
*/ (comments), 33

/* (comments), 33

3G, 274

4G, 275


abs( ) function, 73

AC (alternating current), 46

voltage and, 47

Adafruit Si1145 library, 384388

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), 6768, 295


IP addresses, 153

MAC address, 153

retrieving, 176

ad-hoc mode for wireless, 171

advanced libraries, 410413

amperage, 47, 48

analog I/O, 6768

analogRead( ) function, 68

analogWrite( ) function, 68

microcontrollers and, 6768

analog systems, 5

analogRead( ) function, 68, 353

analogWrite( ) function, 5960, 68

archives versus installers, 27


capabilities, 2223

counterfeits, 9

as Ethernet client, 157158

fetching example program, 161162

sending/receiving data, 158161

as Ethernet server, 163165

sketch example program, 165167

open source, 20

as Open Source Hardware project, 7

original, 9

software download, 2728

Arduino board, original, 7

Arduino Due, 1314, 37

SPI on, 123125

USB and, 325237

Arduino Esplora, 18

TFT, 229

Arduino Ethernet, 11

Arduino Ethernet Shield, 21

Arduino GSM Shield, 22

Arduino language, I/O functions, digital I/O, 6567

Arduino Leonardo, 1011

Arduino Mega 2560, 1112

Arduino Micro, 13

Arduino Mini, 13

Arduino Motor Shield, 21

Arduino Playground, 29

Arduino Pro, 16

Arduino project, 78

Arduino Robot, 1617, 348349

Arduino Tre, 19

Arduino Uno, 10

voltage regulator, 47

Arduino WiFi Shield, 22

Arduino Wireless SD Shield, 21

Arduino Yún, 1819

Arduino Zero, 19

ARM technology, 6

array data type, 37

ASCII, keyboards, 324

ATmega series, 8

Atmel (Advanced Technology for Memory and Logic), 5

megaAVR, 8

microcontrollers for Arduino, 7

Atmel 8-bit AVR, 7

Atmel AVR, 57

attach( ) function, 264265

attached( ) function, 245

attachGPRS( ) function, 283

attachInterrupt( ) function, 7778

ATtiny series, 89

audio, 292

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), 295

DAC (Digital to Analog Converters), 294, 295


creating, 296

playing, 296297

sound files, 292294

storage, 296

effective sampling rate, 293

frequencies, 293

waves, 292293

audio tones

noTone( ) function, 69

tone( ) function, 69

autoscroll( ) function, 198

available( ) function, 9192


BASIC Stamp, 7

baud rate, 8384

begin( ) function, 91, 94, 155, 174175

beginSD( ) function, 354355

beginSpeaker( ) function, 356357

beginTFT( ) function, 354355

bipolar stepper motors, 255256


reading, EEPROM library, 105107

writing, EEPROM library, 105107

Blink, 2933

blink( ) function, 197

Blum, Jeremy, Exploring Arduino, 26

boolean data type, 36

bootloaders, 33

breadboards, 23, 56

connection points, 57

Fritzing, 396

shields, 395398

solderless, 57

strips, 57

break statement, 40

breakdown voltage, 54

Bridge library, 361364

example application, 369373

FileIO library, 366367

Process class, 364366

YunClient, 368

YunServer class, 367368

bus speed, I2C protocol, 147148

buttons, Esplora library, 339340

buzzer, Esplora library, 340341

byte data type, 37


reading, 92

EEPROM library, 104105

multiple, 9293

writing, EEPROM library, 104105


C++ classes, 383, 410

cabling, Ethernet, 151

callbacks, 141

Firmata library, 264266

capacitors, 5354

decoupling, 54

farad, 54

CD drives, 209

channels, Wi-Fi, 172

char data type, 36

circle( ) function, 231232

circuits (electrical), 46


C++, 383, 410

SoftwareSerial, 99

clear( ) function, 196

clearScreen( ) function, 355

closed source libraries, 417418

CodeBlocks, 29

coding styles, 416417

color, TFT library, 232

comments, 30, 33

libraries, 413414

config( ) function, 178

connect( ) function, 157158

connection points, breadboards, 57

connectServer( ) function, 86

constrain( ) function, 73

constructors, 411

control board (Robot library)

