

Aardwolf, 145

about:app-manager, Firefox, 206

Accelerometer API, 259260, 335337

clearWatch method, 335

getCurrentAcceleration method, 335337

watchAcceleration method, 335, 337

access property, config.xml, 132, 134

ACTION_GET_CARRIER_NAME constant, CarrierPlugin, 416

ACTION_GET_COUNTRY_CODE constant, CarrierPlugin, 416

Active Scheme button, Xcode in iOS, 225

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Helper, 206

Add Packaged App item, Firefox OS simulator, 207208


adding to applications, 4647

Cordova events, 333

Cordova initialization, 30, 32, 34

debugging with, 137

generated web application files, 43

InAppBrowser, 363, 365366

monitoring events, 333

working with Cordova APIs, 35, 37

Additional Tools window, Windows Phone emulator, 259261

Address book. See Contacts API

adduser command, Plugman, 111

ADM (Android Device Monitor) utility, 191192


creating symbolic links, 82

Windows App Store setup, 251


Brackets. See Brackets web code editor

Dreamweaver, 16

PhoneGap. See PhoneGap

Topcoat. See Topcoat UI framework

ADT (Android Developer Tools)

Android SDK installation, 5965

Android SDK Manager, 170172

Android Studio vs., 57, 169170

Ant installation, 5659

build tools used with, 494

JDK installation, 5256


editing application content files, 179180

importing Cordova project, 180185

monitoring applications outside of, 191192

overview of, 178

running Cordova applications, 185191

ADT_HOME environment variable, Visual Studio, 268269

alert() method

Cordova API errors with onError vs., 322

Cordova initialization with, 3233

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 217218

testing applications in Xcode, 227

unavailable in universal Windows apps, 33, 247248

using for debugging, 135136

as visual notification, 328329

Alerts, Windows security, 101102


of default PhoneGap application, 310312

of plugins, 397398

Anatomy of Cordova application

generated files, 4144

Hello World! 2729

initialization, 2934

leveraging APIs, 3538

overview of, 27

responsive design, 4550

structuring code, 3841


adding platform to existing project, 8385

content refresh via Hydration, 285

creating application icons, 387389

creating Cordova native plugin, 410414

creating native plugins, 414423

creating Plugman project, 106108

deploying PhoneGap Build applications, 302305

executing applications with run, 99100

GapDebug on, 151156

Hello World using Bootstrap on, 455

Hello World using jQuery Mobile on, 447448

Hello World using OpenUI5 on, 459

Hello World using TopCoat on, 442

InAppBrowser benefits, 362

PhoneGap Developer running on, 150

platform support with Plugman, 118

Plugin Development Guide, 397

StatusBar plugin for, 368370

testing application on emulator, 389392

using merges, 385387

android command, 170

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Helper, 206

Android Developer Tools. See ADT (Android Developer Tools)

Android development with Cordova

ADT vs. Android Studio, 169170

Android SDK Manager, 170172

monitoring application outside ADT IDE, 191192

overview of, 169

testing on physical device, 192195

using ADT IDE. See ADT IDE

using Android Virtual Device Manager, 172177

using Chrome debugging tools, 195202

Android Device Monitor (ADM) utility, 191192

Android SDK

Firefox App Manager and, 206

LogCat, 138

managing Android Virtual Devices, 173177

managing with Android SDK Manager, 170172

Tools, 5960

Android SDK Manager (ASM), 170172

Android Studio (beta)

vs. ADT, 169170

Android SDK installation and, 5960

configuring Android SDK and, 6062

installer for, 60

migration from ADT to, xviixviii

Android Virtual Devices. See AVDs (Android Virtual Devices)


adding Android to existing project, 8385

build tools used with ADT, 494

installing for Android, 5659

Apache Cordova 3 Programming, xvixviii, 74, 169, 220, 373, 469

Apache Cordova API Cookbook, xvxviii, 7, 22, 154, 229, 317, 335, 353, 371, 439, 446

Apache Ripple. See Ripple Emulator (Apache Ripple)

APIs, Cordova

implementing, 2324

inconsistency of, 122123

leveraging, 3538

loading library in initialization, 32

native, 510

overview of, 45

App Manager. See Firefox App Manager

AppGyver, productivity enhancement tool, 486489

app.js file, Ionic framework, 463464

Apple iOS Developer Program, 62

Application development, end-to-end

about, 373

adding mobile device platforms, 374375

adding plugins, 375376

adding style, 378380

creating compass watch, 381382

creating new Cordova project, 374

preparing for debugging, 380381

updating config,xml file, 376377

using merges, 385387

writing to console, 383

Apps List, Firefox App Manager, 214

apt-get update, 236

Aptana Studio, 16

editing HTML and JavaScript source code, 473

keeping web content files open when working in Cordova, 126

using Aptana IDE for editing JavaScript code, 469


bash script, 161

Windows command file, 158

ARM-based Android emulators, 172

Arrays, contact object, 353

ASM (Android SDK Manager), 170172


Cordova initialization and viewport, 31

jQuery Mobile, 445446

responsive design with CSS, 4550

author property, config.xml, 132, 134

Automation. See Cordova CLI, automating

Availability, Cordova API, 320321

Available Packages window, WebStorm, 482483

Available Software Wizard

Eclipse, 179180

THyM, 490493

AVDs (Android Virtual Devices)

creating, 174175

creating/managing system emulator definitions, 191

defined, 172

Intel-based/ARM-based emulators for, 172173

launch options, 176177

naming, 174175

selecting at runtime, 190

viewing device emulator settings, 174175

wiping existing user data, 175


BackgroundColor preference, config.xml, 133

backgroundColorByName() method, StatusBar, 370

Bash scripts, automating project setup, 161

Basic Settings, PhoneGap Build, 291293

Batch files, automating tasks, 158

Battery Status plugin, 333334

Beautify extension, Brackets, 474475

beep method, hardware notifications, 327

Bootstrap, 4550, 450456

Bower, Joe, 72

Brackets web code editor

Auto Close Braces option, 474

coding Cordova, 16

Cordova plugin, 476479

editing web applications, 223

keeping web content files open when working in Cordova, 126

PhoneGap plug-in, 479

working with, 473476


debugging Ubuntu applications, 240241

debugging with Visual Studio, 262263

Firefox App Manager Debugger, 215216

in JavaScript code with GapDebug, 154155

remotely debugging iOS with Safari, 231232


testing applications in desktop, 103

weinre debug server and client, 140141

window size in responsive design, 4550

build command, Cordova CLI, 98

Build process

Cordova application, 1618

Cordova CLI managing, 9698

PhoneGap, 3

Build tools

Grunt, 500503

Gulp, 494500

managing Android SDK, 170172

overview of, 494

buttonLabel, 329


adding to application’s main page, 34

Help, 206

physical menu vs. virtual, 332333

Web Inspector JavaScript debugger, 231232


C#, Windows Phone 8 on Cordova, 245

Callback functions

alerting user, 329330

browser window events, 364

camera, 345

Cordova APIs, 8

Cordova initialization, 33

Cordova native plugin, 413

Cordova native plugins, 412413

execute scripts, 364

iOS plugin, 426

Media API, 358

mol.js file for plugins, 402403

onSuccess function, 366

callback parameter

alert() method, 329

confirm() method, 329330

prompt() method, 330

callbackContext.success() method, Android plugin, 416

Camera API, 319, 340345

cameraOptions, 343

Discard button, 341

getPicture method, 340343

Save button, 341342

Take Photo button, 341

targetHeight property, 343, 345

targetWidth property, 343, 345

Camera plugin, 340 file, CarrierPlugin class, 414416

carrierName property, iOS plugin, 426

Cascading style sheets. See CSS (cascading style sheets)

