Creating a sample RESTful web service

In this section, we will create a RESTful web service. Right-click on the JAX-RS Web Services node in Project Explorer and select New JAX-RS Resource, as shown here:

Creating a sample RESTful web service

Select the jboss-jaxrs project and specify Package as, Name as HelloWorldResource, Resource path as /helloworld, and click on Next, as shown here:

Creating a sample RESTful web service

In the JAX-RS Application window, select the Source folder as jboss-jaxrs/src/main/java and specify Package as, Name as HelloRESTApplication, Application path as /rest, and click on Finish, as shown here:

Creating a sample RESTful web service

The class gets generated, as shown in the Project Explorer.

Creating a sample RESTful web service

A JAX-RS RESTful web service resource is defined using a root resource class. A web service's URI is constructed from path designators, which are specified using the @PATH annotation. A resource is defined using a root resource class. The root resource classes are POJOs annotated with @PATH with one or more class methods annotated with a resource method designator (@GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE) or with the @PATH annotation or with both a resource method designator and @PATH. The root class methods that are annotated with resource method designators are called resource methods. The resource methods that are annotated with @PATH are called subresource methods. The class methods that are annotated only with @PATH are called subresource locators.

The resources respond to HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE ( For example, a client may get a resource representation with GET, upload a modified copy of the resource using PUT, or delete the resource using DELETE. The resource methods (and the subresource methods and subresource locators) may return a resource representation in various formats such as HTML, plain text, XML, PDF, JPEG, and JSON.

We will create a root resource class with some resource methods using the @GET request method designator. Annotate the Java class with the @PATH annotation. Specify the URI path on which the Java class will be hosted as /helloworld:

public class HelloWorldResource {

Next, add resource methods to produce three different MIME types. Add the resource methods getClichedMessage(), getXMLMessage(), and getHTMLMessage() (method names are arbitrary) annotated with the @GET annotation, which indicates that the resource methods will process the HTTP GET requests from a client. Each of the resource method produces a different MIME type resource representation. Each of the resource methods returns String, but the MIME type returned and specified in the @Produces annotation is different for the different resource methods. We will output a "Hello JAX-RS" message in three different MIME types: text/plain, text/xml, and text/html. The String value returned in each of the resource methods is in the format corresponding to the designated MIME type. Add two versions of the getXMLMessage() method one for a JSP client, as discussed in a later section. Add a resource method annotated with @Produces("application/xml") to demonstrate the requirement for the produced MIME type to match an acceptable MIME type in a client. The root resource class is listed as follows; some sections have been commented out for testing the resource methods separately:



// The Java class will be hosted at the URI path "/helloworld"
public class HelloWorldResource {

  // The Java method will process HTTP GET requests
  // The Java method will produce content identified by the MIME Media
  // type "text/plain"
  public String getClichedMessage() {
    // Return some cliched textual content
    return "Hello JAX-RS";
   * @GET
   * @Produces("application/xml") public String getXMLMessage() { return
   *                              "<?xml version="1.0"?>" +
   *                              "<hello> Hello JAX-RS" + "</hello>"; }

//for java  client
  public String getXMLMessage() { 
    return "<?xml version="1.0"?>" + "<hello> Hello JAX-RS" + "</hello>";

//for jsp client
  public String getXMLMessage () {
    return "&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;" + "&lt;hello&gt;Hello JAX-RS" + "&lt;/hello&gt;";

  public String getHTMLMessage() {
    return "<html> " + "<title>" + "Hello JAX-RS" + "</title>"
        + "<body><h1>" + "Hello JAX-RS" + "</body></h1> " + "</html> ";


We also need to create a web deployment descriptor web.xml. Select File | New | Other, and in New, select JBoss Tools Web | Web Descriptor and click on Next, as shown here:

Creating a sample RESTful web service

In New Web Descriptor File, select the /jboss-jaxrs/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder and specify Name as web.xml and select Version as 3.1, and click on Finish, as shown here:

Creating a sample RESTful web service

In the web.xml file, specify a servlet for the servlet class com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer, which is a servlet for deploying root resource classes. Specify the servlet mapping URL pattern as /jaxrs/*:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.1" xmlns=""
 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <servlet-name>JAX-RS Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer </servlet-class>
    <servlet-name>JAX-RS Servlet</servlet-name>

The web.xml file is shown in Project Explorer as follows:

Creating a sample RESTful web service
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