controls, 350351

LCD screen, 354356

music, 356357

robot personalization, 353354

sensor reading, 351353

control structures, 3841

cooperative multitasking, 309311

cos( ) function, 76

CPOL (Clock Polarity), 123

createChar( ) function, 199

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, 29

CRT (cathode ray tubes), 226227

cruise ship analogy for analog I/O, 67

CS (Chip Select), 118

cursor, LiquidCrystal library, 196197


DAC (Digital to Analog Converters), 294, 295


available( ) function, 9192


begin( ) function, 94

bytes, 9293

end( ) function, 94

parsing data, 9394

peek( ) function, 93

starting communications, 91

sending, 90

data bits, 85

data encapsulation, 85

data types

array, 37

boolean, 36

byte, 37

char, 36

double, 37

float, 37

int, 37

long, 37

short, 37

String, 37

string, 37

unsigned char, 36

unsigned int, 37

unsigned long, 37

void, 36

word, 37

datalogging shields, 213214

DC (direct current), 46

voltage and, 47

DDR, 101102

debugging, output and, 8687

debugPrint( ) function, 355

declaring functions, 407408

declaring variables, 34

decoupling capacitors, 54

delay( ) function, 7071

delay function, 35

delayMicroseconds( ) function, 71

detach( ) function, 245

detachInterrupt( ) function, 78

DHCP leases, renewing, 156157

DHT11, 179189

digital audio

creating, 296

example program, 298303

playing, 296297

sketch, 300303

storing, 296

digital I/O

digitalRead( ) function, 6667

digitalWrite( ) function, 67

INPUT pins, 66


OUTPUT pins, 66

pinMode( ) function, 66

voltage and, 65

digital sound files, 292294

digitalRead( ) function, 6667, 353

digitalWrite( ) function, 67, 308, 353

diodes, 5455

laser, 55

LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 5556

Schottky diodes, 55

Tunnel diodes, 55

Zener diodes, 5455

DIP (Dual In-Line Package) chips, 57

disconnect( ) function, 177178

displayLogos( ) function, 355

DMA (Direct Memory Access), 5

DNS (Domain Name Service), 153

double data type, 37

downloads, Arduino software, 2728

DRAM (Dynamic RAM), 102

drawBMP( ) function, 355

drawCompass( ) function, 355

Dual Scan (DSTN), 227


Eclipse, 29

EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution), 274

editor, 28

EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), 5, 103

Arduinos and, 103104

example program, 110113

library, 104

reading bits, 105107

reading bytes, 104105

reading strings, 107108

values, reading/writing, 108110

writing bits, 105107

writing bytes, 104105

writing strings, 107108

nonvolatile memory, 114

storage, preparation, 113114

effective sampling rate, audio, 293

EIA (Electronic Industries Association), 50

electricity, 46

amperage, 47, 48

circuits, 46

Ohm's law, 49

resistance, 47, 48

voltage, 4748

electronic components, 23, 4950

breadboards, 5657

capacitors, 5354

diodes, 5455

LEDs, 5556

inputs, 5758

outputs, 5758


usage, 5253

values, 5052

tolerance, 47

transistors, 56

electronics, 4546

electricity and, 46

embedded systems, debugging and, 8687

encapsulation, 85


types, 177

WEP, 173

Wi-Fi, 172173

WPA2, 173

end( ) function, 94

EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory), 102

chip reprogramming, 102

Esplora, 336337

Esplora library

buttons, 339340

buzzer, 340341

example program, 342344

LCD module, 342

RGB LED, 337338

sensors, 338339

TinkerKit, 341342


Arduino as client, 157158

fetching example program, 161162