cd command, changing directories for new project, 7782

CDN (content delivery network)-hosted files, 448

cdva-create, 162167

cdva-hooks, 166

CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework), Brackets, 473

charset tag, Cordova initialization, 31

ChildBrowser plugin, 360

Chrome DevTools

Console, 197198

Elements pane, 199

Inspect Devices Application List, 197

JavaScript error, 201202

overview of, 195202

Sources pane, 200201

testing plugin with, 406407

USB debugging with, 195197

Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), Brackets, 473

Click chroot, Ubuntu, 242

CLIs (command-lines)

configuring proxy settings, 7274

Cordova. See Cordova CLI

enabling verbose output, 7475

Ionic, 460464

PhoneGap. See PhoneGap CLI

Plugman. See Plugman CLI

types of, 7172

WebStorm supporting, 479485

close method, InAppBrowser, 363

.cmd extension, Windows, 158


adding style to project, 378380

Cordova application, 1516

downloading for projects in this book, 30

structuring application, 3841, 380

third-party validation tools, 469473

Code editors, third-party

Adobe Brackets, 473479

Aptana, 126, 469, 473

overview of, 473

WebStorm, 479487

Collaboration, PhoneGap Build, 285, 292

Color, StatusBar, 370

Command lines. See CLIs (command-lines)

Command summary

Cordova CLI, 76

Plugman CLI, 105

Compass API

clearHeading method, 338

getCurrentHeading method, 338

heading object, 338

onSuccess function, 382

overview of, 337339

results object, 337339

watchHeading method, 338339

watchOptions object, 381382

Compass app

creating application icons, 387389

creating compass watch, 381383

with jQuery mobile look, 380

preparing application, 376378

rotating compass graphic, 378379

testing application, 389392

using merges, 385387

compile command, Cordova CLI, 76, 97

Components, Cordova, 45

Composer application, AppGyver, 486


Advanced Settings tab, 296297

General Settings tab, 296

Permissions tab, 298

PhoneGap Build, 295, 299301

Plugins tab, 298299

config.json file, CLI configuration, 79

config.xml file

Cordova application options, 131134

creating new Cordova project, 79

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 209

PhoneGap application anatomy, 310312

PhoneGap Build configuration, 294301

PhoneGap Build plugins added via, 301302

saving plugins, 9294

uninstalling plugins, 104

updating information in new application, 376377

Visual Studio tools for Cordova, 271272

confirm()method, visual notifications, 329330

connection object, 324326


ADT IDE, 185187

Chrome DevTools, 196197

debugging by writing to, 136139, 226, 383

Firefox App Manager, 214

PhoneGap Server, 151

viewing output in GapDebug, 155156

viewing output in weinre Debug Client, 145

Contacts API

based on W3C Contacts API, 352

contact object, 352357

contact properties, 353

Contact picker, 356357

create method, 352353

find method, 355, 357

methods, 354355

multiple property, 355

newContact object, 352353

options object, 355

phone numbers, 356

pickContact, 356357

populating contact object, 354

save method, 354355

Container, designing web applications for, 1315


changing with weinre Debug Client, 142145

editing Cordova application, 179180

GapDebug highlighting HTML, 154

loading with InAppBrowser, 360363

refreshing in PhoneGap Build, 285

content delivery network (CDN)-hostedfiles, 448

content property, config.xml, 132, 134

coolMethod, Javascript-only plugin, 401402

--copy-from switch, project create, 8182

Cordova, introduction to

accessing native APIs, 510

Adobe PhoneGap, 34

best uses of, 1819

building applications, 1618

coding applications, 1516

components, 45

designing for container, 1315

getting support, 20

going forward, 2324

hybrid application frameworks, 25

license for, 13

overview of, 13

resources for, 2023

supported platforms, 1213

user interface capabilities, 1012

Cordova APIs

Accelerometer API, 335337

alerting user, 326331

Camera API, 341345

catching errors, 321322

checking availability, 320321

Compass API, 337339

Contacts API, 352357

Cordova events, 332334

Cordova objects, 324326

core, 317319

documentation, 319320

Geolocation API, 339341

Globalization, 347352

hardware APIs. See Hardware APIs

InAppBrowser, 359366

Media API, 358359

Media Capture API, 345347

overview of, 317

setting application permissions, 322324

Splashscreen API, 367

StatusBar plugin, 367370

Cordova CLI

adding platforms, 8285

adding plugins, 8790

Android and. See ADT (Android Developer Tools)

build management, 9698

building applications with, 18

command summary, 76

cordova.js file and, 32

creating new Cordova project, 7782, 124

creating Plugman project, 105106

displaying project information, 9596

executing Cordova applications, 98103

generated web application files, 4144

help, 77

installing on iOS, 6667

installing on Ubuntu, 235236

iOS requirements, 6869

listing platforms, 85

listing plugins, 90

overview of, 5152, 75

PhoneGap tools, 3

Plugman. See Plugman CLI

as primary CLI, 75

removing platforms, 86

removing plugins, 9091

restoring plugins, 94

saving plugins, 9294

searching for plugins using, 9192

updating platforms, 8687

upgrading Cordova/Cordova projects, 103104

using, 7677

WebStorm supporting, 479485

Cordova CLI, automating

bash script for, 160161

of Cordova processes, 164167

NodeJS used across platforms, 162164

overview of, 157

project setup, 157

Windows command file for, 158160

cordova command, 33

cordova compile, 97

cordova create

new Cordova application, 124

new Cordova project, 7782

Plugman project with Cordova CLI, 105106

Cordova Device Motion API, 260261

.cordova folder structure, CLI, 7980

cordova-icon, 388

cordova info command, 9596

cordova platform add windows, 246

cordova platform add wp8, 245

cordova platforms check, 8687, 104

cordova platforms up android, 87

cordova platforms update, 87, 104

Cordova Plugin Registry. See CPR (Cordova Plugin Registry)

