3. Configuring a Cordova Development Environment

To make it easier for developers to manage their projects, the Cordova project team built a single, unified command-line interface (CLI) that works across all of the Cordova supported mobile device platforms. This chapter illustrates how to install the Cordova CLI. The following chapter will show you how to use it to manage your Cordova projects.

The PhoneGap CLI is essentially the Cordova CLI with some additional commands added on. Most everything you learn in this chapter easily applies to the PhoneGap CLI as well. In Chapter 13, “Using the PhoneGap CLI,” I describe the additional capabilities provided by the PhoneGap CLI.

The instructions provided in this chapter cover both the Microsoft Windows and Macintosh OS X operating systems. The instructions for Ubuntu are completely different, so I cover them in Chapter 10, “Ubuntu Development with Cordova.” The Windows examples I show here are for Windows 8, but the Windows 7 steps are almost identical. Later in the book I have dedicated chapters covering the tooling for Android, Firefox OS, iOS, Ubuntu, and Windows Cordova development, but both Android and iOS have some prerequisites for the CLI to operate properly, so I include the necessary information here. So, if you’re going to do some Cordova development for a particular mobile OS beyond Android and iOS, read through the instructions here, and then also take a look at the appropriate chapter for your particular OS.

Installing the Cordova CLI

The Cordova CLI is built using JavaScript code that is exposed through the Node JavaScript runtime engine (www.nodejs.org). Since it is built using JavaScript, it can essentially run anywhere that Node is available (Linux, Macintosh OS X, and Microsoft Windows). The instructions that follow will help you get the CLI installed on your development workstation; there are separate instructions for Macintosh OS X and Microsoft Windows.

The CLI has to be able to create new Cordova projects, so it provides the necessary project files—plus it has to interface with the native SDKs to build projects and load applications in an emulator or simulator. Because of that, you have to make sure that the appropriate SDKs are installed (depending on which platforms you’re working with) and that the SDKs are visible to the CLI. As mentioned in the previous section, I’m going to include some up-front information on the installation of the Android and iOS SDKs so you’ll leave this chapter with fully functioning development environments for the two most popular mobile platforms.

Android Development Tools

In this section, I will show you how to install the CLI requirements for developing Android applications.

Java Development Kit Installation

One of the requirements for the Android SDK is the Java Development Kit (JDK). On Macintosh, you should have Java already available, although you may have to install it first. Open a terminal window, type javac at the command prompt, and press Enter. If you see a bunch of help text scroll by, you’re all set. If not, you’ll see instructions for how to download and install the appropriate Java files for your system.

On Windows, you will need to point your browser of choice to http://java.oracle.com and download the JDK. On the Java home page, select Java SE, and then download and install the latest version of the JDK. You will want to install a version of the Oracle JDK that matches the processor and Windows version running on your system. Install the 64-bit version of Java if you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows and a 32-bit version if you’re running a 32-bit version of Windows.

At the conclusion of the JDK installation, there are still a couple more steps to complete—you will need to define the JAVA_HOME environment variable and point it to where the JDK is installed. To create the JAVA_HOME environment variable on Windows 7, open Windows Explorer, right-click on the Computer icon (it used to be called My Computer in older versions of Windows), then select Properties. On Windows 8, open Windows Explorer, right-click on This PC (highlighted in Figure 3.1), and then select Properties.


Figure 3.1 Microsoft Windows Explorer

In the dialog that appears, select Advanced system settings as highlighted on the left side of Figure 3.2.


Figure 3.2 Windows Control Panel—System Settings

In the dialog that appears, select the Advanced tab as highlighted in the top of Figure 3.3, then click the Environment Variables button highlighted at the bottom of the dialog.


Figure 3.3 Windows System Properties

In the dialog that appears, look for a user variable entry labeled JAVA_HOME; if there’s already one there, you can skip this step. If not, click the New button highlighted in Figure 3.4.