sending/receiving data, 158161

Arduino as server, 163165

sketch example program, 165167

cables, 151

hubs, 151152


importing, 154155

starting, 155157

overview, 150151

PoE, 152

switches, 151152

EthernetClient object, 157158

examples, libraries, 415

Exploring Arduino (Blum), 26

external libraries, 381383


farad, 54

FAT (File Allocation Table), 213

fetching, example program, 161162

FileIO library, 366367


digital sound files, 292294

SD library

closing, 216217

opening, 216217

reading, 217218

writing, 217218

source files, 25

filesystem, SD cards, 212

Firmata, 262

Firmata library, 262

callbacks, 264266


receiving, 263264

sending, 263

Firmata protocol

example program, 268269

SysEx, 266267

Flash memory, 210211

Arduinos and, 103

float data type, 37

floppy disks, 208209

folders, SD library, 218219

for loop, 41

frequencies, audio, 293

Fritzing, 22

breadboards, 396

schematics, 398402

functions, 34, 42

abs( ), 73

analogRead( ), 68, 353

analogWrite( ), 5960, 68

attach( ), 264265

attached( ), 245

attachGPRS( ), 283

attachInterrupt( ), 7778

autoscroll( ), 198

available( ), 9192

begin( ), 91, 94, 155, 174175

beginSD( ), 354355

beginSpeaker( ), 356357

beginTFT( ), 354355

blink( ), 197

circle( ), 231232

clear( ), 196

clearScreen( ), 355

config( ), 178

connect( ), 157158

connectServer( ), 86

constrain( ), 73

cos( ), 76

createChar( ), 199

debugPrint( ), 355

declarations, 407408

delay, 35

delay( ), 7071

delayMicroseconds( ), 71

detach( ), 245

detachInterrupt( ), 78

digitalRead( ), 6667, 353

digitalWrite( ), 67, 308, 353

disconnect( ), 177178

displayLogos( ), 355

drawBMP( ), 355

drawCompass( ), 355

end( ), 94

getKey( ), 328

getModifiers( ), 328329

getTimeStamp( ), 372

getVoiceCallStatus( ), 281282

getXChange( ), 329330

getYChange( ), 329330

hangCall( ), 282

interrupts( ), 78

isDirectory( ), 219

keyboardRead( ), 352

loop( ), 35, 130, 164

maintain( ), 156157

map( ), 7374

max( ), 7273

micros( ), 7172

millis( ), 71

min( ), 72

motorsStop( ), 351

noAutoscroll( ), 198

noBlink( ), 197

noCursor( ), 197

noInterrupts( ), 78

noTone( ), 69, 341

parameters, 34

parseFloat( ), 94

parseInt( ), 94

peek( ), 93

pinMode( ), 34, 66

playfile( ), 302303

pointTo( ), 351

pow( ), 74

print( ), 8890, 158, 195196

println, 90

println( ), 158

processInput( ), 264

pulseIn( ), 70

random( ), 7475

read( ), 104105, 216217

readAccelerometer( ), 339

readButton( ), 340

readBytes( ), 9293

readIR( ), 383

readProx( ), 383

readSlider( ), 338339

readTemperature( ), 338339

readUV( ), 383

readVisible( ), 383

receiveData( ), 144

robotNameRead( ), 353354

robotNameWrite( ), 353354

RSSI( ), 177

scanNetworks( ), 176177

SD.begin( ), 215216

sendAnalog( ), 263

sendData( ), 144

sendDigitalPort( ), 263

sendEmail( ), 189190

setBitOrder( ), 122

setClockDivider( ), 122, 123

setDataMode( ), 122

setup( ), 35

sin( ), 76

sqrt( ), 74

SSID( ), 177

stop( ), 158

stringCallback( ), 265

tan( ), 76

tone( ), 69, 295, 340341

updateIR( ), 352

userNameWrite( ), 354

Wire.available( ), 142

Wire.beginTransmission( ), 146

Wire.endTransmission( ), 146

Wire.onReceive( ), 141142

Wire.onRequest( ), 142 ), 142

Wire.requestFrom( ), 146

write( ), 90, 104105, 196, 199, 218

WriteBlue( ), 338

WriteGreen( ), 338

WriteRed( ), 338

writeRGB( ), 337338


getKey( ) function, 328

getModifiers( ) function, 328329

getTimeStamp( ) function, 372