Cordova plugins

adding plugins in Cordova CLI, 89

adding to applications, 375376

adding to projects, 403

anatomy of, 397398

creating Android plugin, 414423

creating iOS plugin, 424430

creating JavaScript-only plugin, 398399

creating native plugins, 408414

mol.js file, 400403

publishing, 109, 431434

removing, 91

restoring, 94

testing, 403408

cordova prepare

build management with, 9697

copying help.html file into appropriate web content folders, 362

copying platform content into appropriate web content folders, 129, 207

creating project with Visual Studio, 254255

developing Cordova applications, 125127

getting information about prepare process, 74

importing Cordova project, 180, 183

testing application with device emulator, 389

working with Gulp and, 498499

working with Xcode in iOS, 221225

Cordova processes, automating, 164167

cordova run

debugging Ubuntu applications, 237, 242243

testing on Android emulator, 389392

cordova.exec method, 412, 416

cordova.js file, 32, 3940

CoreTelephony framework, testing iOS plugin, 427

CPR (Cordova Plugin Registry)

adding plugins from, 88, 431

adding user, 111

overview of, 110111

plugin owner(s), 115116

Plugman configuration information, 114115

publishing plugins, 111113

removing plugins installed from, 9091

searching for plugins using, 113114

unpublishing plugins from, 113

viewing plugin information, 114, 433

WebStorm, 482

create command, in Cordova CLI, 76

create script, Plugman project with shell scripts, 106108

Cross-platform mobile development, 8

CSS (cascading style sheets)

adding style to project, 378

changing with weinre Debug Client, 145

inserting with InAppBrowser, 365366

jQuery Mobile containing, 444

responsive design using, 4550

Topcoat UI framework based on, 439443

CSS libraries, jQuery Mobile, 445

cssInfo parameter, InAppBrowser, 366

CTTelephonyNetworkInfo class, iOS plugin, 426

cvaReady object, structuring application code, 41


-d flag, 7475, 80. See also --verbose

Dashcode, iOS, 223

data-role attribute, jQuery Mobile, 446


Android applications, 179, 193194

Cordova applications with Visual Studio, 262265

Firefox OS applications with device, 218220

Firefox OS applications with simulator, 207218

iOS applications remotely with Safari, 227233

preparing application for, 380381

separating JavaScript code for, 39

on simulator vs. physical device, 224

Ubuntu applications, 237243

Windows Phone 8, 245246

Debugging tools

alert(), 135136

GapDebug, 151156

PhoneGap Developer app, 148151

Ripple Emulator (Apache Ripple), 145148

weinre, 139145

writing to console, 136139

Delete packages button, ASM, 170

description property, config.xml, 132, 134


container, 1315

responsive web application, 4550

Develop menu, remotely debugging iOS, 228

Developer productivity enhancement tools

AppGyver, 486489

Eclipse THyM, 490493

overview of, 485486

Developer Settings page, Firefox OS, 218220

Developer types, 7172

Development environment, configuring

Android development tools, 5262

CLI installation, 6569

Cordova CLI installation, 5152

iOS development tools, 6265

overview of, 51

Plugman installation, 6970

Development mechanics

API inconsistency, 122123

application graphics, splash screens, and icons, 123124

configuring applications, 131134

creating applications, 124131

debugging capabilities. See Debugging tools

overview of, 121

testing applications, 134135

Development process, end-to-end

about the application, 373

application icons, 387389

creating application, 374385

testing application, 389395

using merges, 385387

Device Applications pane, Firefox, 211

Device Information page, Firefox, 219

Device Motion plugin, 335

device object, 326

Device Orientation plugin, 337339, 376

Device Orientation, Xcode in iOS, 224

Device plugin, 326, 376

device.platform, API inconsistency, 123

deviceready event

checking API availability, 321322

Cordova applications responding to, 93, 95, 295

Cordova initialization, 29, 3234

debugging with alert(), 135136

delay in event firing and, 407

event listener for, 4041, 43, 273, 467

generation of device information list following firing of, 440

Hello World using jQuery Mobile, 447

setting onDeviceReady for, 381

Devices utility, Xcode, 227

device.version, API inconsistency, 123

Dialog plugin, 375376

Directories, changing for new project, 7782

DisallowOverscroll preference, config.xml, 133

Displaying project information, Cordova CLI, 9596

displayName property, contact object, 353


application permissions, 323

Cordova, 5, 2123

Cordova API, 319320

Geolocation API, 318

JSHint, 472

PhoneGap Build, 295

PhoneGap CLI, 308

plugin, 431

Plugin APIs, 319

plugin.xml file, 400

testing Android on physical device, 194195

weinre, 145

Domain Access tab, config.xml, 271

DOS command, automating tasks, 158

Dreamweaver, Adobe, 16

Dynamic pages, 1314



adding ADT to, 178

as Android Developer Tool, 59

coding Cordova applications, 16

editing Cordova application content files, 179180

THyM, 490493

Edit Configuration, WebStorm, 482483

Editing, Cordova application content files, 179180

Elements pane

Chrome DevTools, 200

Ubuntu, 239

emulate command

in Cordova CLI, 76

Ripple Emulator and, 147

running application on device emulator, 100, 207, 464


Android. See AVDs (Android Virtual Devices)