Figure 3.4 Windows Environment Variables Dialog

In the New User Variable dialog that appears, type JAVA_HOME into the Variable name field, then populate the Variable value field with the full path pointing to the JDK installation folder as shown in Figure 3.5. Click the OK button when you’re done.


Figure 3.5 Adding the JAVA_HOME User Variable

On Macintosh, the Java installation automatically configures the system so you can execute Java commands from the command line, so there is no need to update the system path.

On Windows, we need to configure the system so the Java compiler is available to the command-line tools. The JDK installation doesn’t update the Windows system path, so you will have to do it manually. In the dialog shown in Figure 3.4, select the PATH variable at the top of the User variables list, then click the Edit button.

Figure 3.6 shows the dialog that appears. In the Variable value field, add a semicolon at the end of the existing value, then append %JAVA_HOME%in to the field as shown in the figure. This tells Windows to look for executables in the bin folder underneath the folder name described in the JAVA_HOME variable. So, in this example, I’m essentially adding C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_11in to the path.


Figure 3.6 Editing the Windows Path Variable

When you’re finished, click the series of OK buttons to take you back to the Control Panel. To test the configuration, open a new terminal window and type set, then press Enter. You should see a long list of environment variables; look for an entry for your new JAVA_HOME variable.

Next, type javac in the terminal window and press the Enter key. You should see information about the available Java Compiler commands scroll past on the screen. If you do, the PATH variable is configured correctly. If you receive an error message, there is an error in the PATH variable configuration that you will have to resolve before continuing.

Java Build Tools (Ant) Installation

The Android SDK, covered in the next section, uses command-line build tools to automate some of the Android project management and build steps. In this section, I will show you how to install Ant (http://ant.apache.org) into your development environment.

There’s not much to installing Ant. The project doesn’t include an installer; all you need to do is download the latest distribution, unpack the files to an appropriate destination, then modify the system path so that applications, like the Cordova CLI, can execute it. What I typically do is extract the files into the system’s Downloads folder, rename the extracted folder to ant, then move the files to an appropriate destination. On Windows I move the folder to the root of my system’s primary hard drive (usually C:) so the Ant files will be found at C:ant. On Macintosh, I usually drag the files into the system’s Applications folder. An example of the Ant installation on my Windows 8 system is shown in Figure 3.7.


Figure 3.7 Ant Installation Folder

Macintosh users can also install Ant using Homebrew (http://brew.sh). When you install Ant using Homebrew, the system path is updated automatically, so you can skip the following instructions.

The Cordova and Android command-line tools need to be able to execute Ant from any folder, so you will need to update the system path with the Ant installation’s bin folder.

On Windows 7, open Windows Explorer, then right-click on the Computer icon (it used to be called My Computer in older versions of Windows) and select Properties. On Windows 8, open Windows Explorer and right-click on This PC (highlighted in Figure 3.1), then select Properties. In the dialog that appears (shown in Figure 3.4), select the PATH variable at the top of the User variables list, then click the Edit button.

Append a semicolon and the path to the Ant installation’s bin folder to the Variable value field in the dialog as shown in Figure 3.8. Click the OK button to save your changes.


Figure 3.8 Adding Ant to the System Path

On Macintosh, there are several ways to update the system path. The easiest way I’ve found is to simply use a text editor to open the system’s bash profile and make some changes there. To do this, open a terminal window and invoke the default text editor using the following command:

open ~/.bash_profile

Within the file, add the following lines after the existing content in the file:


Remember, I dragged the ant folder to the system’s Applications folder; if you placed your Ant files in a different location, be sure to update the value associated with the ANT_HOME variable in the example with the correct location. Save the changes, then exit the editor. To test the configuration, from a terminal window execute the following command:


If Ant is installed correctly, you should see a response similar to the one shown in Figure 3.9.


Figure 3.9 Testing the Ant Configuration

This is not an error; it’s simply Ant’s way of telling you that it did not find the configuration file it needed in the current folder. This is OK as we’ve not created any projects yet, so the build file we need isn’t there (yet)—the Cordova CLI will add it for us later. If you’re in a folder that contains a build.xml file, when you execute the command you will see a bunch more text outputted to the screen as Ant reads the build.xml file and starts following the instructions in the file.