getVoiceCallStatus( ) function, 281282

getXChange( ) function, 329330

getYChange( ) function, 329330

GitHub, 379

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), 274, 282284

graphics, TFT library, 231233

GSM, 272

Arduino and, 276

EDGE, 274

GPRS, 274

mobile data network, 272273

GSM class, 278279

GSM library, 276278

example application, 285288

GPRS, 282284

GSM class, 278279

modem class, 284

sketch, 286288

SMS class, 279281

VoiceCall class, 281281


.h files, 406

hangCall( ) function, 282


LED connections, 60

LiquidCrystal library, 200201

Scheduler library, 314315

shields, 392393

stepper motors, 255

TFT library example, 234

USBH library, 331332

Wi-Fi, 181182

header files, libraries, 406407

hot pluggable devices, 323

hubs, 151152

USB, 325


I2C devices, 134135

I2C pins, 137

I2C protocol, 135136

address, 136137

bus speed, 147148

communication, 137139

master communication, 139141

slave communication, 141147

example program, 142146

shields, 148

voltage, 147

ICSP header, SPI bus, 120121

IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 8, 25

format organization, 381

installation, 26

software download, 2728

software, 28

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 171

if statement, 3839

switch/case, 3940

if…else statement, 3839

importing libraries, 379381, 408409

infrastructure mode, 172

INPUT pins, 66


inputs, digital pins, 5758

installation, IDE, 26

software download, 2728

installers versus archives, 27

int data type, 37

int keyword, 34

interrupts, 7677

attachInterrupt( ) function, 7778

detachInterrupt( ), 78

interrupts( ) function, 78

noInterrupts( ) function, 78

interrupts( ) function, 78

I/O functions

analog I/O, 6768

analogRead( ) function, 68

analogWrite( ) function, 68

microcontrollers and, 6768

audio tones, 69

digital I/O

digitalRead( ) function, 6667

digitalWrite( ) function, 67

INPUT pins, 66


OUTPUT pins, 66

pinMode( ) function, 66

voltage and, 65

pulses, 6970

IP addresses, 153

ISA cards, 4

isDirectory( ) function, 219

ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), 77


Kdevelop, 29

keyboardRead( ) function, 352


return codes, 352

USB, 324325

USBH library, 327239


int, 34

void, 34


laser diodes, 55

LCD (liquid crystal display), 192194, 227

Esplora, 337

LCD module, Esplora library, 342

LCD screen, Robot library, 354356

led variable, 5960

LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 23, 5556


calculation, 5859

hardware, 60

software, 5960

Esplora, 336337

resistors, 5859

libraries, 42, 405406

Adafruit Si1145, 384388

advanced, 410413

advantages, 378

Bridge, 361373

closed source, 417418

coding styles, 416417

comments, 413414

distributing, 417

EEPROM, 104110

reading bytes, 104105

writing bytes, 104105

Esplora, 337344


importing, 154155

starting, 155157

example library, 418427

external, using, 381383

FileIO, 366367

Firmata, 262266

function calls, 406

GitHub, 379

GSM, 276288

.h files, 406

header files, 406407

importing, 379381, 408409

using imported, 381383

LiquidCrystal, 194204

locating, 378379

README file, 415416, 427

Robot, 346360

Scheduler, 306309

SD, 215224

Servo, 244

sketches and, 378

SoftwareSerial, 9899

source files, 406407

SPI, 121122

TFT, 228

third-party, 377

example application, 384388

USBHost, 327334

WiFi, 174189

LilyPad Arduino, 1415

liquid crystal display. See LCD (liquid crystal display)