grabbing screen shot, 192

running Cordova application in ADT IDE, 186188

running Cordova application on Ripple, 147148

testing Android plugin, 420422

testing application with Android, 389392

testing weinre, 142145

vs. simulator in this book, 135

Windows Phone, 259261

End-to-end process. See Development process, end-to-end

Environment variable overrides, Visual Studio, 268269

errorCallback parameter, Cordova native plugin

error capture and, 78

executed on failure of plugin method call, 412413


Camera API, 342

catching Cordova API, 321322

code validation tools, 469473

Globalization API, 348

InAppBrowser window events, 364

JSHint code validation, 471472

JSLint code validation, 470471

Media Capture API, 347

Ripple, 148


Cordova supported, 332333

InAppBrowser window, 363364

responsive design, 46

exec object, Cordova native plugin, 412413

Execute scripts, InAppBrowser, 364365

executeScript method, InAppBrowser, 364365

exit event, InAppBrowser, 363

Extensions, searching for, 474475, 477

external web content editor, 179180


Files, plugin. See Plugins

Filter, ADT IDE LogCat panel, 188

filter property

Contacts API, 355

watchOptions object, 381382

Firefox App Manager

debugging on Firefox OS device, 218220

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 207218

device compatibility issues, 220

Firefox OS and, 203207

Firefox OS

debugging applications, 218220

debugging with simulator, 207218

developer tools, 203207

overview of, 203

simulator, 203, 207209


Android SDK installation, 61

Bootstrap, 450

Cordova native plugin structure, 410

creating Android plugin, 419

creating new Cordova project, 7882

developing Cordova applications, 124126

hybrid application, 269270

plugin, 90, 128

ThyM, 492493

frequency property, watchOptions, 381382

Fullscreen preference, config.xml, 133134


GapDebug, 151156

Generated files, 4144

Geolocation API, 318, 339340

clearPosition method, 339340

coordinates property, 340

getCurrentPosition method, 339340

timestamp property, 340

watchPosition method, 339340

getCarrierName method

Android device results, 423

Android plugin, 418

Cordova native plugin, 412

getCountryCode method

Android device results, 423

Cordova native plugin, 412

iOS plugin, 426430

Getting Started page, Bootstrap, 450


installing for iOS, 6566

proxy settings for, 73

git config, 73

GIT_HOME environment variable, 268269


accessing plugin source code, 398

adding plugins from, 88

Cordova 3 storing plugins in, 432

removing plugins installed from, 9091

Globalization API, 347352

adding Globalization plugin to project, 347

dateToString function, 350351

error codes, 348

examples of use of, 350352

methods and parameters, 348349, 351

Globalization plugin, 347

Google Chrome, 151152, 195202. See also Chrome DevTools

Google Gmail, 14

Google Maps, 14


Ant vs., 57

Build tools used with ADT, 494


application icons, 387389

application issues and, 123124

Splashscreen API and, 367

testing on physical devices, 393

Grunt tool

as build tool, 494

executing Grunt process, 502503

gruntfile.js file, 500502

installing, 500

overview of, 500

types of processes managed by, 167

gruntfile.js file, 500502

Gulp tool

as build tool, 494

example of use in Cordova project, 495

installing and populating gulpfile.js, 494495

Ionic and, 464465

Ionic including configuration files for, 460462

listing of gulp.js file, 495497

tasks performed by, 498500

types of processes managed by, 167

gulpfile.js, 495497


Hardware APIs

Accelerometer API, 335337

Camera API, 341345

Compass API, 337339

Geolocation API, 339341

Globalization API, 347352

Media Capture API, 345347

overview of, 334335

Hardware notifications, Cordova APIs, 326327

HAXM (Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager) installer, 173

Heading watch, 381382

Hello World!

Creating Cordova project, 7782

generated files, 4144

initialization, 2934

leveraging Cordova APIs, 3538

responsive design and Cordova, 4550

starting with, 2729

structuring code, 3841

updating with UI from Topcoat, 439441

using Bootstrap, 454455

using Ionic framework, 461464

using jQuery Mobile, 444447

using Onsen UI, 465466

using OpenUI5, 456457


Firefox App Manager, 204

PhoneGap CLI, 308309

help, Cordova CLI, 7677

hide() method, StatusBar, 368369

HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar preference, config.xml, 134


HTML content with GapDebug, 154

target content with weinre, 143145

Home Screen, Firefox OS 2.0, 212213

Hooks folders

adding, 269

complexity added to project with, 106

creating, 166167

enhancing CLI commands with, 165

in new Cordova project, 79

options, 165166

role in code execution, 131

role in execution of code validation tools, 469


designing for container, 1314

generated web application files, 4144

structuring application code, 3841

updating content in Web Inspector, 230231

web applications using HTML5, 1415

http.proxy setting, Git, 73

https.proxy setting, Git, 73

Hybrid applications

best use of, 1819

defined, 1

designing for container, 1415

framework options, 25

Ionic framework for, 459464

managing using AppGyver, 487489

Monaca as, 464

for new project with ThyM, 490492

WebStorm support for, 482483

Hybrid Mobile project, ThyM, 490

Hydration, PhoneGap Build, 285


Icons, creating application, 123124, 387389


adding plugin to project using, 433

removing plugins using, 9091

searching for plugin with unknown, 9192

IDE plugins, 18, 178191

ImageMagick, 388

Import Wizard, ADT IDE, 181183

Importing, Cordova project

copying files, 183184

cordova prepare command and, 180

locating project folder, 182

using ADT IDE Import wizard, 181183

viewing available software with Eclipse wizard, 180

InAppBrowser API

execute scripts, 364365

insert CSS, 365366

issues with, 360

loading content, 360363

overview of, 359360

user interface, 12

window events, 363364

index.html file

adding reference to file in, 378380

ADT IDE, 184

checking API availability, 320321

contents of HelloCordova, 4144

Hello World using Ionic framework, 461462

Hello World using jQuery Mobile, 444445

Hello World using Onsen UI, 465466

Hello World using OpenUI5, 456457

testing Android plugin, 420421

testing iOS plugin, 428

testing plugin on Chrome DevTools, 406407

Visual Studio tools for Cordova and, 273

index.js file

contents of, 4344, 383385

Hello World updated with UI from Topcoat, 439440

Hello World using Bootstrap, 454455

Hello World using jQuery Mobile, 446447

Hello World using Onsen UI, 466467

Hello World using OpenUI5, 457458

JSHint code, 471472

JSLint code, 470471

splitting JavaScript into own, 380

structuring application code, 4041

testing Android plugin, 421422

testing Javascript-only plugin, 404405

info command, Cordova CLI, 76


creating Android plugin, 416

creating Cordova applications, 2934

insertCSS method, InAppBrowser, 366

Inspect Devices Application List, Chrome DevTools, 196197

Inspector window, Firefox App Manager, 215

Install packages button, ASM, 170

Install page, PhoneGap Build, 302303

Install Wizard, ADT, 179180

Intel-based Android emulators, 172177

Intel XDK, Apache Ripple for, 145

IntelliJ IDEA IDE, 59

Ionic UI framework

installing, 460

overview of, 459464

WebStorm supporting, 479485


adding platform to existing project, 8385

application icons for, 387389

automating project setup across platforms, 163

build/deployment to simulator in Visual Studio, 275281

content refresh via Hydration, 285

Cordova native plugin for, 410414

GapDebug on, 151156

Hello World using jQuery Mobile on, 447448

Hello World using Onsen UI on, 467

Hello World using Topcoat on, 442443

InAppBrowser benefits for, 362

installing, 6869

jQuery Mobile built to mimic, 444

platform support with Plugman, 118

plugin for, 424430

Plugman project with Cordova CLI for, 106

StatusBar plugin for, 368370

testing application on simulator, 389390

using merges, 385387

iOS development tools

CLI requirements, 6869

Cordova installation, 6667

Git installation, 6566

Node installation, 65

overview of, 6265

iOS development with Cordova

overview of, 221

testing applications in Xcode, 225227

using Safari Web Inspector, 227233

working with Xcode, 221225

isoCountryCode property, iOS plugin, 426

isOffline function, 333


javac command, installing JDK for Android, 52, 56

JAVA_HOME environment variable, Android development, 5256


access to Cordova native APIs, 510

build tools used with Cordova, 494

Chrome DevTools error, 201202

configuring application for weinre, 140141

Cordova alert results vs., 328

Cordova application packaging process and, 23

Cordova native plugin using, 411412, 414

failing silently in Cordova applications, 138

jQM libraries, 444445

plugins containing source file for, 89, 398

structuring application code by separating, 3841

try/catch block for API inconsistency, 123

JavaScript Dynamic Content shim, Windows Store apps, 249

Javascript-only plugins, creating

mol.js file, 401403

overview of, 398399

Plugin Development Guide for, 397

plugin.xml file, 399401

testing, 403408

JBoss, ThyM tool, 490493

JDK (Java Development Kit), Android development, 5256

JetBrains, 479

jQM (jQuery Mobile)

