© Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood and Dave Minter 2016

Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood and Dave Minter, Beginning Hibernate, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2319-2_8

8. Using the Session

Joseph B. Ottinger, Jeff Linwood2 and Dave Minter3

(1)Youngsville, North Carolina, USA

(2)Austin, Texas, USA

(3)London, UK

You may have noticed that the Session object is the central point of access to Hibernate functionality. We will now look at what it embodies and what that implies about how you should use it.


From the examples in the earlier chapters, you will have noticed that a small number of classes dominate our interactions with Hibernate. Of these, Session is the linchpin.

The Session object is used to create new database entities, read in objects from the database, update objects in the database, and delete objects from the database.1 It allows you to manage the transaction boundaries of database access, and (in a pinch) to obtain a traditional JDBC connection object so that you can do things to the database that the Hibernate developers have not already considered in their existing design.

If you are familiar with the JDBC approach , it helps to think of a Session object as somewhat like a JDBC connection, and the SessionFactory, which provides Session objects, as somewhat like a ConnectionPool, which provides Connection objects. These similarities in roles are illustrated in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1. Similarities between Hibernate and JDBC objects

SessionFactoryobjects are expensive objects; needlessly duplicating them will cause problems quickly, and creating them is a relatively time-consuming process. Ideally, you should have a single SessionFactory for each database your application will access.

SessionFactory objects are threadsafe, so it is not necessary to obtain one for each thread. However, you will create numerous Session objects — at least one for each thread using Hibernate. Sessions in Hibernate are not threadsafe, so sharing Session objects between threads could cause data loss or deadlock. In fact, you will often want to create multiple Session instances even during the lifetime of a specific thread (see the “Threads” section for concurrency issues).


The analogy between a Hibernate session and a JDBC connection only goes so far. One important difference is that if a Hibernate Session object throws an exception of any sort, you must discard it and obtain a new one. This prevents data in the session’s cache from becoming inconsistent with the database.

We’ve already covered the core methods in Chapter 4, so we won’t discuss all the methods available to you through the Session interface. For an exhaustive look at what’s available, you should read the API documentation on the Hibernate website or in the Hibernate 5 download. Table 8-1 gives a broad overview of the various categories of methods available to you; despite its length, this is not an exhaustive list.

Table 8-1. Hibernate Method Summary



Create, Read, Update, and Delete



Saves an object to the database. This should not be called for an object that has already been saved to the database.


Saves an object to the database, or updates the database if the object already exists. This method is slightly less efficient than the save() method since it may need to perform a SELECT statement to check whether the object already exists, but it will not fail if the object has already been saved.


Merges the fields of a nonpersistent object into the appropriate persistent object (determined by ID). If no such object exists in the database, then one is created and saved.


Reassociates an object with the session so that changes made to the object will be persisted.


Retrieves a specific object from the database by the object’s identifier.


Retrieves the entity name (this will usually be the same as the fully qualified class name of the POJO).


Determines the identifier — the object(s) representing the primary key — for a specific object associated with the session.


Loads an object from the database by the object’s identifier (you should use the get() methods if you are not certain that the object is in the database).


Refreshes the state of an associated object from the database.


Updates the database with changes to an object.


Deletes an object from the database.


Creates a filter (query) to narrow operations on the database.


Enables a named filter in queries produced by createFilter().


Disables a named filter.


Retrieves a currently enabled filter object.


Creates a Hibernate query to be applied to the database.


Retrieves a query from the mapping file.


Cancels execution of any query currently in progress from another thread.


Creates a criteria object for narrowing search results.

Transactions and Locking



Begins a transaction.


Retrieves the current transaction object. This does not return null when no transaction is in progress. Instead, the active property of the returned object is false.


Gets a database lock for an object (or can be used like persist() if LockMode.NONE is given).

Managing Resources



Determines whether a specific object is associated with the database.


Clears the session of all loaded instances and cancels any saves, updates, or deletions that have not been completed. Retains any iterators that are in use.


Disassociates an object from the session so that subsequent changes to it will not be persisted.


Flushes all pending changes into the database — all saves, updates, and deletions will be carried out; essentially, this synchronizes the session with the database.


Determines whether the session has been closed.


Determines whether the session is synchronized with the database.


Determines the caching mode currently employed.


Changes the caching mode currently employed.


Determines the locking mode currently employed.


Determines the approach to flushing currently used. The options are to flush after every operation, flush when needed, never flush, or flush only on commit.