LiquidCrystal library

cursor, commands, 196197

example program, 199204

importing, 194

scrolling, 197198


custom, 198199

orientation, 197

writing, 195196

LiquidCrystal object, 194

Logo programming language, 347

long data type, 37

loop( ) function, 35, 130, 164


for, 41

while, 41


MAC address, 153

begin( ) function, 155

retrieving, 176

maintain( ) function, 156157

map( ) function, 7374

master communication, I2C protocol, 139141

mathematical functions

abs( ), 73

constrain( ) function, 73

map( ), 7374

max( ), 7273

min( ), 72

pow( ), 274

random( ), 7475

sqrt( ), 74

max( ) function, 7273



Flash, 103

nonvolatile, 101102


RAM, 103

volatile, 101102

messages, Firmata library, 263264


USB, 325

USBH library, 329330

microcontrollers, analog I/O and, 6768

micros( ) function, 7172

micro-SD cards, 2021, 211212

micro-USB, 326

MIDI sound cards, 292

millis( ) function, 71

min( ) function, 72

MISO (Master In-Slave Out), 118

mobile computing, 170

mobile data network

3G, 274

4G, 275

GSM, 272274

modems, 275

modems, 275


CRTs, 226227

DSTN (dual-scan supertwist nematic), 227

LCD, 227

TFT (Thin Film Transistor), 227228

MOSI (Master Out-Slave In), 118

motor board (Robot library), 357358

motorsStop( ) function, 351

multimeters, 23

multitasking, 307308

cooperative, 309311


Arduino Due, 294297

Robot library, 356357


noAutoscroll( ) function, 198

noBlink( ) function, 197

noCursor( ) function, 197

noInterrupts( ) function, 78

nonvolatile memory, 101102


noTone( ) function, 69, 341


objects, EthernetClient, 157158

Ohm, 4849

Ohm's law, 49

open source, 20

OpenWRT, 363

output, debugging and, 8687

OUTPUT pins, 66

outputs, digital pins, 5758


packets, 152

parameters, 34

parity, 8586

parseFloat( ) function, 94

parseInt( ) function, 94

parsing data, 9394


PCB (Printed Circuit Board), 402404

PCI bus, 5

peek( ) function, 93

peripherals, USB and, 322323

pinMode( ) function, 34, 66

playfile( ) function, 302303

playing digital audio, 296297

PoE (Power over Ethernet), 152

pointTo( ) function, 351

polling, 77

ports, 153154

pow( ) function, 74

power supply, 23

load, 46

print( ) function, 8890, 158, 195196

println( ) function, 158

println function, 90

processInput( ) function, 264

programming. See also sketches

bootloaders, 33

embedded systems, 25

Logo, 347

PS/2 interface, 322323

pulseIn( ) function, 70

pulses, reading, 6970

PWM (pulse-width modulation), 68

servo motors and, 243


RAM (Random Access Memory), 6

Arduinos and, 103

random( ) function, 7475

read( ) function, 104105, 216217

readAccelerometer( ) function, 339

readButton( ) function, 340

readBytes( ) function, 9293

reading data

begin( ) function, 94

bytes, 92

multiple, 9293

end( ) function, 94

parsing, 9394

peek( ) function, 93

starting communications, 91

readIR( ) function, 383

README file, 415416, 427

readProx( ) function, 383

readSlider( ) function, 338339

readTemperature( ) function, 338339

readUV( ) function, 383

readVisible( ) function, 383

receiveData( ) function, 144

registers, 137

resistance, 47, 48

resistors, 23

LEDs and, 5859

usage, 5253

values, 50

color code, 5152

identifying, 5052


ADC, 6768

DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), 295

LCD, 194

TFT screen preparation, 229230

RGB LED, Esplora library, 337338

Robot library, 346348

control board

controls, 350351

LCD screen, 354356

music, 356357

robot personalization, 353354

sensor reading, 351353

example program, 358360

motor board, 357358