adding style to project, 378379

rotating compass graphic on page, 378379

structuring application code for, 39

as third-party UI framework, 444450

js-module element, plugin.xml, 417418

JSHint tool

code editors supporting, 473

installing, 471

overview of, 471473

problems report in Brackets, 475476

WebStorm support, 473, 485

JSLint tool

code editors supporting, 473

installing, 470

overview of, 470471

JSON, 79, 80

.jsproj files, Windows 8.1, 246


Keywords, searching for plugins, 433434


Landscape orientation

Hello World using Bootstrap on Android, 455

in responsive design, 4550

working with Xcode in iOS, 223225

Lazy loading, Cordova CLI, 79


in Cordova initialization, 32

downloading to use jQuery Mobile, 445

jQM JavaScript, 444


Cordova, 13

for generated web application files, 4142

Visual Studio for Windows Phone using, 250251

--link-to switch, folders, 82

Links, symbolic, 82


Cordova tools for Ubuntu supported on, 235

creating application icons, 388

executing CLI commands in, 7677

installing Cordova CLI on Ubuntu, 236

installing Grunt in, 500

installing Gulp in, 494

installing Ripple in, 146

updating Cordova CLI/Cordova projects, 103104

writing bash script to automate project setup, 160161


project platforms, 85

project plugins, 90

ListView, jQuery, 445447, 459

Live preview, Brackets, 473474

loaderror event, InAppBrowser, 363

loadstart event, InAppBrowser, 363

loadstop event, InAppBrowser, 363

Local content, InAppBrowser, 362363

Locals panel, Visual Studio, 264


Geolocation API, 339340

Windows Phone emulator, 260261

‘location=yes’ parameter, InAppBrowser, 361


Android SDK, 138

Message Filter Settings in ADT IDE, 186188

monitoring activity outside of ADT IDE, 191192


Macintosh OS X

Android SDK configuration on, 6062

application icons for, 388

automating project setup across platforms, 162164

automating project setup with bash script, 160161

Brackets Cordova plugin on, 476479

executing CLI commands on, 7677

GapDebug on, 152

installing Ant for Android on, 5659

installing Grunt on, 500

installing Gulp on, 494

installing JDK for Android, 5256

installing JSHint on, 471

installing Ripple on, 146

installing weinre on, 140

iOS development, 6569

remote agent installation, 276278

remotely debugging iOS with Safari, 227233

updating Cordova CLI/Cordova projects, 103104

Windows development system requirements, 249

Xcode IDE installation using, 6365

MakeAppicon, 388

makeListItem function, Topcoat UI, 440

Manifest Editor, 209

Manifest file, HTML5, 14

MarkdownPad, 431432

MDHAE (Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Extension)

folder structure, 269270

installation of, 265266

overview of, 265

warning page display, 268

Media API, 358359

media object, 358359

media plugin, 358359

OnStatus function, 358359

Media Capture API, 340, 345347

captureAudio method, 346

captureVideo method, 346

duration property, 347

getFormatData method, 346

options parameter, 347

Media Capture plugin, 345

Merges folder

copying application content from, 96

managing platform-specific files with, 129131

using merges, 385387

MessageDialog class, troubleshooting Windows, 247


Globalization API, 349

Media API, 358


configuring Windows Phone device for app testing, 253

creating account, 251

registering Windows Phone device with, 251

Windows. See Windows

mol.js file, 401403, 408

Monaca cloud-based development, 464

More Information page, Firefox OS Settings, 219

Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Extension. See MDHAE (Multi-Device Hybrid Apps Extension)

myplugin.js, 117118

myplugin.m file, 118


name property, config.xml, 132, 134

Naming conventions

Android Virtual Devices, 174175

debugging application with weinre, 142

hooks files, 166

new Cordova project, 77

PhoneGap Build application, 288

plugins, 8990

Windows Phone device, 251252

Native APIs

access to, 56, 127

Cordova initialization and, 29

creating Cordova native plugins, 408414

list of, 67

setting application permissions, 322324

Native code

creating Android plugin, 414423

creating Cordova native plugin, 408414

creating iOS plugin, 424430

debugging iOS with Xcode, 226

deploying PhoneGap Build applications, 302303

not necessary in plugins, 398

Native developers, using Plugman CLI, 72

Navigator, Cordova initialization, 3334


in Cordova initialization, 30, 3234

debugging with alert() vs., 136

leveraging Cordova APIs, 35, 37

structuring application code, 40

Network connectivity, loss of, 333

Network Information plugin, 324

New Project dialog, Visual Studio, 266267

New Project wizard, ThyM, 490491

Nitobi, and PhoneGap, 4

NodeJS (Node JavaScript runtime engine)

build tools used with Cordova, 494

Cordova CLI using, 51

cross-platform approach using, 162164

installing weinre, 139140

iOS development, 65

Norton Antivirus, 209

Notepad, 15

Notifications, user

hardware, 326327

overview of, 326

visual, 327331

npm config command, proxy settings, 7374

NPM (Node Package Manager)