If the configuration is not set up correctly, you should get a Command Not Found error or something similar when you execute the ant command. If you see this, there’s something wrong with the Ant configuration.

Android SDK Installation

With Java installed and configured, it’s time to install the Android SDK. Google is currently in transition between developer tools. Since the beginning, Google has offered developers an Eclipse-based IDE (www.eclipse.org) called Android Developer Tools (ADT). More than a year ago, Google announced a new IDE called Android Studio. With Android Studio, Google is moving away from Eclipse to the IntelliJ IDEA IDE (www.jetbrains.com/idea). The Android Studio tools are currently available only as a beta; ideally by the time you read this Google will have released the product. Since there are two options available, I’m going to show you how to install and configure both sets of tools in this section.

Open your browser of choice and point it to http://developers.android.com. On the Android developer home page, click the Develop menu item, then on the page that opens, click the Tools menu. On the page that appears, you can access the SDK directly at http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html; you have options for downloading ADT or the new Android Studio beta.

For developers who want to use a different IDE, Google offers a separate download, the Android SDK Tools, which include the command-line tools, Android emulators, Monitor, and other tools that a developer will use for developing any Android application (regardless of which IDE is used). Regardless of which IDE you use, it’s the SDK that’s used by the Cordova CLI. In the sections that follow, I’ll quickly show you how to install ADT or Android Studio but then focus my attention on configuring the SDK tools so that the Cordova CLI can use them to manage Android projects. In Chapter 7, “Android Development with Cordova,” I show you more about how to use all of these tools for your Android application development and debugging.

Installing ADT

There is no installer for the SDK; it ships as a .zip file, so after it downloads you will have to extract the files to a location that makes sense for you. On some Macintosh OS versions, when you download .zip files using the Safari browser, the files are automatically extracted to the Downloads folder for you.

Once the files have been extracted, you’ll notice that they are extracted into a folder with a long and complicated name like adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702. That folder name becomes a little cumbersome when dealing with the system path later, so I always rename the folder to something simple and short like adt. Next, you want to put the files someplace where they’ll be easy to work with. I don’t like to run stuff from my system’s Downloads folder, so on Windows, I move the newly renamed adt folder to the root of the system’s main hard drive (C:adt, for example). On Macintosh OS X, I drag the adt folder to the Applications folder (/Applications/adt).

Install Android Studio

Android Studio has an installer, so to install the application, simply execute the downloaded file and follow the prompts. On Windows, the downloaded application is a standard Windows installer application, so you simply have to follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. On Macintosh OS X, the download is a disk image; you’ll have to mount the image, then execute the package file included therein and follow the standard installation procedure to install the software, which is essentially dragging the Android Studio application into the Applications folder.

Configuring the Android SDK

As I said earlier, the Cordova CLI really only cares about the SDK tools, so we have to do some things to make sure the CLI can access its files. Figure 3.10 shows the SDK installation folder for Android Studio on Windows 8.


Figure 3.10 Android SDK Installation Folder

For the Android Studio installation, on Windows the SDK will be located in C:Program Files (x86)AndroidAndroid-studiosdk. On Macintosh OS X, the SDK will be located in /Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk.


If the Android Studio SDK folder path on Macintosh looks a little odd to you, you’re right. Because of the way Macintosh OS manages application installations, the SDK is installed in a hidden, application-specific folder within the /Applications folder. Because Application Studio has a space in its name, and a space is normally used as a delimiter between parameters on a command line, you have to use an escape character, the , to indicate that the space is part of the previous parameter.

If you followed my instructions in the previous sections, for ADT on Windows, the SDK will be located in C:adtsdk and on Macintosh OS X it will be located in /Applications/adt/sdk.

The SDK installation contains two folders that matter to the CLI: platform-tools and tools. To use the SDK from the CLI, we have to add these two folders to the system path on the computer running the CLI.