sketch, 359360

robotNameRead( ) function, 353354

robotNameWrite( ) function, 353354

RS-232, SPI comparison, 119

RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), 173

RSSI( ) function, 177

RX (receive wire), 83


scancodes, 324

scanNetworks( ) function, 176177

Scheduler library, 306307

example program, 313319

hardware, 314315

importing, 308309

multitasking, 307308

cooperative, 309311

noncooperative functions, 311313

sketch, 315319

schematics, shields, 398402

Schottky diodes, 55

SCLK (serial clock), 118

scrolling, LiquidCrystal library, 197198

SD (Secure Digital), 208211

CD drives, 209

datalogging shields, 213214

flash memory, 210211

floppy disks, 208209

speed, 213

USB (Universal Serial Bus), 209210

SD cards, 211212, 219

Arduino accepted, 214

capacity, 212213

clusters, 220

connecting, 215216

limitations, 214215

micro-SD cards, 2021

TFT library, 232233

SD library

advanced usage, 220

card operations, 219

cards, connecting, 215216

example program, 220224


closing, 216217

opening, 216217

reading, 217218

writing, 217218

folder operations, 218219

importing, 215

sketch, 220223

SD.begin( ) function, 215216

sendAnalog( ) function, 263

sendData( ) function, 144

sendDigitalPort( ) function, 263

sendEmail( ) function, 189190

sending data, 90

sending text, 8890


Esplora library, 338339

Robot library, 351353

serial connections

example program, 9598

starting, 8788

serial devices, 82

serial ports, 8283

debugging and, 8687

RX (receive wire), 83

TX (transmit wire), 83

Servo library, 244

servo motors

connecting, 243244

disconnecting, 245

example application, 246250

moving, 244245

overview, 242243

precision, 246

PWM (pulse width modulation), 243

safety, 246

schematic, 248249

sketch, 249250

setBitOrder( ) function, 122

setClockDivider( ) function, 122, 123

setDataMode( ) function, 122

setup( ) function, 35

shields, 2021

Arduino Ethernet Shield, 21

Arduino GSM Shield, 22

Arduino Motor Shield, 21

Arduino WiFi Shield, 22

Arduino Wireless SD Shield, 21

breadboard, 395398

creating, 391392

components, 394395

hardware, 392393

initial idea, 392

types, 394

Fritzing, 22

PCB (Printed Circuit Board), 402404

schematic, 398402

software, 393394

short data type, 37

sin( ) function, 76

sketches, 26

Blink, 2933

Bridge library, 370371

comments, 33

digital audio, 300303

digital thermometer, 128130

editor, 28

empty, 28

first, 2933

GSM, 286288

libraries and, 378

Robot library, 359360

Scheduler library, 315319

stepper library, 258259

TFT, 234239

uploading, 3032

USBH library, 332334

slave communication, 141147

SMS class, 279281


downloading, 2728

LED connections, 5960

LiquidCrystal sketch, 201204

running, 28

shields, 393394

SoftwareSerial class, 99

SoftwareSerial library, 9899

solderless breadboards, 57

solid state, 56

source code, 25

closed source libraries, 417418

source files, 25

libraries, 406407

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), 118

Arduino Due, 123125

clock modes, 122

communications, 120

configuration, 119120

example program, 125132

RS-232 comparison, 119

sketch, 128

SPI bus, 118

Arduino and, 120121

configuration, 122

SPI library, 121122

squrt( ) function, 74

SS (Slave Select), 118

SSID (Service Set ID), 173

connecting to, 175

SSID( ) function, 177


break, 40

if, 3839

if…else, 3839

stepper library, 256259

sketch, 258259

stepper motors, 254

bipolar, 255256

controlling, 254256

example project, 257259

hardware, 255

unipolar, 255256

stop( ) function, 158