adding Console plugin, 375

adding mobile device platforms to application, 374375

automating project setup across platforms, 162164

configuring proxy settings for, 73

creating application icons, 388

Git installation for iOS development, 65

installing Cordova CLI for iOS, 6667

installing Cordova CLI on Ubuntu, 236

installing Grunt, 500

installing Gulp, 494

installing JSHint, 471

installing JSLint, 470

installing Ripple on Windows, 146

Ionic including configuration files for, 460461

plugins now stored in, 432


cdva-create Node installation, 162

Cordova icon Node installation, 388

Cordova installation, 6667, 236

Git installation, 6566

Grunt installation, 500

Gulp installation, 494, 497

Ionic installation, 460

iOS installation, 6869

JSHint installation, 471

JSLint installation, 470

Plugman installation, 69

remote Macintosh agent installation, 276

Ripple Emulator installation, 146

updating Cordova, 103

weinre installation, 139140


Objective-C, iOS applications, 225

Objects, Cordova, 324326

OnBodyLoad function

Cordova initialization, 32, 34

debugging with alert(), 136

onDeviceReady function

Cordova initialization, 32, 34

generated web application files, 44

leveraging Cordova APIs, 36

setting deviceready event, 381

structuring application code, 41

Topcoat UI, 440

onError function

catching Cordova API errors, 322

Compass API, 382384

preparing application for debugging, 380381

testing on Android emulator, 392

OnFailure function

Accelerometer API, 336337

Compass API, 338339

Contacts API, 354355

Globalization API, 348

Media API, 358359

Media Capture API, 346347

onload event function, Cordova initialization, 32

onOrientationChange function, responsive design, 4648

Onsen UI framework, 464468

OnSuccess function

Accelerometer API, 336337

Compass API, 337339

Contacts API, 354355

Geolocation API, 339340

Globalization API, 348, 350

InAppBrowser, 364365, 366

Media API, 358359

Media Capture API, 346

Open Project link, Visual Studio, 256

OpenUI5 (SAP), 456459


Accelerometer API, 337

Hello World using Bootstrap on Android, 455

responsive design and, 4550

Windows Phone emulator, 259260

working with Xcode in iOS, 223

Orientation preference, config.xml, 133134

overlaysWebView() method, StatusBar, 368369


Package Explorer, 183, 186

package.json file

executing Grunt process, 502503

executing Gulp process, 497500

publishing plugin, 432

Packaging process, 2

Packaging tab, config.xml, 271272

PATH environment variable. See also System path

adding A nt to System path, 62

Ant installation, 5758

Android JDK installation, 5456

Android SDK installation, 6162

editing Windows Path variable, 56

Pause button, Firefox App Manager, 215216


Android application, 419420

ConfiGAP tab for, 298

Firefox App Manager Device, 212

setting application, 322324

Personal Package Archive (PPA), Ubuntu, 236


history of Cordova and, 4

plugin for Brackets, 479

resources for, 2021

understanding, 3

used in this book, 3

using with ThyM, 492

WebStorm supporting, 479485

PhoneGap Build

adding plugins to project, 301302

collaboration, 285

configuring application, 294301

content refresh via Hydration, 285286

deploying applications, 302305

forum for, 20

new application, 287293

overview of, 18, 283

PhoneGap CLI interaction with, 312315

quick prototyping, 284285

understanding, 283284

PhoneGap CLI

anatomy of default application, 310312

dealing with API inconsistency, 123

getting help, 308309

interacting with PhoneGap Build, 312315

overview of, 307

project management, 309

rebirth of, 307308

workflow differences, 312

phonegap create, 308309

PhoneGap Developer app, 148151

PhoneGap Enterprise, 20

PhoneGap Essentials, xvi

phonegap remote build android, 313

Physical devices

debugging Firefox OS with, 218220

debugging in Xcode with, 223224

debugging Ubuntu with, 242243

deploying PhoneGap Build applications to, 302305

deploying Windows Phone apps to, 251

Firefox App Manager communicating with, 206

grabbing screen shot of, 192

Hello World using Bootstrap on Android, 455

Hello World using jQuery Mobile on, 447448

Hello World using Onsen UI on iOS, 467

Hello World using OpenUI5 on Android, 459

Hello World using Topcoat on, 442443

running Cordova in Visual Studio, 258

running Cordova in Xcode, 225

testing Android on, 192195

testing Android plugin on, 423

testing application on, 392395

testing iOS plugin, 430

testing plugin on, 406407

testing with Windows Phone, 251254

platform command, Codova CLI

adding platforms, 8285

in CLI command list, 76

defined, 82

listing platforms, 85

removing platforms, 86

updating platforms, 8687, 104

Platform tools, Android SDK, 170172

platformOverrides.js file, Visual Studio, 273274


adding support for mobile device, 374375

adding support with Plugman CLI, 118120

adding to existing project, 8285

automating project setup with NodeJS across, 162164

Brackets Cordova plugin, 476477

building Cordova applications for, 1618

Cordova API quirks across, 319320

Cordova support for Windows, 245

creating Android plugin, 418

creating Cordova native plugin, 410

dealing with API inconsistency, 122123

deploying PhoneGap Build applications, 302305

developing Cordova applications for multiple, 124131

listing supported, 85, 102103

registering with manufacturers, 100

removing with Cordova CLI, 86

removing with Plugman, 120

supported by Cordova, 1213

supported by GapDebug, 151

updating, 8687, 104

Play symbol, Visual Studio, 258

Plugin APIs, documentation, 319

Plugin Development Guide, 397

Plugin Registry. See CPR (Cordova Plugin Registry)

