
  • absorbing material
  • active measurement
    • EIRP
    • EIS
    • ERP
    • sensitivity degradation, interference
    • TIS
    • TRP
  • anechoic chamber
    • 2D chamber
    • 3D chamber
    • efficiency
    • gain
    • measurement 3D sphere
    • near‐field chamber
    • pyramid absorber
    • RAM
    • Satimo chamber
    • wedge absorber
  • antenna chamber, see anechoic chamber
  • antenna correlation
  • antenna isolation
  • antenna matching. see matching
  • antenna measurement. see measurement
  • antenna type
  • Apple
  • band allocation
  • bandwidth
  • candy‐bar phones
  • ceramic antenna. see also internal antenna
    • advantages
    • ceramic patch antennas
    • dielectric resonator antenna
    • IFA
    • loop
    • monopole
  • ceramic patch antennas
  • choke
  • Chu limit
  • coaxial cables
  • coil antenna. see stubby antenna
  • correlation of fixture
  • coupler
  • decoupled whip‐stubby antenna
  • desense
  • dielectric resonator antenna
  • dipole antenna
  • direction‐of‐arrival (DOA) angle
  • direction‐of‐departure (DOD) angle
  • dual band matching
  • dual‐port MIMO antenna
  • effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP)
  • effective isotropic sensitivity (EIS)
  • effective radiated power (ERP)
  • efficiency
  • electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • entry‐level phone. see also Hongmi 2A
  • external antenna
  • ferrite beads
  • field failure rate (FFR)
  • fixture. see also measurement
    • calibration process
    • choke
    • coaxial cables
    • ferrite beads
    • port extension
    • SMA connectors
    • switch connector
  • flagship phone
  • flex antenna. see meander line antenna
  • flexible print circuit (FPC)
  • flip phones
  • folded monopole antenna
  • global positioning system (GPS)
  • Google
  • ground effect
  • hearing aid compatibility (HAC)
    • acoustic passage
    • articulation weighting factor
    • E‐field and H‐field measurements
    • E‐probe/H‐probe measurements
    • exclusion block placement
    • measurement
    • near‐field categories
    • T‐coil axial measurement probe
  • helical antenna. see stubby antenna
  • hepta‐band antenna
    • with multiple radiators and multiple modes
    • reconfigurable
  • Hongmi 2A
    • back cover detached
    • bottom view of back cover
    • front, side, and back views
    • matching circuit primary antenna
    • matching circuit, secondary antenna
    • matching circuit, WLAN and GPS
    • production primary antenna
    • secondary antenna
    • semifinished primary antenna
    • semifinished secondary antenna
    • semifinished WLAN and GPS antenna
    • switch connectors
    • WLAN and GPS antenna
  • Huawei
  • Kirchhoff’s current law
  • Lenovo
  • limit line method
  • limits
  • line‐of‐sight (LOS) path
  • loop antenna. see also internal antenna
  • loop ceramic antenna
  • low‐temperature co‐fired ceramic (LTCC) technology
  • L‐shaped antenna
  • lumped‐element‐only matching techniques
  • manufacturing
  • matching
  • meander line antenna
  • measurement
  • MicrosoftMIMO (see multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna)
  • monopole antenna
    • bottom‐installed
    • vs. dipole
    • dual‐branch multiband
    • folded (see folded monopole antenna)
    • ground effect
    • helical
    • wideband cylindrical
  • monopole ceramic antenna
  • Motorola
  • multiband helix stubby antenna
    • multi‐branch
    • single‐branch
  • multiband PIFA antenna
    • with parasitic element
    • with separate branches
    • with slits
  • multi‐branch multiband helix stubby antenna
  • multilayer ceramic antenna
  • multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna
    • active chamber test
    • antenna correlation and isolation
    • capacity boost
    • improving antenna isolation
    • passive chamber test
    • RF environment simulation system
    • SCME urban macrocell (UMa) channel model
  • multiport network
  • near‐horizon partial isotropic sensitivity (NHPIS)
  • near‐horizon partial radiated power (NHPRP)
  • network analyzer
  • neutral line
  • Nextel
  • Nokia
  • Panasonic
  • parasitic element
  • pass/fail limits
  • passive measurement
    • anechoic chamber
    • fixture
    • VNAs
  • path loss
  • phantom
  • phantom head
  • phased arrays
  • PIFA. see planar inverted‐F antenna (PIFA)
  • pigtail. see measurement
  • PIN diode
  • planar inverted‐F antenna (PIFA)
    • manufacturing
    • multiband with parasitic element
    • multiband with separate branches
    • multiband with slits
    • single‐band
  • port extension
  • probe
    • E‐field
    • H‐field
  • production measurement
    • constructive coupling
    • correlation
    • coupling coefficient
    • phone’s radiate test
    • S11 fixture
    • S21 fixture
  • prototype. see fixture; measurement
  • push‐to‐talk (PTT)
  • reconfigurable matching
    • switch‐based
    • varactor‐based
  • reflection coefficient
  • retractable antenna
    • decoupled whip‐stubby antenna
    • semi‐decoupled whip‐stubby antenna
  • return loss
  • SAM head
  • Samsung
  • SAR. see specific absorption rate (SAR)
  • SAR reduction
  • Satimo chamber
  • self‐jamming
  • semi‐decoupled whip‐stubby antenna
  • sensitivity. see effective isotropic sensitivity (EIS); total isotropic sensitivity (TIS)
  • sensitivity degradation
  • Shannon limit
  • single‐band helix stubby antenna
  • single‐band IFA
  • single band matching
    • bandwidth consideration
    • load impedance
    • with lumped elements
    • π shaped matching network
    • shunt LC resonator
    • Smith chart
    • tolerance analysis
    • transmission line and lumped elements
    • T‐shaped matching circuit
    • two‐element matching circuit
  • single‐band PIFA
  • single‐branch multiband helix stubby antenna
  • singular value decomposition (SVD)
  • slot antenna
  • SMA connectors
  • Smith chart
  • specific absorption rate (SAR)
    • area and zoom scanning
    • definition
    • dielectric properties, head/body
    • distribution, IFA
    • FCC qualification test
    • flip angle, clam shell phone
    • 3G and 4G network
    • left ear check position
    • limits
    • measurement method
    • near‐field energy
    • phantom
    • reduction techniques
    • slide phone
    • stubby antenna, tilting
    • test equipment
    • of Wi‐Fi bands
  • spectrum
  • stubby antenna
    • meander line
    • multiband helix
    • single‐band helix
    • ultra‐wideband
    • whip‐stubby antenna
  • surface‐mount technology (SMT)
  • surface scan
  • switch‐based reconfigurable matching
  • switch connector
  • 3D surface scanning
  • tolerance analysis
  • total isotropic sensitivity (TIS)
  • total radiated power, (TRP)
  • transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell
  • tuning resonant frequency
  • ultra‐wideband stubby antenna
  • varactor‐based reconfigurable matching
  • vector network analyzers (VNAs)
    • configuration
    • entry‐level VNA, E5071C
    • hand usage
    • reflection coefficient
    • VSWR
  • voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
    • and reflection coefficient
    • vs. return loss
    • and Smith chart
  • volume scan
  • VSWR. see voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
  • walkie‐talkie from coast to coast
  • whip antenna, . see also retractable antenna
  • whip monopole antenna
  • whip‐stubby antenna. see retractable antenna
  • wideband dual antenna
  • wireless local area network (WLAN) antennas
  • Xiaomi 4
    • antennas
    • front, side, and back views
    • primary antenna
    • secondary antenna
    • WLAN
  • XM satellite radio
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