Marks a persistent object as read-only (or as writable). There are minor performance benefits from marking an object as read-only, but changes to its state will be ignored until it is marked as writable.


Closes the session, and hence, the underlying database connection; releases other resources (such as the cache). You must not perform operations on the Session object after calling close().


Retrieves a reference to the SessionFactory object that created the current Session instance.

The JDBC Connection



Retrieves a reference to the underlying database connection.


Disconnects the underlying database connection.


Reconnects the underlying database connection.


Determines whether the underlying database connection is connected.

Transactions and Locking

Transactions and locking are intimately related: the locking techniques chosen to enforce a transaction can determine both the performance and the likelihood of success of the transaction. The type of transaction selected dictates, to some extent, the type of locking that it must use.

You are not obliged to use transactions if they do not suit your needs, but there is rarely a good reason to avoid them. If you decide to avoid them, you will need to invoke the flush() method on the session at appropriate points to ensure that your changes are persisted to the database.


A transaction is a unit of work guaranteed to behave as if you have exclusive use of the database. Generally speaking, if you wrap your work in a transaction, the behavior of other system users will not affect your data. A transaction can be started, committed to write data to the database, or rolled back to remove all changes from the beginning onward (usually as the result of an error). To properly complete an operation, you obtain a Transaction object from the database (beginning the transaction) and manipulate the session as shown in the following code:

Session session = factory.openSession();
try(Session session = factory.openSession()) {

  // Normal session usage here¼

} catch (HibernateException e) {
  Transaction tx = session.getTransaction();
  if (tx.isActive()) tx.rollback();

In the real world, it’s not actually desirable for all transactions to be fully ACID (see the sidebar entitled “The ACID Tests”) because of the performance problems that this can cause.

Different database suppliers support and permit you, to a lesser or greater extent, to break the ACID rules, but the degree of control over the isolation rule is actually mandated by the SQL-92 standard. There are important reasons that you might want to break this rule, so both JDBC and Hibernate also make explicit allowances for it.

The isolation levels permitted by JDBC and Hibernate are listed in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2. JDBC Isolation Levels



Transactional Behavior



Anything is permitted; the database or driver does not support transactions.


Read Uncommitted

Dirty, nonrepeatable, and phantom reads are permitted.


Read Committed

Nonrepeatable reads and phantom reads are permitted.


Repeatable Read

Phantom reads are permitted.



The rule must be obeyed absolutely.

A dirty readmay see the in-progress changes of an uncommitted transaction. As with the isolation example discussed in the preceding sidebar, it could see the wrong ZIP code for an address.

A nonrepeatable readsees different data for the same query. For example, it might determine a specific user’s ZIP code at the beginning of the transaction and again at the end, and get a different answer both times without making any updates.

A phantom readsees different numbers of rows for the same query. For example, it might see 100 users in the database at the beginning of the query and 105 at the end without making any updates.

Hibernate treats the isolation as a global setting: you apply the configuration option hibernate.connection.isolation in the usual manner, setting it to one of the values permitted in Table 8-2.


A database can conform to these various levels of isolation in a number of ways, and you will need a working knowledge of locking to elicit the desired behavior and performance from your application in all circumstances.

To prevent simultaneous access to data, the database itself will acquire a lock on that data. This can be acquired for the momentary operation on the data only, or it can be retained until the end of the transaction. The former is called optimistic lockingand the latter is called pessimistic locking.

The Read Uncommitted isolation level always acquires optimistic locks, whereas the Serializable isolation level will only acquire pessimistic locks. Some databases offer a feature that allows you to append the FOR UPDATE query to a select operation, which requires the database to acquire a pessimistic lock even in the lower isolation levels.

Hibernate provides some support for this feature when it is available, and takes it somewhat further by adding facilities that describe additional degrees of isolation obtainable from Hibernate’s own cache.

The LockMode object controls this fine-grained isolation (see Table 8-3). It is only applicable to the get() methods, so it is limited; however, when possible, it is preferable to the direct control of isolation mentioned previously.

Table 8-3. Lock Modes that can be explicitly requested by the programmer




Reads from the database only if the object is not available from the caches.


Reads from the database regardless of the contents of the caches.


Obtains a dialect-specific upgrade lock for the data to be accessed (if this is available from your database).


Behaves like UPGRADE, but when support is available from the database and dialect, the method will fail with a locking exception immediately. Without this option, or on databases for which it is not supported, the query must wait for a lock to be granted (or for a timeout to occur).