plugin command, Cordova CLI

in CLI command list, 76

plugin search, 9192


adding Device API to project, 36

adding to application, 375376

adding with Cordova CLI, 8790

adding to PhoneGap Build project, 301302

Adobe PhoneGap API, 3

anatomy of, 397398

architecture of, 58

for Brackets, 476479

building Cordova application, 18, 127131

coding applications, 1516

ConfiGAP tab for, 299

as Cordova components, 4

creating Android native, 414423

creating Cordova native, 408413

creating iOS, 424430

creating JavaScript-only, 89, 398403

creating with Plugman, 110, 116118

documentation for Cordova, 23

forgetting to add critical project, 322

listing with Cordova CLI, 90

managing using CLI, 319

native developers using, 72

publishing, 431434

registry for Cordova, 910

reinstalling in upgraded project, 104

removing with Cordova CLI, 9091

restoring with Cordova CLI, 94

saving with Cordova CLI, 9294

search path for, 8081

searching for particular, 9192

testing, 403408

troubleshooting PhoneGap Build, 291

uninstalling with Plugman, 110

using Plugin Registry, 110116

WebStorm Cordova, 482

Plugins tab, config.xml, 271272

plugin.xml file

creating Android plugin, 417418

creating Cordova native plugin, 411

creating Javascript-only plugin, 399401

overview of, 398

publishing plugins to Plugin Registry, 111113

updated, 118120

Plugman CLI

command summary, 105

creating Javascript-only plugin, 399

creating plugins, 6970, 116118

creating Plugman projects, 105108

installing, 6970

installing plugins, 109110

overview of, 104

platform support with, 118120

Plugin Registry, 110116

plugman adduser, 431

plugman config get, 114

plugman config ls, 114

plugman create, 116117, 409410

plugman info, 114

plugman install, 109, 113

plugman owner, 115116

plugman platform, 118120

plugman platform remove, 120

plugman publish, 431

plugman publish pluginfolder, 431

plugman search command, 113

plugman unpublish plugin_id, 113

uninstalling plugins, 110

used by Cordova CLI, 71

Portrait orientation

for Hello World using Bootstrap on Android, 455

in responsive design, 4550

working with Xcode in iOS, 223225

PPA (Personal Package Archive), Ubuntu, 236


config.xml file, 133134

default PhoneGap application, 310311

remotely debugging iOS with Safari, 228

StatusBar plugin, 368

prepare command, Cordova CLI

build command calling, 98

in build management, 9697

copying code into platform subfolders, 126127

copying platform content into appropriate web content folders, 129, 207208

in Cordova CLI, 7576

creating new Cordova project, 82

creating project with Visual Studio, 255

editing weg application content and, 125

getting information about prepare process, 74

hooks folder exposing prepare events, 165167

importing Cordova projects, 179180, 183

project management with PhoneGap and, 309, 312

role in managing cordova.js file, 108

testing applications with device emulator, 389

using with serve command to check that web content is current, 100

working with Gulp and, 498499

working with Xcode and, 221225

Problems report, Brackets, 475476

Processes, automating Cordova, 164167

Progress panel, ADT IDE, 185

Project, Cordova

build management, 9698

creating, 7782

creating new, 374

creating with Visual Studio, 254255

displaying information, 94

executing applications, 98103

importing, 180185

managing platforms, 8287

managing plugins, 8794

opening in Visual Studio, 256258

upgrading, 103104

Project Options menu, Visual Studio, 257

Project setup, automating

bash script, 160161

cross-platform approach using NodeJS, 162164

overview of, 157

Windows command file, 158160


creating Plugman, 105108

managing with PhoneGap CLI, 309

Visual Studio options for new, 266267

prompt()method, visual notifications, 330331

Prototyping, PhoneGap Build quick, 284

Proxy settings, 7274

publish, Plugman, 111113


plugins, 431434

plugins to Plugin Registry, 111113

testing app on physical devices before, 251254


QR (Quick Response) code

AppGyver steroids application, 488489

PhoneGap Build applications, 302

R file, plugins, 112113, 431432

Ready to Build button, PhoneGap Build, 288289

Rebuild All button, PhoneGap Build, 289


Windows Phone Dev Center, 251

Windows Phone developer, 251253

Registry, Cordova Plugin, 9

Remote agent, iOS build to simulator in Visual Studio, 275281

remove(rm) command, 86, 90


platforms, 86

project plugins, 9091

Resize function, responsive design, 4648

Resource filters, ADT IDE, 184

Responsive design,

Bootstrap and, 450

browser and window size and orientation, 4549

CSS use in, 45

examples of portrait and landscape orientation, 49

resources for, 50

Responsive Mobile Design: Designing for Every Device (Dutson), 50

restore command, Cordova CLI

in Cordova CLI command list, 76

restore plugins, 94, 104

Ripple Emulator (Apache Ripple)

debugging Cordova application, 274275

debugging with, 145148

installing, 146

viewing application on multiple devices, 380

Run As menu, ADT IDE, 186, 191

Run button

debugging Ubuntu applications, 240241

running Cordova project in Xcode, 224

Visual Studio tools for Cordova, 274275

run command, Cordova CLI

in Cordova CLI command list, 76

running applications on device emulator, 98-99, 207, 476477

Run Configurations, 188190, 482484

Run menu, Eclipse, 493

Running, Cordova application, 185191


Safari Web Inspector

debugger icons, 232

enabling remote debugging of iOS, 228230

setting breakpoints/stepping through JavaScript code, 231232

updating HTML content in, 230231

viewing/editing variable values, 232233

Sams Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile in 24 Hours (Dutson), 450

Sams Teach Yourself Responsive Web Design in 24 Hours (Kymin), 50

SAP Mobile Platform (SMP), 285

SAP Mobile Platform Hybrid SDK

author’s work with, xxiii

over-the-air web content updates for production applications, 285

types of hybrid mobile applications, 25

SAP (OpenUI5), 456459

Sass, Ionic support for, 461462

save command

in Cordova CLI command list, 76

save plugins, 9294, 104

Scale, in responsive design, 4550

Scanner application, Steroids, 486489

Schemes, for Cordova project in Xcode, 224

Screen shots, grabbing, 192, 227

script tag, Cordova initialization, 3132

Scripts, executing in InAppBrowser, 364365

SDK (software development kit)

building Cordova applications, 1, 1618

installing Android, 5965

Search, for plugins using keywords, 433434

Search paths

installing local plugin, 89

searching for plugin, 9192


PhoneGap Build applications to Android, 302303, 305

Windows app limitations, 247248

_self parameter, InAppBrowser, 361

serve command

in Cordova CLI command list, 76

overview of, 100101

PhoneGap, 148151

Session Filter, ADT IDE LogCat panel, 188

Shell scripts, Plugman, 106108

show() method, StatusBar, 368369

Signing keys, troubleshooting PhoneGap Build, 290291


debugging iOS with Xcode, 226227

debugging on physical device vs., 223

debugging Ubuntu applications, 237242

debugging with Firefox OS, 207218

installing Firefox OS, 206207

testing application on iOS, 389390

testing iOS plugin, 430

testing PhoneGap Build applications on, 304305

using weinre with device, 142145

vs. emulators in this book, 135

Size, Windows Phone emulator, 259

Smashing Magazine, 4950

SMP (SAP Mobile Platform), 285

Software development kit (SDK)

