
A, B

  1. Actual running code

  2. Actual test

  3. addRanking() method

  4. Annotations

    1. Hibernate mappings

    2. Hibernate-specific persistence annotations

SeeHibernate-specific persistence annotations
  1. Hibernate XML Configuration file

  2. JPA 2 persistence

SeeJPA 2 persistence annotations
  1. API

  2. Artificial identifier

  3. AuditQuery

  4. AuditReader

  5. AuditReaderFactory

  6. Automatic resource management (ARM)

  7. B

  8. @Basic annotation

  9. @BeforeSuite method


  1. CacheMode setting

  2. CacheProvider interface

  3. chapter10.QueryTest

  4. @Column annotation

  5. count(…) method

  6. Criteria API

    1. pagination

    2. projections

    3. restrictions

      1. ne() method

      2. or() method

    4. setMaxResults() method

    5. sorting

    6. uniqueResult() method

  7. Criteria Query API

  8. CriteriaQuery.orderBy() method


  1. Detached objects

  2. @DiscriminatorColumn annotation

  3. doWithEntityManager() method


  1. @ElementCollection annotation

  2. Email code

  3. Entities

    1. associations

      1. bidirectional

      2. corrected Email class

      3. corrected message class

      4. Email class

      5. mappingBy attribute

      6. Message class

      7. misleading behavior

      8. owner

      9. relationship management

      10. types

    2. delete() method

    3. loading

      1. basic load() methods

      2. get() methods

      3. getEntityName() method

      4. lock mode

      5. Supplier ID

    4. mappings

    5. merging

    6. refresh() methods

    7. save method

      1. entityName argument

      2. object updation

      3. Session interface

      4. simple object

      5. testSaveLoad() method

      6. testSavingEntitiesTwice() method

    8. updation

  4. @Entity annotation

  5. Envers information

  6. equals() method


  1. Filters

    1. activating filters

    2. advantage of

    3. annotations

    4. application

    5. combining filters

    6. custom queries

    7. definition

    8. @ElementCollection


    10. Lombok

    11. non-parameterized filter

    12. parameter

    13. wildcard query

    14. XML mapping documents

  2. findPerson() method

  3. flush() method


  1. @GeneratedValue annotation

  2. getRankingFor() method

  3. getReference()

  4. getSession() method

  5. getSingleResult() method


  1. Hibernate

    1. API

    2. JDBC

    3. mappings

    4. message object

    5. ORM

    6. persistence solution

    7. POJOs

  2. Hibernate approach

  3. Hibernate binary download

  4. hibernate.cache.provider_class property

  5. Hibernate envers

  6. Hibernate mappings

  7. Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

    1. aggregate methods

    2. alias

    3. associations

    4. basic syntax

      1. ANTLR grammar

      2. DELETE

      3. INSERT

      4. SELECT

      5. UPDATE

    5. bulk deletes

    6. bulk updates

    7. commenting SQL

    8. definition

    9. executeUpdate() method

    10. from clause

    11. JMX MBean

    12. logging the SQL

    13. named parameters

    14. named queries

      1. class-level annotations

      2. createQuery() method

      3. Basic Product entity

      4. Software entity

      5. Supplier entity

      6. test method

    15. native SQL

    16. pagination

    17. query’s expressions

    18. select clause and projection

    19. sorting

    20. uniqueResult() method

  8. Hibernate Search

  9. Hibernate-specific persistence annotations

    1. @Immutable annotation

    2. natural ID

  10. HIB_SEQ

  11. HQL statement


  1. @Id annotation

  2. @Immutable annotation

  3. Install Maven


    2. @BeforeSuite method

    3. child projects

    4. dialect


    6. pom.xml file

    7. project object model

    8. SessionFactory

    9. @Test

    10. UNIX users

  4. Integration and configuration

    1. C3P0

    2. concept

    3. database driver and libraries

    4. Install Maven

SeeInstall Maven
  1. Java application

  2. JDBC connection management

  3. JNDI

  1. Isolation levels

J, K

  1. J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)

  2. Java application

  3. JavaBean

  4. Java class

  5. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

    1. approach

    2. code

    3. connections

  6. Java Management Extensions (JMX)

  7. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

  8. Java objects

  9. Java persistence architecture (JPA)

    1. data validation

      1. @AllArgsConstructor annotation

      2. Bean Validation specification

      3. class-level annotation

      4. coordinate validation test

      5. hibernate validator

      6. implementation

      7. persist() method

      8. SimpleValidatedPerson entity

      9. testing

      10. validator API

    2. external entity listeners

    3. JPASessionUtil class

    4. lifecycle events

      1. lifecycle phases

      2. lifecycle test driver

      3. LifecycleThing

    5. project object model

    6. query mechanism

    7. testing JPASessionUtil

      1. EntityManager.remove()

      2. Lombok-annotated Entity

      3. testSession() method

  10. Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)