An additional lock mode, WRITE, is acquired by Hibernate automatically when it has written to a row within the current transaction. This mode cannot be set explicitly, but calls to getLockMode() may return it.

Having discussed locking in general, we need to touch on some of the problems that locks can cause.


Deadlocks occur when two resources compete for dependencies without resolution. For example, imagine you have two processes that need resources “A” and “B” – except the first process acquires resource A first and then accesses B, and the second process gets resource B first and then loads A. If the first process grabs A, and then waits to access B, but the second process loads B before process A grabs it, they will deadlock when trying to acquire the second resource.

It looks something like this:

Process One

Process Two

Lock Resource A

Lock Resource B

Wait until B is available

Wait until A is available

Hibernate can detect this kind of cycle and will throw an error (a PessimisticLockException) if it’s found. Let’s create one so we can see what happens. Our example will submit two Runnables into a ServiceExecutor, and each one will acquire (and modify, therefore locking) two resources, except in different orders, therefore creating our deadlock situation. Afterward, it will verify that both transactions failed, by determining if the data is back in its original (unmodified) condition.

Listing 8-3. Code to Generate a Deadlock
public void showDeadlock() throws InterruptedException{
    Long publisherAId;
    Long publisherBId;

    // clear out the old data and populate tables
    try (Session session = SessionUtil.getSession()) {
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
        session.createQuery("delete from Publisher").executeUpdate();

        Publisher publisher = new Publisher();

        publisher = new Publisher();

    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
    executor.submit(() -> updatePublishers("session1", publisherAId, publisherBId));
    executor.submit(() -> updatePublishers("session2", publisherBId, publisherAId));

    if (!executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
        if (!executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
            System.out.println("Executor did not terminate");
    try (Session session = SessionUtil.getSession()) {
        Query<Publisher> query = session.createQuery("from Publisher p order by p.name",
        String result=query
        assertEquals(result, "A,B");

private void updatePublishers(String prefix, Long¼ ids){
    try (Session session = SessionUtil.getSession()) {
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
        for(Long id:ids) {
            Publisher publisher = session
            publisher.setName(prefix+" "+publisher.getName());
    } catch (InterruptedException | PessimisticLockException e) {


Accessing a database is an expensive operation, even for a simple query. The request has to be sent (usually over the network) to the server. The database server may have to compile the SQL into a query plan. The query plan has to be run and is limited largely by disk performance. The resulting data has to be shuttled back (again, usually across the network2) to the client, and only then can the application program begin to process the results.

Most good databases will cache the results of a query if it is run multiple times, eliminating the disk I/O and query compilation time. But this will be of limited value if there are large numbers of clients making substantially different requests. Even if the cache generally holds the results, the time taken to transmit the information across the network is often the larger part of the delay.

Some applications will be able to take advantage of in-process databases, but this is the exception rather than the rule — and such databases have their own limitations.

The natural and obvious answer is to have a cache at the client end of the database connection. This is not a feature provided or supported by JDBC directly, but Hibernate provides one cache (the first-level, or L1, cache) through which all requests must pass. A second-level cache (L2) is optional and configurable.

The L1 cache ensures that, within a session, requests for a given object from a database will always return the same object instance, thus preventing data from conflicting and preventing Hibernate from trying to load an object multiple times.

Items in the L1 cache can be individually discarded by invoking the evict() method on the session for the object that you wish to discard. To discard all items in the L1 cache, invoke the clear() method.

In this way, Hibernate has a major advantage over the traditional JDBC approach: with no additional effort from the developer, a Hibernate application gains the benefits of a client-side database cache.

Figure 8-2 shows the two caches available to the session: the compulsory L1 cache, through which all requests must pass; and the optional L2 cache. The L1 cache will always be consulted before any attempt is made to locate an object in the L2 cache. You will notice that the L2 cache is external to Hibernate; and although it is accessed via the session in a way that is transparent to Hibernate users, it is a pluggable interface to any one of a variety of caches that are maintained on the same JVM as your Hibernate application or on an external JVM. This allows a cache to be shared between applications on the same machine, or even among multiple applications on multiple machines.

Figure 8-2. The session’s relationship to the caches

In principle, any third-party cache can be used with Hibernate. An org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider interface is provided, which must be implemented to provide Hibernate with a handle to the cache implementation. The cache provider is then specified by giving the implementation class name as the value of the hibernate.cache.provider_class property .

