372 ◾  Jon Atle Gulla et al.
<owl:Class rdf:ID=”DegreeCourseSchema”>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource=”#vtStart”/>
<owl:hasValue rdf:datatype=”&xsd;date”>
Since OWL does not allow such time stamps to be added to relations (data proper-
ties or object properties), their approach cannot be used to model evolving ontol-
ogies in general. Van Atteveldt et al. (2008) solve this problem by modeling all
properties as time-stamped classes, leading to an ontology that is problematic for
reasoning and structural clarity. A more conventional approach would be to model
the time-stamped structure as a separate metamodel or temporal ontology structure
from which snapshot ontologies for particular time periods may be extracted.
A concept is normally understood with reference to a term, an intension, and
an extension. e term, also known as a symbol or signier, is a word used in the
real world to refer to the concept. e intension, often called reference or signied,
is the meaning or sense of the concept, and the extension or referent is the set of
real-world objects to which the concept applies. Whereas the intension of car is
our understanding of the concept, the extension is the set of all imaginable and
unimaginable cars. Generally, terminological changes fall into three distinct cat-
egories (see Figure13.18).
Change of termA particular term is gradually replaced by another term
that has the same basic meaning. We consider them synonyms, even though they
tend to be used in slightly dierent periods. Although we prefer the car term
to automobiles, the automobiles term was used originally for this concept. In an
Term T
Extension E
Intension I
Concept C
Content of term
New concept(s)
replaces oldone(s)
“Phone (fromold
“Floppy disk
Figure 13.18 Terminological changes over time.
Semantics and Search ◾  373
ontology, these variants are modeled as time-stamped synonyms or term variants
of classes.
Change of term contentA concept may change semantically, even though
the term referring to the concept stays the same. Both its intension and extension
may be aected by this change, which is often the result of new technology or of
deeper insight into the matter. e phone term has been used for more than 100
years but our understanding of phones and their relationships to other concepts
have changed signicantly. Ontologically, OWL properties and subclass structures
must be modeled as time-dependent.
Change of concepte most fundamental change appears when some con-
cepts go out of fashion and other related ones gradually take their places. ere
need not be a 1:1 correspondence between the concepts, and they usually dier
somewhat in terms, intensions, and extensions. An example is the replacement of
oppy disks by CDs for the common purpose of storing computer data. In the
ontology, oppy disks and CDs have separate structures, but the structures will
show certain functional commonalities.
For a semantic search application, it is not sucient to know whether certain
concepts are relevant at a particular time. e need is to know how concepts evolve
and relate to new concepts over time, allowing us to translate the original search
terms into terms more useful for the desired period. Conceptually, searches in
evolving domains involve three basic steps:
1. Query disambiguation with respect to user’s intended time frame [t0, t0]. is
step makes use of a snapshot of the ontology and is similar to semantic disambigu-
ation discussed above.
2. Time-dependent query mapping. e original query is translated into a set of
time-dependent queries that for each time period is the best semantic replication
of the original query.
3. Semantic search within time periods. Each time period can be compared to a sep-
arate language in a multilingual search application. e time-dependent queries
can be dealt with using the semantic approaches above and snapshot ontologies for
the indicated time periods.
e critical part of the search process is the temporal mapping of queries. Given a
query Q
for time period [t
, t
], the system needs to propose a set of new queries,
, t
’] …, Q
, t
], in which the aggregate of these time periods corresponds
to the original time period [t
, t
], and each Q
is the query semantically most
similar to Q
for the period indicated. Q
contains terms referring to concepts at
the user’s reference time. In Q
, concepts C
in Q
that are not relevant in [t
, t
are replaced with semantically close and time-relevant concept(s) C
. is includes
access to C
s properties and structures for semantic query processing. In case only
the reference T
is irrelevant and the underlying concept is valid, T
is replaced with
time-relevant T
as a reference to C
in the query.
374 ◾  Jon Atle Gulla et al.
Translating a query Q
to time-relevant queries Q
, Q
requires that all ontol-
ogy elements be time stamped, and relevant semantic links between time periods,
be established for related concepts and terms. is calls for new approaches to
ontology evolution and management that enable us to produce snapshot ontologies
for particular points of time and represent the semantic relationships between these
ontologies. Due to the complexities of such approaches, evolving ontologies have so
far not been exploited in semantic search applications.
13.9 Conclusions
Semantic search applications are based on the same general search architecture
found in popular web search engines like Google and Yahoo! Some research proto-
types employ only semantic components; most systems adopt semantic approaches
only for parts of their architectures and combine them with a standard syntac-
tic search machinery. Certain systems use semantic indices instead of traditional
inverted les, these include: systems that dene semantic query languages or map
standard queries to semantic representations, systems that present results in terms
of semantic structures and summaries, and systems that oer semantic navigation
of result sets. Often the semantic part is realized as a semantic layer on top of a
conventional search engine core.
To be classied as a semantic search application, a system must provide an
explicit semantic representation of categories, words, or texts. Early semantic appli-
cations often dened their own formal languages for this purpose. Current research
emphasizes the use of standard semantic ontology languages like RDF(S) and
OWL. Although ontologies have proven useful in semantic search applications,
we also see their limitations for temporal searches or searches in terminologically
unstable domains. To date, we have no standardized approach to modeling termi-
nological changes in ontologies, and this complicates their use in domains with
evolving terminologies.
In recent years, we witnessed a number of new commercial search applications
that claim to oer semantic search functionality. ese include Hakia, SenseBot,
Powerset, DeepDyve, Cognition, and Kosmix, among others. While their
approaches vary, they tend to rely on statistical NLP and limited use of semantic
lexical resources. Few attempts have been made to dene domain knowledge or
ontologies, and we have omitted these systems from our analysis of semantic search
A particular case that was not analyzed in this chapter is the Swoogle semantic
search engine that retrieves and even reasons about formal semantic representations.
Swoogle, however, is not a general purpose search application and is restricted to
retrieving ontologies or les with embedded RDF content on the Internet. Since
Swoogle cannot deal with documents that are not dened semantically in the rst
place, it does not help us organize and manage the vast amounts of information
Semantics and Search ◾  375
already available on the Internet or in enterprises. Semantic document structures
are also assumed by the OWLIR system in Shah et al. (2002).
In spite of all these commercial systems, we see few real semantic search applica-
tions in the marketplace. e scalability problems of ontology-driven applications
may partly explain the current lack of commercial systems. e most successful
applications are built on top of standard search engines to take advantage of well
tested and scalable search architectures. However, certain other concerns must be
addressed in more detail for semantic search applications to become more widely
used. As semantic search applications rest on semantic domain representations
like ontologies and taxonomies, it is often dicult and/or expensive to employ
the applications in new domains. Ontology engineering is tedious and costly, and
very few freely available ontologies can be plugged into general semantic search
applications. Also, the usability of many semantic search applications has not
been given enough attention, and many applications require users to have inti-
mate knowledge of various formal representation languages. When these issues
have been appropriately resolved, we may see more search applications that truly
allow computers to store, retrieve, and understand information the way humans
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