building Cordova applications, 1, 1618

installing Android, 5965

Solution Explorer, 257258

someOtherFunction function, 34

Source code

accessing for plugin, 398

Cordova, 4

Sources pane

Chrome DevTools, 200

Ubuntu, 239241

Splash screens, creating, 123124

Splashscreen API, 367

showSplash function, 367

Splashscreen plugin, 367

Stack Overflow, Cordova support, 20

Start Simulator button, Firefox OS simulator, 206

Static HTML pages, traditional web applications, 1314

StatusBar object, 368370

StatusBar plugin, 367370

Step Into button

debugging iOS, 232

debugging Ubuntu, 240241

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 215216

Step Out button

debugging iOS, 232

debugging Ubuntu, 241242

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 215

Step Over button

debugging iOS, 232

debugging Ubuntu, 240241

debugging with Firefox OS simulator, 215216

Steroids application, by AppGyver, 486489

steroids command, 486489

Stop button, Cordova project in Xcode, 224

Style, StatusBar, 370

styleDefault() method, StatusBar, 370

successCallback parameter, Cordova native plugin, 78, 412413

Support, Cordova, 20

Switches, run command, 99100

Symbolic links, 82

_system parameter, InAppBrowser, 361

System path

adding Ant to, 62

ADT installation and, 60

Android SDK installation and, 6162

Ant installation and, 5758 and, 161

JDK installation and, 54

Node.JS installation and, 65, 76

System requirements, Windows development with Cordova, 249


Target platforms

PhoneGap Build, 284285

universal Windows app project, 246

Visual Studio Run menu, 275276

Xcode available device, 224225

telephone=yes tag, Cordova initialization, 31

Telephony API, 414423, 426

Context class, 414

TelephonyManager class, 414


Android on physical device, 192195

Android plugin, 420423

application in desktop browser, 103

application with device emulators, 389392

Cordova applications, 32, 134135

Cordova applications in Visual Studio, 258

Cordova applications in Xcode, 225227

as debugging. See Debugging

debugging tools. See Debugging tools

Git configuration for iOS, 6566

iOS plugin, 427430

Node installation for iOS, 65

plugins, 403408

separating JavaScript code for debugging, 39

TextEdit, 1516

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), 398


Topcoat, 439, 442444

UI5, 457

Third-party tools

build, 494503

code editors. See Code editors, third-party

code validation, 469473

developer productivity enhancement, 485493

overview of, 469

Third-party UI frameworks

Adobe Topcoat, 439443

Bootstrap, 450456

Ionic framework, 459464

jQuery Mobile, 444450

Onsen UI, 464468

overview of, 437439

SAP OpenUI5, 456459

THyM, productivity enhancement tool, 490493

tm.getSimCountryIso() method, Android plugin, 414416

tm.getSimOperatorName() method, Android plugin, 414416


building Cordova applications, 1618

Cordova components, 45

Tools menu, Android SDK installation, 59

Topcoat UI framework

code examples, 404, 420421

CSS library for creating UIs for web applications, 439

Hello World! examples, 440441

light and dark themes, 442443


CLIs, 7275

Cordova applications, 32

creating project/adding platform, 79

leveraging Cordova APIs, 36

PhoneGap Build, 289291

Twitter, creating Bootstrap, 450


Ubuntu development with Cordova

debugging applications, 237243

installing Cordova CLI, 235236

overview of, 235

UI (User interface)

building Cordova application with, 12

capabilities of, 1011

frameworks. See Third-party UI frameworks

updating in new project, 378380

UIWebView, remotely debugging iOS, 227

Unknown Sources, enabling on Android, 302303


Cordova CLI/Cordova project, 103104

platform, 8687, 104

plugin, 113

USB debugging, 193197

User notifications, 326331

beep and vibrate methods, 327

overview of, 326

visual, 327331


Variables, Web Inspector, 232233

--verbose, 7475. See also -d flag

Version attribute, PhoneGap Build, 301302

vibrate method, hardware notifications, 327

Vibration plugin, hardware notifications, 327


changing settings on Bootstrap, 452

Cordova initialization, 31, 34

Virtual buttons, 333

Visibility, StatusBar, 368369

Visual notifications, Cordova APIs

alert(), 328329

confirm(), 329330

overview of, 327328

prompt(), 330331

Visual Studio, 250251

Visual Studio Express, 251

Visual Studio Professional, 251, 265

Visual Studio tools, for Cordova

config.xml file, 271272

index.html file, 273

iOS build/deployment in Visual Studio, 275281

MDHAE and, 265266

New Project dialog, 266267

Options dialog, 268269

overview of, 265

Run menu, 274276

viewing project, 269270

warning page display, 268

Visual Studio, workflow

controlling Windows Phone emulator, 259261

creating project, 254255

debugging applications, 262265

opening Cordova project, 256258

running Cordova application, 258

testing Cordova applications, 254

Windows development with Cordova, 254265

VMware Fusion, 249


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Contacts API, 352

Cordova APIs, 24

hardware APIs, 335

Media Capture API, 345

Watch panel, Visual Studio, 264

Web 2.0 applications, 14

Web applications

anatomy of. See Anatomy of Cordova application

building Cordova, 1618

building with IDE, 18

coding Cordova, 1516

copying own files during project create, 8182

designing for container, 1315

editing Cordova content files, 179180

executing Cordova, 98103

generated files, 4145

monitoring activity outside of ADT IDE, 191192

overview of, 89

running Cordova, 180185

Web content editors, 1516

Web design. See Responsive design

Web developers

using Cordova CLI, 7172

Web Developer menu in Firefox, 205

Web Inspector, Safari. See Safari Web Inspector

Web Inspector, Ubuntu, 239240

WebStorm, 473, 479487

WebView, 2

weinre (Web Inspector Remote)

debugging iOS applications, 225226

debugging PhoneGap Build, 288289

debugging with, 139145

installing, 139140

Whitelist, configuring application, 132

Window events, InAppBrowser, 363364


alert function unavailable in, 33

Android SDK configuration in, 6062

Ant installation for Android in, 5659

automating project setup in, 158160, 162164

executing CLI commands in, 7677

Firefox OS simulator issues in, 209

GapDebug for, 152

installing JDK for Android development, 5256

installing JSHint on, 472

installing JSLint on, 470

installing Ripple on, 146

iOS development, 6569

serve command security warning, 101

updating Cordova CLI/Cordova projects, 103104

Windows 8 versions, 248249

Windows App Store, 251254

Windows development with Cordova

overview of, 245

system requirements, 249

Visual Studio tools, 265281

Visual Studio workflow, 254265

Windows App Store setup, 251

Windows Phone development tools, 250

Windows Phone device configuration, 251254

Windows Phone limitations/security, 247249

Windows vs. WP8 projects, 245247

Windows Phone

deploying apps to Windows Phone Store, 251

development tools, 250

device configuration, 251254

limitations/security restrictions, 247249

system requirements for Cordova, 249

Windows Phone 8

controlling emulator, 259261

creating project with Visual Studio, 254255

debugging with Visual Studio, 262265

running Cordova application, 258

supported by Cordova, 245

Windows projects vs., 245247

Windows Phone Dev Center, 250253

Windows Phone SDK, 250

Windows platform

creating project with Visual Studio, 254255

supported by Cordova, 245246

Windows Store apps, 248249

Wipe user data checkbox, AVD, 175


Cordova developer, 72

native development and plugin, 409

PhoneGap CLI and PhoneGap Build, 313

PhoneGap vs. Cordova CLI, 312

Visual Studio. See Visual Studio, workflow

World Wide Web Consortium. See W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Writing to console, debugging by, 136139

WWAHost process, Windows security, 248

www folder

copying application content from, 9697

developing Cordova applications, 124125

importing Cordova project, 183



application console output in, 392

iOS command line tools, 6365

not using to edit web applications, 223

opening Cordova project in, 221223

testing iOS plugin in, 428429

Windows system requirements, 249

Xcode 6 Start to Finish (Anderson), 226

Xcode IDE, 6365

xcodebuild, 6365

.xcodeproj extension, iOS, 221223

XHR (XMLHTTPRequest) API, Web 2.0 applications, 14


.zip files

ADT installation, 60

deploying custom plugins, 431

PhoneGap Build, 288, 294, 314

Plugman project with shell scripts, 106

Topcoat, 439

Zoom, Windows Phone emulator, 259

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