34

javax.servlet.ServletResponse interface, 43

JDBC drivers, 172

jdbc.jsp, 166167

JOIN keyword, 392394

JSP. See JavaServer Pages (JSP)

JSP Fragment (JSPF), 47

JSP Segments, 47

JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), 10, 107109

JspWriter class, 33

Image K

Keyboard attributes, 333

Keyboard event attributes, 334

Image L

Language attributes, 332333

Large objects (LOB), 388

Lists, 350351

log_off.jsp, 29

log_on.jsp, 2829

Image M

managed-bean element, 194, 195

maxExclusive attribute, 129

maxInclusive attribute, 129

Mind Reading Markup Language (MRML), 121

minExclusive attribute, 129

minInclusive attribute, 129

Model view controller (MVC) design pattern, 50

Mouse event attributes, 335, 113, 113, 30

myObj variable, 84



jdbcDriver, 184

JDBC ODBC bridge, 184185

ODBC Data Source control panel, 185

ODBC Microsoft Excel setup, 186

Select Workbook, 186

table.xls, 185

xls.jsp, 186187

installation, 159160

list of all books, 165

log of shop_create.sql, 162

shop database creation, 164

shop_create.sql, 161

shop_populate.sql, 164165

Tomcat test, 165168

Workbench, 163

Image N

Netscape Navigator web browser, 364

Network layer, 317, 319

Numeric data types, 385387

Image O

Object event attributes, 333334

ON DELETE and ON UPDATE elements, 396

Online bookshop


DataManager methods, 7374

request handling, 76

servlet initialization, 7476

view, 76

customer interface

book category, 72

book’s details, 73

home page, 72

shopping cart, 73

object-oriented approach, 71

objects and operations

books, 71

order, 72

PayPal, 71

product categories, 71

shopping cart, 7172

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver, 172

org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade class, 43

org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperFacade class, 30

org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade class, 44

org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl class, 33

org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl class, 34

out object, 3234

Image P, Q

PageContext class, 34

pageContext object, 34

page directive

concurrency.jsp, 45

concurrency2.jsp, 46

HTML output, 44

isThreadSafe attribute, 45, 46

page-dependent properties, 44

scripting language, Java, 44

syncK variable, 46

pageEncoding attributes, 46

param action, 87

Partial web.xml, 75

pattern attributes, 129

Primary key, 379

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), 273

Project Object Model (POM), 189

Protocol layers, 317

Protocol stacks, 317

Protocol suites, 317

Image R

Real Estate Transaction Markup Language (RETML), 121

regular expression, 130131

Remote address filter, 264

Remote host filter valve, 264

removeAttribute method, 34

req_params.jsp output, 17

req_params_jstl.jsp, 109, 110

Request dumper valve, 264

request object

org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade class, 34

req_getInputStream.jsp, 4041

IE, 42

Opera, 42

req_getReader.jsp, 4143

request header

Google Chrome, 36

Microsoft Internet Explorer, 37

Mozilla Firefox, 37

Opera, 38

req_headers.jsp, 3536

request parameters and client info, 3435

user authentication

BASIC authentication method, 39

canDoThis and canDoThat, 38

failed authentication, 39, 40

getAuthType method, 40

tomcat-users.xml fragment, 38

web.xml fragment, 3839

response object, 43

RFC 3986 standard, 320

rowspan, 340341

Image S

scope attribute, 342

scriptless, 94

Scriptlets, 20

sendError method, 43

session attributes, 46

session object, 4344

SET TRANSACTION statement, 401

setDate method, 93

setStatus method, 43

shop.jspx, 301

shop_orders.sql, 171 - init method, 7475

Simple API for XML (SAX), 134

simplef application, 194 (annotated), 195

aStringBean.getStr() method, 191

aStringBean object, 194

core and html libraries, 191

faces-config.xml, 193, 194

first.jsp, 190191

first page, 190

f:view element, 191

h:commandButton element, 191, 192

h:form element, 191

h:inputText element, 191, 192

h:outputText element, 191, 192

HTML page, 191

index.jsp, 192

second.jsp, 191

second page, 190

web.xml, 192193

simplefx applications, 195

simpleh applications, 195

Single sign on valve, 264

stack_trace.jsp, 31

Standard actions

element, attribute, and body actions, 8788

fallback action, 88

flush attribute, 80

forward action, 79, 80

include action, 80

includes.jsp, 8182

jsp:param, 80

jsp:text action, 87

param action, 88

plugin action, 8890

setProperty and getProperty actions, 8586

myAttr, 84, 86

myObj.jsp, 87

OrderConfirmation.jsp, 85

trimDirectiveWhitespaces, 87

TopMenu.jsp, 8081

useBean, 8284

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 124

START TRANSACTION statement, 400

stringArray, 23

Structured Query Language (SQL)