In practice, the four production-ready caches, which are already supported, will be adequate for most users (see Table 8-4).

Table 8-4. Some of the L2 Cache Implementations Supported by Hibernate Out of the Box

Cache Name


EHCache (http://www.ehcache.org)

An in-process cache

Infinispan (http://infinispan.org/)

Open source successor to JBossCache that provides distributed cache support



An alternative in-process cache



A multicast distributed cache

The type of access to the L2 cache can be configured on a per-session basis by selecting a CacheMode option (see Table 8-5) and applying it with the setCacheMode() method .

Table 8-5. CacheMode Options




Data is read from and written to the cache as necessary.


Data is never added to the cache (although cache entries are invalidated when updated by the session).


Data is never read from the cache, but cache entries will be updated as they are read from the database by the session.


This is the same as PUT, but the use_minimal_puts Hibernate configuration option will be ignored if it has been set.


Data is never read from or written to the cache (except that cache entries will still be invalidated when they are updated by the session).

The CacheMode setting does not affect the way in which the L1 cache is accessed.

The decision to use an L2 cache is not clear-cut. Although it has the potential to greatly reduce access to the database, the benefits depend on the type of cache and the way in which it will be accessed.

A distributed cache will cause additional network traffic. Some types of database access may result in the contents of the cache being flushed before they are used; in this case, it will be adding unnecessary overhead to the transactions.

The L2 cache cannot account for the changes in the underlying data, which are the result of actions by an external program that is not cache aware. This could potentially lead to problems with stale data, which is not an issue with the L1 cache.

In practice, as with most optimization problems, it is best to carry out performance testing under realistic load conditions. This will let you determine if a cache is necessary and help you select which one will offer the greatest improvement.

Actually, configuring for cache usage is fairly simple. In order to set everything up, in this example, we will need to do the following:

  1. Select a cache provider and add the dependency to Maven.

  2. Configure Hibernate to use the cache provider for a second-level cache.

  3. Alter our entities to mark them as cacheable.

We’ll choose EhCache as a cache provider, as it’s trivial to set up in a Java SE environment. The dependency block for Maven will look like this:


Now, we need to add three properties to Hibernate that will tell it to use a second-level cache and which cache to use:

<property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">

The last thing we need to do is mark the entity as cacheable. In Listing 8-4, we’ll create a simple Supplier entity (which we’ll revisit in the next chapters) and show how it’s used:

Listing 8-4. A Simple, Cacheable Supplier Entity
package chapter08.model;

import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy;

import javax.persistence.*;
import java.io.Serializable;

@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY)
public class Supplier implements Serializable {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    Integer id;
    @Column(unique = true)
    String name;

We’re not showing the mutators, accessors, equals(), or hashCode() methods, of course.

Now, if we load a specific Supplier in one session, then immediately load the same Supplier in another session, the database will not (necessarily) be queried because it’s being pulled from the second-level cache instead of from the database each time. Using different sessions is necessary because the Supplier instance would be cached in the first-level cache of each Session; the sessions share a second-level cache and not a first-level cache.


Having considered the caches available to a Hibernate application, you may now be concerned about the risk of a conventional Java deadlock if two threads of execution were to contend for the same object in the Hibernate session cache.

In principle, this is possible, and unlike database deadlocks, Java thread deadlocks do not time out with an error message. Fortunately, there is a very simple solution:

Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: Don’t do that, then. 3

Do not share the Session object between threads. This will eliminate any risk of deadlocking on objects contained within the session cache.

The easiest way to ensure that you do not use the same Session object outside the current thread is to use an instance local to the current method. If you absolutely must maintain an instance for a longer duration, maintain the instance within a ThreadLocal object. For most purposes, however, the lightweight nature of the Session object makes it practical to construct, use, and destroy an instance, rather than to store a session.


In this chapter, we have discussed the nature of Session objects and how they can be used to obtain and manage transactions. We have looked at the two levels of caching that are available to applications, and how concurrent threads should manage sessions.

In the next chapter, we discuss the various ways in which you can retrieve objects from the database. We also show you how to perform more complicated queries against the database using HQL.


1 Almost everything, which makes it linchpin-like. Go figure.

2 Note that since we’re using an embedded database, most of our examples don’t go across the network at all, because nothing makes a good point like irony.

3 For some reason, this is one of my favorite jokes. Another one is “Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.” Stop rolling your eyes, please. I get that enough from my kids.

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