On Macintosh, there are several ways to update the system path. The easiest way I’ve found is to simply use a text editor to open the system’s bash profile and make some changes there. To do this, open a terminal window and invoke the default text editor using the following command:

open ~/.bash_profile

Assuming you followed the earlier instructions for adding Ant to the system path, add the full paths to the Android SDK tools and platform-tools folders to the path as shown here:

PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:/Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk/tools:/Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk/platform-tools

On Windows, open Windows Explorer, right-click on the Computer icon (it used to be called My Computer in older versions of Windows), and select Properties. On Windows 8, open Windows Explorer and right-click on This PC (highlighted in Figure 3.1), then select Properties. In the dialog that appears, shown in Figure 3.4, select the PATH variable at the top of the User variables list, then click the Edit button. Append the folder paths for the Android SDK platform-tools and tools folders to the existing PATH environment variable as shown in Figure 3.11, placing a semicolon between each path entry.


Figure 3.11 Adding the Android SDK Folders to the System Path

For this example, you’ll be appending the following text to the existing PATH entry:

c:Program Files (x86)AndroidAndroid-studiosdk ools;c:Program Files (x86)

After saving your changes, you should be able to open a terminal window and type android to run the Android SDK Manager as shown in Figure 3.12. The SDK Manager should look the same regardless of whether you’re running on Macintosh OS or Windows.


Figure 3.12 Testing the Android Configuration

If you added the two required paths to the system path and the SDK Manager doesn’t load when you type android at a command prompt, the configuration is incomplete and the CLI will not be able to manipulate Android projects. You’ll need to go back and resolve any issues before continuing.

If you know you will need to develop Cordova applications for Android OS versions beyond the default ones installed with the Android SDK Manager, now might be a good time to select the required additional platforms and install those as well.

You will learn more about Android development for Apache Cordova in Chapter 7.

iOS Development Tools

Before you can do much around iOS development, you must first join the Apple iOS Developer Program. You can find information about the program at https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/; there’s a yearly fee, and different capabilities are available to you depending on which program you choose.

Next, you will want to open the Macintosh App Store, search for “xcode,” and install the Xcode IDE as shown in Figure 3.13. Xcode is a huge install, so find something else to do for a while as it downloads.


Figure 3.13 Macintosh App Store Xcode Entry

The Cordova CLI requires access to the Xcode Command Line Tools in order to be able to execute builds. With older versions of Xcode, the Command Line Tools were a separate download performed within the Xcode Preferences dialog. It looks as if the tools are installed automatically with Xcode, but I wasn’t able to verify this (I had manually installed the tools before checking to see if they were already there). Open a terminal window and execute the following command:


If you see a message similar to what is shown in Figure 3.14, the Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.


Figure 3.14 Testing the xcodebuild Installation

If not, open Xcode, open the Xcode menu, select Open Developer Tools, then select More Developer Tools. On the web page that opens, you will be able to download and install the components you need. Be sure to test that the command works after completing the installation.

You can read more about iOS development for Apache Cordova in Chapter 9, “iOS Development with Cordova.”

CLI Installation

OK, now that we have a few of the mobile device platform SDK requirements in place, it’s time to start the Cordova CLI installation. A few more installations are required first, so let’s get started.

Node Installation

The CLI is written in JavaScript and therefore uses Node as a runtime execution engine. The CLI currently requires Node 0.10 and higher, so if you already have it installed, make sure you update it to the latest version. To install Node, point your browser of choice to www.nodejs.org, then download and install the latest version of the software. The software installs using the standard installers for both Windows and Macintosh, so I’m not going to show you all of the steps here.

By default Node will install in your system path, so you can open a terminal window and type node to launch the Node application. If the prompt changes to a “greater than” symbol (>) as shown in Figure 3.15, Node is installed correctly. Press Ctrl-C twice to exit Node.