ALTER TABLE statement, 399400

COMMIT and ROLLBACK statement, 401

conventions, 382

CREATE DATABASE statement, 394395

CREATE INDEX statement, 397

CREATE TABLE statement, 395397

create, update, and delete keywords, 383

CREATE VIEW statement, 398

data types

characters, 387

date and time, 387

large objects (LOB), 388

numeric, 385387

DELETE statement, 399

DROP statement, 399

INSERT statement, 398399

reserved SQL keywords, 401404

SELECT statement

to apply a function, 390391

description, 389

JOIN keyword, 392394

to obtain data, 389390


terminology, 379


ACID properties, 381

elementary operations, 380

money transfer, 380

UPDATE statement, 400

WHERE condition, 384385

Sub-elements, 123

Image T


borders, 337339

column groups, 343344

columns, 342343

header, body, and footer, 344345

HTML code, 335

HTML-generated table, 336

row and cell alignment

abbr and axis, 340

align, char, and charoff, 339340

cell elements, 339

colspan and rowspan, 340341

headers, 341342

scope, 342

valign, 340

structure, 337

table.html, 336

width, 337

Tag extension mechanism

bodied custom actions

tag handler, 9597

TLD, 97

weekday.jsp, 9798

bodyless custom actions

tag handler, 9193

TLD, 9394

webapps folder, 91

weekday custom action, 9495

tag files

attribute directive, 101102

bodied tag, 100

bodyless tag, 9899

tag directive, 101

variable directive, 102103

Tag handlers, 91

Tag library descriptor (TLD), 91

bodied custom actions, 97

bodyless custom actions, 9394

tagdependent, 94

taglib, 94

testf project

components, 204

f:selectItem and f:selectItems tags, 204

h:panelGrid and h:panelGroup, 204

index.jspx, 202204, 204205

output, 202

select attribute, 205


Apache Software Foundation, 259

application, 276279


cluster, 263

components, 260

connector, 261

context, 260

default server.xml, 259260

engine, 262

Global Naming Resources, 263

host, 261

listener, 263

loader and manager, 264

Realm, 263

server, 262

service, 262

valve, 264

communication ports, 6


bin, 265

conf, 265

lib, 265

logs, 266

temp, 265

top directories, 265

webapps, 266

work, 266

HTTP port 80, 269


certificate creation, 272273

domain name mismatch, 276

JSSE and APR, 273

openssl.cfg, 271

secure socket layer, 271

security certificate, 275

security report, 274

transport layer security, 271

unknown authority, 274

installation procedure, 67

Java servlets execution, 259

JSP pages/documents to Java servlets conversion, 259

netstat /a command, 6

request log

AccessLogValve, 267

directory attribute, 268

log entries, 267268

Service and Native settings, 8

Services control panel, 8

test, 89

virtual host creation, 269271

web server, 259

Tomcat 7.0.28, 259

tomcat-users.xml file, 38

toString() method, 32

totalDigits attribute, 129, 151

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 318

trimDirectiveWhitespaces object, 46

Image U

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 320, 388

Universal Business Language (UBL), 121

UPDATE statement, 400

updateMonthDays, 370

updateNull(column-index) method, 175

updateNull(column-label) method, 175

useBean action, 8284

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 318

Image V

valign attribute, 340

Image W

Web page

Cascading Style Sheets (see Cascading Style Sheets (CSS))

event attributes

form, 334

keyboard, 334

mouse, 335

object, 333334

types, 333


image maps

with areas, 356357

bottom line, 357

image splitting with table, 351353

with Table/List, 353356

input forms

browser translation, 348

buttons and images, 348349

input elements, 345

source code, 346347

Submit button, 347

textarea element, 345

JavaScript (see JavaScript)

lists, 350351

standard attributes

core attributes, 331332

keyboard attributes, 333

language attributes, 332333

tables (see Tables)

URLs, hosts, and paths, 320321

WWW network, 317319

XHTML vs HTML, 322323, 9697

weekday.jsp, 95, 9293

WHERE condition, SQL, 384385

while loop, 26

whiteSpace attributes, 129

wireless LAN, 319

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 12

wow.tld, 9394

Wrapper classes, 21

Image X, Y, Z

x:param, 152

x:parse, 145146

x:transform, 152


captain attribute, 123

CDATA section, 123

child nodes, 123

element node, 123

enterprises.xml, 122123

JSTL, 139


complex types, 131132

derived types, 128129

elementFormDefault, 125

minOccurs and maxOccurs, 126

occurrence constraints, 126127

primitive types, 127128

simple types, 129131

starfleet element, 126

starfleet.xsd, 125

starship element, 126

starship attribute, 123


CDATA section, 154

hello.jspx, 155156

insertOrder method, 184

InsertOrderTag Definition in eshop.tld, 182183, 183184

JSP documents, 153

jsp:text action, 154

jsp:text content, 154

OrderConfirmation.jsp, 180181

OrderConfirmation.jspx, 181182

pageContext, 184

Partial hello.jspx, 153154

starfleet.jspx, 156157


against schema, 138139

DTD (see DTD)

parsers, 134

results, 133

with W3C, 132, 133

XSL (see Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL))


axis specifiers, 141142

comment(), 142

context node, 141

example, 143145

implicit JSP objects mapping, 141

node set, 140

node(), 142

processing-instruction(), 142

slash separator, 140

text(), 142

XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), 139


browser-side XSL transformation, 148150

format transformation, 146147

XML to HTML transformation, 147148

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