Author's Acknowledgments

Thanks, first of all, to Mark Middlebrook for bringing me into the AutoCAD For Dummies world. Mark asked me to tech edit both AutoCAD 2000 For Dummies and AutoCAD LT 2000 For Dummies and their following four editions, then to join him as co-author, and finally to take over the title altogether. I hope my torch bearing comes close to the high standards that Mark set, and I wish him well in his new career in the world of fine wine (what, me jealous?).

Thanks, too, to colleagues and friends at Autodesk: above all Shaan Hurley and Bud Schroeder, who never seem to mind being asked even the dumbest questions, and Denis Cadu, Jim Quanci and Robb Bittner, who always come through with software and technical support almost before I ask for it.

My thanks also to the good people at Wiley. Acquisitions Editor Kyle Looper was a consistently reliable source of calm but firm direction. It was a great pleasure to work with project editor Blair Pottenger and copy editor Virginia Sanders. And by no means least (but someone has to bring up the rear), thanks to Lee Ambrosius for once again taking on the tech-editing job. Lee's expertise is well known and respected in the AutoCAD community, and I'm delighted to have him along as technical overseer.

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