stop bits, 86


digital audio, 296

EEPROM, 113114

floppy disks, 208209

String data type, 37

string data type, 37

stringCallback( ) function, 265


reading, EEPROM library, 107108

writing, EEPROM library, 107108

strips, breadboards, 57

surface-mounted components, 384

switch/case, 3940

switches, 151152

SysEx, 266267


tan( ) function, 76

TCP/IP protocol, 152

DNS (Domain Name Service), 153

IP addresses, 153

MAC address, 153

ports, 153154


LiquidCrystal library, 195196

custom, 198199

orientation, 197

sending, 8890

TFT library, 230231

TFT (Thin Film Transistor)

Arduino Esplora, 229

overview, 227228

TFT library, 228231

color, 232

example application, 233239

graphic images, 232233

graphics, 231232

hardware, 234

initialization, 228229

screen preparation, 229230

sketch, 234239

text, 230231

thermocouple, 125

third-party libraries, 377

example application, 384388

time functions

delay( ), 7071

delayMicroseconds( ), 71

micros( ), 7172

millis( ), 71

TinkerKit, 341342

tolerance of electrical components, 47

tone( ) function, 69, 295, 340341

transistors, 56

trigonometry, 7576

constants, 76

cos( ) function, 76

sin( ) function, 76

tan( ) function, 76

Tunnel diodes, 55

TX (transmit wire), 83


UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)

baud rate, 8384

data bits, 85

parity, 8586

serial connections, starting, 8788

stop bits, 86

unipolar stepper motors, 255256

unsigned char data type, 36

unsigned int data type, 37

unsigned long data type, 37

updateIR( ) function, 352

uploading, sketches, 3032

USB (Universal Serial Bus), 8283, 209210

Arduino Due, 325237

hubs, 325

keyboards, 324325

mice, 325

micro-USB connectors, 326

peripherals and, 322323

PS/2 interface and, 322323

USB OTG (USB On-The-Go), 324

USB protocol, 323324

USBH library, 327

example program, 330334

keyboards, 327239

mice, 329330

sketch, 332334

USBHost, 322

userNameWrite( ) function, 354


variables, 3637

declarations, 34

led, 5960

VLB (VESA Local Bus) bus, 45

VoiceCall class (GSM), 281281

void data type, 36

void keyword, 34

volatile memory, 101102

voltage, 4748

breakdown voltage, 54

digital I/O and, 65

I2C protocol, 147

voltage drop, 52


WaveLAN, 171

waves, digital audio, 292293

wear leveling, 114

web servers, connecting to, 159161

WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance), 171

WEP encryption, 173

WEP network, connecting, 175

while loop, 41

Wi-Fi, 171

ad-hoc mode, 171

channels, 172

encryption, 172173

infrastructure mode, 172

RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), 173

SSID (Service Set ID), 173

topology, 171172

Wi-Fi Alliance, 171

WiFi library

client connections, 178179

configuring, 177178

connecting, 177178

example application, 179189

hardware, 181182

importing, 174

initializing, 174175

network scanning, 176177

sensor sketch, 182189

server, 179

WiFi shield, testing for, 175176

Wire.available( ) function, 142

Wire.beginTransmission( ) function, 146

Wire.endTransmission( ) function, 146

Wire.onReceive( ) function, 141142

Wire.onRequest( ) function, 142 ) function, 142

Wire.requestFrom( ) function, 146

word data type, 37

WPA2 encryption, 173

WPA-2 Personal network, connecting, 175

write( ) function, 90, 104105, 196, 199, 218

writeBlue( ) function, 338

writeGreen( ) function, 338

writeRed( ) function, 338

writeRGB( ) function, 337338


XMEGA series, 9

YunClient, 368

YunServer class, 367368

Zener diodes, 5455

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