  11. join() method

  12. JPA 2 persistence annotations

    1. @Basic annotation

    2. Book class, unannotated

    3. @Column annotation

    4. compound primary keys

      1. DDL

      2. @Embeddable annotations

      3. @EmbeddedId Annotation

      4. @Id annotation

      5. @IdClass annotation

    5. element collections

    6. @Entity annotation

    7. inheritance

      1. joined table

      2. single table

      3. table-per-class approach

    8. @Lob annotation

    9. many-to-many association

    10. @MappedSuperclass

    11. one-to-one association

      1. cascading operations

      2. conventional

      3. @Embedded annotation

      4. @OrderColumn annotation

    12. @OrderColumn

      1. @NamedNativeQuery annotation

      2. @NamedQueries

    13. primary keys

      1. @GeneratedValue annotation

      2. @Id annotation

      3. property access

      4. @SequenceGenerator

      5. @TableGenerator

    14. @SecondaryTable annotation

    15. @Table annotation

    16. temporal data

    17. @Transient annotation


  1. Life cycle

    1. cascading operations

      1. configuration option

      2. JPA

      3. library object

      4. orphan removal

      5. Failed save()

    2. detached objects

    3. entities

  1. identifiers

    1. artificial

    2. columns

    3. @Id annotation

    4. natural

  2. lazy loading

  3. object equality and identity

  4. persistent objects

  5. querying objects

  6. removed objects

  7. transient objects

  1. @Lob annotation

  2. LockMode object

  3. Lucene directory


  1. @MappedSuperclass

  2. Mapping

    1. associations

      1. entity relationship

      2. many-to-many association

      3. many-to-one association

      4. one-to-many association

      5. one-to-one association

      6. public customer

    2. column types and sizes

    3. Email object acquiring

    4. inheritance relationships

    5. lazy loading

      1. data subset selection

      2. email

      3. userId and username

    6. mandatory and unique constraints

    7. object-oriented association

    8. primary keys

      1. ambiguous table updation

      2. row identification

      3. string object

      4. User and Usernumber

    9. relational association

    10. SQL formula–based properties

    11. user class

      1. customer and Email classes

      2. customer and Email table

      3. password field

      4. tool design

  3. Maven

  4. Maven projects

  5. Message code

  6. Misleading behavior

  7. MongoDB


  1. @NamedNativeQuery annotation

  2. @NamedQuery annotations

  3. NoSQL datastores

    1. Skeleton

    2. flexible data

    3. Hibernate Search

    4. HQL query

    5. @Indexed and @Field


    7. Lucene directory

    8. mongodb

    9. object model

    10. OGM Project’s pom.xml

    11. persistence.xml file

    12. removing entities

    13. scalability

    14. testCR method

    15. testing updates

    16. “Where Clause” statement


  1. Object/relational mapping (ORM)

  2. @OrderColumn annotation

  3. Optimistic locking

  4. org.hibernate.Filter interface


  1. Parent project’s configuration file


  3. Pessimistic locking

  4. Plain old Java objects (POJOs)

    1. Hibernate, role of

    2. mapping annotations

    3. Rose-Tinted View

  5. pom.xml

  6. Project object model


  1. Querying audited data


  1. Ranking class

  2. Ranking

    1. addition

      1. getRankingFor() method

      2. internal method

      3. public and private mechanisms

      4. RankingService Interface

      5. test

    2. average

    3. findings

      1. control-break mechanism

      2. highest ranked subject

      3. service methods

      4. test code

    4. removal

    5. updation

      1. service’s code

      2. tests

  3. RankingService Interface

  4. Removed object

  5. revertToRevision() method


  1. @SecondaryTable annotation

  2. select() method

  3. seq1

  4. @SequenceGenerator

  5. Sequence mechanism

  6. SessionFactory objects

  7. Session object

    1. caching

      1. CacheMode options

      2. database server

      3. implementations

      4. L1 and L2 cache

      5. properties

      6. supplier entity

      7. usage

    2. deadlocks

    3. hibernate method

    4. JDBC approach

    5. locking

    6. SessionFactory objects

    7. threads

    8. transactions

      1. ACID tests

      2. database and manipulate

      3. dirty read

      4. JDBC isolation levels

      5. nonrepeatable read

      6. phantom read

  8. setCacheMode() method

  9. setFirstResult() method

  10. setMaxResults

  11. setParameter() method

  12. Simple application

    1. data reading

      1. findPerson() method

      2. “name” attribute

      3. person instance

      4. ranking instance

      5. ranking object

      6. ranking operation testing

    2. data removing

    3. data updation

    4. data writing

      1. data model

      2. object finding

      3. person entity

      4. person object

      5. query mechanism

    5. entities

    6. persistence contexts

    7. ranking

      1. data reading and writing

      2. entity relationship diagram

      3. ignore simple mutators

      4. JavaBean

      5. person’s skill

    8. transactions

    9. writing

      1. application server

      2. object model

      3. ranking

      4. ranking

  1. session retrieving

  2. SessionUtil Class test

  3. user interactions

  1. SQL access


  1. @Table annotation

  2. @TableGenerator

  3. Table mechanism

  4. @Transient annotation

  5. Transient objects

U, V, W

  1. uniqueResult() method

  2. UNIX

  3. updateUser() test

X, Y, Z

  1. XML mapping documents

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