Figure 3.15 Testing the Node Installation

Git Installation

When the CLI was first released, it relied heavily upon GitHub for storage of many of the components it used to manage Cordova application projects. Because of this, you’ll need to install a version of Git (http://git-scm.com) before you can use the CLI. The team has since started moving everything to Node Package Manager (NPM; www.npmjs.org). It’s possible that by the time you read this, you may not need to do this.

If you’re running on Linux or Macintosh OS X, you can install Git using NPM by opening a terminal window and typing

npm install –g git

On Windows, you should download Git tools and install them on your development workstation from http://git-scm.com. There are some extra Windows Explorer and shell options available through the Windows installer that cannot be installed using NPM.

Once you’ve completed the installation, open a terminal window (Mac OS X) or command prompt (Windows), type git, and press Enter. A bunch of text should scroll by, then you should see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3.16.


Figure 3.16 Testing the Git Configuration

If you receive an error message indicating that the git command couldn’t be found, the Git installation didn’t complete successfully and you will need to resolve the error before continuing.

Cordova Installation

With Git and Node installed, you’re ready to install the Cordova CLI. After all of the work we’ve done so far, this is going to seem a bit anticlimactic, but here we go. . . .

To install the Cordova CLI on Windows, open a terminal window and issue the following command:

npm install –g cordova

The –g in the command tells NPM to install the Cordova CLI globally; if you did not use this parameter, the CLI will only be available from the current folder.

On Macintosh, you will need to install the CLI using sudo with the following command:

sudo npm install –g cordova

sudo allows you to execute programs with a higher access level, so when you issue the command, you should be prompted for your password before the installation begins. There is supposed to be a way to configure the Macintosh NPM installation so it doesn’t require sudo to install modules, but I’ve not been able to make this work on any of my systems.

NPM will spin for a while, then display the results shown in Figure 3.17.


Figure 3.17 Watching the Cordova CLI Installation

That’s it; that’s all there is to installing the Cordova CLI. To test the installation, open a terminal window, type cordova at the prompt, and press Enter. If everything installed correctly, you should see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3.18.


Figure 3.18 Cordova Help Screen

There’s a lot of stuff that can go wrong here, but if you’ve installed all of the prerequisites, it should just work. Where you typically run into problems is with network connectivity or proxy issues. You will have to work through any issues that impact the installation. Refer to the section “Configuring Proxy Settings” in Chapter 4, “Using the Cordova Command-Line Interfaces,” for information on how to configure proxy settings.

CLI Requirements for iOS

If you intend to use the CLI to build and test Cordova applications, you may have a few more steps to complete first. Where the installation process is right now, if you attempted to test a Cordova application on iOS using the CLI, you may get the error shown in Figure 3.19.


Figure 3.19 Error Running an iOS application from the Command Line

This happens because some of the tools needed for the CLI to launch the iOS simulator aren’t included with the Cordova download or the CLI, so you’ll have to install them manually. To fix this problem, open a terminal window and enter the following commands:

sudo npm install –g ios-deploy
sudo npm install –g ios-sim

Notice that there’s an error in the error message—the error text is instructing you to execute npm to install the required module, but on Macintosh OS X you have to execute npm using sudo as shown in the example.


This issue affects only the CLI running on Macintosh OS X; you can’t run iOS applications on a Windows system.

Installing Plugman

If you’re going to be creating your own plugins or will want to manage Cordova projects using Plugman, you will need to install the Plugman CLI on your system. To do this, on Windows, open a terminal window and issue the following command:

npm install –g plugman

The –g in the command tells NPM to install Plugman globally; if you did not use this parameter, Plugman will only be available from the current folder.

On Macintosh, you must install Plugman using sudo with the following command:

sudo npm install –g plugman

To confirm that the installation completed successfully, execute the following command:


If Plugman is installed correctly, you should see a help page returned to the console similar to what is shown in Figure 3.20.


Figure 3.20 Validating the Plugman Installation


In this chapter, I showed you how to install the Cordova CLI on Windows and Macintosh OS X. With these tools in place, you’re ready to begin writing your own Cordova applications. In the next chapter, I’ll show you how to use the CLI to create and manage your Cordova projects.

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